I'UOG.RESS OK TJIE WAR. « SIXTEEN DAWS' LATER NEWS. By the ' Charlotte Andrews,' the Sydney- papers have received files from California to tlie L'llh .Maieii, and telegraphic news from Washington and New Vol'k to the 2tird. Wo give underneath, from tlie Ei-tnimj lliil'rliii and AHu Cu/iJ'urniu, the principal items of news lroin the neat of war. The -U(n of the 2Mb states that General I'anks had taken tin: lield. It is said that it his intention to sweep around by We.-tean Louisiana into Texas. If the report be correit, Governor Vamv, of North Carolina, has given information as to the precise locality of the weak point of Kecessia. It is Wilmington. Through that point the rebels receive mosL of their supplies ti-om abroad. If we should capture it, in his opinion, L» c would not ho abie to remain in Virginia torty-cight hours. I f this be so, \Y ilmington is of more importance than Charleston. New York, .March 2 1. A speeial despatch from Washington to 1)i77,;/<.v says, tiiat General Grant arrived yesterday ami proceeded at once to the I runt. The reorganization of the army will lie quietly ami speedily Deserters who came in yesterday represent that Lee lias ordered all the wagons to be in readiness lor use by April Ist. Chicago, March 2-1. The third resolution adopted by the Democratic State Convention at Columbus is as follows " That we are oppo.-ed to the prosecution of t..c war for the subjugation of the Stales, or for lhe puipo>e ot divesting them of their sovereignty, or or impairing their lights; and being snti>,ied In.a ii> continued prosecution for such objects will, in the end, prove the utter destruction of our civil hbciiv. we therefore ilemnml un immediate iuau a: an, oi I peaceable means to attain a favourable sell leu.cni anil I restoration of the Union uiderlhe Constitution," j New York, March - 1. j Special despatches say that the House Naval Comj niittee are preparing a bid for building lbur ocean \ ironclad cruisers, the cost i.i'vvh eh will be 5,0(J0,(.l X I ; dollars or 7,<K10,0U0 dollars each. The Wavs and Means Coiiinuttce struci; cut tiie appropnolion l.n them, on the ground that, it vvouht take two years :o ! complete liu'in, and furtb r that, the naval service . does not rcijiiirc this cln.-s of vessels. A majomv of ! the Naval Committee are said to be opposed to t lie
Hill, hut will allow it to bo reported to the House for action* Cairo, March 24. Advices from below are to the effect that the fleet readied Atchafalaya on the 11th, where General Smith's force disembarked to operate against Fort Ferussy, whero Dick Taylor ww encamped with 11,000 men. So soon as Taylor heard of Smith's landing, he marched to hi** rear to attack him. Skirmishing commenced on Smith's left Hank before he was aware of the exact whereabouts of the enemy. Discovering Taylor's design, General Smith's armv, instead of attempting to keen open its communication with the river, proceeded by forced marches toward? the Fort, reaching it three hours hefoiv Taylor came up. A charge on the works was immediately made, and considerable fighting occurred, in which the Federal loss was about 40 killed and wounded. The fort was taken with 213 prisoners and 11 guns. The fleet, in the meantime, steamed ui> the Red Tiiyer, and at the dates was at Alexandria. lioston, March 23. The great monitor Monadoc wa* hmnched to-duv. Xew York. Mareli 21.' A Fortress Monroe letter reports that nn expedition under Oeneral Graham has I'.ono to clear out a nest of guerillas in Mnf'fhcws and trlouccsU'rcnuntics. So far as heard from, the expedition had met with the greatest snreess. Tho Wovhf a special says : —Preparations for the projeeled expeditions of Generals Uurnside and Hancock have been direeb'd to by General Grant, and both commands will be placed in a position to actively co-opciate with the army of the Potomac. Ihmeock has already returned to his coninvtnd. Cairo, March 23. Tho Memphis JhtPrfhi says:—The flight on the Ifith, twelve miles east of Tsort Pillow, wa« between sixty Federals and one hundred rebels, n suiting in the complete rout of the latter, one-half being either killed or yntuuicd. Gar loss w::* c»:dv one killed. Kt.n::vil!i', Mareh 23. There are no hostile demon ;f rations at the front. Long-iiect is reported to In.; pif paring for a visit to his I'.ieiul.s in Kentucky. Xew York", March 22, A special despatch to tho 7/'»//•///, dated "\V ashinprton the 21st, says: General Grant will ho hero in the morning. On Thursday he reviews the entire army of the Potomac. In the ro( rganisalinn to he effected it is learned eurreetly that Hancock, Sedgwick, and Warren will ho retained as corps eoiumanders ; that General Meade retains his present position ; General Grant exereinng a superior control of the entire Tho ITou<u Judiciary Committee unanimously authorised th'-ir chairman to report the following and to ask for its adoption hy the House — A joint resolution, submitting to the legislatures of the several States a paoposition to amend tho Constitution of the t'nited State.-, by :iddin«! to Artiele 13: Section!. "Slavery bring incompatible with free government, is for ever prohibited in the Tinted States, and no involuntary servitute shall be permit Ud only as a punishment for crime. "Soition 2. Oorgivss shall have the power to enforce the foregoing section of this Act by appropriate legid it ion." (.»■ neral Grant lias directed that recruiting for the cavalrv regiments shall cease. There is no doubt of the fact that Lee is daily re»' t dvin«r aceossions to his aney, and preparing an early upenii g of the approaching spring campaign. 