Shipping Intelligence.
POBT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. rrince Alfred, s.s.. from the South. Coral Queen, schooner, from the South Soa Islands. Kiwi, schooner, from ITokinnga. Mary Aim Christina, schooner, from Canterbury, Xeva, schooner, from Sydney. IVincess Alice, brig, from M.-lboume. Rose Aim. schooner, from Napier via the Coast. Victoria, schooner, from the South Sea Islands. DF.PARTrUKS. Alexandra, s.s.. for Napwr. llart. brie, for llobart Town. H.M.S.S. Kali on, for Sydney. F.XTKIiEO IX WARDS. MAY 2S- Swallow. 27 tons. Catchpole. from the Great Biirrier. with 50 lons firewood. 2S—Kiwi. 30 tons. Bryors. from ITokianpi. with 30 tons h-inri £um. i> casks pork. 6 cases jams, 2 kits ' onion*. 2 parcels. 1 box clothing—3 passengers.— ' C. Wcl-ft.r. agent. 2-S— Sarah Ali-v. 15 tons. Xieman, from Coroiuandel. witli 7.IVK" , feet sawn timber, IS bags corn—lo passengers. —Stephenson A Wardell. agents. 2S —Rose Ann. 27 tons. Jones, from Napier via the " Coast, with 210 has-s wheat. IS kits do., 9 kits maize. 4 ba-s wool. 13 rusks pork.— J. Salmon A Co.. acents. n*!!i:i Fli":i, ?'- tons, Coleiran, from Waiheki. with -7 tons fir-'wood. 2<—Mornins Li'.'lit. 2S tons. Tiller, from Wangapoa, with 15.000 foot sawn timh-r. 2S—Vrineess Ali.-e, hris;. 2:47 tons. Gordon, from Melbourne. Passengers—Miss Shepherd. Miss liarvey. ami Mr. l>. B. Simmons.—A. Wolley & Co.. 2N—Yi.wrU. si-hooner. .".15 tons. Yuuns, IVom Rorotonca.—Captain, agent. 2S_Marv Ann Christina. 41 tons, Clark, from | Christ church, with 2.000 bushels wheat.—Stephen- I son \ Wnr.l.-H. agents. j o,s — Neva, schooner, i>2 tons. Marshall, from Sydney. I Pis^e'icers —Mr. and Mrs. Promise.—Henderson & Jfacfarlane. agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. MAY 2S—Swallow. 27 ions, Catchpole, for the Great Barrier, in ballast. 2-<— Kinn-a F.'i/a. 22 tons. Coleman, for Waiheki, in ballast. 2S—Sarah Alice. 15 tons. Noiman. for Coromandel, with sundries — 5 passengers.—Steplienson & Warilell. agents, os— Rallamt. p.s.. S3 tons. White, for Tauranga and >-;i<ver. in ballast.—Gilfillan A: Co.. acents. "" r ,*_ Peerless, ship. 1.005 tons. Flavin, for Kombay via ICaipam. in ballast.— J. S. Maefarlane & Co.. agents, j 2S Part. br'L'. 1-S tons. Sansom. forllohirt Town. ! in ballast. Passenccr —James Guller.— Stephense-n } \' Wardell. agents. i 25!—Valiart, brig. 147 tons. Prodic. for Port Frederick, in ballast. —C. J. Stone & Son. agents. ENTERED OUTWARDS. MAT 2S—Stanley, schooner, for Newcastle. 28— Pacific, barque, for Newcastle. IMPORTS! FOREIGN". Per Princess Aliee. from Melbourne, —'200 cases brandy. Cniiekshank, Smart, and Co.: 10 cases merchandise. 1 sample parcel, Georsre "Webster; 9 trunks i hr.nts, J. Watts: 100 boxes candles', 100 boxes soap, j A. "Woolley and Co. : 136 hoiW plates. 100 eases \ -w-hir-kw. t>3 e-.ises old to nl . Cmieksh.uik. Smart and (\.. : 1 "ca»e hardware. Li!.-wall and Ruttrav : 20 casks b(-f. W. S. Laurie : 1 oa?e hardware. Cimirkshank, Smart, and Co.: 10 drums oil, Lilowall and Rattray ; 3 parkain-:. merchandise. W. J. Yoiinc. Otuhnhu: 1 pack-am- merchandise. Clarke and Son : S packages mn-chiuidise. Lewis Brothers: 1 ease. 1 bale, and 1 packase. S. M. Green and Co.: 1 box private ffir-tt.s A. Campbell: f'O boxes ear-die*, order: 200 Vtirs Hour. 20 eat-es fancy biscuit. 8 cases tobacco, 44'parkasos bones. Alfred "Woolley & Co; 20 easr-s la™. Pavid Comrie : "2 cases iv-r.-handiso. S. and 11. Hamilton: 40 cases axe?, A. W.-ollcy and Co.; 42 ti'-rces Wf. f> P 2 kegs beef and mutton, order; 'mi ■ li.-ks tallow, 3 c.-!ses f-mcv bi-iuit. A. Woollcy and Co.: 2 cases biscuit. T. "\V. Marsh: 2<> ea<os jams. 20 biscuit, order: 2:s tubs l.utt.r. 50 casos merchandise, 2 paekner-s weithinir machinrs. 