TJTE NEW FKENCII EISiIEDY. 7fy Jlot/nl Jsttent J'atcnf, Wider the special sanction of Ifer Mtijfist!/'s Government, unci lite Chiefs of the Taeulte dc Frunec. ■ THERAriON or CUKE of CT T IJES.—Tins ■ sueccssfnl nnd hirhly ]>opniar inedir-ument, as employed in the {••'i.thit.lllal htspil.als hv Uoshm, •Toliort, A'i.lprrai, ar:(! oth"rs. romLin"s all thi» dosirl-ei-jita to he houl'!'' in a iiH.iii-'iiu,' 01 the ki::d,- surpasses i-verythiiifr liilhei'fo (Wployrd. Pevo'fl of all /Wr, lidrn/r, and "nrevr'Oiff of HK.'dil-ilie, it enn he left or eai'iied aiiywln iv, ari'l (iilicn from finieto time i\illioiit cxM'tiiiff sii-pi. i<-n. Each package contains full in>t I'Ui'i ion foi' r.-verv ens-n. Xo. 1, in three days only—removes tfonori'ho-a, ale'-t, 'inda!! diseharL'eK; <■ (ieetufillv sur.erf hi-ii-ecf vkiieh '!"i r :eii';i>- 1 ■" h','la\'iui;' the f' ani-lat i' r ri!' -■ M ea !''■' ■.1 r-I■ ,;:--e:":. In dysentry, ]iil'"'. il 1 il Liii'Ti of the imver i toiil'!"., hroneliil is, asthma, and some of'ti.e nai:-- trying coni]i!aints of this kind, it. will he found :e.toni.-liiiifrly eflieai.'lou?, nfioidint' piornpt. i-idic-f, otlu-i- v/elltried rernedir-s have bei-n jiov.-erles.s. 'J']lKl;A PION, Ist,. '2, i< i- syphilis, disease of th 6' honcfi, srirc throat, fhreafened distinction of the nose and palate ; impurity of !>]ood. scurvy, pimples, spots, hioir-]i('«, and all diseasf s forwliieh it has hi i-n too much a fashion to employ mercury, Kftrsiiparilla, icc., tr> the destruction of the sufferer's teeth, and ruin r>f liealth. Under this medicine; every vestige of disease raj.idly disappenrs ; and skin assumes the pleasing infancy. TllK'fiA PK'X, N"o. for relaxation, spermatorrhns, ai.d all (i." di-'ressina: coiiserjuene-s arising fiom eaily uhu.-e, e.vei-ss, I'c.-idence in hr-f, unheal'iiy cl : ni(;t<-s, (cc. It p(i,-;-< .-••<; .-iiij.risilJfr power in je<foiiii/r stien»th .'iii'l to (lie i!i I'i'iiati d. 'I'o tho.'f* who are j/revenled enleiijifr 15 i- man state hy t!ie errnsr i|Uencr-s of (ai ly error, it will render essejitial aid hv suhduinjj all disriualiflcatioris: and restoring the 10.-t. tone (<> tin; system. Tlie-rapion may he procured at lis., and 335. per package, throufrh all medii-ine vendoiv, or in packages tor forr-irrn shipmr-nt, rliir-ct from London only, hy which •■CI are savi'd : and £10 packages for the more, inveterate cases, hy which a ;t;ll trieatcr savinir is effected. In ordering ti.e ahove, thr; ]iurciia.-r-r shr.idd state which of the thn /■ numbers he requires. ITr: 11 jM A-ikstv's Jlo.v. C'ovMjs.-ioxr.iis have cionslv pennitted the stamp hearincr the word Therapion" in white h-tters. to he att'iched to each paekaire ; thus in.-uririLr the puhlin against fra"e'lnlent, imitations, find secunntr 1o the proprietor '.he sole'riirht of Miy:].ly thn.'iigho it her dr,mir..i' ns ; and ariv infringement <>f which thr y will prosecute with the utmost si-verity. Aoknt.h roit Knoi.anh.—Thomas & Co.. 7, Upper St. Martin's-lune : J!arei ;y t 'c ('<■., l-' ; Edwards ('<•., nd Newh'-iv A: K<jus, St. Paul's fhurch-yaid ; Sutton ir C',., lir-v. -cl.urcli-y.iiil. London ; liaimes A: Co., ; AprirJi.-caiie.-- (, Glasjrow : F'l-ris A: Co., T,ri>to] : ('omisli A; Ci... l'!yInouth ; L'ov.