11 is cavalry is being reorganised, and, although a -mailer organisation than hist summer, it is equally formidable. The infantry arc coming up from various quarters, and. in a few weeks, \\\- shad doubtles> have in our front an army not at all inIV lior to that which confronted u> last season. The rcorgani-ation ofthcarmy of the Potomac has not commenced. New Yoak, March 21. "Washington special despatches sav the hills arc being prepaied by the Senate and House Committees ol ( ommcrce to rstabiUh lines of first-cla-s sleam>hips, bet wet n New ork Mid several European ports, which will be proviihd with the arnianitii! not only to protect them>elvi s. but to capture privateers. The >'i\\ y J h-purtment approves of the so measures, and will render all the aid in its power for their establishment. Ithashien ascertained from cGieial sources that the etl'eotive army of the United States now in the field exceeds L'oo/oeo the entile force a year ago. It is stated, by authority, that General Grant will take command of tho Army of the Potomac in person. Chicago, March 21. On the subject of the expedition heretofore referred to, the publication of the despatches of the St. Louis litj ii'iftri'ti will do no harm. They state of :i force id abi'lit ten thou.-and iihii, and a iie« tof gunboat.-, left Vicksburg on the 1(1 for the -outheni destination. Though then- is no positive information as to the immediate objective point of the expedition, em rent evidences indicate »Shie\eport with some precision. I'eltimore, March A company of roving gm i iilas made a dash into Morgan county, Ya.. on j-rioay, and captured a I'nion la ague, whnh was in M >-ion at tin-time, ami two repi eseidatives of'the lirst Virginia Legislature. Alter robbing a large number of eiti/.i ns, the rebels encamped with the plunder and prisoners. There are but few p-ht Is in tie* valley. This is the first instance for weeks that they have committed any depredations. Parties from the upper vallov report that all the lurloughed rebel soldiers have been called back to join their legiments in Lee's armv. Xew York, March 20. The Tintrs' special despatch says that the excitement in regard to the threat* ncd raid by Stuait has subsided. A detachment of theenemv crossed the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg on AYedm sdav night. The toliowing* nay, the IStli Pennsylvania Cavalry captured twenty of them. On Friday morning another detainment cross* d at Moitoifs Foul, and drove in the 7th Michigan, 1 nt were subseqnejidy repulsed and lolled aei'o>s the livtr. Stuait is said to he massing his cavalry at Ohailotlesvilie, wh'-ie he has three brigades, ami two at Fredericksburg. New York. March 10. A Washington despatch says The steamer ' Ellen Terry/ lroin Newborn has arrived. Two ot our prisoners were frozen to death on the way from Richmond to Ane rieiis, Oa., ami thirty-one escaped Irom the cais 'I ho hanging ot' liliy-ene Fnion soldiers at Kiraton, and tne icp..rtci hanging; of several of their companions of tho 2nd North Carolina regiment (white), Jtave giwn a start t■> the culisi incut of conscripts a ml deserh rs, who are e.:g«. r to avenge the.-o atroeitics 'i'he No w hern 7V/w:.v urges the send.'iig of .50.000 troops to North Carolina, and says that- Newborn is impregnable ; but that the time will come when the Federal army shall penetrate the interior, earrving the banner oi'soiial and political emaue : paliou. Maivh 11). There is a rumour prevalent, in "Washington of a conspiracy, embracing several counties and cities in Kentu' ky, having for its object the annexation of Kentucky to Ihe Southern Coniedoracy. 'i'he leaders iieaii-tpiarters 'are at Montieill", where they wore corresponding with LongstreoL In turn, it is also stated that tae Kentucky del -gation in .liichmond hud a secret correspondence with partii s in London, Manchester, Mount- Vernon, lianville, \e., for the establishment of a cent ral commit;* e in every count v i to compel tin- inhabitants to {"in the Confederacy as soon as Long>!ieet or l>rackinridge should invade the State. This infamous conspiracy was discovered bv tho seizure iu the diilerenl post-olliocs of a number of letters addrcsssd by Lay, a member of the rebel Congress, to some leaders of the plot. Oeneral Gilmore's chief oi stall' states that the lower part of Charleston is nearly destroyed, and that only tho upper part is now occupied by the troops. Hoston, March IS. Tho .British steamer 4 .Mary Aim/ from Washington to Nassau, with a cargo of cotton, has arrived hen;. fcjhe was captured by tho gunboat ' G rand U ultV | Cairo, March IS. j Several persons were arrested a few days since 1 below Hickman, Ky., for having organised them- | selves into companies tor the avowd purpose of entering the rebel service. A number of lebel sympai ilr.-ers have recently been actively recruiting in that ve aiity for the rebel army. Guerrilla bunds are being termed by the citizens in several of the towns ami counties of Kentucky, for the purpose of interrupting tin? navigation of lite Oio'o and Mississippi Uiver. The estimated force of the enemy in the recent fight at Ynxoo ' 'ity is aOuO, with lour pi. of artillery. '1 wo stern-" hi el steamboat.- wei e there, but could render no service without endangering our lorees. Tne hlll iiou.siana (c«douie*i) 10.-t Si) i;illed, wounded, and mi.-sieg. Tno Ut Missis ippi Cavalry lost .Vj, and Miu ill*L-h about -■> men. Nine out of eighteen otlieers of Uiu Bih Louisiana were , wounded.
