Shipping Intelligence.
PO ET O F AUOK LA N I). , ARRIVALS: ' Lord Aslildy, M' 4 ; Ida Zeigler, shijp, from London. • Ro'sbAini, sciioonei-j /roin Ihc Kast Coast. Wonga"Wonga, ss., fromCoromandel. Ivanlioc, schooner; from W'angarei. DEPARTURES. Mary Warren, Blnpj for Giiaiii. . ... Beautiful Star, s s./for Nkjiief'-rid TaiiFaiigd; Alice Cameron, barque; for Sydney.. iAphrasia,' p.L, for Sydney. 1 Pakelia, brig, for KiiiparfU !.' Sj'lpli, seiiooner, for Russell. 1 _ Fairy, schooner, for Monganui. • " "VESSELS IN lIARBOtJIt. Aleeta, barque, from Newcastle., Bella* Miuy, from Hobari ToiwL',.' .\ Bessie, barque, from the Sandwich Islands. Bella Marina, ship, from Sydney. ; ColUmbtu, ship, from London. Coral Queen, schooner, from the South Sea IslandsCeres, schooner, from Port Fairy; , Chance, barque, from Melbourne; Eagle Speed, ship, from Lpndtjil: Glepdevon, .ship,.from London:; Minindii, iioin the Thames. H.M.S.S. Falcon, from thq Thames. : H.IJ.S.S. Eclipse, from a cruise,. H.M.S.S. Curnooa. from Sydney. Ida Zfeigler, ship, from, London. Iserbrook; brig, from Adelaide. Jumua, ship, from London. Lord'Ashley, s.s., from the South. Meteor, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Martha, schooner, from the South Sea Islands. Mary Thompson, schooner, from Napier. Nymph of the Seas, schooner, from Lyttleton; Koveltv, h.s., from Simni.kbu. Papeete, brig, froni Tahiti. . ■ Prince" Alfred, s.s., from Sydney. Randolph, barque, from Leith. Reliance, brig, from Hobart Town. Roderick "Dim, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. " Sandfly, gunboat, from Taurailgrt; , Scotia, seho'onbr; from "Warrnauibbot m ; ..." Southern Cross, schooner, from n Missionary cruise. Surat, ship,' from London. AVonga Wonga, s.s., irom the North. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. . - Alfred, barque, from Cape li/wnjlsfc d;f)., 24S ■ voiding.) , Albert William, barque, from London, 3rd d.p., 9317' Aiigiist 8". ... • ..... . . -i. > Ardbeg, ship, froni London; 3rd d.p., 1023; sailed , A tigtlst 17- • •. Adeliieid, barque,from Leith, sailed August i-5. Annie Wood, ship, fiom,London ; (loading.) , British Trident, 'ship,'froni London, 3rd d.p., 391, • sailed August. 8> . ; : : i; \ J . Ccesar GodeC'roy, ship, .froin Cape Town, 2nd d.p., 73G9 ; (loading;.} - Ellen Simpson, bin que, from Melbourne, 2nd d.p.. 3504 ; (loading.) Empress, ship, from London, Ist d.p.,' 352 i ; (loading.) Express, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W., Ist d.p., 3720, sailed 2Grd instant; Freak, brig, from Newcastle; N.S.W.; 1 f-t d.p., 4069 j (loading.) . ... Foam of the Sen, ship, from London ; (loading. ~ Golden City, ship, from ' London; Ist- ,d.p.; . 8247 j (loading.) '' ' ■ - • ■■■,'■ v Ganges, ship, from London, Ist d.p.,. 