Tho fin,- ship «.f Hh- l).-.-p. '■-"P , "".'/.- J,;,.,, London. «;.= HK.iallo.l at £"."', Vi-Mcr.iiiV Im! owing t-" 1 I ||L> =■ '""- ' ' _ "wind hlou-inc .<li«-(iivl not i.mkc nmrli u|.im ami was <-<m.p.-ll.;.l '•' t< '"" i <lu. will work up the lmrbour ~. duvlisjlit this .aorn--11 The following are llw purticulurs -Sailed from tin; -Downs on the 1/th J-.-Uu» y ■, i»Hn» her final loavn of The I>i/arti on tnc J-. • P.m»"cl upside .M Op» d- Vorcle Irf«n-»i. « d wea '
000 l -IT ,° ?" nar - VS ' wllir,, sho si^l,,l ' d - A vrrv n. 1.1 ! ' miscarried as far as O°\orth"; orossed ,]_.« line on Ih, 28th Mareh, in 22 = West lon.u.tndo ; h,, rt . slu . ox - )or ieneed a M ,, TOS i.,,, of ("iliiis an.l h L >hl weather, and tin' S.K. (rades also proved very indilleront, bein- very li-ht and baillin.', lie wnul hnmrinj: well to t1",,. Kaslward for li J l'M.>'!.ened ~,„,. ~,„,,,, in siirhloflllc jslllm| „,. n>t.»i 0 Aehnnaon tlu-KMh April, crossing themerii .ban of ,h,. Cap., of (!„,„( Hop., on the lil.h, in i hl,;t, I V U ; 3 /fl I,u - '■'■'"'•ins "as ran clown in the parallel o ■ b=, with strong Westerly W les thro,,,],imt. Tasmania on tlie Ist .lime, and wis I .jammed olftlu- S.W. ,-nd of that island for three .hn s, J t>y:isiroii£l'.iist.-rly wiml, iluriiii; whieh time it wasiVnI possible 1,, round the point. Krom thenee she made a i irood run aeross to the '1'1ir,.,. Kin-s, si-hlinu tliem at 1 i> eloel; on Sunday last, the l-!lli instant; wasoll'the Men and (.'hiekeiis 'the ne\t inoriiiii.;. und lias Ix-cn ever -in.v lvuting up the guU against a stroiig Th,. fi'dowins; vessels w,.re spoken :—April ISth, Danish hnir lirami. from Liverpool hound to Sin-a-P'>ro, in latitude US ° S., longitude I ° K • \ vv {[ -'•'ird, in latitude ;i7° S., l.m-hud,. lo = K., 'Jlanish .sehnoniT Meta from Copcnliaijan, hound to Amoor Kiver. Siberia ; April L'Ttli, latitude :>7 ° S., longitude •20 - K., hanpi,. l,ady of the Lake, from London hound to Port Xatal,' Cape of CJood Hope, ti.3 days The CJii.-eii of t:ie Dee]> has 7S passenijor.s all t..ld, who arriv.-d in -~0,l h.-.-dth. th.-ie bein- u<. si.-kness whatever on the passa-e. There was one death, that ol a seeond ,-abiu passenger named Areliibal,' Kennedy, aif,-,l -2i\ years, who eame on board at London in the la.-t stair,, i>f eousuinpti..n ; he oxjiiiv.l on the -'Ist May. in latitude ■!."> c S., lonsjitu.le 'J7 ° F-. Sinalso a lanre earpi, partieulars of whieh, as also tlie pa-sriiir.-rs' names, will be found elsewhere. Mr 1). Nathan is h.-ra-.-nt. Ti... (Jneeii of tlie Deep is a line ship of 21',7 tons reirister. <ini:,. n.-w. havinsr lieen lann.-lu-d last year. She was built byCass. Stuart \- Co., of St. John's, N.-w l'.i-unswiek, and made a voyage to l.iverjiool uud'.r the name oi (i;ir P. arl; upon her arrival there she was pmvhased by Messrs. Kylands, Seddon i: C*..,,i that eity, who had her name ehan-.