Commercial Intelligence.
OTACO. (l''rom tlie "Times," June 2.) Tin; shipment of stores to Haveloek continues to impart a little life to business—orders are also rather iii.,r.' iiuiii.-roiis from yold li<-!d-. .-.-|» eiallv Tuapeka, and that district ; altogether tin- 1.,-iin- is rather mole cheerful, although price.-, art: slill very low. Flour has been more extensively dealt in tins week, holders bavin- conceded a. little' from lh- extreme priee of C:i.j ;' we now ~uoti.- f-V.l to .C) 1 as.-il>o the current whol-sale \alu-. Sugar is also rather more enquired for, lint, tlierscems a disposition on the part of buyers lo dii.iv stocking until the large ele.ain-; sale advertised for Wednesday next. liaeoi, aiid Hams. -An incr.-as.-il bnsiiies., is ,I,.inill these articles. Fine new- cure (York) ha-, bi.-en sold at Is., and Sinclair's at. Is. ,'.d. dices...—Sah.-.,l Clieddar, al "is., and Colonial at. lid. We understand that the P.-oiks liave just agreed to raise tin: rat-s of dis.-ount. Tin- following; scale will be rigidlv adhered to :-- T\vo Months'liill.-) - - - - S jut Three „ - - - - '■' per cent Four „ - - - - 10 ].er e.-nt Overdrawn accounts, 1 -J per cent. ; and overdue hills l'J per cent. Mercantile liusiuess has been conductod so ipii'-tlv lor months past, and with so remarkable an ab.-euec of sp-e111ati..,,. that this st rony in-.asure, on th- ].art. ~f the P.anks, hav- b—l, resorted to on a.-eoiinl. of any commercial pressure. We think it mii-1 o- ! intended rather to check Ihe spectilatinn in i-itli- a;id sheep, which if is notorious, had he.-n so i.-xt.-n.-i \ -I.' earrie<l on lately. NKLSOX. I (Prom I!,- " llxanliner" .lune II.) i Mr. .larv ~,:ole-. line Hour, wholesale, .<j:i2 p-i ! ton ; r,iiai-p-. Ills.; pollard, Hs. : bran. Is. .id. I lii-ead. lib. Inaf. Is. :j,L; butter, fresh, _'s. per lb. 1 ~,f " s, L's. fid. perdo/.cn ; cli-csc, Is. Id. lo Is. (id. p< i j lbT; lard, Is. lid. per II). ; beef, <Sd. lo '.Id. ; million 1 7d. lo S.i. : veal. 7<l. to Sd. per 11.. ; polk, 7<l. to Sd. : I baeoll, Is. fid. ; bams ; Is. S.I. per lb. ; eandles home. i made, tl.'d. : onions, l<1.; potatoes, 2,1. per lb. i fowls, per pair, Is. to /is. ; ducks, lis. ; g-i;es,c, earli j ys. to lis. : turlii'vs, each, 7s. I White Pine and Kin,,,.— Hoards and scantling. 15: pel- JOO feel; Tolara anil red pine. i'.oard- an. scanlling, I!l<. ]ier UlO feet ; shingles, best totara lfSs. per I,OUO. CANIKRISURY. [Krom the lI Times," June 7.J The alleiidance ul (lie market on SaiurdLyW , wa- but limite<l, and only a inoilcriilc ainojnl c buiinei-S xv ** tr»Hc«!;t".l.
