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[From the Sydney Jla ald.~\ WEST MAITLAND. October 10. The Rev. T. L. Dcdd, of Kcxliam, was bitten by som o poisonous insect oil the 25tli of last month, lie was well enough to talis his usual duties yesterday, but died suddenly this in omi rig from the bit'e. B. Turner is committed for frial for attempt to murder his wile. "Weather fine: , . , October 13. Roberts played Norcliffe last evening, giving him 500 points. Robeits won the game by 131. His play was hitieh admired. He gives J. Pulper 000 this evening. BATIITJKST, October 10. A Inducer of miheis were congregated to-day at Broadwater to attend the opening of the diggings, haviiig eomo theie from till parts of the colony. The | prospector had announced that he would show a prospect in his claim of four pennyweights to the tub. AVork was commenced at .in early hour, but on the bottom being icached only a very few minute | particles of gold could be fouiul in repeated trials of the washing stud'. The diggeru were much incensed, and at one time it was fcured they would lynch the prospector. They di-tnnndeil to be shewn the precise spot wlieic ho had lbimd gold, and insisted that he should mark out a shaft, which they bU'ercdto sinklh oidet. that lie might /m've, aiinift'rr chniinc. He directed them' where to sink, and a Jiumbp.r of hands setting to work, a paddock was stripped down. The sinking being not more than ten-feet, in the course of a few h"ms, upon being tested, the washing stuil' yielded still less than that tried in the morning, and the diggers then giew very indignant and excited ; they surrounded the prospector's tent and called upon him to come out, when some troopers made their appearance and took liim away between them on a spare hofse, thus preventing the possibility of any evil result. The prospector still protests that there is gold in the ground, and his behaviour from first to last !uu been such as to raise confidence in him, especially as there is an absence of any apparent motive for braving the diggers by giving a false report. The whole atfair is pronounced to be a failure, though a few miners, still impressed with the prospector's earnestness, are determined to sift out the truth, and intend to make other trials. JVlrs. "Whitton,, the proprietress, has thrown open the land free of charge, but the miners are so incensed that low will remain to take up claims. The Circuit Court commenced to-day. Oct. 13. James Stewart was tried yesterday for murdering bis mate at Eoit Bourke. The tiiul lasted till nine o'clock, when a verdict of" guilty" was returned, and sentence of " death" passed. To-day Mr. S. Cohen, of Forbes, a Justice of the Feuce, surrendered to take his trial for perjury. The case is still going on. Sir. Dallev addressed the jury for the deience, and it will be lutb before it is coileluded. The Castle Blaiiey diggings are proved to be a bubble. The prospectors have bolted. Some notes in imitation of those of the Commercial Bank have been put into circulation, and one man has been arrested for uttering them. They are made payable on presentation to the Commercial Betting Company. Oct. 10. Solomon Cohen was last night found guilty of perjury, and sentenced to two years' imprisonment in Darlinghurst gaol as judgment was given one of his brothers f 11 down ill a lit. To-day, Henry Baker, tried for perjury, was acquitted. Richard N orris and Eeiiry Strattoii, tried for shooting with intent, were also acquitted; they were i igain put on their trial for attempted robbery, but counsel not being prepared, the ease was postponed till this morning. James Eeely, tried for horse-stealing, was found giulty. GOULBURN. Oct. 10. Three drays were stuck up on Saturday on BreadalbaiiePlains, bysereral men, who took three chests oftea and twelve bags of sugar. At the Quarter Sessions to-day, the first case was that of Frederick Muary charged with larceny, who was found guilty and sentenced to four months imprisonment in Goulburn gaol. Kowlan, for indecent assault, was acquitted. Sweeney, the late mail driver, charged with larceny, was acquitted. James Earnell, ior larceny, was found guilty and sentenced to two months in Goulburn gaol. Ibis terminated . the business of the Court. Weather tine.

MELBOUHNE. October 9. A public dejeuner was given this morning to Pisliop Perry, who made a lengthened statement, of tlie results of his mission to England. Jiusiness continues depressed. Dreadstulls stagnant. % '1 here is a good deal of flour in the stocks of two estates now being wound up, which will shortly be brought into the market. Hie arrival here of the Dominquez ITermansy, from Valparaiso, with a cargo of Chilian Hour, and the reported arrivals at Sydney and Auckland, has rendered some holders anxious to sell, and best luands of Adelaide are freely offered at £25 10s.; Chilian, £23 10s. ; Adelaide wheat lis. Oats and maize dull, with a downward tendency. Arrived.—Mary Agnes, from Mauritius, with a cargo of sugar, ller advices are anticipated by the Sarah. ! October 10. The mayoral election took- place to-day, wlien Mr. ''- Wraggo was the successful candidate. , It Is reported that an agent has been dispatched to England, to endeavour to form a company of English capitalists to construct a railway from Eclmca to Menimiic, on the Darling ; the distance is 3G3 miles : estimated cost, X 1,500,000. Messrs. J. Pinnoek, George Urquhnrt, and Murphy have been nominated for the vacant seat in the Upper ! 1 oiise, for the Eastern province. Uusiness still continues very ni'.-ch depressed. Flour continues stagnant; best- Adelaide brands are quoted .£2l- 10s.; many holders refuse to sell, preferring to awai;. the arrival of the English mail. Nov teas, ex Tien Tsin, are going oil' slowly, at from Is. 7d. ior common congous, to 2s. Bd. for I (ine.

