Shipping Intelligence.
PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. Express, schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Star of the South, s.s., from Napier. Sea Gull, schooner, from Ivaipara. Albatross, schooner, from Taranaki. Sylph, schooner, from Russell. H.M.S.S. Cura<;oa, from tho Kawau. JI.M.b.S. Harrier, from tho Mauukau. Wonga Wonga, s.s., from Russell. DEPARTURES. Chance, Barque, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Eclipse, schooner, for Newcastle via Tauranga. Nymph of the Se:is, schooner, for Canterbury Tauranga, for Tauranga. YESSELS IN HARBOUR. Albatross, schooner, from Taranaki. British Trident, ship, from London. Bella Mary, from 1 lobart Town. Bessie, barque, from the Sandwich Islands. Bella Marina, ship, from Sydney. Ballarat, p.s., from Napier. Columbus, ship, from London. Eagle Speed, ship, from London. Express, schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Lindsays, ship, from Newcastle, N.S.W, Freak, brig, from Newcastle, N.S. VV. H.M.S.S. Harrier, from tho Manukau. H.M.fe.b. Curai;oa, from the .Kawau. 11.M.5.5. Falcon, from tho Thames. H.M.S.S. Eclipse, from Tauranga. Ida iieigler, ship, from London. Jsorbrook, brig, from Adelaide. Jumna, ship, from London. Martha, schooner, from tho South Sea Islands. Slary Thompson, schooner, from Napior. Novelty, barque, from Sydney. Novelty, p.s., from Mauukau. ■Papeete, brig, from Tahiti. Rita, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Kandolph, barque, from Leith. Sandtlv, gunboat, from Tauranga. Scotia, schooner, from Warrnambool. Southern Cross, schooner, from a Misaionarv cruise. Success, schooner, from Napier. Susannah Cuthbert, s.s., from Port AVaikato. Surat, ship, from London. Sea Gull, schooner, from Kaipara. Star of the South, s.s., from Napier. "Wild Wave, schooner, from Kaipara. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Auckland, s.s., from Melbourne, duo 9th inst. Alfred, barque, from Cape Town, Ist d.p., 243 ; (load ing.) Albert V\ llliam, barque, from London, 3rd d.p., 9317; sailed August S. Ardbeg, ship, from London, 3rd d.p., 1023; sailed August 17. Adelheid. barque, from Leith, sailed August 15. Aunie Wood, ship, fiom London ; (loading) Cojsar Godetfroy, ship, from Capo Town, '2nd d .p., 7369 ; (loading.) Ellen Simpson, barque, from Melbonrne, 2nd d.p., 3504 ; (loading.) Empress, ship, from London, Ist d.p., 3524 ; (loading-) Foam of the Sea, ship, from London ; (loading.) Golden City, ship, from London, Ist d.p., 6247 ; (loading.) Ganges, ship, from London, Ist d.p., 4152; (loading.) H.M.S.S. Esk, from Melbourne, No. 245. Light Brigade, ship, from London ; (loading.) Lueibelle, ship, from London, V.G.N.D., new code. ; Mystery, barque, from Liverpool, Ist d.p., 4052; (loading.) Matoaka, ship, from London, 2nd d.p., 9456; (loading.) ! Nimroud, ship, from London, 2nd d.p., 6SO-1; sailed August 12. Nelson, ship, from London, Ist d. p., 8702 ; (loading.) Oregon, barque, from Newcastle, 2nd d. p., 2521. Queen, s.s., from the South, due 9th inst. Reihersteig, barque, from Cape Town, 3rd d.p., 8749 ■ (loading.) Talbot, ship, from London, 2nd p. d., 1470; sailed August 2. Victory, ship, from London, 2nd d.p., 2305 ; (loadViscount Canning, ship, from London, 3 p.d., PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Hobart Town :—Bella Mary, barque, early. For Guam:—Randolph, barque, this day; Scotia, schooner, early. For Sydney :—Star of the South, s.s., to-morrow. For Valparaiso : —lserbrook, brig, to-morrow. For Napier :—Success, schooner, this day. For Newcastle : —Lindsays, ship, this day. For Russell: —Sea Brc-eze, schooner, this day. ENTERED INWARDS. ■VOVSMUKU s—Annie Laurie, 30 tons, Stuart, from AVangarei, with 4 head cattle, G sheep—o passengers.—Cruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. s—Curlew, 15 tons, Kingdon, from Kikowakarere, with 5000 feet sawji timber. s—Janet Gray, 26 tons, Stafford, from Wangapoa, with 20,000 feet sawn timber. s—William and Julia, 33 tons, Scott, from Pakiri, ! with 18,000 palings—3 passengers. 5— Sylph, 50 tons, Norris, from Russell, with 25 head tattle. 4 tons coals, 2 cwt. bacon—- passengers.— G<=o. Webster, agent. •s—Korornreka, 17 tons, Urquhart, from Maketu, via the Great Barrier, with 30* tons firewood.—W. J. Young, agent. s—Albatross, 86 tons, Braund, from Taranaki, with