W lu>at. —Tlie supply was very sninll; tlie prices ruled higher, viz., Vh to 10s fid per bushel. P.arley.—There was nothing doing in this article, and the- nominal price lnnv be quot-.i at 5s per bushel. Uals.—There was a lari.'C-npply olOals. and the price may |, ( . „-;,(,( ( () i,,. .„ :i - ( ;,i 'j,,... l.ishcl. J''!nur is much in detcaiul. mid i- qaotcd at from C3O t<. L"ll) Ids per ton whole.-alc. and fid per 100 lbs., retail. "■lfran is Is fid per bushel, ami sharps 2s per i bushel. j Hay.—Th- price of hav f-nntinucs unaltered, the ' best samples fetehing t:< to W 1 "s p.-.- ton ' Pens.—Hardly any pens hav,- been scut into the I market ; they realise aboil I .">< per bushel. j I'oinloes.—These are Mrinlv held bv ihe growers ; i ! hey fetch CI! to til 10s per ton, wholesale.' j Aliseellaneousartieles mar be .|,u.;e,ia- follows:— j Onions per ton; carrot- L'2-11's <litt<. : parsnips Co ditto : butter Is Sd per lb : ry.j;< :i- (id per dozen : milk Is per gallon : fowl- 11- lo y< per pair ; ducks Cs j diltn; wild ducks -Is ditto; turk.-vs Ss to Pis each j aeeordin- to si,-,- : apples 1« p.-r 1!> ('verv s.-iire.-.i liuil.lim; Malerml--. —Tli- .piot:ili.,us -iv,-n in our last report may be slill applied lo these articles. A very trilling advance lin< howeier taken place in bricks, whii-li are realizin;' about L's 7- p,-r 100(1. Fuel.—lmitwoo.l. Nt the wharves, fetches about C 3 per ,-or.l : eoals, also at the wharves, arc ipioled at LM per t0,,. MKLP.OrKXK. (From the " Weekly Argus," May '27.) P.,,sines- was very .pii-t to-.1-.y the preparation of advices for the departiny mail having i-n--iosseil the att-ntion of mercantile tirini. P.ev-nd the auction sales, ti-iinsaclions were few. Holders of Hour anil wheal lirniiv maintain their prices, but purchasers Tli..-holders of Vietorian .bbentnve- in Kn-laiul will 1,-ain will, 50,,,,- satisfaetion the reml!* of the -a!- o|'di-hei,t m -es here ii. the early part ot the preseiil month, l.oeal readers do not reiptii-e I" he reiniudi,l - but the iiifoi-iuation iri:iy be iisoi'ul at home— that only 'J-JIKl.(100 of tiles, bonds wen, oll'ered. at a premimu of L'.'> His. and that upwards of wore tendered fir at and over that preiiiiinn. Tintrustees ol tlie Savings l'.ank lenden-d for ihe whole amount nll'ereil at a premium <>f £•"> 12s ihl. Several of the tenderers offered, to small aniounl-, a premium of.LV?. Th- (".vernm.nt accepted the whole of th..lenders whieh wen- at and over the minimum. 'J'he -ueeess ol this .ipcralioii shows the confidence felt hen- ill Ihe valiieof these securities. Th.- Melbourne Kaiiway trallic and other revenue for the week elldin- I St 11'ill.-t . pro.llle, ■<! .L'TJU- (>S 11,1.: and for the eorre-pomling week ol'lSli.f, L".''J(i 12s 7d. The small schocnei-Apiiollo, with lil'tirn tons of cargo on board, and drawing live and a half feet of water, has .-..-,f.-ly pas-.-! through the eiitranei! to the laii.-s of C.ipps and made her way into the I l.'ivei- La Sh- made tin- run from the Heads ! lo tin- c::!ra::ee of the la!.-- in I'nrty-lwn Imlirs. j Th- Mill-. A lair t.a \r demand has been doing tor imm.-di-iie ,-iipp-ie.-, !.ii; pur.-h.-iser-- are somewhat l--lile:aiil to eiiler the market. quotations are, however, ipiite .naiutain-d. and -iv-n as f-llow : -Fine silk-.'ir.-.