Shipping Intelligence.
P 0 R T oi' A"UCKL AK D . ARIUYALS. Auckland, 5.5., from Sydney. iligrutor. barque, from Hong Kong. ai_ririt 1 . brig. i'roni Launccsl on. Oregon, barque, from Newcastle, IvS.W. "Vistula, schooner, frcm wcastle, IS .S.W. Alexandia, s.s.. from Tauranga. li.M.S.ri. lliraridu, from Tuuranga. • U.jl.kj.ti. liulcon, from Tuunuiga. . DEPARTURE. Courier, ketch, for Dunedni. ENTERED INWARDS. MAY 20 —Migrator, barque, 30-1 tons, Cowan, from Hong Konir. Passengers —Mr. 11. Aimysmouth, Mr. Haw —Captain, agent. 20—?>ia<rgii\ brig. H,O ton?, Taylor, from Laimecston. —J. Kobcrton & C'o., agents. 20—Oregon, barque, 3!)t» tons. Wilson from NewcasthC N.S.AV.—A. L. Thompson A: Co., agents. 20—Vistula, schooner, 133 tons, Smith, from Newcastle, N.S'.W.—Henderson .t Maefarlane, agents. 20—Jessie, 12 tons, Armstrong, from Waranaki, with f> pifis. 7 kauri gum—l passenger.—Buchanan & Stewart, agents. 2(l— George. 15 tons, Pusheil, from the Thames, with NO bushels wheat, 12 tasks-pork, 2h tor.s potatoes, (i kits apples. 8 pigs, 1 keg lord—.Buchanan & Stewart, agi nts. 20—Voiunteir, 22 t< !•>-. >-"id;i\ r.n. l'r.aii llahurangi and the Hot Springs, with -;u tuns lirewood, 2,000 feet timber. 20 Kate, barque, 341 tons, Sherlock, from Sydney.— Jlcuderron i Maefarlane. agents. 20 Auc-klai'd, s.p.. 580 tons, G. Pcnsonby, from Svtlnev. Passengers—C'apt. and Mis. Clai ton and if children, Mr. ami Mrs. Gilfil!an and child, Mr. and Mrs. Ci.rtis, Mr. Mel'arlanc. Dr. Ifeluin R.N., JI.M.S. Curaroa, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Walker, Miss Carter, Mrs lane, Mr. Cntchille. Mr. and Sirs, Pvrre. 11 r. Gibbons. 11 r. R. llnrwood. Mr. and ifr. Jlaitin, Mr. Pr< hiney. Mr. Vidal, Miss Galhiaith. Mrs. JHd'y, Till". Pnnvn, Mr. Stanton, Mr. llaves. Mrs. \Yheeler, Mr. Muir, Mr. Ttrrumper. —LC.Ii.M. Co.* agents. CPTCARED OUTWARDS. MAY 20—Medwuv, '10 tons, llenden, for Matakana, in hu! hist. 20—Ring, Dove, 22 tons, Rackstraw, for Russell, in bulhibt. 20—Julia, IS tons, Poult, for Awanui, in ballast. ENTERED OUTWARDS. MAT 20 —Pcirlerieli Pcntzien, brig, for Newcastle. 20—Statesman, ship, for Guam. 20—."Bella barque, for Hob art Town. IMPORTS FOREIGN. Per Aurklaml, from Sydneylo lihds. rum, ,T. Rnhntoit & C'o. ; 50 hales tobacco, order; 20 pkgs., Ci ui'*kshank <S: O*. : 5 do., I'. A. Phillips; -il (Jo., S. I'iTivii ; 9 do.. T. Phillipson ; 1 case dnij*s, T. IJ. llill; '20 cases imrchandls«\ J. Maclarlane & Co.; :i cases plants, order : - phgs, T. A. Hicks ; 74 Lajra malt, order; -1 hales leather, Pueholz & Co.; 10 hhds. mm, Maei'arlane «.V <"o. ; (55 pkgs., order ; 53 ditto, ditto : v- ditto, J. Pekertoii & (*<». : IS kegs butter, ditto : 2 ] Ktrt'. meiehar.dise, P. A. Phillips ; 3f> ditto, ]). ('t'liiiif ; 12 ditto, R. Peanush ; 4 coses chairs, T. A: II- ''ook: S'l bags hai-lev, AY. J. \oun™; 32 ixunnies M:irar, order : l~>o ditto, Morrin iS: Co.; 7ti ditto, .1. Robert on A: Co. ; 32 ditto, Puclianan A: Co.; 2 ]-kjrs. lisniCf?, J. A: A. Wiwjmm ; 2 casks ditto, ,T. Raihlcne: :>0 jikgs. merchandise. D. Nathan; 1 case, on'.ir; '-'j eases, drapery, AY. Rattray ; 1 ditto meiehuidise, R. Tfornt-: 1 horse audi spring cart, 1 .vine ; 1 case drapery, "\V. pattray ; 6 eases cheese, Pyrne: 1 sprinir cait, ditto; U4 