4182 • (loadhig.) * • H.M.S.S. Ilnrrior, from Sydnej-. No. 305. H.M.S.S. Eslc, from Melbourne, No 245. Lucibclle, ship, from London, V.G.N.D., new code. Mystery, barque, from .Liverpool, Ist d.p., 4052;. (loading) . Matouka, sli.p, from London, 2nd d.p., 3486; (loading.) '• Ximroud, sliip, from London, 2nd d.p., 6804; sailed August" 12. ... . . Novelty, barque, from Sydney, 2ndd;p., 6421 j- (loading). .- .. ,i Nelson, ship, from London, Ist d. p.; 8702 j (loading.) - Oregon, barque, fromNbwcastle, 2nd d. p., 2821. lieiherstoig, baique, from Cape Town, 3rd d.p., 5749 ; (loading.) Seaton, barque, from Foo Choo, 2nd d.p., 745; (loading.) ~ Talbot, ship, from London, 2nd d. p.; 1470", silica August 2. Victory, ship, from London, 2nd d.p., 2305 j (load- . Viscount Canning, ship, from London, 3 d.p., PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Guam:—Glendevon, ship, this day. For Melbourne :—Ceres, schooner, early. For Sydney:—l'iince Alfred, s.s., Ist proximo. For llobar; Town : —Reliance, brig, this day } Bella Mary, baique, early.'" For Hokianga : — ; Wildfire,' schooner, this day. ENTERED—INWARDS; oliober " 29—Sea Belle, 2S tons, McGecliie, from Matakana, with 1,500 feet crooks—2 passengers. 29—Lily, 17 tons, Allan, from' Waiheki, with 600 rails, 8 tons firewood. 29—Lord Ashley, s.s., 296 tons, Rf.ndall, from the South, with 6 horses, Smith; 1 case, order; 2 casks oil, 2 do. wliitelead, 1 case, Hibble ; 2 casks whitelcad, 1 do. oil, 1 case, Goodwin; 1 case mouldh'gs, l.eech; l ease, 1 X cask whitelead, 1 case, 3 bales paper, Hendeison; 9 cases glass, 2 casks wliitelead, 10 do. oil, 1 ease glass, 1 case, : Gilberd; 1 case Oliver and Co.; 1 case, Hall; 5 biles, 2 cases, Clark and Son ; 1 trunk, 4 packages boots, Carter; 6 hlids. coal tur,'Nicol and Co.; 3 trunks boots, Ivcven ; 1 case, Carter; 1 boy, Ford; 1 chest, 11 ay ward ; 3 trunks boots, Kemp; Iti unk boots, Ruddle; 1 box, Peak; 1 bale paper, Gilburd; 10 horses, 2 coaches, 2 waggons, 2 cases, Quick and Co.; 3 boxes, Berry ; 1 case, Gittos; 1 box, Atkinson; 73 sheep, Buckland. Passengers—Mr. Quick, Mr. ijniith, Mr. Tizard, Mrs. Tizard, Mr. MoA'amara, ivev. Brown, Rev. Bruce, Sir. Spencer, Sir. Dumas, C'apt.- Bharpe, Ensign Coffinsplate, Mr. Ballesman, ilessrs. Brown, Wiutley, Faulkner, "William*, Fieldmiui, and 15 in the second cabin.— 11. M. Jar vis, agent. -9 ;ltose Ann, 27 tons, Glover, from the East Coast, with 162 bags 142 kits maize, 3-i c<isks pork—l 4 passengers.— ,r. Sidmon. and Co., agents. -9—Marina, S tons, Glictaldi, from Cabbage Bay, with 30 bags oysters. —Helen, 2u tons, jMoody, from Wangaruru, with 10U,0U0 shingles—4 passengers.—Stephenson and Ward'dl, agents.- < 29—Agnes; 24 tons, Williams, from Matakana, with 40 tons fiiowood. -9 —lda Zeiglei-, ship, BGO tons, Reynolds, from London. Passengers : Mrs. Joseph, Charles, Matilda, WiUiam, Clara and George Lee; Elizabeth Garvey ; Misses A. and C. James; Mr. and Mrs. John 'lucker ; Williuni .Kobinson, Mrs. Heap;; Mr. Moses ; Mrs. Hy., Miss. M. E., 11. J-, Harry, I 1 rank, and George Clifton ; CaptaiuOlilton, Uy. Hollins; Andrew Handley; Andi'cW Turubull ; 4:. de Coucev Potterton; Charles, Ellea, j Ma,ry Ann; and l.'obert William Elley; Joseph. I . ; John, I\lary Ann, fcarah, J. J.etitio ; Mary Matthew, and Anno Lain-
