(From the •• I,yt<elton Times." Juno 7 ) s-.ree, iln .l Cathedral s,p,are. Had an"mp'irv h ,„:,.!, : ,s to li.mi«H dangerous s M s in the town fo ,v.W. .-.•... n > W uu-1,,,1,,1 in tin- n-plv. U v.mpi.-.-.l a ~op 0 , ui u !;,„. ul ~,,, ;1 ,, d uow _ ];ii :<:,.. m;-.:i.../«. -vi'-ii houses. eommunie.-Hin- without a hivaKot iliol- tliai, :i lew f lX .t withlash'el-stiecl ,-,,, 'i:- V n- luiul .iin on the ..-1..V with „,..',,,.„.,. ,„. ■ ~: , ,i •• Tn■„,..!,. - ~: : v,i, „..:.!,], ~,- , lu . M 1,,,. ,„;,,,-,;, ■ :: ; ;; : v : h: |;' ,v " 11,I 1, , 1 ' ll of about ten : ~..:! !.l-.1.. 1,-v,.s ;11 t ( ,ttl u . t i I ,.; sLllni , 11 . al , 1 : , :,:-h. l-.U. when empaled w ; th ~u , 1( v.:>-. ;; :m!v.i;l. :'.:i.l m.1,-,,1 mv,,.,,! h a ,. (l ; y j .v ,v:v • x, :;wns. w, bv, t,, 1,,. thankl'iil'tlnt Chri-t----;,::i\ h ■■ -,-.-. p< d :..- it .in! iroin the dau-vr which con ■' Thvf. l ..;i.>tl i .-i,.w, 1 . :„.,! - tVhil . h ~s smil(ll ; ; shape j n l)u , o> , llll;lir ,, ltilin „,- ; Alul.l W.MVHsuI.TtIuMVM.h which th, ! ~■.:,.<::: i:::.v lmv ,t the oppouuniiv he pro,vrlv ' .-a. r, in -.uiproving the injured .-livn." 1.,,', i y.: ;.r. •._■.:!::•.- i-Tter ueScnce ilvm ti-.v !',„. , h ,. tow,, at [ ::, 1.-:-- »ar:..u> w ;1 , s „, which su,h defence ran ' we may almost 1,. thankful that thr ~,-w.: : ;,|, I'n.Man.!:. Wo ;„,.>-.,,! 1,, th.. .Mails M.-M-s. An,.,, x C,. ,),-,,.,■> ( !.,:,. SkiJiicon"!'^. 1 ,,,,!;' !:•::.>:. Ay. v>.; ; . ; -.d i,. ; |.;,. c ~.;.,,,:;.;.' :;■.• :.:. M - -M-. M.;-.,-,> .v T.m-;,-s<,-. ,„:,,„;„;,„, :1 -.'.',",•]< I':.:;;h..vt. ;• w. ;:, ,• ;.;.;,. Asu;ii~, K \ an >'■■■]■ _.:: : l;.o ; : ;: «.>1,;,,, H :i : u' to Mr. 1i0n,.,:, 1.,,,^ :■■:■■;: £ .^:.*.- , Mr^ ,^.r l r r ,:, .:• .1 I ■ ■ !>".IV sal' |V. :-';i||!,. i 1111 ■_■ lill;,- in-.Va.IN lo ! ;-.:;;"V>^.;.V-iii W:i 5,.1. : , : vvr ; li 11 th 1 Mi 1 ,i.,,. ,„.,, ■ l:.-;..-i:. y 1 , . v..i. r o>i-rv,ti .-iiU'k-i' i»uiuy; hvin the -:.:;;,::-\ <■: A!, »iO!atvii A; T,,<lc»,'swlices hut '; ■■ • :-■ : -"-'<•' •■■■ : --'-- : r-'i.arkalii... F, v ,., •:...-.:.:■.•■:■• >n ■:::;:i:?.-> ]■ i~; t'u- lire iim-t •-..-• ■ ■■■■•■■:. K i:;n;Hv. wh. i, th.. aj.juaranc.- • ■■ ;-■:••.;"-■■' : ' M ;'" li ' , "•••"' ';"■ -n -.: : ;" .:...v\::\: wa> a: ..iu-.- iai>. ,!. - l"n.- i!r.- h ;: .J ■ ■.-,.■ :,:.y . v-:!:a;.-,t a; tii, !u. k jmi; .-f til, hui!.iin:r. ;.:. i v- i> _-'.-;.;i;a'.'.y «-m. luiini: \<> ;!:.■ fiTv.t. a> at ha!l- ---;■■!-: ■••-■' ''■■■' i : -!M tii;>; .•f.-ii-.i.kf ii.limwil l.y ilain, -; ■ ■ ■:•.::::■ :_:'..- :•:.;>•.• 1.,;r.>: out IV,. m th, 1....!y ~t" | -■ : ■ . :■>■:':■• !'.;!•.;•■. ar;"! ;t \i::> . via- i.t iV..;n :!;.■ | ' -.:■:■: ;.v ->:.!:•: :->.:k ■■! tiv riiv -.j-.-it ::•.• t -onii.-.i:r;i- ! ; I;.- ::.:=,-,! 1.:..! -...w hc-.-n for soiin- tun,- ami | , ':■:=•■ -• ::;•:* i. .:!!.