23 cases jams.—Cruickshank, Smart and Co.,
agents. s—Sea Gull, 121 tons, "Waterman, from Kaipara, with
84,637 l'eet sawn timber, 70,000 shingles, 8 tons kauri gum.—Brown, Campbell and Co., agents. s—Morning Light, 2S tons, Tiller, from Pakiri, with 15,000 feet sawn timber—2 passengers. s—lndustry, 24 tons, Yutes, from Wangaroa, with 111,000 feet sawn timber—2 passengers. •3—Petrel, 17 tons, Nit-man, from Coromandel, in ballast —0 passengers. 5 —Fortune, 2S tons, Black, from Whitianga, with 208 bags maize.—T. Mucky and Co., agents. s—Expros, schooner, 250 tons, Hyde, from Newcastle, N.S.W.—Henderson and Macfarhtne, agents. 7—Star of the South, s.s., 147 tons, Anderson, from Napier, ivith 1U44 sheep, 1 horse. —Henderson and Maciarlane, agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. NCME.UHEH o—Tauranga, 60 tons, Sellars, for Taurrmga, with 120 tons c-.erchandize.—T. Mucky & Co., agents. 6—Falcon, 11 tons, Owen, for Cabbage Bay, with sundries—2 passengei-3. s—Petrel, 17 tons, I). Nieinan, for Coromaudel, with sundries—<l passengers. s—Morning Light, 28 tons, Tiller, for Matakana, in ballast. s—Betsy,s—Betsy, 34 tons, Darrock, for Mahurangi, with sundries—4 passengers. o—Janet Gray, 26 tons, Stratford, for Wangapzi, in ballast. s—Emma, 20 tons, Herriot, for Kennedy's Bay, with sundries—Thomas Russell, agent. o—Martha, 14 tons, Cobbold, for Port "Waikato ill ballast. o—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Rackstraw, for Russell, with sundries—2 passengers.—S. J. Edmonds, agent. 6—Curlew, lo tons, Kingdon, for Kikowakarere, in ballast. s—Lindsays, ship, 470 tons, .Jackson, for N.S.AV., in ballast.—J. S. Macfarlanc& Co., agents. s—Randolph, barque, 313 tons, Wliannell, for Guam, in ballast.—Hucholz <fc Co., agents. ENTERED OUTWARDS. >-OVKMHKIt •s—Scotia, schooner, for Guam. IMPORTS. Per Express, from. Newcastle, N.S. W.: —2 JO tons coals, Henderson and Macfarlane. The s.s. Wonga Wonga, Captain Thompson, arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Russell, and after landing her passengers, at once proceeded up the Tamaki to land her cattle. She has brought up the captain and crew of the steamer Aphrasia, the full account of whose wreck will be found elsewhere. The Wonga Wonga leaves for Coromandel this day. The s.s. Star of the South, Capt. Anderson, left Napier at 4.30 p.m. on the Ist inst., and had strong S.E. winds to Portland Island, and from thence fresh Northerly breezes to the East Cape, which was passed at 6.30 p.m. on the 2nd. Had strong Westerly broezes to Capo Runaway, and was hove-to there i'or eight
liotire. At o ght a.m. on the 3rd, inn back to Hicks" i '< yeither moderating at 1.30 samo day, she started again for this port, and had brisk "Westerly winds to Cape Colvillo, vrhich was passed at 6 p.m. on -t nday evening; arrived in tho Tamaki same night, and landed 1044 sheep and 1 horse, having only lost sheep oil the passage. The Star of tho Sonth, upon il:ilbour ' immediately wont upon the hard m Official Bay, to beeleaned, &c. She rails for Sydney on Tuesday next. Tho brigantino Express, Capt. G. A. Ilydo, loft J. en-castle on the 2-lth ultimo, and had light variable winds throughout, making tho Three Kings on tho in ' s r V Massed the s.s. Princo Alfred thero. and the f . niuron t ' IC same day, off the North Cape. ~ J> nn gs a cargo of coals for Messrs. Henderson and Jlacfarlane.