jUrf; Josial),Hnim»li>nd • jtfrsimdc-r 'Jhohisoii; Lewis and Barbara Tlcsstr; Joseph. Catherine, Diana, Victoria Joseph> Fdwin, Walton, S. mid John H. Wilkins; Jfiirion Gilchrist ; Agues Ciissell ; Witi. l<"dgar; Clara folt; Wn>. and Margaret Brown ; Alexander. Rhii Janet 31'Laichj Samuel Taylor ; Xobcrt l B:. ililcliccek; 'Tallies t'nd Elizabeth M'Carinia ; Jag., Ilsiiiinb, Thomas, Mary K., James A., "Theresa, Alfred. Nonnan, and Olivia Cbsprave; Richard, Ilonern, Maryanne,- Johanna, and James Snrsfield; iVilliam and Mary .Tylfr; Joseph M'Cro.ry ; jjobeit, Margaret, and Amelie J. litnham; Margaret and Mary'ann Ruddcl: James and Agnes Sl'Cabe; Thomas Graham, Phcebe Smith, Ann Matthew; ILcmas,-Mnigarct, Mary, Ann, and James Teasdale. Wm. Costello'; Matthew, Eliza, David. 1 Matthew, iMary, Until, Robert, ,ind Adam Mooro; Gcorgo Patterson ; CaihoiiaPi Catherine and Kliarbeth 'Diver; Teresa, James John, Margaret mid Mary O'Keiil ; John and Jane Johnson; William and Mary Atcheson : John, Maria, and Emma Capeness*; John.Kile"- Lh'zabcth, Agnes and David Thorns; William and Ann Jennings George, Ann, Win. Oecrgv, aiul Aim Dervv; Henry and Sarah McCormick; Albert and Mercy' Ann Taylor; jlicbael. Hilary Ann and John Lardner; Mrs. Jclm W. ar.d L-abella Anld ;"Kobcrt and James i-miili; John Salt ; Margaret Matilda, Alexander, 7-.lie»i. James, Klizabetli, niill Matilda Craig; Nicholas aiul Ann Dobbin ;-Divv,id aiul Phoebe /•"lliot; Kdwurd Reid ; Tboinas Melntyre : Andrew rlmbner ; Edward tV.. A. Hiiddleston i
Timothy Sullivan; George Clement; Thomas and Catherine Wilson; Hugh O. Boyle.—D. Nathan, agent. cleared outwards. OCTOBEit C?j, bl.-ndevoti. ship. 95 t tons, Brown, ibr Guam, with 350 tons coals (part of original cargo).—Owen and Graham, agents. h'—Eclipse. -15 tons, McArthur, for Tauranga and OtvM'.Vi. with sundries— 1 bnssetigcr. ■>\i —l.ilv, 17 tons, Allan,- for Wailieki, in ballast. Prince of Wales, £3 tons, Lawrence, for Maliur.ingi, in ballast —7 passengers. 24 tons, Williams, for Mataknna,' with s'mdriis. 3l;ii 1 hn! S tons. Ghetaidi, for Cabbage Bay, in ballast. 2P—Sen Delio, L'S tons, McGeehie, for Mahurongi, in ballast. 20—Svlph. oO tons, Norris, for Russell, with sundries— 5 passengers.—Geo. Webster, agent. 2;t—Fairy, 37 tons, McLeod, forMongonui, with j'jhdrifs—- passengers.— Cmickshank, Smart and
Co., agents. . . '»m—lJeaatiful Star, s.s., 125 toiis, Morwiek, for Na-pit-r via 'i'anranga, with 20 tons, Commissariat atoros for Tauranga, and sundries for Napier, rx^enaei-s —,T. ai d II; Otway, C. Fortetcne, "W. and J. McDonald. R. Wilkinson, R. \Y. .!ones. — llendfason and Macfarlane, agents. IMPORTS FOREIGN.