>-.T ol'm.-n [.f th.- Kir." lirL-iu'i.-,va',n j :'•- <:■■■■<■?■ 'J". ! .f >it!::i!:.-n of tin- art, >iau » r ;i opii.i-ii'.- i "::- :\r-;,::::;■ !y >;u-h liiat llu- \vl oV ~f ll , j ' ■»;::• r ,■■■;,;.; ;i.- i;a:!!!'u. A /]'.'.{■ liiini ,a>, was ii!a,,il I :.: ...r :'.:•< puv » I'mm whi, h ih, took ils'lVt-il : | ": ■•' '■'■■'■■ -[•■■:wh p:;>, cf th-- ai-.i—:.-.„ woll was not. of j :■• ::..• >::-;::' t -. -hi.h \- : l\ t"hr.v :ri!u!.> :o t ,:u!.; t - ih, rt , ir v., : r to till. Th, amv a! , ',-: >: No. 1 nil.- >, or. tollowcd !>y t!':it of,! <:ii:i- >'•■ M!ii. h wa> !.:.'T;tif:illv>i:j-.,.;-,.ii with waur. ih, ii..w,i Jl.-ivfnr.t- ', >;r t ,t •.:::.. ;ii, riv.-r. -o Thar Th. v w ir , oi.abk-d ,o ; ■■■ -'.:r a ,i.::!i:r.:n! -Inaiu of w:it. i- iij-., n tin- fiiv. l'.ut ;::..■ !-i--! ,x,n:o:\- ol ! ,Mh i : l'«:i., .-. n amani a> th,v ; «■ r, ' r -,i stroin: for,-, ~! v, .!unt, ,r>. :ii:d dir.Tt.-il !v::.f of :}•„• ! ri^a. - !.-. w.iv.-.uiii- in.-IK-.-tual '.: !.:■:> t<. ,-in-:-, h hut lo >t:,v tin- iiiv wh, n •-•- •>.- ia-.n.,- ha.i .-au-iii >h.- «, oj» ork. Tin ir i •. i.r ■•>..> :. i ■•. r' ':,!<>> :iii |''.v 1.-'i it in llu' work .if • :•;::!■!! i: th.-rc. r- ;;vd »i;:. ..; tin- lioii>,> in the ■J:-::.:.-'.- :.. :• ~ :' :>■ M r. • !. I.i , :: I:..- .-afet* .-fwl.i.-'n < >.::,.:>> .-.; ,1 .i, d iha: ..j l!:,- m 1 . .ie i,an ; ..i. : : :: ■■ i. .:: 1. , 1 ri'i a't!y Ivlii >:.:,> of (. a-h,l-str,,t aril H :_h---r. if ::- w.:'i. 'l!ii- el;-:;:,- ,ci i;]'on t!i, 1 1-ir k< *- fi:ni eli-th- witii >a!m,li i!;, l-uii.lini:? al th, "': ■■ var: i..i';h..M- iii."iL - i-il 1 1: ■.- !ii j-.-riii:it j'O-.r.t w:i.- j : . :i. ,■;.:-...y >. . t:r» .I fiv:;: caiiiT. I ' A:. , ..: i:ii., i.". !.-ek. l):e r, ■: i.ii:.- of llie lmildint's j ' n. !l e hi..-!■!" >;r..; to uhi.-h t! 1( - liiv had r.nt \et ' r. a.:..-,!. :i! ,d in i:. :i ,y M a ,-, -n.-id. '.:. hi, di.-l;.!;,,. had ; -■.■:."• .;-.-:.;.-. 'J :..-' « :-~i\ v aV'iLht iV.-s.-i ihe u . >;- : v. :i r: :-.• .1 -...!.:':-«.-'. ', :i -. >■■• ( ; ,-!l. I-,: reet 1.1 Ullid- ' ■-••:,:.:. :.: ■.! , arr.i a ■_■ •'.:•.]! .- t, uan- *.'a!! ! : il-.-.. i i aiv ' :■: : •;.. .-. .-:.. r',.\ J I i-h--! r. ,-i. i.. ariv , J.; o-ite. Th,- ' -.-■ 1.... >-. ;):;> tii-.e -w, j.t dow:: :he wiml ov,r II r. : \wr- -i..',|,: ai:i: •!;,■;,;-,;!:!-,> of Mr. Hrooke and ,-i : M"|--:-. A\i:y Cn/wm- o!.vi,.i;-!y hey.-ial ]~-,-„- ' -.:::■..■!!. \\ :';:.;!■., h,-T Lain,d ih, da'ii'iir ioriu,:ai,lv ' ••-.;..: :;: ;L ; .l ,:;r, .■:■:,.:, : f. r l!:e ,:,-M 1 inMill- down ' Ji.r. f..r.;->rr..-i. :!-.- Jlank of >"• «• S. i::h Mai, >. uas \ ■■■-: ■■: . o:;-i;, ;•;■.!.', ,;;>t:inei.- and not in the direetioli rl' , ':.•• :■■:•: ■::»:,;.:; a!-,., h.-ii.i; !'