THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. J*'j Royal Letters Patent, wider the special sanction oj JJer Majcstifs Oorcnnncat, and the Chiefs of thi y-tealti de Prance. riIERAPIOX or CURE of CURES.—This successful and highly popular medicament, as •mployed in the continental hospitals by Rostan. Johert, Yclpeau, and others, combines all the desid* Tata to he sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything iiltlj. vto emploved. Devoid oi ill ud<>'<r, and aj>p-<i,-.a,n- of medicine, it can hi cii or i-arrii d anywhere, and taken from tinit*to time vituout exciting suspicion. Kach package contain? 'id! in? t n:ctio:i i'nr every case. TH I-I.'ATMDX, No. 1, in three days onlv—remove; yonorrh<ra, gleet, alidad discharge*; effectually super ceding inh el ions, th'-meof which d>msirre]iuvaldeharm >v laying t la- f« mndatior of r:et uivand other diseases \n dysentry, p:h"-\ irritation "filar lowei-bowcl, cough. »r< >nehit h, asfhma, and some of the more trving com•lamls of 1 ni- kind, it wi'.i In- louinl astonishingly ■Ili'-acious, alfonling prompt relief, whore other well.ri' il r.'iufili' s have been powerless. Til KPAPf<*X, Xo. 'J, for syphilis, disease; of tlu •oiii'S, sore throat, *:hivatened distinction of the nost tud palate ; impurity ot' blood, scurvv, pimples, spots >lotehes, ami a'! diseases forwhich itlias been too nun li i fashion to employ mercury, sarsaparilla. &t\, to the lostnictinn < f the suihTer's teeth, and ruin of health, ruder this medicine every vestige of disease rapidly ksappears ; and skin assumes tin.- pleasing softness oi U f; j ne v. THKPAPIOY. Xo. 3, for relaxation, spermatorrhea, jo; ; i. : t;•>i:»it consequences arising :V«ifu •".i e, •\> ••• residence in hot, unhealthy •Mu.j vv.l'. it s surprising power in iv>'•riiiL!; strength and 1-» the d' Irh'tntfd. '!'■ .hose who are prevented <• ii;»• r: the r.i.-v :• stab by the of early it. will render essential aid by subduing all disqualifications; and restoring the ,!• »si tone to the system, Therapion may he procured at I"N., and ?>:>>. per package, :hr"Uirh all ni' dicim- vendors, or in €0 p;e-kai;es t"i' t"*-ipn shipment, direct lroni I.or.don only, hv which CI 1 -i. are saved : and CHI for tin* inoiv iuveterate hy which a >till greater saving is •;;'e.teil. In ordering the uliovc, the ])ui-eha-ei ■•} 10uh 1 slat" which <.»S* li• litre nunihers he requires. M.\.h>ty's Hon. Commissicnkhs jiave irra::iou>ly ]>ennitted the (iuverinnent stamp hearing the word kk Theiapion" in white letters, to he attaeiied to •aefi thus iie-nriuLj" i ii<- puhJie airainst fraudulent imitati"ns, ami to the proprietor tl:e sole riirht «»f sii])]>ly her dominit-ns ; and my «»f which they will pro:>eeute with the utmost severity. Ai;i:n'i.s run Kncumi.—Thomas & Co., 7, T7pp< r St. Martin'.s-lane; i>arelay& Co., : Mdvvanis & and Xt;wherv «S: Sons, St. Paul'.^ fhurch-yaiil ; Sutton A; (Jo., Jiow-elmrch-yard, Lonloj) ; liaiines tV Co., Liverpool ; Apotheearies (Jomp., ; Ferris A: (Jo., i»rir-t«d ; Cornish «.V (Jo., \}lyinouth ; liowe, 1 )evoni>ort : Ilaudall .N: Co., Soutiiimpton ; anil ohtaiiuihle all medicine vendors in thi; known world, or in ease* of dillieulty, hy cnLdosinir a draft or order for Co or £10. aecor'iincr to [he iiattire of the ca.