I'cr Ida Zeigler, from London : —7 eases, S. Bi-own-;r£ ;22 do., Kucbolz and Co. : 1 case, AVilliani Sylces: Ji cases, Browning; 22 cases, f>. 11. Smith; 50 oi ,sks, S. Browning; 80 bariels, Brown and Co. ; 45 ra.-cs. older: 1 {.ttrcel, Derrom ; 10 packages, S. and j. K. Yiiile : 2o qr.-crsks, T. 11. Kail; SO packages, of Stores • 1 case. Rev. R: Burrows: 10 eases, Sls packages, order: 12 eases, Cruieksliank, t and Co. ; 1 case, E. llesketli; 2 eases, Ilueholz ru:d Co.: 147 l'e"e'Y Of Stores; 6 jiaekages, A. Clark and Son *, 1 case, James liichaidsoh6 eases, G. S. Jakins ; 3 cases, Jilin Kok-rton: ioO cases, Browi nnd Co. ; 7 eases, I-ewis Brothers ; 7 cases, order; 1 case, Lewis Brothers ; 2 bc-xtfs, Cruickshar.k, ir-'mirt and Co.; 1 case Henry Potter; 10 packages. S. H. Smitli.-, 1 ease, Bcv. T. Buddie : 27'."' packages, 2 casks order; lt!0 packages, Assistant Sujurintendcnt of Stores ; 30 boxes, Deputy .Su]>c-rintendent ; 2 pkgs., 2 cases, order ; o-l packages, iT. Kebeilon and Co. ; 2-14 do., X>. Graham nnd Co. ; Sl'l d 0.,. W. llobson ; 1 case, ;T. C. D. Botvdcn : 1 K-ii'j. Uhos. Macbv and Co.; 109 packages, order; UK.) casts, Cruickshank, Smart and Co.; 1 ease, J. AV. rtarso ; 3 bales, A. Clark and fon : 7 cases, Lewis ]>rothers: 14 packaces, S. and J. R. Taiie; 2 cases, 11-1 packngcs, order : 6 pac.kc.gesj H. and A. Sherrard ■Hid Co. ; 1" cases,' Lewis Brothers ,- 10 packages, C. I'etschier; 1 case, Rev. K. 11.- tleywood ; 1 e;iso. AV. Sydney Smith ; 16 hhds., R. Mcore ; 4 chests, James Os-born ;IS packages, E. Porter; 1 case, T. E. S. Tiitne; 4 crates, John "Wriglcr ; lease, E. and H. Isaacs • 3 NV. C. Hill : 107 do., David i\a:fian3 132 u<>., C. Stichbiirj- and Son ; <10 packago, Principal Medical Officer: S do., Ollicer Commanding Royal Artillery ; lOOhhds., Brown and Co.; 15 ban-' Is, Buehoiz and" Co.; 1 task, order ; 5 cases, ?>ew Zealand Insuiance Company: 00 packages, Lewis Brothers, 149 packages, 1 case, E. and 11. Isaacs; 2 packages, J. Doitsch ; 7 do., S. Brown ; 10 hlids., oider; 9 eases, Lewis Brothers ; 2 eases, E. and H. Isaacs • 252 packages, U. itnfl A. Sheniird ; 270 do., J. 11. Burnside and Co. ; 31 do., H- and A Sheiraid and Co. ; 4253 do., M. Sonierville ; 1 case, D. Bum 8 packages, Dr. Lee ; 20 qr.-ca.~lcs, order ; SO bags, R. (.lilinoiir.—J). Nathan, agent. AERIVAL OE TBI! IDA ZEIGLER, FROM LONDON. Our old friend the clippper ship Ida Zeigler, Capl. A. Keynolds, arrived in harbour on Saturday afternoon last, from London, after another good passage •"if 05 days from Plymouth. She sailed on the 26th i ; '■:!;■, passing outside . tlio Cape de Verd islands. Bud very bad N.E. trades, nothing but S. and S.W. sinds being eiperitricc-d from the C'haiirud to the liijuator, whicli. was crossed on the 27ih August, in b-"gitude 23 ~ vr. i !U; tj.E. trades al»o proved very light and taiiiing, and the meridian of the Cape ot Gead B'epe "Kus criissed oc lae lDth September ; ran down her eastings between the parallels of 45 ? and -16 = exp. ricncing moderate weather. Sighted the Soutlienimcs-t part of Tasmania on the IGth October, and ; osscd the Tlirce Kings on the 27th, making the ma down coast in the short space of 3b hours, 'llie b'la Zeiclcr has Iherefbre made a splendid run of 40 ii»ys from the Cape of Good Hope, and as mention of a clipper v.e may here say that she is only nine months and 11 days absent from tnis port, including her detention in London.