-d to the oneshe at present sails under. Another of this Company's tin.- ships may now be looked for from Liverpool shortly—that is tlie Klyinj; Foam. From this port the (,|ueen of the I>:-.-p p'roe'eeds to Callao. Tin- f.illowimr is an analysis of the trades or oallinir of the i>assenirers by the' Urn-en of the 1 >eep :--'•_> elerks, 1 gardener, 1 watelimaki-r, '2 sawyers, ] ai , - eountaiit. 1 draper, 1 buteher, 1 arehiteet, 1 Imilder, ".' earp'-nter.-, .'1 farmers, ,S labour.-i.-. 11l female mtvants, -J >h. einakers, -J joiner.-, 1 eartu ri-ht, 1 briek-lay.-r. :i en-in, er.-. The Putch baiqueOtt.'lina, Capt. Keleiivin.arriwd in harbour fioiu Newcastle with eattle at a late hour last niu r !it. She sailed on the Mist ultimo, and upon the -~,■'..nd .lay out. :llnl whilst ill si-ht of tl,<- la,l<l. !-vp,-ri,,,<■,■.! a very tieree from the eastward. I which lasted for lhirlv-.-ix lioiirs; iliirinir tiiis ncaiiy i •tie liiti-.dreil head of rattle died. The Thr.v i iv. Te made on the With instant, -inee wliieii she has! been l.eatinir down ,-..a.-t. The only v.-.-.-l .-poli.'u | ivus th." whaler Alpha, ei-ht .lays i.utfrom Sydney, bound to Norfolk 1.-land.' The't )ttolina brings some !i* head eattle. lid i-alv.s, and 1 10 slieep. i The N. Z.S.N. I'o.'s sieamiT Lady l'.inl, Ca]it. V. I R.mner, arrived in the Manukau from th..- South y.-<- ' tevday m. riumr, Lrinirimr 7n She 1.-tt the P.luffat :'. p.m. on the 2nd iu-tant, arriving at l'oit Ciiainiers at ' a.m. next liiorniiijr. liavin.LT been lindcr easy .-team ail : left Port Chalmers at noun on the'.Vih. and arriv.-d at I.vttlelon at n-on on the iltli. iiavin- .-xp-'i-ieneed a >t:.'.n- li.-...l wind all the way ; 1. ft, ~-, I J..111. oil the 7th. Hlld arrive.l'.lt WelliiJut.'ii .a >'-:U) a.m. on the Slh. i-xperi.-neiim-a stiil'N.W.■/.• iluriiiir tlie itin ; left \V, iliuiiton at 1 i>.in. on th.-'.'th. and arrived at Pi. ton at li ; p.m. Til.' xmie ,l,y: I. It tlule at 11-.ill a.m. ..,, tl'.e 10th. ami aniveil" at N. lsoii at ;e;;i> p.m. th.- .-aim-ni-lif. left N.-!-on at 115 p m- "i. the Uth, was abrea-t I ',!]..• l-'-LTinont at 'J a.m. th>: next luornini;, ' wh.-n th- .'n-in.-s were and t!:e ve-.-e] was brought up■'l'arai-.aki at dayli-ht ; left th.-iv at l-:;o p.m. r-am- day, ami proe led for tin- Manukau ; under .-n-y >t. am." n. aiinir-t" -'If Hie bar at ■'< a.m. j y.-t.rdav moi-niuL' :at davliu-ht ..-nt. r.-.l the li.-ads, , .and aiieli<-.r.-.i oii'l in.-humra' at i»-:!ll a.m. The Lady j ISird leave- :.-_-:iiu for the South on Satuiday next. ! Th- .Mini,.at Sai i.iily. (apt. H- Marks, whieh left \ this for r<., <.u Monday la.-t, returned i to harhotir v.-terday alternoon, brin-ing up J)i. j Ileetor. " " ; The sehooii.-r ' 're.-t- of the Wave. Capt. I'.rown, ar- ! nv.