ARRIVALS. jAimie-Laurie, brig, from-Glasgow. ; Beautiful Star, s.s., from Sydney. schooner, ifrom Tauranga. .jMaidof Kent, s'cboAiei;, from Wangapoa. <T>Iti?ARTURES. .'Alliance, -noboonui', for Tauranga. .Aleiaudru, $.y., for Port Wftikuto. ►■Claud (li*arilton, s.s., for Melbourne via tho Soufck, Cameron, schooner, for Russell. "Soasltiy, gunboat, for Tauranga. Cuthbert, s.s., for Port Waikato (resumed her voyage). Tamjiico, barque, lor Timor. "Wuverlay, brig, for Mauritius. ENTERED 15 WARDS. JULY SO—Fancy, 27 tons, Johnston, from Big Barrier, with 50* tons firewood.—J. Salmon and Co., agents. 30—Swallow, 27 tons, Catchpole, from tie Grunt Barrier, with 50 tons lirowood. 30—Wanderer, 23 tons, Morgan, from Coromandel, with 14,001) feet timber—3 passengers. 30—Glance, IS torn), lioatwright, from Mutakana, with 34 tons firewood—i passengois.—Rattray A: Matheaou, agents. £o—Lily, 17 tons, Allan, from Waikeki, with £8 .tons firewood. 30—Misan, 20 tuns, Guilding, from Pokorakoro, with 0 torn Cojnuiissamt stores, 1 cask tallow—passengers—l 2 soldiers, 31—Beautiful Star, s.s., 13v tons, Morwick, from Sydney.—Captain, ugenl. 31—Aume Laurie, brig, 277 tons, M. Reid, from £H«agow.—CruieV.ihuuk, Smart & Co., agents, { CLEARED—OUTWARDS. JULY 30—.Fancy, 27 tons, Johnston, for tlie Big Barrier and i'.a'U'Uiiga, in ballast.—Joim Salmon 4: Co., ugei'is. 30—rfwullow, 27 tons, Catehjsole, for the Big Barrier in ialiast. AO—Alary Thompson, 61 tons, O'Conncll, for tho iiast Coast, Lolig Point, to the wreuli ox tiia B»l----liimt, with £U tons coals—l 2 passengers.—Coutbes & D.dUy, agents. ."30—Liiv, i 7 lens, Allan, for Waiheki, in ballast. .30 L'auierun, tons, btiiekey, for Uussell, witii suiidri^—lupas--eiigur.s—G. \\ bbstor, agent, iip —ausiui, 20 tons, GuilUiag, for Pokorokoro, with •i,OOO leet timOer, 100 siieup, 2 tons sugar. Pas- ; iullgurs—« vtiicoMi 3 soldiers. "30—King Dove, 2a tuiu, Lloyd, for "Waugarnru, with suudnuj—l passenger.—liueliuuun aud jjlewalt, agents. 30—Piuuet, 2C tons, Berg, lor Pikiri, in ballast. ao-Cluud Unjuiikoii, a,s.j say tons, Muohiu, for Mel* bpume >w Welliugtyu, Pictou, and Poison, willi original cargo Uvu.i Alcloourne for those portsJ'asaeiigers—Mrs. and Miss lierford a«U infant, Mr V. Kusc, \y. Jid.-;, uti.l Mr. Skinner.—a.t'.it.M. Co., agents. KNTEiiIiD OUTWARDS. ;ui.Y bwque, for Sydney. lilPOtU'ri FOREIGN. Per Beautiful Stai', from ayduey i—-220 tons coal, ;iilowii, Cuinpbell o: Co. ter Auuio Laurie, I'i-oiu Glasgow i~7 reaping jmuchines, 7 easi-s uieivhundise, 1&69 b:ira, 137 bundles, 40ti bars, C tiuudlua iron, 16(5 camp ovens .itnd cover*, Sii p:)ts and w;reis, 600 saali weigiits, IS boilers, 18 dyyrs, IS gratings. J? cases mer-.'-•Jiandise, 400 e.tsks Oottieu beur, 16 htids. do., ;Sy crises inerchundise, 214 pkgs. mercliauuisD, J>o iCi'ia cuals, ig easks spirits, JiO cases caudles, Cruiijk,\tiuUu, Suuilt, o>i Co. ; I ease, Uov, George tiior; 2 .cases, Junius Geary ; 216 eases ■ spirits, i'j cases iner.eiiandise, 100 barrels herrings, t'2J eases spinta, .uider; il pKy.s. ineiximndise, iiobort Lnsk; 2 do., #10., ii. ilenung; 60J bars, it bui.ules irtin, James Wailaee; 3 eaaUs mureliundise, 2 ouudles saeel, J2 bars iron, James li'.gus; 3 1 do. uo., 1 paicel .iuinples, Buchol* U, Co. ; 4 easKs, i'iiomson, Keith ,i>: Uo.; 3 Uo. Uo., GilliUan i; Co. LXPGUTS FUKIiIGX. Per Claud liaiiiUton, lor jleiboume ;—BO clieiU 57ti hsU'-ehtsts tea, ii. ii. iauues; i'i cases tobae i>, jilubiu 4* Graham ; - ease» arnni ,md liardnait.-, is.ll,