-e, J>evor.pon ; Tai.ihdl .V Co., S- ut'hampton : and ohtainahle throu2"';: all ri - ,'-lieine v*-i.ilor-in the known wr-r!d. <-r in oa f e . f dlfhenltv, hy enclosing a draft or order for 'J j r,r r[i;, accoi(!iiiL r to thr-nature of the ca-e, pavahle in Loikli n to ?il- .-.-r.-. I'homas & Co., as ahove, a ]'i<"■ I:;;fr■ v. il! h-- s-.-nt hy return mail, can-fully .-•"•■uI'mI :10m oh.-ervatiui, o.' : iiccidcnt. EECA Y OF THE S'7STJ-::d. and its jierfi.ct r-,-t-ratioji, w}.. ther a.i.-inir l'n.m ; youthful imprudi n<c, or the s r-f adult ; jifi"', infectii-n. «-li«i:itf, A<-. ();•-r i \ation- hi marriae-c, the pri'Veidion and n nr-val of <•■ ili.— 1 qualifications. I.'ulr s and iiimii v;",- ]'re.-< 1 ij.ti.ons-r ! self-lrratment. Suf'r-nrs who ; pre;-,-nt-'-l i'vin :na(rimr ny hy the < eta rr. - r,f in.; :u'h . should read this work, as p..;>it:: out ti.e Mm- wnv to lv-stoni 1 i<'Ti »'fhealth. Sentpr.-f ;ri oin .m envi-h.tiv on receipt of 35., hy'Mr. Law-. -. y tl -lical r>:l.]i.-h-r. "l-l ; Hand Court, Loudon.
THE CAUSE AX I) CPPE OF' PKEMATUKK pec link. Soft? hy nil thr .-ip'ft* /•■'• /.'««*'J/. or nht t'f. *' nm' fi-'-iH o'"-yrti: (!.c Auilt,.-.f„r ■2.,. rPIIE MEl'-IfAE APYISEP. r.n the modem treatj Iliont L't mi Iltal axel ) ; ys!i , 1 incapaeity. syphilis, stricture, (,!■. : with mttaiHi }r rub-.- 1 pn-H-riptien.s for the speedy me, l,y vuy n;< ans, of all tin* more Common disea-.s ;iI: < I .-.UJ'.posod il'OUrab!e s of tin- s> sua m. Bv Pr. W. I>e jtoes. 3i.i >.. &<■„ <f /r tie ftrrt'in-'fi ■'» X'k-'ii.tit • JiiWt'ftftj ; L'.vt il- ( ii'it I,/ f/.i y.Vi/.// ,•:</;/ of kf. tl;vll.«>AM.' M T.'fts "To 1 o your <rwn counsel <-y your oivn doctor, entails i-i.-ks t);:it I.iivo 1-k <me prnvervia! to a degree tli.-il pivvi ills it,in/It p-d r< m lution fuun takinjr anv beretit oradvario.trewht mi-a-- r.abiy r.r, it<l. .Susp-i----rionbec'cts irresolution, r.r.dwhorclheroisrioconfid' nee treed n-sults st-1.1.-JK follow. Judical U.t.ks ate a field for tin- faculty ah inc. an] the public act wiselv in lrom their study. ' Prink deep or taste not tl.e Pic tian spriiiLr.' is coed advice where the uninformed mind, lisfciiinir (•> its cvn apprehension?, is often nady to imagine than use its cool judgmtnt. There is one class of midieal lore, however. that stands in a position s< mewhat exceptional to our remark, and which treats < n disorders and irregularities in which molality is otl'er.ded. For thi.s reason the patient too i,jt, n suffers in scent, or pursues inijnionnirt pract'ees that <1,-ilvlirinsrliiniinto a mere hcpelets conditi< n for want ofi'rur.dlv advice. To such we recommend a p.iusal of the 'Nledicnl Adviser," of "Walter I'e Fo M.P., of Lnnion, an established Physician, giadr.ate and licentiate of all tile regular institutions of Li ndon aval I'aris; and who has made nervous disorders and their haneiul origin his particular stmly. ami obtained such a practice in this hranch of therapeutics, a.s quaiifiis him. Ui lieu safe and compituit julvi'mr."—f.'-si-fv (1 rttltit 't . J[ut, 7c/, ]S(il. " 'J'he JII'DK'AI, ADVI.SEI?, by W.u.Tri: Pe K'.os, 3LP., for tl e class of dis< ases upon which it lr-'i.ts, !•! miuojlhtt lllv !j:C l est and. Jiic.-t SI I.r.div ]'i aetical book which las come under our i.ot:ei. 'J'he Author is a man of n>>t < l.lartrtd expel'" — !>< > !.„ T, !,.:>-«>■!,. 1^01." " To these who (ontt mai I iage its pet UNtl e.-peei:.l!v Kreiinnem!. i!."