Tiik An-libi-lifiii of I'auterburv bus ::J.iressed a pnst,.,:,! lellc-.-! Ul i,eu:.l-irv- and laity of hi, on ■ the recent iivkiiiei,! on F.-savs and ljcvicus. Tlie ! ].astor:i!. ulnch is daled lliel-llli iu=L, his Givee | : " I Ikhc l-ea-ioii t.i li.-iieve that the minds of many a..,,,,,.; von i!.-,- piMi'oiindlv moved hy the theological ■ .lucsiioii, which are at ' this moment imitated. I fliiilv receive from various quarters addresses nntl i letters of in.iuirv .-xi>i. s-ln- much ]>.-i-!.1.->:iiy. and 1 sec-kin- counsel ;it my hands: manv members of our i Church eminent for their lank, station, and talents, i have urged me to make a statement of my si-uiiments I cm these siibiects : single points; I has meanwhile: triinspifeil in a manner unbecomini the fM-casio!!. I feel, therefore, that, the time- has ! now :\\t\\ ed when I can no Innjrev refrain from piibj liely declaring my views on these topic.-. Ihii.--. giving j a common answer to vvfvy memorial and reply to i everv imiiihvr. The Ctiuivh has (. richt to know my j mind on niMicivof r-iic-h .-01.-mii interest lo each of I her iv,emi...-l-s. Mild the present secl:!S to be the most i proper channel for such a communication. If it be ii.-ked whv these sentiments were not annoimeed at the time'of the delivery of the- late judgment, the answer will be that" an,-i.-ni or.lcr of tbe I'l-ivy Coinic-il and the precedents of its judicial Committee seemed to forbid such a curse." It would be onI tirely iinlieeomini; in me as a member of the court to I presume to criticise the terms of a jud'nneut concurred ! in by the able and dlstimiui.-hed l utsoiis who asseut- | ed to it : but on a question so momentous, involving as it docs Mich grave t<. the Church of England I lini-t claim to m\ sc-lf the privilej:e of giving expression to ojiinions formed prior to the delivery of the i judsrmeiil. ami wholly im-spec-live of the tonus in I which it is couched. * Tn dealing with those passages i in the ' Esmivs and Reviews' touching the iiuthoritv i of Holy Scripture which were objected to, 1 felt ihiil j 1 was in no wise called upon to attempt any delinii tion of inspiration, seeing that tbe < hurch 'had not ; thought lit to prescribe one: but I did conceive that ', I was bound by the most solemn obligations tomnin- : tain at its exact level that estimation in which Holy j Scripture is held bv our Church, as >hown bv the I tenor of her Articles'mid I .is in "y. and lo beware lest j I should seem lo sanction a dici-ion which should ! detract one jot or tittle from the authority with which il is invesleii according to their language." His Grace then epiotes from the Articles and the i Hook of Common Prayer various lo show I that the Church of England had aulhoi itativelv declared Ilolv Scripture as " the AVonl of Cod" and as •' God's Word wiitlc..." mid tb.-ii :it h-iiuth to show that the statements of Mr. Williams and Mr. Wilson were iiu-on.-i.-ie'-l -.. iin these ions. j He u'oc-s on :-- ! "Tl-.c conclusion at which I arrived on the suhje-ct ; of the ebai-e a-aiiist Mr. AVilson relating to'the : everlasting; puiiishineiit of the wicked, did not iv.-iilt I from any doubt in my minrl as to the (i...-trine of the ; Church of England upon ihi-> point. This doctrine I I con.-idcred t.