She has brought an addition lo our population of 170 souis, without- any deaths, under the medical charge of Dr. Lee; ai=o 3 donkeys, 6 prize rams, a prize cow, and a numerous assor.nient of English birds.
'1 he ship, 33 usual, has come into port in a clean nnd creditable condition, nnd all on board speak in the highest terms of the kind treatment the} have received from Captain lieynolds, his oiiicers, and doctor, and it is with the greatest pleasure we publish the following testimonials presented :— " Auckland, October, 1861. "'We, the third-class passengers on board the good ship Ida Ziegler, bound from London to Auckland, New A;:'iuiiu, beg to tender our sincere anil best thanks to Captain W. Reynolds for his indiscriminate and fatherly care in providing both old and young, married and single, -with unlooked-for comforts and nourishments during the voyage : it has been "Only ask and ye hare." We regret our limited means prevent lis giving a more substantial testimony of our gratitude, and can only say the names of Captain "\V. Keynoids and the Ida iJiegkr ■"'ill long be remembered with pleasure by all, including our friends at home and in New Zealand, wishing him health, wealth, and will to navigate and exercise his benevolent mind for many years to come. And next conies the chief oiiicers, Mr. 11. Mann and -•Ir. Neville. We cannot speak too highly of their proficiency when the ragins; seas required more than all the tact and activity men possess. Steady and '"'in in t!;u execution of their arduous duty, they studied to add to our amusements, recreation, and general welfare. Wishing them success in their profession, and trusting ere long to see or hear of their witching the position they are -so worthy of, "We remain, " 1 heir grateful servants." [( ( £Here follow the signatures.[J To Captain W. Keynoids and Chief Oiiicers."
Auckland, October, 186-1. ■ . p > the third class passengers on board till; good Ida /iegler, hound from I,cihloh to Auckland, J .! beg to return our gratitude arid thanks >°. , r ' 1-ee. lor hid unremitting attention und skilful -"i"' w"'' m ' :iistPl '' n S those lnelicul comforts so es- «(' i' unt ' <m '- v conceivable b}' p>net ice and deep -> U;_\j t 0 t ] lU wal)la 0 j- j, usjel) g ers 0 „ it i o] ,jr voyage, s.nng liiln and his family every success, " AVe remain, "His graieful servants." [Uere follow tlie sigurttui*es.~] "On 1 " 0 Jr - ■' e0 > >oard t] ls good sliip Ida Zicgler."