-e, payithle in Tiondon to 3fessrs. J'homas A: ('o., as ahove, a larire jiackau'e will he sent bv return mail, caret'ullv secured from observation or accident. PKIOrATUKE DECAY OF THE and il> ]M']'i'eet rostoraiion, whether from youthful in prudence, or the excesses of adult ill.-, inl'-. c: i- 11, climate, «M»\ < )hst rvati"7is on :i«_r*•, 1 ii<* jii'-vi-nti->i 1 and removal of e< i-{ain disfjU.ilo'ii'.tVioic-. Ivllle-. ;Ui«l 10!Ul< n»ll< ple.-Cji] (t ioHS f"V sell'-l'vaim-'iit. Sulh-n r< who are preveTsted from iuatrim"iiy hy tile conscfiuences of imprudence, : ] 1 :i'l thi- wi'i'lv, as poiniifiir <>ut tiie >mv way . t>» <»r:it :>in ■ h<! tSi-nt }io.-l i'r- i.- in an envoi, .pe on receipt of '.I-., hy .Mr. I;.i\ve>, Medical Publisher, 1 1 Hand ('ourt. 1 .ondon. TilK CAUSK AXI) Cl'liK nF IMIIOIA'JTIIE Ay. 7 '/ h'j all tin- A'!' id< j'-.r Dr. /V Jl^osW'//''/-v-v, or >.>i! },-,J jV, r, from o-'a' rrat-'n/'y di,\(t fr'ua t/i- A"/-. _/'■/■ -v. TU V] ?d KDK 'A L A 1 )\'ISFP, on the modern treatment of mental and physical incapacity, syphilis, stricture, \e. ; with uniailin;_r rules and prescri]ttions for the speed v cure, hv wry simple means, of all the more coimumi di.-ca.-es and Mipposed ineurable of tlie sexui system. l»v Dr. W. IhJJoi'S, M.D., \c., of the y.eulr de }ft<hvine, J'an's, Mi tt-.-i.--f-, S.'rt/rei/ i' Mi'hrij] , >/ ; l/u,ntiate '<f thr Jl'i'.'.'l Si'fi.- f '/ of I pof /,• /</,-/<.%, A;r. ni:vn.v.>.\M> NviTK I>. u To he your own counsel or your own doctor, entails risks thnt have heroine provervia! to a dei»T» •• 111 at pri-vi lits me,eh i:< «»d ri-luiion from taking any heju at orae.vantaii'e win nr» as.-n;i oly oth-red. Sn>j>ieion h« U' i: f' .-ohit i< •a.aml v. hetvt \ :k re is no contidenc • trc-o.i ri-rdi> seld.'in follow. .Midital hooks are a held for tiie faculty alone, and the public art wisely ift r<•i'rahiimr from their study. 4 Drink deep or tasie not the Pierian >prii:ir," is jj-ood advice where the uniTifoniu d mind, ii.-tenimr to its own apprehensions, is often ready to imagine than use it* co«»l jmlLnuent. There is • cla>s of mi dieal lore, however, that stands in a position somewhat exceptional to our remain, and which tnats on disorders and larities in which na»raiity is iiifended. For this reason tlie patient too o(ten suffers in secret, or pursues in ignorance practices thai daily hriuurliim iido a more hopi le>s condition lor want of iriendly advice. To such we recommend a perusal of the 'Medical Advi.-erJ of Walter De Moos, M.D., of London, mi « stablishcd l'hvsician, urailuate and licentiattj of all the i"ii!n]ar institutions of London and Paris; ami who has made nervous disonu rs and their hanetul origin his particular study, and obtained such a practice ?n this branch of therapeutics, as qualities him to be a safe and competent advise r."—Oaiit/i/ T/W/V/V, Mat/ 7th s LS(H. 4 * The MEIHCAL ADYISEIi, hy Wai.tku Dr. Poo<, ibr the class of diseases upon which it mats, ;s undoiibtedlv (he hot and ino>t soundly pr.o'ic: 1 book wliicli has come under our notice. Tho Author is a man of most enlarged experience." --/he/"/ 7'' '■ ; /r,Jam lSdl." "To tho.-e who contemplate marriage its perusal is especi:' il V l ecomuu'ndeth"— - Maa, 4k Tl\e kIIOW--11 dire it iaiparts mu.