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Shipping Intelligence.

POUT OF AUCKLAND. ATIUIVAXS. Avalanche, ship, from London. 1-Iydi-i, ship, >om Newcastle. Day Dawn, ship, from Sydney. II.'L. ]!ntW'W, barque, from Newcastle. Valiant, brijr, from Stanley, brisantine, from Circular Head. fvtndfi'v, jrunboat. from Tauranga. Marv Thompson, schooner, from Dunedin. Tatir:n!L r a, schooner, from Tauranga. Viirtmw, schooner, from Tjiurnngn. Wildfire, schooner, from Tauranga. Eairy. schooner, from Jlonjronui. Ringdove, cutter, from Mongnmii. Osprcy, schooner, from Port Fitzroy. ENTERED INWARDS. MAY Hi—Avnlnnche, ship, fif>3 tons, Stott, from London. Passengers—S. C. Brady : Louis Moses ; Ann Melhoy : James, Mariiaict, Mary, "William, Catherine, and .lane Fa.^an; Richard King: "William "Walter: George V. Robinson; Mary Lampton; John Thornton ; James AValker: airs., George, Joseph, and Hannah Crocker; Montague Moses.— Oilnilan A: Co., njrents. 1G —.Annie Laurie, 30 tons. Stuart, from Wangarei, with 20.000 feet sawn timber. 1 ton potatoes.—3 passengers.—Cruickshank. Smart & Co., agents. If, — Two Sisters. 2G tons, Cutliu, from Matakana, willi 37 tons firewood. 1Q —Fortune, 22 tons, Black, from Tauranga, with GO liau's wheat, 10 pigs— 2 passengers—T. Mucky &. Co., iilCi-nts. 10—Osprcy, 40 tons, Nolan, from Port Fitzroy, with 00 lons firewood, 1 keg butter —1 passenger —Owen i v c fivaham, agents. IC—Si a Dree/c. 70 tons, Whoeser, from Russell, -with S toi:s kauri sum, 20 bushels apples, 2 boats—S passengers.—S. J. Edmonds, agent. K> —Murv Thomson, schooner, 51 tons, O'Connell, from Duiiedin via Najticv, with -30 J-barrels dried apples, 1 1) boxes tobacco, 2o lihds, ale" Hi cases 6 lihils. do., '■>? ea.-cs brandy. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs Lear, Messrs. Eimnr-rson, Thompson, Taite, Fisher, Shannon, Gardon, Evans, Alexander, Jlackenzie. Lee. Harris, Delaney. and liloomiield. —Combes i: ]>;.I.IV, i-freiits. I(>.— barque, 252 tons, Brown, from L.-mr.eeston. Passcn-rers —Messrs. Stewart, Clayton, Jliss Clayton, lir. and Catherine Shaw, Mr. 11. and Clui-a Huljrer, Mr. and Kate McNainjira, 11. Ldwley, .T.Jackson, Mary Jackson. John Anderson, \V. O'Neill, C. Currows. 1G —Stanley, schooner, 115 lons, Gibson, from Circular Head. —Captain, agent. IC> —II. L. Uutfrcrs. .American barque, 405 tons, C. C. JTowes, from Newcastle, N.SAV". Passenger—Mr. Robert Ifelvey.—Yorke, agent. IG—h> dm, s-hip, 555 tons, Stuart, from Newcastle, N.S.\\*.—A. L. Thompson it Co., agents. 10 —Dav Dawn, ship, 3'.)9 tons, P. Jones, from Pydnev. Passentrers —If is. Greenwood, 4 eliildrcu, ' and servant ; Mr. Gmbb; Jlr. White; and 31iss Eaymond; 9 in the steerage. — J. S. Mncfarlane i Co!, ageiits. IC—A'aliiint, brig, I'l7 tons. Brodie, from Wellington. Passenger—Mr. Willinrr.—Captain, ageut. IG—Lady Bird. s.s.. 220 tons, Eenner, (in the Manuka u). from the South—22 passengers. —Combes it Daldy. agents. 1C —Ihinmore, barque, 539 tons, Eobeitson, from Adelaide. —-Captain, agent. CLEARED OUTWARDS. MAY 1G —AVilliam and Julia, 3S tons, Scott, for Mahurangi, in ballast. 