Washington, March 18. Clement C. Hurley, of Philadelphia, arrived here to-day, bringing a rumour that the- rebels intend another invasion of Maryland. ITis .statement is entitled to some credence, from the fact that he made the earliest announcement of Lee's intended invasion of Maryland last .Tune. There .are some facts in partial corroboration of this report. It is believed that the ciicmv are hurninir to avenge the forav of Kilpatrielc, ;m 'd that while General Grant is preparing tor tlio capturo of Richmond, Loo will execute one oHiis bold maweuvre--. abandon his communications with the rebel eapitol, and inn Ice ;i bold clash tor Washington or tlie Armvof the Potomac. Two of our soldiers were captured yesterday, near Mun?(,a Hill, showing; that the rebel scouts are within onr lines. J lie active preparation for flic doTenco of the forts ril '°un<l Washington indicate that the military :,u *horitii-s are apprehensive of a foray at least, if I,o t for a mnvttmotti of th»» main body of Lee's army towards theXational capital. Captain Sawyer, recently returned from Richmond, states that ho saw Lieutenant-Colonel Litchfield, Major Cook,. Dr. Kingston, and thirty other oflicers nf the negro regiment- in one etll, (hained to six negroes. They worn fed on com bread and water, and verv little ol that. The House Committee on Commereo liavn amwd upon and ordered a joint resolution authorising and requiring tho to give notice of the termination of the reciprocity treaty with Canada at the end of twelve months from the expiration of ten years from the time the treaty went- into operation, unless a new convention shall. before that time, be concluded 1.. t t ?il two Governments, by which t)ie pro' •••jo:;- -bail he so modified as to be mutuallv i-fact* rv to both n irfies. The President is authorised to appoint th'< e commissioners, with the consent of the Senate, to with e •uiim-sioncis appointed bv Great P»rit:un, to negotiate a new treaty between tho two Governments, based upon the true prineiulo-f of reciprocity, and for the removal of existing diiiiculties. Xew York, March 17. The Jfc? tf.ld correspondence from the fleet off Mobile has a rnmonr that Farragut is to withdraw his fleet. being satisfied that the city cannot be taken bv water. Thirty or forty rebels, who mutinied in Fort Morgan, have hern shot. A New Orleans letter states that Porter's entire fleet of ironclads is at the mouth of lied River. Thirtv Iransporls loaded with troops are also there. General Raidcs* stall would take the iield on the 10th and the army commence immediate operations. The IfrrtthVs Western Tiririnia despat .-h stales that there is a rumour that the whole of Kwell's corps is moving into the valley of the Shenandoah, probably for subsistence. The VVjjj/v' despatch from Washington ot the Kith -•ays. that 500 of our prisoners died at Richmond in February. The order relieving General Meade and appointing his successor will he issued in a few days. Chicago. March I*3. There is considerable excitement in Kentucky again at the nets of the Federal authorities in enrolling slaves in that State preparatory to a draft. Fortress Monroe. Mareh 10. General Neale How, and Captains Flynn and Sawyer, have arrived here, having been exchanged. Cairo. March 15. An oft leer from Porter's fleet furnishes the following particulars of the expedition up the Ouachita : — The expedition consisted of six gunhonts. There were no f-igns of the enemy until approaching the Trinity, which pmnt was strongly fortified. Preparations to attack were immediately made. The ironclad gunboat 'Osage.' in advance, was allowed to puss the rebel works without any demonstrations being made. The flagship ' Fort Himnan' followed. The rebels supposing her only a transport, opened a leavy and destructive fire, which she bore bravely for a time, but finally she wa« obliged to retire from the contest with the loss of two killed and eight wounded. The boat wa* badly used up. The Admiral transferred his flag to the gunboat ' Waehita.' Her powerful armament soon silenced the enemy's guns, and finally drove them from the town, where a force landed. A large amount of prepertv was destroyed. The rebel works were very strong, mounting three 'JlNponndt rs. The fleet then went to llarrisonberg, at the junction of the Ouchita and Texas, where little ditlieulty was experienced in drhingthe enemies from the batteries. The town was burned.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 163, 21 May 1864, Page 4
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2,595AMERICA. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 163, 21 May 1864, Page 4
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