> be e|. uriv indicated in liie (.'omiiiina- . i lion sei-.iec. the P.nrial Service, llu- Apw-llcs" Creed. i 10..1 the Alhaua.-iim C, ,1, ;.. il;c clii-ct that ibe n- \ ward of tbe lie',.icons U cv.-riastim; bie. and the i pllli ; '-!i'.ne!.l of tin' ivieki :l cvcrlaslii'i; death : nor do ' I com-cUc thai llie ( liiuvli lias unv more sure war- ! rant f.-rl.-liif in the . tenia! happi'iic*- .'l' the saved iban ii li:,. for ibe belief in the eternal suf'crii:" of : the I.'sl. lint Ii ere V.::, s. . much 01.-cmty in 'the , h.nii- ~!',.yp,-.-sion ii-.-d l,v Air. WiU ~ t!,i, head 'that I did not eon-id. ,-the oa-.-au'es •■-.< -a.-ted from ,-,:«■ wou'.l warrant t be' eha.-e thai '. ■ had ad- ■ M-ccdv declared -vd ;il ;;i-;:,,,| ,„ ,he cib-c-i I bat aft.',tlii- lii'c-. at I) i..i -I l!:e cM-tn;;: , of tlii, I- - .'II . lhi.-.-.-inb. ih-iv wii! '„■ mo i-,,i.jme:.i of i iod, st.-onl-i in- to tho-e men \, horn he'-!iall then a-pprove, evei-la-tih- hf.- ::lul , :, n,ai i.a].piii. -s. :,,„! t,. th.'se m< 11 : wl-oln h.- shall C-..U, leu,;.. cw-i-: :i sli,.-d.a-.h ..retell.a! ! Thi- Arclibivlioi, then ? a\s:--j " licfoiv I ,om-iii,li' I would address a few words of j coun-ci to those among \,ui who an- n.v brethren in the ministrv. n,-...\ !„• in.'.u.e.i I.". :,-U what is I hi- <l,:_'n,' .'.f libei-t \ allowed to each ,'f X'.u. accordin- to the,! of'the Church in ,ic.-,lin- with the ! l.ibio. -1].,. m,w I haxetali.'ii of Ih.'claim which the whole of the 11.,1n S.npliuv has to be treated as the Word ..I' (iod ca::uol int. i-f.-ri- with ofdi.j Llenunan'. - of a di-puicd !cM : /or'lhis is no nioiv J than to ari:ue l : at a given text or ivadinM is n<,t a ■'. pan ol'an_» book. lint such nn argumi-iil I on the part of a c!cr : ".man i.- a wid, U diU'eri'i'it thinj 11-,'iu b.s n-scriiou that a p< rt : f "the liibl,. which jhe ha- ae|,iii.Hle,! L ., ,| to 1.,-I..:itr to a <-ai,,al book is I no! the Word of I i<.,l. Without anv such latitude as j this, there i- ample room for fair cnliei.-in in the case !of a minister o! ~m- Church must have its limits, iuj asmiM'h as he has bound himself 1., adhere lo the j p!au, mcaiiiii... i.ftl,,- Articles ami formnlan.-. You j will, 1 am pi'i-.-iiad.'d. ii-,-1 co;nincc.l that it cannot lie I a-rceabie to the mind of the Church l|i::t vou should I tran.-.Mi'css limits. F.u-lhe Chureh' pre cribes l order and im,| , ~-.: u-.-u.u : In,l what w..ul,i not be the j am,.inn ofconlu-ion, if il vciv h-lt lo each minister I to pi-uclaim from bis ),u!pil which portion of the i liib.e was the Word of God, and whidi not > And I would not such lie, nee on the part of the d, i-v prow ihe 1.-.,,! : . u e of ,]„. lain. „),., uoui ,i ,|,, IS '|~'. ]~,-, I without r< dress nuain.-t such a ,!au-er,.us inuoval ion-' ! Aejiiu, I am siiiv m,ii will I,,'warc of -n in- auv other I inlcrpn-lalion to ||,c m<,rd •everlasting , 'in ih.-pas-i sago of our loni:i,!nrii - which relate to the puni.-b- ---| nielli of the lost, than tlial of ■ eternal ' in the sense ;~f • mw.-.'inlin-.' For whatever he the meaning of : the word in the.-,- in the case of the !,■>!. the 1 same must be ils meaning in the ens,- of the saved ; j an,! our ecrlaintv of lievcr-i■iiiling b!is- for penitent , believers is-,,,,,- if the w,,rd l'.ear.