S UJmJMMVMM— t li Mti.itaky.—Her Majesty's .^liips' Eclipse' and :i ' Ealcon' arrived in the harbour during tLe e course of yesterday. the former from Vellingy ton, and the latter from ISapier. The 'Eclipse' brought :i detachment of tlte 1-f-th Ixeginient. 0 consisting of o men. under the command of n Lieutenant Johnson ; and the " Falcon ' 270 rant and file of the same regiment fin charge of Col. 1 Trevor), and the following officers :—Captains Vivian, Furneaugh. fhirgcon Major Carte, Lieul lenants Kcogli and Putk-r. Ensigns Swanson, i' Hart. Ottley, and C htrchward. and Qisarters master Mills! Eoili ships came alongside the i" Queen-street wharf, and the men v."ere marched into barracks, preceeded by the band of the 11th r Regiment. 'j'jjEAiin-: Koyal.—Benefit ok Mr.F. Howe. t —Mr. Jlowe appeals to his friends this evening i on the occasion of his benefit. Careful and .1 painstaking in the many characters lie lias sustains! during the season, this actor deserves r the substantial support of the play-going public s of Auckland. Among the parts in which iJr. s .Howe has been particularly successful may be • mentioned that of 1 >escliitpe!les. in the " Lady t of Lyons:" the Vizier, in " Aladdin Sir John i \ esey. in "Money." and others. Tile bill of i' i fare announced is it most attractive one. and i comprises the popular play of " The Court and l the ."stage," ami concluding with "Aladdin." insanity.—A man named Henry Coman was • apprehended by warrant yesterday afternoon, 1 on Mispicion of being of unsound mind. The ■ examination will take place this morning. K'ksi hk.vt Magistrate's C'oi*j:t.—U. J). Lusk, • j Esq.. Chairman : J. Xc.nnaii. Esq.. and J. B. |On on. E»q.. J.P s. presided yesterday. The : jJench v. as occupied some considerable time in ! adjudicating upon civil actions, none of which, however, were of any public interest. Thirteen | important defended eases were adjourned until < the loth of J Veember. In* which time, probably, the !!e>i'!eut Magistrate will have resumed his duties. J>;:si-:i;tiox i:i:om the "Jcmna." —See the Police Court. yesterdav. Win. Jones pleaded guiliy of having deserted from the '.Jumna,' and was ordered to be imprisoned for three weeks, with hard labour. M.WXTAIXINt; A llofsi" OF II.L-FAMK. — Jessie Dennie stood charged lie fort' llieir Worships yesterday, with this offence. The house was described by .Sergeant Christian as being !l most uolo/'iotis one. and situate in the vicinity of i Chancery-street, the " Tyburtiia" of Auckland. ! The jJencli ordered the accused to find two j sureties of L'-M each to be on her good behaviour for tin- space of three mouths. An I'x'.vu.Lisi; Tkaveli.ki:.—On Monday iast, as the ' Airedale' was about to depart for the Soiiih. a d.i.-iinguished contractor and member uf the \\ eliington Volunteer Couipauy to boot, hailing from tile Cumbrian shores, went; on board to see :i frit-ndotf. .Perhaps they were loth 10 pari, and soothed the auguisJi of the momeiit by adjourning to the lower regions, tin.re to drink deur/i and dlutrri* or the parting clip, jll amicable coin erse the moments ilevv by, and meantime,, without our friend being aware of it, ihe steam was lt->{. up. the vessel east oil", and when the unlucky gentleman fully realised his position, he found himself a considerable distance from the Queen's Wharf, and under way for Canterbury. It was of no u.-e to remonstrate, and though tiie unwilling passenger insisted i;i being put on shore, and wildly demanded " a poat. a poat," the Captain was inexorable, and 110 boat was forthcoming. To Canterbury lie accordingly went, and before reaching which his fare was quietly demanded, [t is proverbially difficult, as our iSeotch friends tell us. •• To tak the breeches oil' a liielannian, but it is not more easy to extract money from the poekits of a \\ elshuian when he has none to give. 111 vain the subject-of our tale pathetically represented that he didn't want the passage at all, and should not be made to pay for it. The purser didn't see it in that light, and hoisted oil his forking out the tin. Matters at hi>t came to a crisis, when a delicate reference was made to a gentleman known as " his uncle," an.' ultimately our frieud, minus his chronometer, was allowed to go on shore. Here he was ill hi. With but a few shillings in his pocket-, witlioui