• riui:a!.!y litth-uior, j '■'■- ■■:: a I:_riit iiir. »;i- iiiiiihle tn '-aiT\ tin- li!in.:nc Irau'- , :.•••:.:- ;.. :! --. dan-, ro,:- di-lan.-.-." N. v. rth-i. >> an . •■■v :-.;• I- .-n.nd .■:- -::■ ,d in ihe <!• M ru.t i. -i. ... th- ' -■-• ,- .:• ;:-.- e.,r!..-r. a- it it were <-■ U-r inat i; >!ioidd | '.■•-• ' :■■.?., ': !.. -j.lmiJ.t-- i!.:.ii !.:;r:.l. '1 lie uinre.indiei,.us | ;»::'. -o 1:.;:'..\ a- ,;;.:,{ he lv \l-U- to li-lel! to the Vniee j . ::-••: v. ;.,._' h-.t,---. while ihe deta-hliP-v.! hef .re al- , "* A; w,'. .;„,,!; ~f, fr-.n. nine to half-i.aM. j ti.-■;>•-- « :1 - at it.- !iei-ht. l'r,iMhar!'.- jirend-es "ere , "l).a/;: : _-. ai.d ■ arrvin_ r ,he lire u]> t he bree/.,.- >lowly Ij-.l -:..-•!■.■ to .M'oH.hi'.s lielter kji'Avn a> Hail and !.'■ i---. a hi.iidi:!..- i; -ed only a> a teinjK.niry store. ■ii'.i-i.-.r a> "it" w,>' I'ly 'iron, the hurniu- j :.e.\t to it. i»T -oriie inne a singular ■-i'-etae;,-. It v .a>. a- il weir, saturated witliiire, '•*•:: 1....i:-.l h.-anii'..' iVum to 1.-ft n> own enu- : ■;'• -.ff.-.-.ii e:-v ;!»,!„- wrea'iii:.-' round itasifior «■ ;•;.:•-.:• I.:.:.- j, : ,,| a> th..i.-h 1 he .< ...f j :.-e ;..•:■■•■ I- •.\ei-.-';..."l -11-.leril.--' 1V..1 M 1 Il.MI" ] ire.-eliee. | - j...«5.;i,,-,,;,i,i :] ;..i j,!-(..j !-.-.-> of tie- lire »:i- altliis i j'iM:;i.]-e. Mull-eu.ii.i uMiibt the la.-l ihat. in-iile Ihe < :!-i:i..- had effee,,-.! a i.-nnanen! lud-nient. and 1 he 1 'i:.-.-.- had ~«„. l,v. if it ever exi-t.-d. f..r >avi..-the 1 !• iii.!i..,..r ~-.-lf. ■■J,,,, ins-r-.-al. pro-, ide, it .ally afford, d. u 'i.t- t::i-!i,-d to heller a.-,-,,nut tliiiii I'.v liiilkilii; any ' !• •■•!. lille:!!],!. While t!i<- f.v.j-tol'ie.l house nlhll'dl'll '■ .-'i!i ; ...,i,i !JL , ,',f :i sheli.-r. l!,- work of 'del nol i>) I i 11 >S Hi, *-~<--:\\ hv mean.; of uhieh the iire n.i-l.t ' .-- ! .::M....i.- ilI ., «i,l. Ca-hel-tre., ua- ~.>l.ed on } »-i::u;:,,iir. J f it ii.-j- ail who had a mind to work - h'.,:riw, t., i-ud a hand. Wall> and roof- before and 1 l'-- : .ii:d -.v.-re !,r.,ken into willi tin- a>.e: .-I'j.jioM.-, 1 ".re ~;, iiwu v !li: ~„,„,!. ..,„! ~,.. ),,,,-e> were dra-u'ed < '■>■'-< ,i,i!,>.' -I)',, whole ioji of on,- was •- nia-i-fa-t to with a eouple of rope,, and >,-or.-> of hand- p,,ii,.,l ;, witii eheers from il- wall.> and far up - Willi in.,,-,- ,„'• !._.,! m,;-,-,-> >ev,-ia'l times, while I lie nol - i.-> .-;,.. rL ,,.,i,. individual elioits eleared away the t 'i:.all.Tj,,e :r -, d,-iuuli.-licd the v.ails and baek jire- > '■"-.-.-. and iiiviiv ill nom<- shape or lorin < •••vervthii.,' thai wa> of au'inilammahle eliaraeter. t Uv tli.-'ii,,,,. ,!„. u,,,-k of <lertr.i.:ti.Jii by the axe t •v:i> eomjih-tioii, the !lre had on Its parl = 'mv >-.i L ..,i a. {;,,. as it could" ■!■' I '»ar Is C;illi<- ' 'liMl-.