- not the same ! si-nilicalion in the case of the impenitent and uubclievin-. You will also do well toob-crve bow the I leaching of Ihe church as to the eternit v of the Son of J Cod must he vitiated if. when the second article of j our church declares that be was be-,,tten iV,, la ,Vei--1 la-tin-of the Father, she leaves us i'ihc-lv to-u,,no-o I under this rest net.-il sense of Ihe wo: ,1' cvcrlaMi.,-, J lii.d there was a lime when the Son ofG,,d was not. I Well wei-hing-, then. li,cse grave considerations, vou J will, I doubt „„(, resolve ~, adhere Mcadfa-lly to iho.-e n.brpivtalions ~f the laiiMua-e which liave been mm ,i!v ncccplcd as a-iveable 'to Ilolv Scriplure, and to the doctrine of the Catholic- Cliurdi. \oiiwiil w.ur-dves reverence, and will teach your ilock to rev, rciice the cau,,ui<:il Scrip!iires as' the Word of (iod. Von will recoiled that, as iv-ards the Old Testament, vou have lh,' wit,,,— of SI I'aul that ail that portion of the 1 lo!v Script ure is -iven by inspiration ~f <;, H | : w |,i|,. „;„. n/,,,.,.1, dcclaivs that tiocthad 'causedall Huh Scrip. „.,•,• lo he written '"•""""• 1 'ning;- and speaks of the comfort of God's Holy Word (which il here identities with the Ilolv Scripture) as that which will enable u< t.. eiub,-a.'e ■May God of His inlinile I,,,'ivv forbid, thai our pe,,! He should ever be robbed of |>i vm ,. ~.i,M,1a! ior.s thence derived '. Mav that blcscd book .ontiunc to be regard,-.1 l,v us all as ~„ r ~,d v infallibie mil lioril •,• eoiicerniuix matter.- ~f la.ih ali.l practice: „* ,l u . j Vdlll.'tie which proclaiins Ihe Saviour of th,- World ■ from Genesis lo J.'cvelntiou, and hears wiihin it the I 'io-pei incs-a-,.'ofsah:,tioii thro,i-h <'hi-Ut fromits lo its cud ! Mav we lind and feel it to he our solace ~, sickness, and ~„,- ,hvii,|!, ;„ ,|,,. sca-on of I'liiptalinn: our -uid,- and comf<,n in life, out- | -lav iii,dMij>pi>rl in the hoar ~f ,|,,ath: Mav il he our privilege lo preserve it. j,i all ils inl.-riiy ~,,d ! piiniy. to Ibis gen,-ration, and baud it down as , ■„. | Word of liinl ' i<, all them ihat arc vet lo < ..ic ' "- i 1μ,;,;,,,,,, VV,,,..v, )| ;u ,|, - i( ;. " ' ! _ \ 1 lav latch on ,!,e >~:iih-w,-t brand, of i.'e P.,. ~v l.';.ilroad. Tlie ].as-en._er I r.-iiu sf.uicd ii-,,,,. .;., j., ~5 the usual hour, will, lliebi,.: a | parlies ami a ho-' i>f IVieiids on board. A fter I !,e 1 rain ",,1 ii'idcr motion the parly otih,. i;,-.,, pan, ;.!,.. I lobn.-v (. artcr. was ii.arned to the ainiaLle a ..I blu.-hin.r" .Ali-,, M. lrv .Dililivan, all of Holla. The c, ,•<■„,on v „-,- , m .r',-,'', Uv the Kev. J!. I). G.ul, ;.-. it i,; iHcuioned as sonievvhal s ugular 1 hit this wa.- ihe (!,-t 1i,,,.- vi his life that Ihe lev. gentleman who 1 i r d the 10v,,,twains in the holy bonds of wedlock, was ever cm board ~f a raih-oad car. Within nn hour after, .Air .1. V Hun,van. Sherili'of Pi,dps County, and father 011 the vouii- me.ilioued above, was married to .Ml.-s .\lar_v I'.'. Campbell, while ih.j train was still in motion at the rate of twenty miles an hour.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 6
Word Count
1,661THE ARCHRISHOP OF CANTERBURY ON ESSAYS AND REVIEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 6
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