pk'frs., Maefarlane; Hi I.airs lice, IStonc & .Son; 1(I bands beet, Mabin & Chahani ; 10 eases, order ; 1 trunk, W. S. Laurie: o Sun;ervil!" ; ditto, French; 114 ditto, (iilnilan : 2 ditt", Petti r: 110 ditto, l-'aton & Bewolf ; 1 b(*N. li. lli-iv.e: 1 iid bairs maize, Roberton A: Co.; '.'2 pkirs., (ider; 2(1 ditt", I'hillips & Son; 20 ditto, order : GO ditt". ditto ; 2d ditto, ditto ; 45 ditto, ditto; 18-i ditto, ditto; 1!27 ditto, ditto; 20 halfeliests tea, Blown A: ("ampliell : 11 pkps., 11. Graham Jt Co.: 1 ditto, Pank of New Zealand: 1 ea.-e, ,)i nkiiis i Co.; obexes severeiirns, Dank of New Zealand: 12 tiuees l.iel', liihbons; 22 nisks orange.-, Mel'ailar.e : 2 eases mcichandi/'e, Xewman A: C'o. ; ft do. do., Maenady ; 2 do. do., A. Partlett, 1 do. do., l r . P» w is( ii ; 1 do. do., P. A. Phillips: P do. do., C'inike: -t boxes soveieiprns, l>ai:k of Xew Zealand ; 7 pkgs., Wilson & Pawn . 1 case, Thompson «fc Co.; 1 cask earthenware, 5 rolls matting, 1 pkg., mai/e, (51 keirs ht/ef, ha;j:s maize, 4 ease?, 11 k L'L'S ~y r-asi.-p, *2 kcirs, 3 cases, iy keirs, 4 case.-; cheese, 2 cases, 2-i firkins butter, order: 1 ease, Canning ; 8 tieicc.s beef, Clihhen? ; 2 cases eggs. ID do. oranges, onler; 1 omnibus, IVlsher; 21 eases fruit, 1 case, 5 eases wine. 1 cask ticcs, 1 truss, 4 drays, 8 spring carts, oidcr; 02 cases fruit, Cochrane: 1 huirgv, <> dravs, order: •) hags flock, 1 ca?k hair, H. : 1 parcel, Puddle ; 1 do., Pompallier; 1 do., P..: 1 do. 11. Sinikhis: 1 do., Midley ; 1 ease, Gonerrd Cameron ; I do., AV. Young: 1 do., ■\luttlebeny: 1 I.iiut. Maryland : 1 do., F. H. Tj. ; 1 do., Capt. Antrohns; 1 j.aiceh 1 br.iTel, Ir'itzGibhon; 1 case,
order: 1 pared, 1\ Grabim; I do., l\attray. Per Kate, tiom Sydney: —GO ash oars, Commodore Wiseman : 8 Wiles gunnv hacF. Brown, Campbell & to. : ti Tolls mattiig. T. it IK Cook ; ICO bags bone dust. order; 50 cases wine, casks bottled boor, t'ruieki-hank, Smart Co. : 2 casks blocks and sundries, J. I?obi rlon & Co. ; ICO bags maize, r J. Kelly; ]] [) cases merchandise 1 , Henderson & Co.; 100 bags maize, l>. Simpkin ; 17 bags maize, Eaton & Dewolf; 1-iO <«sos merchandize, J. Tloberton & Co.; IS boxes hoi>e shoes. order : 11 Vales leather, Gittos ; t bales drapery, S. & Yuilc; 1G cases merchandize, Owen ami Crahani ; SO eases merchaudir-e, order; 6 eases merchandise, K. AVayte ; i) eases merchandise, J. Harris ; 8 eases merchandise, J. l\ing ; 5 cases merchandise, .7. White; 4- cases merchandise, R. Beck ; 202 hajxs maize. . Somerville ; 100 bugs bone dust. Captain Holt ; -!S bags maize, J. Eoberton and Co.. G ( -> i;ms bone dust, order; 50 tierces beef : \\ oolley and Co.: 10 drays, order ; 121 bags maize, Capt. Sherlock : 102 buys maize, order; 3 packages, Stepher.sou and AVardcli : 1 pole dray, :*0 tierces beef, order; 1 parcel. Uev. Buddie : 31 barrels heel, order. Per A istulu. from Newcastle: —203 tons coul, Henderson *S: Macfarlane. l'er l'r«>m Launeeston :—3IG bags potatoes, : C. ,1. Sun : S;ll bag's oats, Thornton, Smith Firth ; I,' Jut) bags Hour, 300 bags potatoes, 100 do. , bran, 11 1 do. wheat, '104 3 palings, 'J. Eoberton ami Co. ; 30 tubs butter, Gilfillan Jc Co. ; 1 cask, -DI iiurii. | IVr Oregon, from Newcastle : —l4'J liea.d cattle, A. ; L. Thompson & Co. !
ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. AUCKLAND, FROM SYDNEY. The T.C.TOr.CVs steamer Auckland, Gordon Ponsoubv, Cnnuiiauder, arrived ill harbour at 2"-to p.lll. vesirrdav, after a rapid ]iussulz 1 ' of 5 days 4 hours. tShr IViY Svdut'y at 10 - o0 p.m. on fc'aturdav, . 11th instant, with'the English mail, arrived that day per i'. and O. Company's s.s. Aortham. 6lie abo bniis's I I iir.-t class and '27 .second class passenger:. On tiie 1 Tilh and liitli instant experienced a very lieavv gale veering from S.K to S.d.W with teritiie squalls, attended with vivid lightning, and a vol'} 1 it'll.vv sou ; it mulcnr.? clean breaches over the slup at times. The-A uekland behaved remarkably vi'N» :i:ul proved liTsrlt an admirable sea-boat, she lopnii, nothing during tho gale but the main try-saii, which was blown dese-reeied. I'rom the 17th to theKiHg> south-westerly winds and lair weather, with a high confused sea were experienced ; rounded thf I Cape at S p.m. 19th inst., oil' which a i larne ship, apparently English, mid said to be the < v >iuvn oi the Deep ; bound for Auckland. >»> other vassels have been seen. The Aue klaud h«}» lnueh improved in speed since her last visit to this poi't, owing to judicious improvements suggested miu carried out l-y Mr. Gray, her chief engineer.
The barque Migrator, Captain Cowan, ht harbour only yu>UTday morning, from Hong Kong huviiii* left that place on the Ist March lust. has experienced ;i succession of light -winds n (( _ calms throughout, and has been twenty days tctcmQp i'rom Capo i.ewin. 31a(le the Three Kings day last, and had a strung breeze down coast. J-" 6 Migrator brings two passengers aud a Ciirgo of W>venmient stores. The brig Maggie, Captain Taylor, arrived troiii r.riunectton yesterday. Siic sailed on the Sth and had ligut winds during a greater parrot the P^-tunc; on tin.; ISlh, » xporieiieod a heavy g:uc tj* 0 " 1 the S.W., and made the Three Kings the Qh« in coit*ign<ri J. Bobortoit & Go.'