-i'.iire. hut -,va>: piv[iarinL' lor a fiinou>, Imt ; i Tμ-" de>,i-ib!-'l | > *■•=-: t., en,,, 1V,,,,, th." roof a wllite smoke a,,d steal,,. 1 -■-'ia.div thickening in den.-iiv and darkening; in ' '■■iwiir. "S!,,uiv of smoki- «r.-«- ilarklT ! ' •"i 1 ii-avi.-,-. ; U ',d -till ihi- woriiiii.-n uud,r its shadow ■ wrought >t,-euuiju>lv on from its : "iiat- v,-r mj.rht conirihut.; to iced its I'ury. And, ,c "Mli.-irtask was all hut > I ,dden!y the bla/.e ; t '"•"■■:■• out all over the building irom front, an 1 baek I : "'i >id.-s and roof, a brilliant l,.werin-, .-preadmg j = >;..:.-> ~|- ,1.1..,.-. w..> the tin.eof trial for til- , I h.-m>e> oj.jn.-iU'. The ->ou'.h-«ctcrlv wind, though ; 1 l:-'!il, had >,Lth,- (lames steadily do'v.ii in I lie .lire.-- j ■ lion mo-it daiK'erous to the tlircalened corner. And ' "■li.-a .Morton 7 .- house blazed U]», lite ilutnos from ' "■liiel. covered cxa.-llv the two houses most likely t<. | eiiu-h lire, it >ecnn-d"impu>sible but I Imt thi-y >lioul.i I «"• We 'have said thai (hcs.: buildings were j;ro-I'-'-led hv wetted blankets, upon which the. fire- ' ••'n-iiu-s played confinually, uiul.;r tliu guanhausliip 1 ol -.n attentive bodv of men ; but (Veil their exer'"■n- would iirobublv have failed to avert disast.-i-, > ■-"'<•.- t!ie smaller liou-e now bears marks of the beat, ] kad it Uul been for a mo=t iurtunutu—we may say - circutustanco ; for only a few minu,osnOrSt " n l lor,; " lf oralf-i1,,. light, hive,., tlun son i;,, .!' 7 ~O" "'S " ,ore "' lhl ' «'»Hiwaril '1, f'" " a " U ' S ~K,,, K ,h0 lilu ' Ill '«"lv bum nd carol the opposite side of the street. Thi .suss towards Cashel-sircct was cut off by tlu deinoLtu,,, of ,!„> houses ahvmiv described. 3 A, n inH. OM ,nd l'r i ' t r aS KU "V ,I - *" 1, ,!u, "™ , "-«»" " 1,1 f 1 i •,' :1 lH ''' l,V, vi,~o ov,-r ,lu, lire "•'" M.iWi»li«l, and the terrible dread of a general coir Harmon \vns ivmovod from ,uon's minds. At om t'luc -mil le:ir S were ent..rt,dn..,l for the safety botl, ot the l-:i,,K oi Xo-,v South Wrtra and that of Xew Xealand, a> well ns f l)t . Ull> y. (v , „„;,.,._ „.,,;,.,, ;1 ,. t Mtuated ,„ the rear of the buriiiu? htiildiin's. The books, Ac., ol the l!auk of New Zealand were removed lor .-eeurity to the Union Hank, but all communication having been cut oil" between tin scene ol the lire and the premises just enumerated, noiieoi the latter were h M urcd. The most activu spirits eoiilinued to watch the of ihe burnt and >nll buriiinir ruins, and devoted Themselves to render nil secure from a further spread or renewal ot the lire. Others could look around ami take notice ol the spectacle, which was singular in many respects. "tt e have never yet seen such a crowd in CliriMchnic.i as was irathen-d ivuiid the tire on Saturday cv,niu-; and it.