To the Editor of the New Zealand Herald. Sin, —Some short time since 1 read an artielo in your paper recommending the enclosure of Freeman's Jiay. This matter is a very important one to tho public, and one, if carried out, that would tend much to the advancement of the city generally; I bog again to refer to it. Freeman's Bay, it is well-known, is of great extent, and if a sea-wall was built from point to point, which would give very extensive wharf accommodation for shipping, and the Uay filled up with earth, tho land reclaimed could be let on lease, and, from its oxtent, a vast amount of revenue would bo secured to tho Government quite adequate to the outlay, or with a sea-wall and streets or approaches to it fit for cart traffic lessees would fill in. their allotments themselves. If, however, neither of these schemes be advisable at present, a roadway built to deep water, or even a wooden jetty for the accommodation of coasting vessels and cart traffic would soon pay itself in tolls. I relrain from entering into arguments in support of either scheme, I leave that to your more able pen, and content myself with simply drawing attention to the subject. A, B, Auckland) August 29.
I CITI BOAKD—Tuesday. Present: —Tlio Chairman : Messrs. George, "Wriglcv, Mucrcady, Swanson, and Shcehan. -I lie Hoard met yesterday at tlioir oflico, in Quoi'nstreet, when the iollowing business was proceeded with :— TURKMAN'S UAA" SEA WALL. A letter was read from his Honor the Superintendent in reply to an application for £15J- 15s. as half of the cost ot erecting a sea wall iu I3a\y and inquiring as to tlio continuance of that wo«fc. His Honor informs the Board that the Provincial Engineer had reported tlio work done to the amount of 440 yards 20 leet eubie measurement, which at half the contract prico of 13s. is cont-iderably leas than the sum mimed. Tenders had been invited for the remainder of the work. WELLS. In reply to an application for a further grant from Provincial Treasury in the construction of wells, his Honor informed the Board that as the Provincial Council is summoned to meet so soon, and us there was no probability of a scarcity of water for some considerable time to come, lie preferred waiting for tlio sanction of the Council. Iteferred to the Pinance Committee. STAXLEV-STBEET. A letter was read from his Honor the Superintendent relative to this street. It had been his opinion that it was advisable that the whole of eJlaiiley-sivect should be repaired by the Board, and a moictv of the cost beyond the city boundary refunded from the Provincial Treasury. This hud been done.
mechanic s iur. ITis Ilonor the Superintendent informed the Board that there ivould be no objection made to the payment from the Provincial Treasury on behulf of tho Auckland Harbour Trust, of a moiety of the cost of repairs rendered necessary by the washing uwav of a portion of the Strand in Mechanics' Bay. gas i.aju's. A communication was read from the Gas Company stating that they had adviccs from Europe of the shipment of iilty street lamps on board the ' fc>urat,' which was now nearly due. CART STASH. A letter was read from his Ilonor, consenting to tho use of the strip of ground in Fort-street for the purpose of a cart-stand, with the understanding that such use was only for the present, and that, the privilege might be taken away when required for other purposes. AtlllTOK's KEI'OKT.
A communication was mid, Iroiu B. Maclean, Auditoi, stating that he had examined tho accounts ot tho Board of the past year, and found tliom to bo correct.
Messrs. Owen and Graham applied to havo tho part of the road between Qui en-street anil Mr. Harris's wharf in Custom-house-street, repaired. It had become almost iinpassablo lor carts. Application oidered to stand open. ASSKSSMKNT OK I'HOrEKTY. A letter was read from Mr. Geo. Graham, relative to tlio assessment of property in llobson-streot, which ho considered too highly valued, its assessed value having been trebled in three months. The application was not entertained. NAMES or STREETS. A printed circular, addressed to the Right "Worshipful the Mayor of Auckland, was read from Messrs. Parker and Co., relative to the patented sign-plate for naming the streets of cities and towns, and ottering to supply them at the prices stated. Mil. AM>HE\VAItTHKu's RESIDENCE. A letter was read from Mr. Andrewarther, complaining of the size of the pipes laid down between tlio " Queen's Head Hotel" anil the Government Cottage, in which he resided. On Tuesday, when the rain fell in torrents, it entered the "cottage, because the pipes were not large enough to carry off the water. Had it occurred in the night or the fall continued longer, the result would have been disastrous. He hoped tlio 15card would direct attention to tlio matter. To stand over.