arrival of thk iUUG ANMK laurie, I'ttOM GLASGOW.
Tlit* brig Annie Lauriv, Cupt.iin M. Keid, arrived ! in harbour uui'oijj tho course u. Saturday alter il lengthened uuU Wiupes;,UoU.-> pawtiyo of liiy cUvs I't'OlU Giusguw. fcsjji) sulievl on the '2'2nd February, from Glasgow, psperieueing Yuvy heavy weather, wnieii compelled her to put into Ufclliu-it Lough, wneru alio remained Wiidbouud until tin; Bth iltucii. Hud vuiy seven; ' -Weather in passing tnrougii tho Irish Channel; Sighted Cape at. Antonio on the otli April, 2i uan. a iiistaut; hud very lair jN.K. trades, and crossed tue .Kquutor on tho icith ot the tamo mouth. The traaes pruYud very good, continued lair and moderate winds pi'OViiiliiig. tlie lucriuian of tiie O.ijje of Good Hope uu tlio SljtU iluy, ruuniiig down i.tr Kustiny betwoen the piiraliela of tuid 4U c . Kroui ine Cuyju ot Good Hope to Tasmania one taccession of lieuvy westoily gules piuvuilixi, Uuiinjj whick tlie ruddet lieaa «us curiiea away, us abo u quantity of sails ; tue vessel beuig so deep in lite water sue luhouiui veiy uuivily, una ner ilcuus were covered neuvly ihe wnuie luuu. Tn.-ofd to tlio southward ol Tusiatiuia, anil hud northerly jjales ncross to this co:u>t, inutiiig <_ ape ilaria Vau JJieiuen on the 25th ultimo, aiid wnien tune line Wcatnur lias prevuiled. On tlie 14th May, in latitude 35 ° 1' S., longitude 20° 11" W., spoke tiiu steamer Charlea 1-.uav.uq, intder sail, from Gieenoek, bound to Otago. The Annie .Laurie in a line whilesoiuo looking brig of 277 tuns, built at -New Glasgow, is ova Mcoriu, in iS.j'J, mid luus como out for sulb. ishe flas on board a very large cargo, and her long pLi.-uyo may bu attributed tu tiio deeply loaded state of tue vessel, and the heavy weather experienced. Messrs. Cruiekaliauk, smart ic Go. are agents for the Annie Laurie. ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. JLSKAUTIFGL STAK, I'TiOJU csYD^'liY. The s.s. Ijokuiirul ctar, Gapt. Alorwick, arrived from Srdntsy uioriiiiig. She sailed cm tho liiun ;ul proee«ue<l to iiollambi, whero slio Uiok in a oargo of ooal. Loft Lellamoi on the evening oi the 'z/utl nit-., and had modei"a.Us w<tsterly winds, with oecafeioiiaJ. bqualis and thuuder and ligntuing, oil tho puotoge. ilado the Three Kings on I'riduy morning last., aud iiad line "weatUer down Coast. ' Spoke tho ship Day Dawn (which muled from this poit, for csydnej', on \\'e<iiiu.