> *{■„. mviuul even lars;e for the halt obscurity in which it was involved. The red li-htoi the lire shone the mass of human bcin-s, and was relK cted baek anain from tlieir eyes with an etiect which was not move ghastly than IV-rocious. I.Utlewas to he seen but the faces, with which, as tile observer looked down from the vanta-e -round oi a heap of ruins, the streets seemed paxvd 'instead ot with .-tones. In the fore-round wen- the fra--l.i, i-.:.-. of Imiliiinu-s torn, lirok'en, and overturned; tile pol-and I'ansthet.iMcs and chairs, tlle-lasscsandlian--in.u-s. ar.a all th.- mi>c,llaneous furniture of dwellin'ij 11.-u.-e-. iai\. d it], shop tiltiu-s and wares, all piled and snvwu :.\i:\ trampled on in the direst confusion. I- liiiid. tiie tiivli-ht >ii,i]H- upon luphsclcjis in tlu; d'.siaiiec, l.iiiiuiusr tl-ciu nit ofthe obsctiiity which surrounded them. A> tin- tlames lcaj.t hiuh, points 'I liidit iliiiminated trees, buildings, ami .-tacks iurtliei- and iurlher over the plain, and lanes of light -ttviched down the lon- strai-ht .streets and out into :hc darkttc.-.s of one ol the darkest nights in imr ieui, nili.raiue. There was. as usual a solid and obstructive body of au re spectators, who. with their hand.-in theirpockcts, .uoked on upon the liie ai:d the workers round it :u i;.on an . xiiilaratin- spectacle. Hut we are happy to •ay a number of volunteers—quite as naiiy a> were wanted - ii-elv lent their aid n> £<!.. •vliatev, r was to be done. The firemen beiiav.d, as hey always do. with :. prom],! and thoii-litiid ener-y. nui a r,'a,iii,e>s to obey orders and 'to -uidc the inor-aui>eil public. 1 Jut there seemed to be no cad. rship ot a kind to direct the operations of s, Many hand- '... the h,.-t purpose. It may he a diilieiilt natter to take couiuiand at, a serious tire ; but there sic in. ii tUted ;,, ,!o so natmally. and to one such lie coll.Jllal.J oil!:,- l-'ire Ihi-ade olli-'hl to belonir. are aware of heroic individual exertions anionhe in, ii',1.,1.-. hut :i dcliiiciicy existed somewhere, .vliii ii may he called a want of, but is noie likely want of tiie t.ilanl ot 'command iu Ihe -ad-i. Th,- engines worked w.-ll so far as they were ■aleulated to work : hut more power than they .lossess is needed to check a lire anions woodi-ii Miildm-s. The determination with which volunteers o, k to the puni].> and stuck to them is worthy of ■ommendaiioii. iI i>>rtiic Superintendent, with Mr. Hail and Mr. Koll.ston. wen- a. live boih in pre■ept and e\ani].le; and the lhairmaii jof the Council, Mr. .l.'lin (illivir, heljed tliciu with tiiat enci-y and whi.-Ii have di.-tin-ui>bed him in similar m, iL'enei.> before now. Several members of the .'ouneil w.-re also noiiceabie. Anion- those in [■rival- .-tali, n «lio.