■S^ti">'. 1 : , ' C ' ontT •irrived fiora "Wnngorei on i fct ' krwgimr up "I piloa. 8b« mf.-iv Oio • ■'>' " 1 - "jj Retire,
c 3 ." 8 - "Wonga, Wonga left for Coromandol on Saturday last at nooli, and returned again Vcsterdav 'caves for Mutakana find "tVniigarfci tills ]\t IX J1.111.' ■\r.^' ie !! oUowin e vessels have sailed since our last:— "alien, ship, for Guam; Alico Cameron, Oaiquo, ami Aphrasia, steamer, fur Sydney ; l'akeha, "£• for Jf altera ; Jjeautiful Star, s. s., for Napier via a Jrangn ; Sylph, schooiior, for Russell; and jTairy, sc , l ?. ollcl i 'br Mongonui. . -Tlie schooner Lose Ann arrived from the cast coast on n ,, ilt " rc ! :l 3" morning last. . The ship Glendevou idcared for Guiim on Saturday last, and sails this nioniing. . r ' ;I: TiOlU) Asm.KV.—The 1.8.M. Co's s.s. Lord AsiiJey, 3 homas Jfandall, commander, left Dunedin, v. etobor 20th, at 1.35 p.m., arrived at Lyttclton on the 21st. Nt l. lo p.m., making a passago oi' 21 honrts.
-tvxpericneed fino weather. Left Lvttelton on tlie at 12,30 noon, arrived at Wellington on the -Jri., at o a in., inakiiig a qtiick passage of lGi hours. Jwperieneed iinc weather. Left Wellington October at ; arrived at Napier on the 2Clli, at 10.15 a.m., 22.J hours; experienced fine weather; left Napier October 27th, 12 noon ; arrived at Auckland October 20th, nt 10 a.m., t(i hours; e.\pofienced lieail wihds'throughout. ibe steamer Ballarat left Napier for Auckland Oil Oct ber 26.
luu Star or the Sovth.—llie S.s. Star of the. Sotnii, from Lyttelton, boiind to Napier, pilt inio this harbour yesterday morning; to repair her furnaces. She w-ill proceed 071 her voyage on Thurstlav 110 , x f' —r»tfe$c>ule'»t, October 2§. .. The C'ustoms receipts lor the week ended the 29th inst. amounted to £368G fls. yd.
! To the I<M it or of tho ITauke,v liny ITrrald. ; —AI ]o_w mo to state, through the medium of yoiir -ralnabie jonrriai, ,~tiiat. in gottiiig the under w-eigh in the roadstead, on ihe 23r(l inat., -v:; had rather an unusual amount of heaving on the windlass, and expected a jolly good h aid of—llo, it wasn't fish : but turned out to bo the anchor of the s.s. Wellington, iih't ill Jrcttini*■ if,, bent otir anchor stock like an archer's bow. However, wo got (he anchor on board, but lost the tide for getting into the harbour with ; and we'were thcrofoio obliged to beat back to our old position—devoutly praying all the time thatj at our next heaving, wo might not have suidi another haul. Trusting that tho weightiness of the subject will be taken as an excuse for trespassing upon your space, 1 remain, Sir, yours, &c.. JOSEPH SULLIVAN, Master schooner 2illah. Napier, October 2i. MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. There have been an unusual amount of foreign arrivals during the past month, including four from London, one irom the Cape of Good Hope, and 011 c irom Leith. Those from London wcre.the Columbus, on the lfith inst., 110 days out, with 180 passengers ; the Kagle Speed, on tho'lGth. 12-!- days out, witii 101 passengers; the Jumna, on the 2-ltli, 112 days out, with 101 pa:-sengers ■ and the Ida Zeiglcr, on the 29th inst., 9;> days out, with 179 passengers. The barque Steinwarder nrrived from the Cape of Good 1 lope 011 the 20th instant, bringing loi) passengers, and she ,iej 01 ts three other vessels to follow her with some hundreds more. 'J ho «rnn»l from Leifh was the barque liandoiph, via Wellington. Lhe immigration tor the month therefore, together wiili 110 pasrengers, <vhich arrived by 13 vessels from the Australian Colonies, amounts to 929 souls, and when 79 passengers, who have emigrated during the month; is dediieted from that; it leaves the large balance of 850. in our favour.