10—Two fcistios, 2G tons, Coffin, for Matakana, in ballast. IMPOSTS FOREIGN. Per Avalanche, from London: —3 cases, 200 sacks, Peacock i: Co.; 71 pics., J ones & Co.; 20 boxes, J. Koberton A: Co. ; i> cases, order; 2 cases, A. Clark A: Son; 10 : ]-tierces, 1 i-tierce, order; 20 chests, order; 1 case, Council & Co. ; 1 ease, as addressed; 2 trunks, J. G. Law; G cases, Levy, Goldwater & Co. ; 1 case, 1 do., as addressed; 1 case, John Giljiiour; -21 pk-s., S. Brown; 140 do., order: 6 do., Jas. Kope: 11C pkgs., order: 50 do., A. Clark & t>oll ; 10 bales, order; 104 eases, Brown, Campbell i: Co.: 100 ball's, as addressed ; 25 cases, Bucholz k Co. ; •_• do. ; l;. Pearco : 12 pkirs., Bucholz & Co.; 1 case, do., ICO casks, S. Browning: 15 pkgs., S. Brownintr: 15 pk-rs., S. Brown ; 77 do., order; 40 cases, Bncholz fc "Co.; U pkgs., E. & H. Isaacs: 1 case, as addressed; 10 cases, Bucbolz & Co.; G (riu.ks, E. A: 11. Isaacs ; leases, O. Sinallneld; 1 ease, E. Gibbons & Co. : 1 do., T. Buddie ; 13 pkgs.; 1). Levy ; ] pkge., as addressed : 1 ease, Ville; 1 do., Kev. lv. Burrows ; 4 cases, T. C. Law ; 5 bides, C. J. t?tono>; ;S cases, order: 2 cases, A. Clark & Son : 0 do. order ; 1 ease, Stuart .S: Co.; 4 eases, do.; 5 cases, Oipt. Thompson ; 5 cases, T. & 11. Cookc; SI pkus.. W. Il.,bsou: 2 cases, Pearco; "2 do., Buchanan A: Co.; 7 cases, Oiliilliin & Co.; 9 do., J. KCarter ; 2 do. T. T.overidge ; 2G do., Buchanan X Co.: 1 box, Crmckshank', Smart & Co.: 9 cas«s, 1.. Brown; 3-2 pkirs., Low is Brothel's: 3 cases, order; .51 ] Owen A: Graham; 50 eases, order; 31 pkijs., Cniicksliank, Smart A: Co.; 9 do., order; 150 boxes, liufholz & Co.; 1 ca.-e, D. Burn; 2 baskets, as addressed; 3 cases, E. Walker; lease, Seceombe & Sou ; 22 crates, G. S. Jakins; 100 cases. liueiiolz & Co. ; 20 casks, Urown Campbell «t Co.: 1 butt, older; 5 cases, Lewis Brothers; 15 bales Ciillillaii &. Co.; 10 bales, 1 case, Brow, Campbell & Co.; 1 case, Capt, Wilson ; 1 do. G. V • Pcake; fl cases, S. Uiwvinp; 100 casks, order; 1 case J. W. Uain ; 00 casks, S. Browning ; 13 pkg-> l>. G-rahum & Co.; l'J pkgs., do.; 2G4 pkgs., DXiitbuu: 1 C. Stiehbury & Son; 120 cases Cruiekshauk Smart A: Co.; 82 pkgs., do. ; 1 oase 'j; pkgs. U3 ailivsst-d; 10") pkgs., Lewis Brothers; 3W cases order; 285 pkys., Morrin & Co.; 445 do. o_Erowu; 112 do. E-α IF. Isaacs; G bales, order; ' pkss., as addressed; 22c. pkgs.. order; 1 case,-K. Nicholson A: Co. ; 1 case, us addressed; 1 do., C. Davis; 1 bale, order; 1 ease, 1 do. as adddesscd; •1- trunks, E. A: H. Isaacs ; 125 casks, 33 cases, 4 do. 1 do. 2 pkirs., order ; 1 box, as nddressed ; 20 cases, J. Robert on & Co. ; 3 eases, Jas. Gaul; lease, as addressed ; 1 do., R. Lusk ; 4 Lewis Brothers ■; 18 pkus.. J. il. Bumsides & Co.; 2156 pkgs.. -»• Somerville ; ISO pkgs., order; 46S pkgs., Jo.; i ease, A. Clark & Son ; 3i pkgs., as addressed : lupk"s., E. Porter; 11 do., T. Short; 7 do., order; I case, as addressed ; S pkgs., Vickeiy & Co. ; 1 ***> T. Blades ; 1 do., C. Lawson; 3 eases, G. H. Laven; 1 box as addressed; 4 eases, J. Ellisset; 35 |?kg*-> Brown Campbell & Co. ; 43 pkgs., W. C. Hdl; - u eases, C. Petschler. . Pur Day Dawn, from Sydney:—l23Muk beer,* cases wine, 5 do. claret, 10 do. coffee, 21 do. do., 1« casks bottled beer, 10 chests congou, order; 2 carf» cartridges, 10 kegs shot, J. Koberton & Lo. , 1 case apparel, 6 do. saddlery, J. S. jMaefarluneA:Oo-, 20 do. con feel ionerv, 11) barrels apples, 2 { do., W ■ lillan & Co.: 1 case books, 4 drays, Giliillan & Co- ; - l baskets. Commissariat ; 1 crate stove fittings, orUtf , . . al -t.jues.33 boxes horse shoes, J.S.Macfarlane&Lo.j