-e conttuet we witnessed with uiitiiiati. n. the one win. most distinguished liinis. ll va> ..J-.] ::i-iitiy a strau-.-r, a diunvr or a sailor, lie :ave hi> nain," as Y.'isher. lie was always the tir>t o tack!- the most arduous duty And th..- last to leave t. It he i> known to any one'in town_w,- tru.-t that he public may be piv.n !,n opportunity of expressiuiie thai,k> that are due to him. Willi this man Were ■ue , :-tv.,. others, who seemed to be mates of his, but .th a.-t worked hone.-tly with him thai one niuht. • 1 those whose nanus ar- better known anion- our ■ith'eiis we can .-peak o! Mr. 'Travels, Mr. Sprot, Mr. 11. .Mo.-ihoti.-e. Mr. Todd, Mr. l-'it/.-erald, -Mr. Seivk,in-. l.i. lit. liallaid. 1!. X. Jones, Mr. Ward, as scttin.ii'exan.pie. .-,.iii-oi e....l darinsj and activity, some ■ f ii.du.-liv and oh, di-nce lo urders. Another name les.iv.-j :•].., ial iioti.c, as that ol a man who almost ■lipplici! tin: want ol a director—l'apt. l.i. 11. Wilson In- w. ;i-knowr. lecturer mi mesmerism. His nun,:a...i;.-.- v.-i.- and lim.l- enabled him to look 1.-jaiT which hi.- nautical experience taught him ,i.-o to mail, in ei-anizin- at a time the •lioits of li.e in"l., and dijietiiif; their eomhincd -.\. rti.'iis !or tin- nuioval ot the houses to ■i e, k the -plead of the tile. N'ottllC l.a.>t COII-■I-i. uoe.> ot all who lent tli. ir aid were .--veral of the -tail h-1, nirin- to the Princess' Theatre, at the head ■i whom was Mr. .1. 1- Jlall, the maila-er, whose i-iloiiiiaiiii; of this new character elicited warm ipw- bati, n of tin' specliilors. Tile police were ':.'-, l-v- at Their u.-ua! duly, .pii-tly but imt the kss liici. inly p.ri, mi. d. Mr "< ommission.-r Shearman ,ii,i Ins]iect..r l'.nder were on the-round and were ~ii-],ieiious lor their exertions. We on-lit to urn ;,!-,, that rope.-, axes, and other useful ,iti.-l. > W.i- freely Ii nt by all, without much pros"Vhe aii'iount" of the loss is estimated at about I'.ut an exact eoni]nit:itioii cannot he well .rnved al, since 1.e.-ides tiie property destroyed by ire or inicntionallv. a ,|,iantilv of moveable vere more or less 'damaged iu the act of earryiiiliem awav. .Not a little was hastily brought out lid laid lii the si reet. "here tiie feel of the crowd rud all recklessly into the mud. The loss is borne ,v the insurance" olliecs up to tiie sum of .tli.hOO, fins divided :— Liverpool and London ... £3150 New Zealand ■■■ l^ l, .Northern ... l<»"0 Au>l:ala>ian . .. ... I"<KJ Loiuion and Lancashire ... 100 i'OSOO Ihe 10--e> heaviot in iiiiioiint will fall upon Messrs. \M,p, Mev.i-rtand Kcll, drapers, «i.l. Miss Mcilliorn: the propriclivs.s of the building ; Mr. Brooke, heinist ; and -Mr. Morton. The otlier sulh-rcrs, hoii-b nol to >o -real an amount, have, perhaps, ,-1 ■■> much or more in proportion l» their means ; ~d we trust that measures will be taken to ,eet such discs of peculiar hardship as may have ecillTcd. . . of tl.