-t come time, and happy they who do not pos>e-s it too late."—l'oliticiaa. (..'ur«is r< r/". : /, in everv cUi'abie case, and few indeed al'e theN" M'hich are not so."- -,1/r//. Jlcrnie, ".It is calculated to eifect a complete revolution in the treatment of tic m» i-omphiinls." — M>J. (la:. 4, Sifnple and inexpensive, every su'deivr may cure liim>elf s]>eediiy, privatt ly, ami at the h-ast possible cost."— SeaFjit-L From lonp" i>ractical observation of the treatment pursued in the most famous Institutions ol this country and the continent, tor those diseases reterred to in tile above work, the Proprietor has laid somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform sllcceSS which ha< hitherto characterised hh practice, in which the distressing consequences resulting ironi the injurious employment of mercury, capivi, sarsa pari!! a, and similar dangerous medicines are entirely obviated. Lasting bemait in these cass can only be e.Npi'etf d at the hands of those who devote tSieir chief attention to such diseases ; and to sueii onlv can conlidence extended. Dr. IX 1 K. I('fe)'s with pride to the nuaibeis he lias been illstru--1:11 ni d ;:i n .-lorir.Li' to health and happiness : whilst to all wh<- :;e. i such aid he offers every assurance 01 spe. .1V iVs;.'!';,:'"!!, F"!; 1:i(:\ lil-i;'!:nts can be successfully treated by corre>])ondcnce, on seu.-lini!* tae detail of tlu'ir Case; v.iiha I'ank note or Pill on a Lomlon house for t'o or L'lO, in <ii'der that a. package of medicines t»> meet the exigencies of theea-c, may he sent outbym-xt mail; thus avi>itiimr the ]irotiacted sullerinir and unnecessary U»ss of vaha- time, which must otlierwise <jc< arc. DP. DE POOS' OFTT.E YIT.E on LTFK DIiOPS ; iv-.tiel,!/ /.//A'"//"/ Lifters of e.'v the de l'ra,-e< ; il-'//a/ <•'' I'e-'*-: .yc, ; have in jiumberle.-s instances provi d li.cir sup-.ri.-rity over every other advertised remedy for Sp--rmat' 'rr.'a ea : lassitude ; depression of spirits : irrit ibility : am/er ; excitement; need!' (it di-taste a lit I incapacity for societv, study orhudne<<: in»liir»-stion, pains in the side, p.d]»itaiion of ti.e la-irt ; giddiness, Tmises in the liead : imp-'tency. impe iim.cnls t > mat \-c. 'j , )ii> ir : , di''ij. 1 • stren;jt iieiis i'ne vitality of the whole system, \*cs •■iwvjy to themiHclc. ami nerves, thus s])eedily removes nervous i-omplaints, renovates tlie impaired pewaf'f life, and inviiroratr-s most shattered constnul ion. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains in the hones, an all those diseases in which meu ui'v, sarsap.ihlla, A;e., are too often employed in vain, te the seri' us detriment of health, its surprising eilicaey has only to bo tested to he appreciated. As complaints if neo-h-cted become "chronic" or incurable, suderers will do well helorc thev waste valuable lime in seeking aid from instruments, and other absurdities professing to supercede medicines: lo make lair tri.-il of a remedy, w)\ieh concoetcd oxi
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 162, 20 May 1864, Page 6
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1,496Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 162, 20 May 1864, Page 6
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