- " 'J'he know-l'-due it ii.'iprus ii'-nie .«and I ::j-py they who dor,ot po;-s,>> it !'• 1 i-t-rh'.'n in fvi'iy i * :rT !e eare. and :> w h.d-iitaie th'-v which ia-; ;> calcu'ati d to • t'i ct a pi. !<• r. vohitio!! ill the ! 1 ai - im t lit. o! the>e complaints."— (it:. "S"!i:]i'e and inexj eii.-ivo. evi i v .-i'!!in r may cure I.i:■ 11 i speedilv, privatelv, and at lln a ast po.-sihie ee.-t."-— I'rvlll ]nn<r jir.ictira! i l>-l'V:ition of the triatmrnt l-ui-sueil in the most tajr.-ms 1 us;llltions of this country and Ih.e eontim ut. for tho-e ('.heases lvtim il t ' in the above work, "he i'l'opnetor h.a.s had somewhat unusual iaei'iities tor aeiicuiim' that- uritorm success which lias hit'.a Uo ehaiaiterisui his practice, ill which the d.istressir.::- eotiscita nces resiiUintr from the injurious employment of mercury, eapivi, ,-ars ipaviila, andsimilar d;(:iccl-m< medicines are entirely obviated. Lastillir bem-tit in ti:esi> casi-s ran only he rt itxtiHff "y cNpei ted at the hands of those who devote their chief attention to such diseases : am! to such onlv can confidence be ,v /. /// esteiuied. lh'. l*e 11. r.-ii'rs with pi-Me to the r.umhers .lie been inst rtiinental in lestoiimr to health and happiness : whilst to all who in- d micH »id he oflci's e\ cry assurance of speedy resiorat ion. Foc.nox 111 siih;n i's c,;n be sueci'Ssfiitly tretted by corrcsiricateuee, on soudiuu' 111* 1 di lail e; their case: with a Dank note or liili ,mi a London house for If .fill, in older t hat a p iekaao of niedicm s to ira et the > Ni;;en<'ies of tia'e. may beseni out by next mail; thus avoiding (he ptoiractid -itH'eiine- and unneecssai y »o>s of value time, which must otherwise occur. »lh PE KOOS' CUTIVH YIT-K on LIKE OKIirS; jv.,!,,-t,t/ Untitd l.i tt: fx if J-'julltiut! ; Scflx if //)•' J it' nitc tit' /';v,-//re ; I,'ulleijt" of /Vimw, .W. .* have in :miniiei less iitstanees jiroved their superiority over envy other advt rtiscd reiiuaiv for Spermatorrhea ; laiiLiot-r; lassitude ; dt 1 - piession of sjiirits ; irrilahility ; iitifrer ; excitement; needless tea distaste and incapacity for society, st udv or business; iuiltm'stion, pains in the side, palpitation of the heart■: itiddiness. noises >n the head ; i,,,,...ieiicy, imv'xlimi.nts to niarria"e, ,Vc. This medicine strcimthcns the vitality of the whole system, J fiives energy to the nmscl-.... timl uerve.s, thus speedily [ removes nervous complaints, renovates the impaired I powei-- of life, and invigorates, the most shattered i constitution, h'or skin erupt'ous, sore throat, pains I in the hones, am. all those diseases in which mercury, | sarsap.oilla, Att'., arc v vio t.»ften employed m vain, to ! the serious detriment of health, its surprising' etlicacy j has onlyHo he tested to be appreciated. As thcS' ciunjilaints if nee-lectcd become "chronic" or ineurabV, suiferers will do well before they waste valuable in seeking aid from instruments, and other nbsutiitics professing to supiueede medicines ; «.o fpl .< ri«'\ of b issncdvi which cyr.rwted on
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 197, 30 June 1864, Page 8
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1,504Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 197, 30 June 1864, Page 8
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