Tho , s . oh , ooner . Albatross, Capt. Braund, from laninaki the Ist inst., arrived in harbour on Saturday morning. Tho brigantino Sou Gull arrived on Saturday morning last, from Kaipara, bringing a cargo of
-the schooner Sylph, f ro m Russell via tho Tamaki, arrived on Saturday morning last. Our liussell Correspondent s letter will be found'elsewhere. I neJJlack Ball clipper Light llrigudo was positively leave London for this port with troops onthoUOth "V! 1 ;, " announced to load lionie about tho middle ot next month.
lhe briguntiiio Scotia entered outwards on Saturday lor Guam.
The briar lsorhrook is now taking in ballast, and sails for Valparaiso to-morrow. J. ho barque Novelty came alongside tho Qneonstreet "\\ hart on Saturday morning, and commenced discharging. The p.s. Unllarat steamed over to the North Shore on haturday niorniug, aiul wont upon the slip to be overhauled.
Iho Customs Herri pis for tho week ended the sth instant, amounted to A' 3026 ISs.
H.IVI.S.S. Curacoa, from tho Kawau, and ILM.S.S. Harrier, from the Mauukau, both arrived in harbour on Saturday The Cura<;oa brought b'aek Ills •kxccHency tho Governor.
the schooner Success sails again for Napier this evening.
lho following vessels have sailed sinco our last: — Chance, barque, fo*' Newcastle ; Nymph of the Seas, schooner, for Canterbury ; Eclipse and Taurunga, schooners, for Tauranga. Tho ship Lindsays, for Newcastle; barque Randolph, for Guam ; schooner Martha, for Port AVaikato; and schooner Sea Bieeze, for Russell: all to sail to-day.
I lit Shoalino or oi'K Haiuioch.— lii last issue we drew attention to the fact that a bar was being formed at the entrance of our harbour lo such an extent that the navigation of large vessels would bo seriously impeded, and, as an instance, it was pointed out the fact the ship S.iracen, which sailed from here about twelve months ago with a earcro of end, which wo have since ascertained amounted to 1420 tons is now unable to go to sea with over 1200, it even that quantity can be shipped with safety, on account ot the decreased depth of water. Captain May hew will bear testimony to this fact; and any person who crosses the sand-hills may perceive tho constant accessions of sand that are hourly drifted into the harbour during the prevalence of a south easterly wind.—yuccas tie Chroiiirlr. A Mo>sti:u Piece i.k Co.xi..—A mass of coal, supposed to weigh upwards of two tons, has beon excavated from the pit ot' the Waratah Coal Company. It is at present lying at the tunnels at Waratah. \\'o understand that it is intended to forward this piece of coal to the forthcoming exhibition at .New Zealand.—J hid. Omission-—The name of Mr. George Parke was omitted in the saloon passenger list of the 'Surat.' PORT OF RUSSELL. ENTERED INWARDS OCTOUKK IS—Sea Brteze, 70 tons, liaekstraw, from Auckland, with geneial cargo—3 passengers. —Sylph, 50 tons, Norris, from Auckland, with general cargo—7 passengers. 21 Wonga A\ onga, s.s., Thomson, from Auckland— 4 passengers. 2G—Nymph, 10 tons, Pautana, from Wangai-uru, with 19 casks salt beef, S-.', cwt. biscuit—l passenger. 28—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Eackstraw, from Auckland, ! with general cargo —4 passengers. KOVESIIIEU I—Svlph, 50 tons, Nonis, from Auckland, -with genoral cargo. CLEARED OUTWARDS. OCTOBER 20—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Backsfraw, for Auckland, with 3<i head cattle, 2 horses, 10 tons kauri gum, 1 whale boat—ll passengers. 25—Sylph, 50 tons, Norris, for Auckland, with 2S head cattle—4 passengers.
-5 onga Wonga, s.s., Thompson, for Auckland, with 25 bags coal—S passengers. -i Nymph, 19 tons, Pautama, for AVangaruru, with 12 casks beef, S cwt. biscuit, (original cargo), 2 bags sugar, 1 cwt. salt, I ton Hour, 5 empty chests, and 1 passenger. -■ I—; Sea1 —;Sea Breeze, 70 tons, liackstraw, for Auckland, with 3(3 head cattle, 2 horses, 12 tons gum, 55 sheep, 5 pigs, and 4 passengers. SOVKM liEK 3 —Sylph, 50 tons, Norris, for Auckland, with 25 head cattle, 4 tons coal, 2 cwt. bacon, and 3 passengers. H.M.S.S. Miranda, Captain Jenkins, called in hero on Tuesday morning, and left the following morning for Sydney.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 308, 7 November 1864, Page 5
Word Count
1,791Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 308, 7 November 1864, Page 5
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