A meeting of the creditors of Roxburgh, Tickle, ami Co., Ims been held; the linn asked for time about six months ago, and since then have paid 10s. in the pound. Their statement showed : liabilities, £G9,UOU ; assets, £1100 ; a composition of 2s. 6d. in the pound w ;l s otiered and accepted.. A statement has been made to the creditors of Henry Solomon and Co., of Launceston, by the agent sent over to investigate the estate by the Melbourne creditors; the estate, -which has been placed ill the Insolvent. Court, shows: Melbourne liabilities, £11,000; Tasmaniaii liabilities, i'SOOO • assets, £3000. J. 11. JJodgson has been despatched to New Zealand by the trustees of his estate, to wind up his business there. The City of Adelaide sailed for Sydney, this afternoon, at. three o'clock. October 11. , A large seizure of indecent photographs, ex Dover Castle, was made to-day; they were consigned to Fieldheim Brothers. ' ' Lowe has been elected for the south-western proyinco by a large majority over Hope. J lie An/its states the stock of flour on hand and to arrive nearly sullieieut until new crop conies to hand, and considers that a reduction in price should take 2>lace. Markets languid; only occasional small trade orders are purchased to supply immediate wants, pjnding ;he arrival of the mail. Extensive sales, even at. auction, are impossible to effect. ' Adelaide 11'nir, silk-dressed, ottering at £23 15s. to .t2i. JJuyers of wheat are disposed to operate, and large quantities have been purchased in Adelaide on

Melbourne account. 6COO bushels -were purchased to-day at 10s. Sd. Sales of California are pending, Adelaide advices estimated the -whole stock of bread-stuffs available for exportation as only 4500 tons. Woolpacks, 6s. OtL Sales ; Bl&ek fenciilg wiro ( No. 4j £i 4; iibur sak phur, £25 ; inalt, 93. , v October 12. •' The iimport markets are'very quiet; except in a feir articles of which short shipments are reported-by mail telegram. Bottled stout is in demand. Sales of By ass' at Bs. 9d. to 9s. Dunphy's has also been quitted at higher rates, arid holders now ask 9s. 3d. Corn sacks are wanted; sales effected at 21s. Malt in great request at extreme rates ; 9s. 6d. to 10s. has been offered and refused for shipments to arrive. Brown sugars from £33. 100 hogshead's Dawson's ale sold in boDd for Queensland market, at £4 5jBreadstuff's are vety unsettled, thfe quantity kdtisecf as shipped from EhglUiid dbHng the inonth is mucjj smallei- than anticipated, tind a reaction in pncel || looked for. There have been sales to supply ordeni for the western districts. ; Adelaide, at£24 to £24105! Tasmanian, £21 t0,£21. 105.r.. • • r Private, mail telegrams, frtim . Adelaide, received during the day, report that during the month 20,000 bushels of wheat had been exported to the colonies from ilurope, but from this must be deducted the .shipment ex Marco ■ Polo, already arrived here, and 454- ions of-flour,; in ali-about I 700 tons, a portion : of which, is intended'; | Auckland. 1 hp. quantities shipped have been : Pet- Benares, 34 tons Hour; Havensboume, 44 tons ilolir; Queen of Australia, IGO tons; Bifleman, 45 tons; and Champion of the Seas, 522 quarters of wheat. The other principal items of export mentioned are a 1000 tons of salt, 50 firkins butter, 40 tons currants, 1100 cases of candles, 20 tons cheese, 70 tons hams and bacon, 10,000 bushels of malt, '10,000 lbs. of gunpowder, 35,000 woolpacks, 6500 sacks. Four vessels sailed from Calcutta for the colonies, with 1724 tons of rice, only one being for Sydney ; two Vessels were loading. From Cliiha only "one vessel, the Speedy, had. left ; for the colonial during tiie month ;. cargo : 78,000 lbs. tea. Onb vessel, tiie Philip, was loading. The exports Of teS during the month show a decrease of 1,700,000 lbs. IN T o vessels, except the Juan I\attray, had cleared at New York for this port. The quantity of tobacco shipped here is stated to be 250,000 lbs. Two vessels cleared for Sydney with 30,000 lbs of tobacco, 0000 cases of kerosene, and 2500 barrels of flour. No signs of the Madras off Cape Otway tip to eight o'clock. .... . . October.l?,,. : Humours are current that a tea-laden vessel, bount} from China to the colonies, has been wrecked, and fears are entertained that it is the Zoe, bound for tlii3 port. The Amerieus has sailed from Batavia, for Sydney! wiili 2221 bags rice. !/ ... ~ The (lour nuirket.opened favourably tliis morning! but owing to the inability to get bids for the cargo of Chilian, ex Dominguez Hermanos, bnsiness subsided into small sales to country buyers, at £24 to £24 10s. A small parcel of Adelaide wheat was placed at Us. Fine salt, £3 155.; medium congous, Is. 9d.; finer sorts, 2s. 2d. Charles Ashley, bootmaker, in a state of delirium tremens, barbarously stabbed his wife this morning) and she is not expected to recover. The holders of the Tien Tsin's cargo of hew tesi have withdrawn them from the market-, in. consequence of mail advices. . • Business quiet, awaiting the "delivery t>i the mail; The Madras arrived iu the Bay at seven this evening,' and leaves again for Sydney during the night. Corn sacks 235., with upward tendency. alt stiflly held at Ss. tailed—The City of Melbourne, for Sydney. October 14. The Government have surrendered the opium seized on the Murray ex steamer Kennedy, the South Australian Government having stated that duty had been duly paid on it at Goolwa, and credited to Victoria. A seizure of indecent pictures, consigned to a firm in Little Collins-street, and valud £3,0t0, was mado by (he Customs' authorities to-day. American advice states that a duty of 35 cents.' per lb. is now charged on manufactured tobacco. All the other iteins of the new tariff are similar to those previously advised. Sales of finest souchong teas have taken place at 2s. 6d. ; medium congoiis, 2s. 2d; Breadstuff's, quiet ; best Adelaide flour selling at £23 Vis. Gd. to £24; Tasmanian, £22 ss. S,ooff bushels of Chilian wheat were placed at 18s. par bushel. Rice, £22 lOg, Sales of Kerosine at os. lOd. to 6s. Malt, 9s. Gd.—many holders asking much, higher rates. Tobacco, dull ; a small quantity was placed at auction .it low rates. Arrived.—Albion, from Dunedin, with 145 passengers and 16,200 ounces of gold. The Madras left the Bay for t-vdnev about raid* night.