- liiv is iw ii«'»l nndelerm.ned le.t it broke out in the rear of the buddings used v Mr L'niuh-irt jeweller, and Messrs. Matoon and oi-le-c, is beyond (i uestion. And it was in the alter premises lliat smoke and flame were first seen. >,„ .he,-,, had been no lire used anywhere in the ...i.-esthc whole of that day, and they had ic-n !0.-ed from -I- ~...>. The i...,uest which is I, be h.,-1.1 liortlv will perhaps, throw light on the pond. It i's worth notice that the valuable papers, in .Ic-srs. Miitson and Torlcs.-u's ollice were lor.unately ~-escrved bv b.-in- kept in a M.lncrs iireprool sale. Jiesale bad been kept upstairs, and was 10.m.l on he-round under a mass of burning rums, and at, il i-liioj lu-it in parts .Notwithstanding this, when it ame to he opened the book* and papers were found Mi searcelv a mark upon them, as whole and lresh sever. Ui.t some parchments winch were in the •',('.■ -ilso were eruiupled up in diminutive proportions, he ..,.'>.. then 'being rateably reduced to 11 Th"V.'. lie'- record'-' -how tliat some amount of opt'ii 1U1,...'..'mv prevailed during the lire, but. we believe ::-; 1 ;::,n-;nn;^:,:.nfMT-^::o:kc; , rts^ .ncrhcni-carefunv carried over to a or, ye^brokeiiop--""'^.''" ,1,11 " ,, " "'«'j»- ~. li-direCedctroAsofahaif n-anl.e "«••' "I "■' llllbr ,,ak ~f .be iire were even more ban the pilfering* of thieves. 1.0 sine the goods lottles: were broke,,, passes; smashed and robs o ilk and muslin tossed llm! The lave been as easily sin aonr t|u . s(lvi . l ,i^","l. ay.-''.vuriine.l whole »t any rate, but their was promptly achieved by iml.vidimls ho -ne vent to their excitement- bv Mvingmi,' upon ben.?' Dii the whole a great, need was exhibited lor )olb oi-'anization and repressionThe 1bi10wi.,,.; is a list of the houses burnt am lest roved, with the amount oi insurance* ellected ll Mei m Axup, Stewart, u.ul Bull, drapers, shop „,;.,„ Jnsured in the Austridasian rnsiirancc Loin,nny for .LTilltJ ; in the Liverpool and London, lor ; 1,000, and the Northern for XT,00().
Mr. Brook, eheniist and drupgiat, shop' burnt. Tnsiired in the Now Zealand Insurance Company for L'l,0(10 on stock and lixtiiros, and in the Liverpool iiiiil London Insurance Ooinpuu.v for C-100. Mr. Avers, hair cutter ami city baths. Insured in the New Zealand Insurance Company for £5-30, viz. : I"RH> on the houses, i"J00 on the stock, and .CSO on the furniture. .Messrs. .Uaf'son and Torlesse. coiumissi-ni apents, ollu-es. Insured iu ilu- Australasian Insurance Company for IV>OO. ' Uri|u!i;irt, ivatclnnaU'V (Into Asmussen'.-ii, shop burnt.