HI OH-STREET. A letter signed by .lames Oldham, Win. Thomaa, W. Harrison, A. Spalding, and sevouil other residents of this street, was read. They complain of the statu of the street, which is cut up by trntlic, caused by the conveyance of goods to the stores at the back of Queen-street, and to llie "lock-up" now in the course of erection. It was dangerous to life and limb, and mosl detrimental to business. A letter to a similar effect was lead from Alexander Campbell, Morrin & Co., Charles F. Brooks, K. S. Hill, and a long list of other residents in the neighbourhood. Also, a letter from C'ruiclcshnnk & Co., offering to contribute one-halt of expense of repairing in front of their premises. Mr. Swanson thought the oiler should be treated with all respect. Mr. "Wrigley moved that tho road should be repaired as desired by Messrs. Cruiekshank & Co. The remaining applications to bo referred to tho foreman of works.
HOIISOX-.STIiF.KT. A letter was read from Mr. Merrigan, complaining of nuisance in front of the " Governor Browne Hotel," where a mass of filth had accumulated that was intolerable. The Inspector of Jiuisances reported that the nuisance was abominable, and recommended that it should be abated by the carting away as manure, and having tho space fenced in. Mr. "SVrigloy moved that Mr. Sheehan should sec Mr. Henry on behalf of the Hoa rd. Messrs. Cook, Atkin and Woolgur, called attentioof the Board to tho front of the workshops lately occupied by Messrs. l'ettit as cabinet shops, in Cookstreet, and asked lor a bridge. For want of access to their premises they wero unable to carry 011 their business.
Letter referred until tho contracts for the market should come under consideration.
MAKKET HOUSE. Tho plans for tho new market houso were submitted to the Board. Tho resolution authorising this undertaking stood on tho books for the !)th of February last. There was £7000 at tho disposid of the Board for this purpose.
Mr. Swanson thought tho estimate for tho plan submitted would have to be greatly enlarged ; materials of all kinds had since that period beeomu very much dearer.
The Chairman inquired whether it was nocessary that this plan .should bo accepted.
Several members said they thought not. . Tho Engineer explained that Grey-streot and "Wakefield-street would greatly assist the work, as they would form tho excavations first.
Consideration of the plans for tho market was postponed for a week. This would be fully explained in the report. _ Mr. Macready thought that tho inhabitants of Grey-street ought to come forward, it was not the business of the Hoard to go alter them. Tho discussion would no doubt bo i:i the papers, and it was tor them to take the matter up. Moved by Mr. \v rigloy, sccondcd by Sir. Shcolian : That tho engineer be instructed to make an esliinato of the contemplated improvements oi' the sewer in Grey-street.
Agreed to. The engineer submitted tho various plans explaining tho recommendations contaiued in iu3 report. i'ho engineer complained of tho conduct ot' tho stonc-brcaking engine at Mount L'deii. It had become in the dirtiest possible stato, owing to neglect upon the part of the person in charge of it. It was a wonder that it had not been smashed to pieces. Mr. Sheehan thuoght tho engineer in chargo of tho engine should be present when these charges wero made. The person complained of, had himself complained of the dirty state of tho water with which the engine had to bo fed.
Mr. Wrigloy gave notice of motion that Mr. I\igby bo requested to report upon Mr. liuflerty'a levels. He had intended to liavo moved the suspension of tho standing orders that this question should bo brought on at once. Ho also moved that tho Secretary bo requested to communicate with Mr. iligby at once with this object. Ho desired very much to bo able to say when the council should meet that theso levels were correct. Mr. Macready thought there was necessity for tho suspension oi the standing order and that it might b<. considered at the next meeting as a matter of ordinary business. ACCOUNTS. £ s. d. In Bank on Main Sower account 1.. 338 1G 9 Gcnoral purposes 578 12 <5 £017 5) 2
Accounts to "be paid to-day— Main Sower <500 % q* General purposes ■! 61 5 0 1 \ US 0 (i £632 5 G Tlli . , r . Balance...; JSati a R ~ iU:lln f-ower account overdrawn Itil ;; y ayuunU required next meeting 12UIJ u O moved that application shnuld bo ■nlo to (lie .Superintendent for the balance of volo for citj purpu-i-s and £100U lor Loan. Seconded by Mr. Macicadv ai.u carried. w,le vc,ltl complaining of tho manner in 11c 1 'e c onlmct of Mr. AVebber, for carting, was M™\r Ti"' - Also '. a letter from Mr. Aderny, 0110 of r. \Y ebber s sureties, praying the Board to consider li very grea l addition ol'cartage had to bo done oier that specified in the contract. .Jr. VYrigley said tlinfc he had observed these carts, ana one of tliem was without a tail-board ; tho consequence was that -what was tilled in full out and was deposited in different parts of the road. He thought it disgraceful.