friend'- nnd uttcr-ly Srstifntc of -portable *** rfv on tli«* «• cavity of wliicli a loan might (Tic prospect of gettinp back'" to -tfVUin^ 011 rather remote. However, i On was at luiTid. in tlio shape of that good i'nin.iritaTi. slr. Wliit<\ of tlio ' Plurhe.' who liroi'd't l" ,n nt . voss °l 0,1 Thursday. i tin- strength of a promise to pay when he 'belied "Wellington. Our friend would be disn; t , a (l 1 ]ook hark on the whole affair as a liTloous d ronm. were it not for the unpleasant Tlitv that he is minus his watch and a few "ouiuls besides, lie will not again, we think, jv e.Muirlit nappini:—'W f 7,'/'«y«»i Indrpadent. I'iioikw or CoMMKiirr. —A meeting of the ni<T.>i ,, ' r ~ ; riimiilit-r bommeree was onvfiifd to he held at three o'clock yesterday sftcriioon at their rooms in Fort-street. Tn j!,,',,. Alienee however of the openinsi of the iVc'iornl Asseinlily. no members, with the exception of the Secretary, were present. Tmk Promotion OF 11. T)KT3I-I:GH APAMS. T^SIJ [ n our issue ofyesferday we gave (lie olliei.il licence of the promotion of H. de "H. Vilnius. Ksn.. to the local rank of Principal Furvev'er io the Forces in Xe\v Zealand. AVe with the announcement our hearty eonIrntulinion. hut did not oiler an opinion on the n.itli'r. l ' :lvm '"' l li | " , ""f v i'r. pass the subject «o cursorilv and without comment. ITowevrr pleased we mar be to see one who has justly -vm-il bis promotion have his services aeknou - jeib'i'ii. cannot but express our disappointin reference to this promotion. Tn our ~"inii'n Mr. Adams has well earned n much step, and at nil events his appointment JionM ' )(V " more than loea) "\Yi» b.nve no do\ibt this step will be continued nlien manv honors have been conferred ~,v n members of oilier departments, and upon ~,: . liib:!!aiit otlieers irenerallv. an otlieer who has t -"iir;buted so much to the general success of operations, ami who has ,-nlded so much . , .-.•tnfort aiiil i!oui>so much to preserve the ]. ( of i!h- troops should certainly have re,v:vr,! something more distinguishing than a jnnk. Wo sincerely trust that Genera' vr lb t'nnieron will take the necessary steps to TiYliiv "lint we expect i< little less than a mis•ilie.' If anv otlieer in New Xealand lias earned •C"i'.!et:oii. Mr. Adams b.i~. Dui-ing his eight v,. :; v- service in New Zealand, the Purveyor hud little rest. Mis duties have been ex-,-et'il::m*v I'iirlit weli have these ,h;;e- been performed. Wo are almost inclined \-ilook upon Mr. Adams as one of our owv.— his kindness and atl'ability. ami his conwi;h so manv of our local institutions Vji pruned for him the regard and esiecm of V.ii-k'iinl'- citizens, and they will be glad to hear farther promotion. UKF»cu ok P.-STITVTK Prus.iNs IH-I.IKP ACT IbiLrnn'.l was apprehended by warrnnt bv IVinnov. at Taurantrii. and bronchi ; n:.i Vurklatid vesterdav. charired with deserting )•< i-'iibi. and will be brought 1 if fore Ufir AVorsliii's ibis morning. A ""M t - T"T> S rici or. — - A man. name unknown. -•v 3» siren into eustodv yesterday, chargeil with I.is with intent to destroy himself Tih- ?.e.'i!~ed will he brought before their Wor- ■ nif'-rililiil. At ;iie Nkwto.v Literary Institt-tion a I'.inn-rt is announced for this evening. Thepro-_-'-nn:e is a very attractive one. comprising some of the nin>t elegant eom]iositions of Poildieu Jliill.T. P'Albert. Koeing. Fciclismlt. Wornor. .Isnvw-rk. Amorgst the pieces se'eeied. " 'I he Cnli] li de Bagdad." '• Urnving." " I'lueiie I'esri -t. " Summer Flowers. L'l-'toiledu Nord." Aw»rgst the artists are the names of and Mr. -lames Beale. Air. H Beale is announced for a fantasia on Jij'on the violin. Not by any means ■in"- !•:■>! noraction of the programme is a selee- :-.'■!! fr'-m I'er FreiscLutz on the violin and j v;..lini'illo. TrNH'rs for the erection of a nine stalled •t3hle.i-oneli-hou.se. at wood, a re called for bv Mr. Reals, and will be received until ■! p.m. "i iiie "2nd proximo. Srry.'Ns on b'-hnlf of the ission Fund will fr | rer.rhed on b'endav at the Fdv.ardes-•tri-it I'riniitive Afethodist Chajiel—on which '•va*.ni Air. Long will preach his farewell sermon bi tlie i veiling, at half-past six o'clock. LaM'Sai.i:.—AVe p"i-eeive that Aressrs. Arthur •r.b I'o.'s. sale of land on the North Shore will i ke place this dav at noon. ToA'mht's Oiti-'a.—" Fra niavo'o,'—tiie T'cvii < Brother —is the very inauspicious name bv ai.icli Mr. Prtuir-'S will be distiniruished for ab iiit tbree hours this evening. He lias earned cf'L'nvinrn hv the fiendish ferocity and dia-l-i'ii-al cunning displayed in his exploits as a I'-r'.iliT c.