Tho men-of-war on the station have bepa busily engaged during tho month, in cruising, about the coast, but are now all assembled in Jiarboit:*:-—C'nra-<;cia, Commodore "Wiseman, C. H.; Miranda, Captain Jinkir.B! l-'alctn. Captain Perkin: and JCclipse, Comniaiuler Vrtotiumtie. Tlio Harrier, from yydnoy, and Esk from JlclLourne, are daily expected 10 arrive. The Harrier will leave for ihigland shortly after her arrival hero.
The s.s. Hero sailed for Melbourne on Monday last, takini; with her some 120 invalids, their wives and families, ami several ofliews. At Melbourne they will efnbark on board the clipper ship Royal Dane, chartered to convey ih'em to Kngland.
j he only London vessels that hat-e departed during the month, is tho baique l?ochn;igar, and ship Mary Warren, which sailod for Guam on the lGthand 29th instant. The O'tndcvon is also discharged, and has elearc-u oUtwardS;
The other foreign departures hsivc been tiie Annie Laurie and Ana Catharina, for Chili; and tlie Steinwarder, for Valparaiso.
Fait particulars of the arrivals and doparturts during the month, and vessels' reports, will bo found in our other shipping columns. ARRIVAL OF THE COLUMBUS EROM ' LONEOS. The fine ship Columbus, Captain Robert A die, arrh ed off the Jieads yesterday evening, altera pleasant passage of 115 days from the Downs. The following ale the particulars "f her passage: —Passed through the Downs on the loth June, taking her final departure from L'shant on thfi 24th. Passed ci'Sside tho Cape De Verd Islands,-expe-riencing very light N.E. trades; crossed the Equator on tho 27th .July, in longitude 26 a 11' "W., nnd had very moderate i-s.E. trade w nds: crossed the meridian of tho Cape of Good Hope oil the 23rd August, running dowrt her tasting between tho parallels ilf 40® and 49° j in these latitudes, \V. and S.AV. winds were encountered witll Vt'fy finally, wot weather.-. Off Tasmania, had a hard gnlo from the N.E., which drove her down as far as 50 ° 8. ; after that light winds prevailed, and the North Cape was Il'3o a.m., on SiiftdaT last.
Tin only ship connected with tho Colonies spoken during ti.e passage, was the barque Guadalettc, five days out fj tun this port, on the oth inst., in longitude 103° 10' E., latitude 34° S., ; wished to be reported. The Coiuinb'is brings IR9 passengers, all in good health, and the ship has arrived in a clcSn and crcditable condition. There were two deaths on tho passage—one a child, and tho other a young man named Robert "William Llankam, aged 30 years, who died of consumption on the 29th July. There were also two birth- on tho passage. Capt. Adio In well spoken of by the passengers, and seems to havo won their highest esteem, as will be seen by the following testimonial, which we have much pleasure in giving publicity to : —
"10 C'.W'T.UN I'.OIIKKT A3>IE. SHII' COLUMISUS. "Lear Sir,—"We the undersigned passengers by the ship Columbus, from London to Auckland, bavin" experienced your great kindness, consideration', and gentlemanly behaviour during the passage, are desirous of hereby testifying our grateful appreciation of the same, and, ere we part, beg, as h smal token of our esteem,'to oiler you our most sincere and heartfelt- thanks. In conclusion wc beg to wish both you and your wife every happiness and till this world's .joys. x " ourselves, " Yours faithfully." (Signed by all the passengers.) The ship will come up harbour this morning.— llcrald, Oct. 10.