1 box brushware, Iβ tubs butter, J. S. STacfarlano & Co ; 5 casks l><-* ilr l barley, 2 cases, 5 do. sardines, order; 2 bags canJlc cotton, Lnwrie; 5 cases soap iioH-der, ll'O bags bone dust, Newman & Ewen ; 30 tierces ' provisions, Kidiugs & Dowclen ; 20 bags coke, Kellv ; 3 drays, 1 spring cart, 1 case harj,,.**,'a. Buckland; 100 cases lobsters, Nathan; 44 ilrav* J. S. Macfarlane A: Co.; 1 case cotton waste, 2 - qr.-casks oil, 4 casks tallow, 11 pki»s. rope, ijlew'all A: Kattray, 2 bales '2 cases drapery. Webster; ■>i 0 I'-i"* bis-curt, -lifi boxes iron, 38 bundles do., 15 iUes horse -hoes, order ; -> I cases condiments, Kelly ; Kill bass rice, t>" k«-sfs butter, Koboiton Jc Co. ; 8 |, ni slie.-s ; - dniys, Newell; o0 boxes candles, ■'di> candlewick. 3t")o bairs iiiaizo, order: U) tierces U-ef.' 10 cases cheese, 20 kegs liuUor, 1 (vise brick <itt:ir'- o truck.-, order; 1 case, 7 casks, ■). t>. Maefarkne' jc Co. : I' ki-gs nails, Harris. ' lVr Stanley, from Circular Head:—llo bags nnatoes, l'"> "il's butler, 4oS bairs oats, order. iVr il- from .Newcastle:—l 16 head t-.itlie. Mr. \orle. Per Jlvdni. ship, from Xmvcaslle : —ISO head c ; itue.2su"slu-cr., A. L. Thompson & Co. Per Valiant, from Wellington:—ls head cuttle, i 'lVr Xi^htinsal' , . from Laiiiieeston :— 303S bags ~,t>. Tiu'inton, Smith and Firth; L\S(i bags wheat, '•'.; i, t.i-s oatmeal. -"'7 tubs butter, J. Koberton Jc Co. " I", riiuniii.n-. Irani Ad.laide : —ISIS Kigs Hour, 10 , as.-s wine. J<>-~> '«>£:>, .)00 do. do.. 2MO bags j.'raii. i-- i'-«'"■••- !la . v - or.lcr. UIKiVVL OF TJIK AVAI.AXC'IIK FKOM LONDON. The u;otsl ship Avalanche, Captain Stott, fetched h,r ve.-terday morning, alter a pas.-agu ot' r.iiirtv-umc'days from tne Liz.ird. .She left tlio ]),,«i':s ■•:! the 4th February, taking her tinal ucpar••i:v :ivui Lands i-!:id mi tiie- 7tli; sighted JUadicra drt ■ ■ i-'ih. aiiu the Cape de Wrd h lands on the 20th rVcruary. Caii-in ta<- N.K. winds m 1 -X., which • ,i-.ivr-d very litjut : cro.-v-i-d tlie !-..|u;iior i n the Is:. \\.tn-h, iu\'o- W.. and had wry imii.'l.ivnt S. K. ;r.idi.-. l'ii>se.l the lneiidian ul' tile Cape of HuOit Uo\- on :iie ;il.-t March, liimiiiiu: down lier longitude hftw.-en Uic parallels ul 11= and •»•> c ; pawed the !■.:. riiii.m c-i Capf Lewin ~n the -J7th April. ;md went !,. ;he rv'iiihw.ii-il of T;isin.mia without sighting it. fr.nn tin-Tapeofvioivl Hope the .-hip r.i.-t with a ...iiivi-smi'u "i liitht uatilijii; , wimis and calms, olt tiint-s ;,.-.•>■!!.j..ihad '■'}' tliick ii.i/y weatiier, nullt reaching tiiis coa.-:. The l'hrce Kinjjs were luade on Fiiiiay u.-nX I :<. since which tune lighl weather was i-ii-..■■.•anicre.l. Tile Av.iianee brinijs some 17 and :i ■~ir:le and we have much pleastue Iα again -Aiii.iii:;;-; iiaek i'ur oul ami esteemed friend liiptain .■-•.oil. i.. ii.iv;:ig »UcccMi'uliy acconiplUhtd his fuurlu ti-ij. to ii;:>].oi;. The American barque 11. 1.. Rutgers, Captain C. C. iiowo. arrived ironi Newcastle, with cattle, early %e.