|* 1 talian banditti. He has always been luckv n escaping capture, that tlio price for I c lsa» risen io six thousand ducats. Patriotism, 'i'l'v. ::tcl this little reward incite a party of i-'.rbinee;-s to set out in his juirsuit. with imcomi!'"n i!i;.bicitv and ardour, shown bv their pul'"Ji- 'nMvitli the most laudable promptitude at r - ! pubiie-lioiise thev come to. and then '•'!-i:ng a summer's afternoon with wine and "uuler the careful supervision of Mr. ' r::--k I r-vor. tle-ir otlieer. who " shouts" for all !'■■■■;■!• m ;h- most magnanimous manner. This alihoiigh in the Fnglish army it would 5 'if- i-Mtivilercrl " tinbeconiing an oliieer and a 1 ''Rani, is jirobalilv all right in the Italian I '-"binder.-, and is certainiv disinterested, as he 1 r-t:i-,.s to part itk c of the drink. but 1 r-nKMis mooiiilv a.part, dreaming over a ii ;ir<|K\**.rs he ontcrtnins g ■" '/* !;i(» (I :iu'Jitter. \v]lO I* 111 *Otl t to li -d i>v li,»r I;:i]ir*r"s ordr-r to a rirli farmer 8 '> ■. u.■ y,y\' L vih;s'_n.. k '•en hunters j S "■ ''intlius engag'-d in proscent ing their ■ a'bif.i!, M-arcli. enter to theni Mr. Fred. Lvster ■ Ada TCing. wlio. for this night only. 8 '"''"i raised pi the peerage, and are now g j.f.nt n:a! r ady Alleash. two typical representag (, r ,\i ;i;il . v travelling Briton. They B 0 j;; st been despoiled of all they possessed by I ' l; ' lv,1 !o. and being much disonlered in their g| !.y ;!ii, ndventui-f. of course give vent to S >' i iiijiioy.-iiiee in an elaborate concerted piece §9 arm ■ ()]i ; w hat a frightful hind for §■ , ! - i:1 — 1 -"-- 11 is lordship's earnest appeal stirs S3 t_° tear hiinself away from the soft « •••!'..' public r.nd his mistress to go M i'"bbcrs. for whose capture Lord AllWk '''I ~'V'i I 'of three hundred (lucals. II 1"-' ' n ,"i Va! "' l -'""''"'"nin llicn take this extreme!v WL inpTi •'l'l'oi'tunity of getting ui) a inatrim ' a -naturally exjiressed in inusii IB -i'' l ' s lady's general habit of easting ■ ..j,! 0:1 "ay good-looking member of the H j |r M • > ' ll> niav c'tieounter. but more ]iarti -uS rr,- u \ ' Marquis they have met. on the 3 lib"'.'/ 1 " ,ll 'i'l |>asi,n tly pertinacious in 9 U.is attractive .Mtinniis soon J 11 " ranee to the infinite conM ail,' n Alleash. who doesn't feel at fjg ratim " "'c o "''.' 011 "' lS|, rving his manifest admi- " ol.'l' 1 .. ''' S s P'-"ise. Zerlina hereabouts' sM r.-e' : n'".'" ' oo | n l ,i " l . v " with "On yonder rock lli 'i' 1 "" a " :l ' r in which tb-- misdeeds of Fra Wk W,)P>'-' 0 over with that sort of hero--9 ritf-c,>!-r i ii"- st ' cm ' i -"''ways to attend bold and tjfl in toll.' trt "'. r<,s - Beppo and fiiaeomo come m s liospitnlify in the guise of lH , ! . lS! s ° on as thev are left free from linti.r''?-' 1 ' their real vocation to be f9 ■-•'hnri- ,'!" lr 1 an( '\*"> the band of " Pra Diavolo," Wx "o-nnii,,'V o'»t to he no other than the .i', r( J , " s ] . on present. Aforesaid m if.v'n] s »ow! liimself as the consummate M cf r .", r , - v ' S .''.V walking into the nflections 'Mm I'l-Hsiiurl..' ' ap .' l ' n most improper although 'Mm t:n 111 '' su ''' 1 ' manner by the aid of a eer-alwaj-s readj* to : *m| '■'riltr-s provocation, and always :nir niiipi )t W Tt n "Pl'i'oaeh of the husband is lis in 'i it I n- of carbineers now return ifn thief caf ( .r' 0 " lr ? ov i"c-nt that they were better a ? l ' lan s them to M rt E ;v^ no " ncc thev have disperacd M t of shot tVesty <Jf mm, mi
brought nvray as legitimate 'loot" my lady's jewel ease, wliicli she is delighted to seo again, and chants like a nightingale accordingly. The second act is taken up by a robbery, in which the pretended Marquis attempts to regain possession ot the recovered jewels, passing himself ofl to the oliieer as having a " ienderrendezvous," to account tor the suspicious circumstances of his being found in another guest's chamber at dead of night. ]n the third act. this notable plot is frustrated, the noble lady is made happy by the recovery of her jewels, and everybody is made comfortable except the brigands, whose fate remains uncertain.but probably not enviable. Ihe notice of hist night's performance, which was very successful in an artistic, though not in a pecuniary sense, is unavoidably crowded out by a matter of more serious interest. Ci;o\VDi:n Oct.—Our critiques on the Opera. Theatre, and oilier performances, together with several local matters, are crowded out.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 324, 25 November 1864, Page 4
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2,234Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 324, 25 November 1864, Page 4
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