20 casks oatmeal, 9 cases "merchandise, David Connie, and Co.: 1.3 oases s-wing machines-, I.PM has? o.its. .52 haas bran, order M tank (400 gallons). 4 horse stall fittinsrs. A. Woolky and Co.—Alfred Woolley and Co. ns'^nts. Per Victoria, from Rorotonca :—OO.OOO ora!i2es. SOO pine apples. 500 lbs. dried bananas, !) casks lime juice. 2 kits arrowroot, order. PcrXt-va. from Sydney:—4- cas'-s clocks. 1 parcel jencll.ry. ITcndersoV. and M:tcf;Hane : 111 ba ? s order: 3 packages .-ad''lery. ' "onner ind Co. ; 2 biinrili-?shafts. Greer and Cd. : 1 pnekace saddlery. Wiseman: lIS boxes|)ipes. 169 boxes bone dust. 100 bass maize. 22 coftl baskets. 294 ffllo<-s. 500 spokes. 2(i pairs naves, 2S'9 packages hardware, 21 kegs ] ni'ils, 3 ca-es axes. 20 rolls bagging, 2G cases j hardware, 94 kegs nails, order.
The T.C.B.M. Co.'s >.?. I'riin-e Alfred, fnpt. Thr.?. Randall, arrived in harbour from the Smitlii-m Provinces yestfrdny morning Slio left Dmifdin on the 20th inVt., at fl-30 p.m., arriving at Lvlt< lton on t):i: 21st at noon. 17ihr.ur?; k-it T.yttolton 22n.1, at !>-5 a.m., arriv,-ci at" "Wellington 2"rd. at !<"-.'O a.m., A'Ji hours : ]. ft WV-llinn-ton 'ioth, at 2-10 p.m.. arrived at papier -JH-th, at 11-40 a.m., 'JH liours : It-It Xapier on the 27th. at 1 p.m., and arrivf-d in this iiarbour yc.--firday '2f»th), at 10-30 a.m., 454 houi-s. .She brings tho t'tAlcwins pa.-S(.-iii?frs : —Capt. Sliarpc, Messrs. Moillin, (;ill,"Maekiiy, (.'ox, Tooiror.d. Fic!<lin.-.ii, Hill, CrawiVircl. Jiowman.'CaiTol]. "tlaJtby, Mrs. Cameron, Mis* VrpiuiL', Mrs. Lain", and 10 in tiio second cabin. The Priii'.- Alin-d KiiU"for Sydney on Wednesday next, lier place on the Ka.-:t Coast line bi-injj tjiken by the >.>. Auckland, which sails on Friday. The clipper schooner Cora 1 Queen, Ciipt. Traytc. arrived from tin- South Sea Islands on Saturday afternoon la-t. The Coral Queen was seventeen da\s on the pussaae from this port to Aitutake, wJiere she took on board her rnruo of fruit Sailed on tile 7th inst., and has had to contend liL'lif winds and calms all the pn>_-iige. -She brin»sa (-.irao of onui»cs, 300 jiine' apples, ami a tuns oil. The tehooiu-r Neva, Capt. Mar?liall, arrived in harbour from Svdnev during the coursi , of Friday alter a fine run of nine days. She experienced a succession of ]i«ht Easterly weather, and made the Three Kings on Wednesdav last. The schooner Victoria, *Capt. Young, arrived from Rorotonsiu on Saturday iiiorning last, after a very tedious pis?a»e of twenty-one days. Captain Yeuni; reports liaht Soutln.-rly weather throughout. She has brought a cargo of fruit, in good condition. The brig Princess Alice, Capt. Gordon, arrived in harbour from Melbourne on Saturday morning. .She sailed on the 10th inst., and had a heavy gale of wied from the S. E. on the 15th, after that fine light S. W. winds until making the Kings, on Friday, the "20th inst. Three, horses, which were shipped in Melbourne, died on the passage, in consequence of heavy weather. The i'rin<-ess Alice brings ii large cargo, and is consigned to Messrs. Woollcy & Co. The schooner Mary Ann Christina, Capt. Geo. Clark, arrived from Christchurch on Saturday. She sailed on the 9th May, and hud a fine run to the East Cape, when flic experienced a heavy gale veering from the X.W. round to S.W., during which she was. hove-to for seven dais; in thisgalethe foretoyiiiast, f.ire vard,jii>-bo(>in, and mainsail were rarried away. Tii- Marv Ann Christina a. cargo of wh-al. 'l'he ».;. Alexandra, Capt. Williams, sailed for Xapier on Muttirdiiy iast, with troops. Ac. The Hallarat, for the siimc port via Tauranga, also sails this day. Tiie barque .Nightingale and brig Pakelia both came aloiijrsi:!,. the Wharf on .Saturday, and commenced discharging The scliooncr Kiwi, from Hokianga, and Rose Ann, from .Napier via the Coast, arrived on Saturday morning last. Tin- s.s. Otago. Capt. Smith, left Onehunga on her pa-s;u;e to the South, at noon on Saturday last. The schooner Sea Breeze leaves for Kussell this day. The Itar.jue Pacific, and schooner Stanley both entered outwards at the Custom House on Saturday, and bail soon. The brig Dart, Cupt. Sansom, sailed for ]lobart Town on Saturday last. The »hip Peerless, for Bombay via ICaipura, and brig Valiant, for Port Frederick," V.D.1.., both leave ttiis day. JI.M.S.S. Falcon sailed for Sydney on Saturday feveiiitig last.