- Insured in tiie Liverpool and London Insurance Coinpiinv Tor i(i()0. Mr. Cooper, demist, room*, lloorof the above, burnt. Stock and ti-din-es iiisiuvd in the Liverpool and London Coiuj-auv for L'l Ml. -Mr. Morton. f h.,\, unoccupied (Inle Ilnrt and Lod-ei, burnt. Ins.iivd in the Liverpool ami London Insurance Company for ;l"500. -Mr. lilooin, tin- Jn-chi've, grocer, sliop; pullrd down. Mr. Green, hutch,-r. shop ; pulled down. Mr. lMillcr, shoemaker, shop; pulled down. II r. Wheeler, photographer, shop : pulled down. Insured in (lie London and Lanca.-hirc fnsuranci; Coinpiinv i'or .tlO(». Mr. F'nll.-r, hniclic.-. sho]> ; pulled down. Mr. Hhni.lell, watchmaker, shop : jmlled down. Tin: illiiKMMi .\ftkii Tin: Fuji:.—At ris;li( a.m., on Suml.iv n-uniinjj, the lire \m,s still smouldering, and Ihe firemen were in attendance In guard ajjahist furlli.-r iniscliief. The >ilc ..I'tli.- tire presented a sad scene, only a few charred beams being left: to mark what wns nm-e oiu , of the busiest spots in i (.'lirislrliui'rli. Tin , [>!;uv was so tillcriv devuslainl (hal il was baullv possible to recognise il. Some larjje pockets of hops l.clon-ii.L'to MesM-s. Matsonand Tc.rlesse were still i-niied and enntiniied to burn for some tim,'. Twivol'tiie telegraph posts were destroyed the metal eoatini: round one of llicinheiiij; coniplel'ely melted, whilst the top of the oilier was entirely charred, lite wire down id I hi- ground. Connection was >peedily reformed. To add to the u'eueral appearance of desolation the trees and shrubs at the baek of Messrs. Axup and Co.'s premises had been felled 1,, prevent the communication of the lire with the buildings in the rear. Colombo-street presented a strange aspect on Sunday morning. A drenry flat co.cred with blackened t'lrl.ri.i ot everv description mei Ibe ~u- on ..ue side, whilst, the thoroughfare was piled' :ip will, the most motly and miscellaneous collection uhieh it is possible to imagine. Here a pile of .jr.uvrir.-' there a heap ol' lH'iius arlides— 'wliilsl tlie street itself was strewed with broken hoards, the nlmo-t entire roofs of two l>.,uses i.!,,e1,i-i- up ihe roadwav. 'the open space iu front of Cathedral square wa.i almost covered with fragments ~f everv conceivable kind— .-luiltered doors, broken sashes, aJ. : whilst the stores were tilled with the »...)iU saved from the lire, and hastily slowed in them. The 'isy>h.'.!le paw-incut sl-iod llie lest of exlreine heat remarkiiblv well. The kfi'binj; was either burned ~r Knocked awav in the general hi.-.-'..-. 1,1,1 ihe pavement its.-!!''was ompaialively unseathe.l.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 5
Word Count
3,374FIRE IN CHRISTCHURCH. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 184, 15 June 1864, Page 5
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