The fine ship Eagle Speed, in command of our old acquaintance Capt. James Bnntden, late of tho AA illiam Miles, arrived in harbour yesterday morning after a rather protracted passage of 125 days from Louden. Tho following is the icporl of her pas-
bailed lVoiu Gravesend on Sunday morning, the 12tl> June, and, after a succession of adverse pales in the Channel, tool: her linai departure from 3 fount's 13ay, Cornwall, on the '-'2nd. Alter that had light and variable -weather to the Ist Augiut, on which day the Equator wa•< crossed. During the nineteen days j that the ship was detained in the variables between ' tin; Cape de Yerds and the line, it ivus discovered that the main piece of the rudder was sprung, and that the tiller made nearly double the angle v.-ith the ship's heel that the tail-piece did. Tliis unfortunate circumstance considerably impeded the ship's progress during the remainder ot the voyage, as it was found necessary in order to sieur tin 1 ship at ali to carry much less sail than otherwise would be done. from the Equator to the Cape the usual trade-wind.! and southerly weather was experioucrd ■ the island of Tristan liv.eliuna was passed on the' niirht of tlie i!slli August, and the meridian of Hie Cape of Good Hope on the Ist September From whence to the S. \V. cape of Tasmania steady breezes and fair weather was experienced ; but it was found impossible to bring out tlie ship's' sailing qualities, on account of the dillieulty of steering' her under even an ordinury press of Gull, and no will whatever could he kept upon the Ti)'! "w tntesi
oil beard, and a spnro tiller forged on "board, Toady to be shipped in tbo tail pieco of tlio rudder in case of necessity. Tho above report will fully account for tho lengthened pns£a£e of the ship, which in nil other ways was pleasant throughout: The Throo Kinsfs were sighted on tho 13tli instant at noon, thfa North Capo passed the sumo night, and Capo Brett on Saturday, evening ] Tho Eagle Speed will have a new rudder shipped here. She. brings-a fotai of 191 passengers, all in good health, there being no deaths and only one birth on tho passage. They have arrived under the charge of Surgeon-superintendent Fred. J. Robinson, E.H.C.S., England., , Tho' Eflglo Sjjecd is :i fine ship of 1,200 tons, inimitably fitted up for passengers, and has arrived in harbour in a clean and cieditablo tondition. Messrs. Owen and Gralium are her agents.—lbid, Oct. 17.
, The line .lunma, Captain Garrick, anchored jNovtli. jTc-'id evening. after a passage ol LI2 days from London. .... Slio sailed from Gravesend 011 Ihe-Jfh Jtityi facing lcr final departure from tin; Lizard on tho Sill ; xtssed outside the Cape do Vcrd Islands, and e.vlerientW very light and battling N.IS. trades. Jrossud the Kquat'n- on the yth August, and hlho >ad very indiileient and pool' S. B. trade winds; Tossed tho meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on he 11 Hi September, and run down her easting beween Ihe parallels and 51 °,j experiencing trong X-W. winds throughout. I'aasetl iQuthVvurd of Tasmania, and sighted tho r J hreo Kings ).'i .Friday last, at noon, which time squally venlher has been expcrfolK'cd. j r l he following ships were spoken during tho pas;age : July 35, latitude 43 ° 13' .N., longitude .4° 31' \V. ( ship Kruto, Liverpool to Calcutta, even ; days .out; August Gth, latitude 0° 37' N., ongitude 25 ° 20* "\Y., sl\ip Mutlur, Boston to.New t'ork, 27 days out; August (sth, latitude 5° 3&* N., ongittidc 2*2 ° 22' W., ship City of York, Calcutta o London, SO enva out; -August. 22nd, latitude ?/ 2fl' longitude i ° Jl2' "W., ship G- C. Patten, o Antwerp; fcepfetebir loth, latitude 38° 5 S., .ongitudc 1(5 ° 3' .E-, ship- Ocean i\cvcr, TW-fon to Melbourne, 7'3 days out. The Jumna brings 101 passengers, all in good health, there being only one birth and three deaths in the ffas.«age— children and an adult. .Mr. William' Sfeei, who died cf eo'usmnptipti on the 9th October, aged 31 years. The ehip, wliieti is coilsigned to Mr. "Walter Graham, lias arrived in port in a clean and creditable condition. —Jhid t Oct. 2f>.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 302, 31 October 1864, Page 2
Word Count
4,169Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 302, 31 October 1864, Page 2
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