The barque Oregon, Captain Wilson, twolvo days from Nuwc.istle, dropped anchor off ilauraki Bay yestordav morning. Shu sailed on the Tth inst., anil had alternate gales and calms all the way across. Made the North Cape on Wednesday last, when she spoke the barque Agnus, bound to London, but from what port it could not be ascertained, owing to it 1-Jowim:; .-o fiercely at the time. She brings a caruo of cattle tor Messrs. A. L. Thompson & Co. ; twenty were lust 011 the passage. The s.s. Alexandra, Capt. Williams, arrived from TatiiHiura early yesterday morning, having left that place at o;' !!!- the tiny previous. She ha.s brought up troops ami Commissariat stores. 11.>1.5.5. Miranda and Falcon, also with troops and ordnance .-tores from Tauranga, Loth arrived vesterday. The .-li-mier I'rince Alfred, Captain I.owrie, completed tite loading 01 her eargn of timber at the Cornwallis Saw Mills, yesterday, and will at Mine take her departure tor Taranaki, should the wo.ithir !.i"Uii.iii'. This is the second cargo of timber that the I'rince Allied ha.s taken from the above Mills. and we understand that upon her return from Taranaki. she will ship another load. 'ihe barque Mary Agnes, Captain Darby, sailed from Sydney for tins pert on the tith instant. The V"lloiving vessels had arrived at Newcastle from 'his peri : — Lindsays, sliip, and Olenshee, barque, on the -nd: Atlantic, barque. 011 the 3rd : and Adelaide Bell. ship. 011 the Stll instant. Tiie lurque Harriet Ar.nytage. Captain Stephens, from Twofold Hay. hound to this port with sheep, was spoken on Wednesday, the 11th instant, by a vessel b''imJ to Sydney. Tho s.s. Lord Ashley, Captain Mnehin, from this port the-ird install!, arrived at Sydney on the 10th: and the >.s. Soucluys, Captain I'earce, which left heie o-a the also arrived at Sydney on the l'Jth ] instant. _ J 'I'he elipper schooner Neva. Captain Marshall, was j announced in the Sydney 'papers on tile 11th instant. ; positively to sail for this port on the following dav V The oi ilt 1 Vnlt ieh lVnt:'.ien, lor Newcastle. liarque, Bella ilarv. for Hobart Town, and ship Statesniau. for (-uam. all entered outwards at the Custom House vesterday. The k' teh Courier, Captain Merrick, sailed for Jlunedin vesterday luorning. The clipper burqne Novelty, Captain Austen, sails for Svdr.ey this atternoon. Th'e .-hip 'I'. K. -Milleuge, Captain Wilson, sailed from N< «■ ca.-tle for this port with cattle on the l'-'lh instant. Tiie i'riir llita. Captain Souter. arrived at Sydney from tiii- i.ort "ii the 1-th inst., and was advertized as heim; i'u tin- berth again for Auckland, with despatch. The s.-. Claud Hamilton. Captain Machin, was on the berth at Svdiiev for Melbourne, when the Auckland sail"d. 1 ll will he seen by the report of the Auckland, : which arrived from Sydney yesterday, that an J-.nglish | ship. simposod ti' be tiie tJueen ot the Deep, hound I to this iiort. was pasted oil'the North Cape, at S> p.m. j on iiiirbl la-t. She will, in ail probability, ' 'e.icii tia j--it "his morning. | Tiie barque Ch.arlotte Andrews, Captain Jenkins, | arrived ;:! Sydney 011 the lotll instant, altera passage j of is days 11 out San Francisco. i The barque Trieste. Captain sailed from J >'t wc.u-tie tor Calitotiiia en the old instant. The gunboat Sandtly, Captain 11. Marks, leaves for this aibmitK>n. j There v."a>r.'v' <-f'the s.s. i.-Jueen, Capt. Francis, , due livm the South on Thursday last, when we wviit to pros h*-l night. She has no doubt detaiheu. thr--nu'h heavy weather. The French whaler "Winslow, (."apt. Labaste, armed at .New Ph mouth irv.n Auckland on the -uih March. iI.M.S.S. Himalaya. Capt. Lacy, arrived at Plymouth from this port and Sydney in March hist. Tne foili-wing were loading at London for | this port at tiie date of his-t advices : —Maxwell, j Jone? : Fhing Foam. Perk in ; Morning .Star, Mat- I tlivw ; I'ortiaiid, Ihoma.-«: Ulenderun, iJruwn ; Iron- j sides. Vaux. I Xiie ?l)ip Gabalva. Capt. Fra.-er. sailed from ! (iravtseiut ior tins port 011 the Fel'ruary. and j lite Capt. lienry, from Deal, on tiie ltith March. | A ship named the Tiinenlo. Capt. Patter>on. . sailed from Liverpool for Auckland on ihe lUtii March. The ship Ganges, Capt. Funnell. arrived at Calcutta irom this port on the 11th February. The Amiie Laurie. Capt. Kcid, took iier linal delvjrture lrom Lainblash lor Auckland 011 the 2tjth February. The bnc Pakeha. from Prince Kdward Inland, bound to this port with passengers, "was spoken on ihe 2uth Januarv, in 1 = I'J" longitude m= w.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 163, 21 May 1864, Page 2
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2,118Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 163, 21 May 1864, Page 2
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