— ■ d 11-nr, .C2i HI-, t" C 2-'< per -J,(HlUllis ; wheat, ! IU-. Cil. per liii.-hel : br.ri. Is. ."id. per hu.-licl. j IMall'Mallo-ls.- -I'.ulei.ers' Meat.--I.eef Id. to (ill. per lb. : mutton :-:'.d. to .--d.d". (a.-cordiuujt.Mpiality); i veal. 7d. to sd. do! : pork. Sd. ~, '.id. do. l-.Miltry.— , 'I mi;, vs. i':~. to Ids. each : si-ese. 1-s. lo 1 Is. per pair : ! • iueks.'i;... io 7s. do. low!.-, to 7s. do. ; rabbits, 3s. ] to.".- pi -r biaee ; butter, '.re-li, Is. -id to Is. fid. ]~..-j !h. : .-.a,-,-. li'd. l<. Is. do. : e-us L's \h\. f> .is.perj ,1..-. ~ : ).|. ~,., i0'.,1. to I 1.1. ti.e i!i.. 1. .- milk, 0,1. to : 7,1. per quart. ' j IKUIAI.'T TuWX. I (i-'.-..m I',--- M...-.-...-y.- M y -I!.) j Tbe month hasb, en oi.e of more than ordinary j illlllie —, >■.•]'. eiallv ill eolllleetion with Ollf CXpolt| tiade. and 1 u-in. ss i-n < iir wharfs-enevally has been ; .-la-nant. Ti'i.--tale oi liiis"b. en brought ah- | out a "..-.' .1. .ii l> the ;•-. etuatinir stale >>f the mar- . k. I- lor pi...'ue. . ;.i-d .:: ■• by the re.enl ii> M ..- t iiicn of ] heavy « h.-,,f:,-.-.:.1.-s i:i Viet-.!-ia, whieh has prevented | ,in limb. i exporters Irem dealing as largviv as they | n,i-bl otli..|w; We have besides ; thi.-. very f.-w arrivals, and consequently our .-lnnpinj,' na'l'ly u,'-,"b.!.i'i in .1. li-.and .xe.p'ting forth.- eonveyauee' of fruits, or of cemiiiissariat stores to New Zea- I 1-ii'd Tl.-ie has only been one kmrlish arrival during ! the 'month, vi/.. the Isle (I'May. but by this ve<-vl lull sto.-ks of -eiieral merehandise have been reeiiv.,Land a bri.-k business has been done in this, department of trade, tbe winter seas..,, having now tli.., -ldy.-t ill, and en,,ted a substantial deinaml. ! Stock.- are, however, <piit<- up t<. requirements, and in | -ome <le« riiitiens of m oils slightly in advance. I I hirin- the month several Melbourn,- importers have paid us a visit, oIV.-rini; invoices "f various desei iptions of goods, but we do not bear of any considerable quantities having been quitted; tin- goods , offered beiii" "eneiallv behind the season's require- ) ments WelKiveeveVy vea.-onto believe that Yic-i toiian stock.- are very bevy, merchants there bavin-; ; -peculated largely on thesl.ei.gth of New Zealand I demands which ha v<- in many instances been .-up-,,i;.-.l dii.-el. Tliis will not inatei-ially allect our mi- | ~.i-ls b.-voi-d th.-eirciiiiistanee of •> f-w ind-nts lin.l----1 ;„... tl.ei,'- wav to Melbourne, whieh might otherwise ! h-iv-.-been x'-ul borne. Our trade will, New Zeai land, although it has not been quite so brisk during : ! t'ie 1-,-t month, is still on the iii.-n-a.-e. anil the op<-n----1 ,'n.r ul) of nev "01.11i.1.1s then- will be likely still I'llri ther to an-'iui-.u. it. We hop- in lh. ursoofanother month ov ...,, to have to report large shipments ot pro- j due.-f> the New Zealand ports. In our breadstutls i ; in;11 .| ; ,., ~;,.,,. have been some extraordinary ilucti.a- | (ions diir'mg the'u.! upon adviees , (~,-„ th- eoloni-s and Calilornia. ami , ~.l t: .- will be ehary of d.-alinv Ulllil the market b<- ( eon,.-, more .-ettled." Al tin- date "four last, summary, j ue had jil-t recovered from a temporary panic, an.l ,„„.,[ „„„,„ wheat at from ss Jld to Ss (id, .