-d..y last), oif tiie Norlh Gape on ■ i'riday evening. Also passed a topsail Behoouer oil' the Kawuu yesterday morning. The lieautiiul ttnr brings a cargo of 220 tons coul, for ilussrs. Brown, Campbell ic Go. ARRIVAL OF TIIK S. WONG A WONG A IX TilK MAXUKAU The X. Z. S. N. Company's steamer WongaWonga, Cfip -Thornp;.on, arrived in the Atanukuu early yesterdi.y morning, lrom tho southern porta via liaglau and Waikato. She sitiKd from Wellington at 4-20 p.m. on tho 24th ultimo, arriving at Waiiganui at 1 p.m. on the 2oth; left Wanganui, 6 p.m. 27th, arrived at Taranaki 11-30 a.m. 28th; left Tavanaki 6 p.m. same day, and arrived at liaglan at 8 a.m. next morning; left Raglan at 2 p.m. on tho 30th, and arrived at Waikato same day ; left Waikato the same afternoon, and arrived in tho ilanukau that evening, anchoring oil'Roponga at 0 p.m.; gotuuderweigh yesterday morning, and reached her anchorage at unehunga at 8 a.m. Whilst the Wonga was lying at Taranaki one of the surf boats which was going oil' to her capsized, but fortunately the passengers, customs' papers, ifcu., which were in it, were picked up by another boat. Upon tho arrival of theWonga Wonga at Unehunga yesterday morning, the mails were landed, and at once brought into town by Mr. M. A l , ilrewer, Sub-. collector, H. M. Customs, Onohunga. Tho Wonga Wonga leaves Alanukau again for Waikato, Raglan, Taranaki, and the South, tomorrow at 7 a.m. . Tho barque Kate, Capt. Shrrlock, entered outwards afc the Customs on Sat urday lor >yiucy, mm sails soon. The schooner Mary Tlioiiipß'.n, Cnpt. U'Connelt. Wilis this m.ii'..ing for i.oiijj I'onit, I'.ast Co:i-l. f*lii takes with her twelve men, who will enueavour to I 'limit the wreet of the p.a. Jjullurul, ut pre»em beached th«T>« I
Tile -schooner Albatross fit'Tn Taiivungn. !n:-l *T;ii(l of Kent, fnuii , Wrmpipo:;, both, arrived in harbour on Saturday night last. • The schooner Svlph (tho accident which befel her we noticed in onr Saturday's issue) has been successfully raided and float"d into Mr. Nicol's yard. Mechanics' Bay. The necessary repairs will bu at once commenced, and we licpc before long, to b'ee this fine craft running in her regular trade. A survey upon the vessel was held on Saturday morning lust. The barque I x>:ub;ivd, Cap. I)nVer, has cleared from for Port Albeit, and sails this day. The only vcss?.l announced us bring on the berth at Sydney for this port when th; Beautiful Star sailed was tlie barque Constance, Capt. Elliott-, to sa.il with despatch. Tho brig Reliance, from Tad'ranga, an'i a topsail schooner were signalled as !K;in<r >tV tho p'tft at sunset last evening. They li'ad not fetched their anchorage at a late hour. The following vessels have sailed since our Inst : Claud Hamilton, s.s., for Melbourne via tho South; Wavccley, brig, for Mauritius ; Tampico, barque, tor Timor; Sandfly, gunboat, and Alliance, schooner, for Tauranga ; Suaannah Cuthbert, »n<l Axi !Yu, steamers, for Port Waikato; Geiferkl Ciiincron, schooner, for Russell. The s.s. Prince Alfred, 'Ospt. Ponsonby, leaves for Sydney this day'tit WWi. The"barque Bcspiiorus, Captain Ol'ard, hauled to the AVhSr't On Saturday morning last, ami will at once commence discharging. The Customs receipts for the week ending tho 30tk ultimo, amounted to £8123 14s. Id.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 224, 1 August 1864, Page 4
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1,437PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 224, 1 August 1864, Page 4
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