>:.VOI.VJ:I!II'S itEroitT. Ju.t/utecr's litjiort, from 16th Ai.rjust to 30Ih August 1861. " Engineer's Ofiice, Auckland, " 30111 August, 1861. " To THE Cl/AIniTAN ANI) BOAIILi. " Geiith nieu—l beg to inform you that Fort-street is commenced, and we are covering Ousfomhouso-street with a coating of gravel to receive the metal, as fast as permitted by the er.nnan. From somo unexplained cause, 1 do not f_ct one-third of tho quantity 1 require daily, and ask tlio Board to enquire into it. " Messrs. '1 ieruov and X'einpscy cannot proceed with their contiact in Grey-street, until I have your approval or decision in referenco to altering" the levels of tirev-street in iwo places, and diminishing the area of the sewer whi< h crosses ; the small portion ot tho old sewer is in a very delapidated state, and not worth building up to, na it must nearly ail come down under any circumstances.
'"By the plsyi 1 will eiplain to you, tlietemporary reqiiijomcnts of liaveloik-strcet, and take your advice cither to do what is required or advertise for tenders.
" 'J ho sewer will cost about £774. for Chaneerylane, its length being 850 feet: the plan will show the lull particulars.
"'J lie sewer will cost about dLTCO for Mills-lane, its length being 112 feet north, and on tlio other side of West Queen-street, will cost about £180, it being 11)8 feet G inches long. 'I lit; cost ol constructing a receiving sewer from Mills-lane down to Queen-streefc shafts, will be about £200, it being 183 feet long ; una from the contre of Mills-lune to the corner of Albert-street, ie 189 feet 6 inches, will cost about £170.
" The contractor lias not furnished proper and sullicient carts. .[ havo seou liim and cau get no sati.slaetion, and 1 have written to his sureties and have received no answer.
" Mr. 1' inlay has kindly undoi taken the lamps and posts lor Customhouse-street at my request, and, 1 believe, Mr. Sw.ijison's concurrence.
" The sea-wall, Mechanics' Bay, is in a bad state; the plans will explain clearly tho requirements. " Your lull attention is required in reference to the engine and machinery at Mount J'Jdon ; many things there should be attended to, or in a very short time you will not havo power to break a ton of stone, for on having tho boiler emptied [ found tho boiler charged with mud, which you can see from tho boiler brought here ; anil if the engine had been allowed to have worked another month, I have little doubt tho or tubes would havo been burnt, consequently the engine stopped for an indefinite tiiuo for repair.
" 1 have commenced tho city levels, and havo taken on three assistants : First, £•> per week ; second, £3 per week ; third, £'2 Bs. per week. " 1 would have written a much longer report, for I have now omitted several things for want of time anil assistance.
" I am, Gentlemen, " \ our obedient humble servant, * " J. BIUMAIL FltASt." Mr. Mucreadv snid lie did not think that the contractor had anything; to do with this part at all. He hud a certain quantity of gravel to curt; he had nothing to do wirh this particular spot. It behoved every man at tho IJoant to see that, these contracts were curried out. What right had the engineer to write to this man's securities. .Everything ought, to be dene by contract. There was a tool purchased at a cost of upwards of £50, and there it was, perfectly useless. 11 was a mistake to hold tho meetings of t lie Board fortnightly. 'i iiese meetings should be held everv week.
The Chairman quite coincided with Mr.Maereadv, that eveiything should bo done by contract.
The Knginecr said that he had complied with his instructions in respect to Customhouse-street. It was desirable that everything thjuld be done by contract.
The Chairman said that some contract should be entered into to bring this metal from the mountain.
Moved by Mr. Macrcady and seconded by Mr. Tumbull —U'lint the lingineecr bo instructed to draw up u spetilieution i'or Ihe carting of t]io material. Carried.
Moved, that Mr. Swunson, Mi-. Macready, and Mr. George do meet, ior the purpo.-o of receiving tenders. Mr. Wrigley moved that tlie Kngincer be instructed to make out ail estimate for the improvements in Grey-street, and U> ascertain whether iheinlnibitants would contribute the lost thereof.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 250, 31 August 1864, Page 5
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2,412Correspondence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 250, 31 August 1864, Page 5
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