-teiMav nu>rniuj;. and brought up oli' liiiumki l!ay. she s.iiied on me ord iusUiut, and had line weather aii the »av across; made the Throe Kings on Tiiurs- j day last, and baa light weather down coast. The H.' L. brings Hβ head fat cattle, and only liist three nun.ii; the passage; they are con>igned to Mr. iorke. The snip llvdm, Capt. Stuart, arrived from XewM'steraay morning, after a good passage of eievon duvs. she ,-ailod on the 6th instant, and had iight variable winds all the passage aerojs. 'the lnree Kmus were made on Friday last, since which ~lie iia.l to beat liown coast. Ihe iUdra brings a t-ar-'O of IM.I head fat cattle ami 2CO sheep, .n ,p!cudid eoi.uition : only four bullocks were loM on i:ie The stuck i;- cuusisjiifd to jlcssrs. A. L. -I huinpsoii ami Co. The clipper ship Day Dawni, Captain Phi lip Jones, arrived from Sidney lesterday ulic-rnoon, having left that pon un ihe iTvcumg of ihe 2nd instjiiit. Had ami variable wnuis during the whole passage. and upon Hearing this coast was bullied by light airs and i-alius. She brings a full cargo, particulars of which will be found eisewhere. The s.s. Wouga Woliga, Captain Cellem, arrived in the llamikau early on imidav morning last from the Southern Provinces. She left Wuugunui on Thursday la?t, arriving at Taranaki on Friday ; sailed aidiii on ."-aturday morning, and anchored m Kaglan haroour at iniilmght the same night ; left that place on Sunday afternoon, crossing the ilanukau bar at midniixht on Suiuiav, and arrived as above staled. The \Von«a leaves "for the Southern ports to-morrow morning at daylight.

The brig Vtiliuut, Captain Uroilie, arrived in harbour t'ruin Wellington at a late hour last oveuiug. She sailed on tile -ith instant, and ha* had a very ttinpc~tuuus passage, having ciicouulered a. successiou of strong gales throughout. At one time she experienced a lieree gale from the >".>".E., which Listed three days, during which time the mainsail, fore-topmast back-stay, and spanker was curried uwav. Shortlv after this the wind veered round to the S.AV., >tili" blowing a. t' t art'ul hurricane, accompanied by a tremendous sea continually sweeping her decks, in fact- the vessel had to be Kepi running belore the uaie under close-reeted iore-topsail only, to save the cattle, and owing to the number of seas shipped lue pumps had to be kept going night aud day, there being nol less than eighteen inches of wat.rr in tile holu. Again that night the wind suddenly shifted to the westward blowing with fearful violence, during which several sails were split or carried away, ana the deck- completely swept by the heavy sea running. The iir.-t lanu made was the Ureal barrier, which she sighted yestcruay at daylight. .Notwithstanding the heavy weather experienced, t lie Valiant has brought, lier cat lie into port in excellent condition, with ihc ioss of onlv sis. She has now on board lo head consigned to order. The dipper srhoonrr Stanley, (.'.iptain Gibson, arrived in narbonr ycctenlav moming u-uiii Ciicular llw.d, ..fu-r :t very l..i.4age ol eleven days. She aaiieu on the otii iiinUmt, and liiid line wcallmr until Hearing this co:i>t, when oil liiuisday ia.-t a heavy guk lioin tin: X.K. was eiicouiitereu. -Made the I'hri.t; on l-'lidav niglit last, and had light winds dwn co:»t. A brig and a barque, standing , to the norih\v:mi, were sighted oil'tin.