-d in li.-11-1...ur !' Canterbury at an early ; hour v.-.-t.--rdav niornim;. Sh.j brought up a cargo : ofwln-at. " ' i 'I!,.- .-.s. AVelliiiirton, ('apt. Melntyre, is due from ' Napier and the S.nith , ui Sunday next, the l'.lth j in-t:<nt. I The followins vessels sailed yesterday :—Mi-jnitor, ||U<-. for New,-a-tle, N.S.W ; Kate Waters, har.pie, j for i'ort Albert. Victoria; Nightingale, banpie, for ! .lunce-ton ; Scotia. brigantine, tor Port AY.iiknto ; au<l Fairv, s.hooncr. for Mon-onui. The s.s., Corio, C:l]llain l'orlur, sailed ior Sydney, ve-terdav morniim. ' Tli.- bar.pie Kllen Lewis, Captain Ilellon, came ■ilom-ide the Wharf morning, and com- | MH-neVil disehai-fjimr. ' The x-hooner Surprise which was sold by au.-ti.m vi-terdnv bv Me-rs. Hiding.-, and Dow.teu. for the ;,„„ ~|- t.-.V-,. liar- been laid on the berth for Tauranga -lii'iiM -lr.iieient inducement oiler. The -.-!,.. oner Daneiinj Waw, Captain Euxton. w-i- io-iiiin.' oats at Calilerl.urv for this port, when| Ihe Cn-st of the Wave .ailed ;" she was lo leave about j '''The'lKmiue'sirneoi-eOrcy, Captain Gilpin, en- j Icrediit oiiluards at the Custom House yesterday , for I <„..!.,„, and wiil eommence loading at once. ! Tl, - l,ri.' l-'lla Olad-loue eleared ill Onehunga ye-- „,'!;;• I',?- i.-w.-u=tU., .N.S.W., ;i..-l will this; , " , Ti;i!'k l »|i..-.s I."'d Clvde, dipt. Withers for Ho,. K '• K.m-. in.. I'uko •>{ Kothesay, Capt. l'..rry, lor (all:,;, WI. clear at tile this lll.TUing an. sail to-day : tin- Dunn-ore, for >ewhistle, al=o take.-, her depai'tur- this day. . V .-chooner :nd .-. .-ail in were signalled last evenin-at ,un.. l: t, but had noUetchudtheir anchoragi_A!.u«i 7.1 ..I , >be have been w, ab,,n. Akaroa for some days, pending the ~-sue ot a summon,, akc, out by one of their number a*in,s the Captain for " X en,uhebadnoiuris,,,in.l,e,m, l .er 'lh, | :!" trl i,,enl !,a,l, through.he K.M., .supplied the men ] will, four day-' ruliuns an.l as this ™^l*l""» \ ; dwere-iven CIS KM- mi.l "as paid lo ; himself in a very prai.-ewurthy nii.nne. >> * ' • " the money and arni.. B i«>« «>'•;"■ 1'^ l S "l ' ! U,,,. il was bite at «. S l.t belo esh . .... ', L h,,vi-lo ahead ol l>. i • *■ •■ ; ~„.;„„, and ; V ~ i -.nil 1,1-etriirdlo iHbe stran-er :;;: i ;:d:o , be ,i ;^i:;;irLt. l edid r ,-.> :S r'^irr^iot^a^^m'-^aboui ''"'''''V iWI' n,-Norwavsliorlly after the en-e. of the " ! ~11,,' slu " lli,S '" ' " j .here are now in the. or, >;> ■,-,,.,. vard ol Messrs Uulte. H""" • , ; t , Nmeveh ; slu l..i s . u |j itiou , o ~|a,s.:.lAl .il Lloul.. | . ollllllll udcd bv Captain T w lL^--Mi,MC '
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 3
Word Count
1,329ARRIVAL OF THE SHEP QUEEN OF THE DEEP FROM LONDON. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 3
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