-nice then, j : howevi,-. it has ri-en ,„ I, U, U. |051,..1O 5 1,..1 has now j ! I'ell-n. and may b- .p.oted al Us per bushel— Hour bein- from .CS-i to '-"-'! l«'l- toll. Uecellt advices ! i |' California, if conlirmed, will probably further I : n.diicepp-s-butit is likely thai bieadstufls will i n,le above medium rales for Ihe remainder ot the i ' <~.,<„!,. There has been v,ry little change in the j : Iran-aet 'oil's Vll s.-eiilitTes have taken pbiee. 'Trade | i -en.-rallv bash- n healthy, although one house — I Manning l'.rolh<-rs has temporarily suspended pay- ! mei.l, and their all'airs hav,- b.-.-n [.laced in the hands of trustees. LAI'NcKSTuN. (l-'roin the " Kxaniiner," .May 2-1.) The new- f, hand p-r s.s. Cilv of Lann-sfon hai h.,,1 tb.-.-ll'-et. ofau-ain induei.iK holders ofbreadstulfs I ~,1,01,1 f,.r increased rates, and in c0n5,,,,,-,,,-.; t.-w I ti-aiisaclion-- have taken place. 'Is, and on i l<.i-i,is, were oU'elvd to-day for wln-d, but we do not ! know of -ales at these raies. Some holders ol breadj st nils exp-et permanent improvement in the Mel-j bourn.- market, and bavin- already sold lar-ely, are I not anxious to quit at present. ( tats remain at al»mt :is 10d to Is for lend. Potatoes, \c, are unaltered. ; ADKLAIID-:. (Krom the " South Australian K'e-isler," Jtay 21.) There has been a most wonderful depr.-eiation in i (1,,- ..rices of wheat a,,<l iioiir .-in,.-.- our la.-t weekly ! ~,.,,,,,-t Wi-theu stated that there had been a very ! extraordinaiv advance. W-have now to chronicle almost as ,'anid a deeline. Wheat, wl.i-h on Thursday i 1 ~.t wa- w.'rlh Pis. p-r 'm-'h, -1. is ~ow not worth „„„,. t!, Mtl us :;.!.. and Ih-r.-ar- i.o ~ui-chasers -veil ■~, i; rl t i;..,ip. On the other ban.l. lanuers and i holders:..-- not a', all ill,-lined lo accept tl," r-duc- : lion, and the consequence is that verv little wh-.-.t. is j now' nlh'red for sab', and n<. business i< d-uig-. I l.'lonv has 1 n alVeel-d, but not f.ib.-same extent las wheal. Wheat.-Tbe !:.t---l sales lor export IμI .lav vele al <.U :!•!. per i..1-h. I at. tile I'ol'l. |of SlUllli 1 ~i,re.-ls. 'Ihe I'lieis in l-.v.n vary cniisiderably. i :.„„„■ milh-r.- arc ..I!', rim.-7s (id., wiul-i olhei-s arI ■.•.iiliilg lo give Ss lid. l-'iour ry .bill, and quo'iirVn:'v^i. l -!'d.' l an'd I .'.'iii'l-rs .-■■ ne.l seem inelin-ed t<. sell under Is :id p-r bushel. Cpperhas fa Ken CH' pelton : .(.■;■•-. J'.r ton, at the 'o.i, b-ing th.- price now ! a.-kedlivtho linrra and Wallaroo C--inpau,,-.-. No j ,„.„. ...atures in μ-al trad,- ~-,11 tor 5,,,, a week. P.e.-i'iess is lather ..nil, 1,1,1 I verv i.-ii-h. The followlnu' i.- the oi.hbl n-tlirnol all "wheat", llowei, bread, and grain, the pr-d:. ee o! Soulh Australia. . Xliorted during; the w.vk end-tl Salurdav. 1 Ith Mav:--Port Adelaide-Wheat. -J--.70 qrs ; Hour 1:!(.(, tons; harl<-v, 1-Jii.irs. : hn.n and pollard, ::-21 tons; oats V'or's Port Kllio'.--Wh.-at, -toil (irs.; Hour, li-li ! t0,.-- barlev, :>ii i|rs. ; bran and i.ollard, ;-.« ton-. 'i T tal wheat li•_»7<> (jw. ; Hour. I*"" , , tons ; bmiej, j Jfi2*]r- ; Iw'.n *-i(l t"-'llai-<l, yO2 10-v ; c«i. r , ■ii -Ji-
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 3
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1,980Commercial Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 3
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