- Poor Knights on Sunday last. Ihe Stanley is a line, clipper i-uioimer of 110 tons n-gister, huiit'liy JLc.-soi-s. -Henzies Jc Co., of Unniti.'ii, near L'jitii, and only launched in September lust. :Shc is owned by her present commander, Captuiii tiibsijii, who went, iiuinu l"f the exple.-s purpose ft bringing her out to Adelaide, and on the passage the tiv'inlry beat evorytiiiug tnal sailed in coinjjitr.y with her*. .She brings a cargo of oats, The -un-boitt Sandlly, Captain 11. Marks, arrived fro.-ji y..wtei-ii.iv atteriioon, alter eompli.-ting one i>l li.e ijiiicK-e-sl trips on refold. It will hi) re-liieinl'-ivii tin.- ste-um-r lelt Tauraiiga on t'xiday last, at o o'riocii, and arrived in ibis harbour at noon tJie j,ext il.iy (.Saturday;, remained here only six hours and took her departure again for TauraiiLJa, alter eoalinj.', dec. Tut- Cuuidjly arrived at Taiiranga at nuoii on Sunday last, and left again for tills port at -j.'Hi p.m. the .sum: day, with his Kxcelleney the C»o*'i:riiur awl titan", Cominodoro Wiseman, U.H., and (.lliier.s on board. Upon rounding Cupe Colvilleaiieavy cross sea sprung up, and tile bloe/.e then blowing began te. ireshen to a gale, upon which, a.s the coal wa> running .short, Captain .Marks deemed it iidvisiibicto bear uji to Waihek, to obtain niel ; arrived tliere she took on board some six tons of firewood ami pursued her course to Auckland: arriving here at •J.oO p.m., Lt.,t evening, 24 hours horn Taiiranga, iueluuiiig stoppage. Had it not been for the- heavy gale which pie vailed, yesterday morning, the Sandfly W(<uld nave arrived iiere betoro noon yesterday. The schooner .Mary Thompson, Captain O'Connell, arrived from LUuiedin via xSapier yesterday Tin- schooners Ttturauga, Fortune, and Wildfire, from 'laiiraiiga ; i'uirv and Kingdove, from gonui, ali arrived \eslerday morning. Tin; ship IVeiicss, for Newciistle, X.S.W., Louis and Miriam, and Cruijrevnr, brigs, for Sydney, and AlUitross, sciiooner, lor Wuiivaiu IJisuU, sail touay. 'i'tif; schooner Yarra, Captain Tulloch. sailed from t.'iienlar jkad lor this poft in company with the iManley, v.lncli arrived yesT.erday. 'llie s.s. Xantne, Capt. While, was loading cattle at, -weastle tne -■i.iiiukau when the siiip Hvdra billed.

The only VC-.5.-.1-1 on tlie berth at Sydut-y for tin's ]"at whiii'i tho iJay iJitwii siikd was tJio burquu Jvui.j, IJaiil. bhoilock, to wilh desputcii. Kkwcvmtle, X. S. "W., April 30. Tin: l.ii- (Iri-cinii, (Japr.iin I!mill, which lei't S\iiiii-y ni-nl «n slion: thiri iiioi'liing at iiiicu o'l-U.i-i.-, liutwiun Lake .Maoijuinio and Ke«l Til: vrailiia- \v;is vuiy liiicK ami a heavy gal.; blowi»«- t'aptuin c;runt" got tntanglc-cl witli tnu -wreck an.l was imturtiiiiiitiilv drowned. The-crcw and two luiualc iJi..-.sunger.-. wire saved, but they lest all they had. Une iuinale and the mate were very iiiueii bruised. The vessel is now a total wreck, 'iiie crew have arrived in Newcastle doßtituto.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 159, 17 May 1864, Page 2

Word Count

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 159, 17 May 1864, Page 2

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 159, 17 May 1864, Page 2


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