ADELAIDE.- . O'fit: it): Nothing doing in flour. Sales of wheat have takfcii place at 9s. per bushel ; corn sacks sold at iils. 6d: None now to be bought under 225; Oct. IX:. Mr. Townshcnd lias given notice of motion to strike off the names of the squattejjs from the division on the Assessment of Loan Act. Mr. linker';; motion in the Legislative Council lor a want of appeal against the valuations \vns carried. Arrived.—The V*. 15. 1 from Launceston. lownsend and Co. sold to-day Mauritius sugars as follows :—Ration, £31 ; yellows, £34 10s. ; white crystals, No. 2, at £35 10s. Wlieat offered at 9s. Flour nominal at ,£23 to .£24 10s. Oct. 1 3. In the Assembly the Government stated that immediate steps would be taken to reinforce the Northern .Expedition ; whether by steamer or sailing ves* sol is under their consideration. Government has arrived at no decision respecting the charges against Ebenez'er Ward. More inquiry for wheat. Sales have taken plat a at <)s. -Id. Flour £22 to £24. ~\ 1 . r '. ve^" —Adamant, with emigrants, in healthy condition ; Bona, from Dunedin. Cleared—Dragon, for Svdnev, with wheilt, hat; and bran.

_ . October 15. Resolutions have passed the Assembly to-day granting four square miles of land to any company on each side ot any line of railway made to the Aorthward. llie coroner s jury have recorded a verdict of wilful murder against Apsley, who killed his wife ; and lie is committed for trial. l'lie Government inteud to call for tenders immediately for a steamer to proceed to the Northern territory, with an additional party to support tlia Resident. The thermometer there fluctuated in one day between 37 and 110. Sales of wheat have been effected at the port at t 3 best brands of flour are quoted at £23 Southern whale oil brought at auction to-dav ss. per gallon. Corn sacks are quoted at 235. leas and sugar are firm at former quotations. llie steamer Port Augusta has sailed. llie liangatira sailed to-day at 4 p.m. during 3 severe thunderstorm. TASMANIA. [Via Melboubne.] Tasmania advices received to-dav state that commercial ali'airs at Launceston are .verv precarious, amounting almost to a pauic. Several heavy failures had taken place, and more were expected to occur. „ „ LATJN CESTON. Sth.—Markets very dull; llour £25 ; wheat, Us, to lis. 6d. HOBAIIT TOWN. ' l ' l Market quiet; business a flairs -jncliangfdflour, £'2(i ; wheat lis. Gd. to 12s. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. [VIA Melboituxe.] Cape papers of August 19tli confirm the intelligence that Kreli had crossed the Bashee with seversl thousand warriors, but no further hostile demonstration had been made, and all was quiet along the fi oil tier. It is generally believed that the tinu'iy action of the Government in hurryin" troops to the Iransvaal country has awed the insurgents, and that further outbreaks have been thereby prevented. , A number of immigrants, attracted by the libers' grants of land offered by the New Zealand Government, are leaving for Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 296, 24 October 1864, Page 6

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 296, 24 October 1864, Page 6

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 296, 24 October 1864, Page 6


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