The Custom's Receipts for the weekended tlic2Slh inst., amounted to £231.2 19 8 . 6d The Vistula, for Newcastle, sails this evening.
ARBIYAL OF THE U.Z.S COMrANY'S S-S. WELLINGTON. This fine steamer, built especially for the New Zealand Steam Navigation Company, arrived oil" Cow Jfay on Raturdav lust, and came to the anchorage during the following forenoon. She has made the passage from Waterford under sail in 117 days, I durmp n greater portion of which she exjvrienJed moiv than ordinary rouo;h weather, and tlu-oucliout the Wellington proved herself an excellent sea "boat, vessel lias been brought out by Captain Mclnfyre, formerly of the clipper ship Chrysolite, which ship loaded here with wool last season for London, who is so favorably known amongst us. and who after :> career on the ocean of somo twenty years, now intends with his wifo and family to settle down in New Zealand. A very lnrsfe number of persons have, already visited the Wellington, and amongst tho rest we gratified our curiosity, mid received every information from Captain McTntyre, who with his usual courtesy, showed us over tho vessel. She is complete in every particular, and the smart appearance which she presents to the eye as she lies at .anchor in tinbay is moretlmnborneont on a i-loserandmoreniiiuite inspection. Her saloon is roomy, and is handsomely although not pretentiously lilted, whije the sleeping berths are exceedingly comfortable and well ventilated. Perhaps the most striking feature in the passenger aeeomodation of this steamer is the spacious second cabin which she possesses, which we have no doubt will be duly appreciated by passengers travelling on the coa.-t of New Zealand or elsewhere. This cabin contains 49 comfortable sleeping berths, besides a large and convenient apartment set apart as u ladies' cabin. We understand that the nominal horse power of the Welliimttm is about 100, mid her consumption of coal for full steam is about half a ton t<. the bo mi-. The engines are direct-act inn inverted condensing chines ; the diameter of the cylinders is 34 inches, and the length of stroke 27 inches. The following arc her dimensions :—Length of keel and forcake. IS2 feet : br. a.l:h of beam, 24 feet 6 inches ; depth of hold 1 i feet ; burden 527 tons. She is also fitted with horse-stalls. The Wellington was built in the well-known yards of Messrs. Blackwood i Gordon, of Glasgow, and on her trial trip she made 12J knots. She is a valuable addition to the fleet of vessels now owned by the N'.Z.S.X. Company, and we have no doubt she will prove herself their crack boat. Preparations are being made to get her ready for sea. and it is expected that she will be in good' trim in about ten days. She will (irst proceed to Nelson to be cleaned. — U'rlH.ujti.n.l.lrertw. May 11, • The H'rffii.iitoH linf some remarks on the impropriety of giving the junior captains command of Ihe newly arrived boats. This has ari.-en through Captain Cellcm having! been otl'ered command of the s.s. Wellington, aud from the tone expensed in the AdvtrtUvt; the appointment has euused great jealousy.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 170, 30 May 1864, Page 3
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1,780Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 170, 30 May 1864, Page 3
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