AiTil AUCTION. 1 P " \X A MOST —_- \ : ~~b ~ S T !R, E E T o» a^™™^,-™«x. «, I ™-- N PROFITABLE INVESTMENT, \j~ 6 I 7 ° I*l r, , , i FOR SALE fl> I ! 1* Oil SALE R Certain to make a large return to the buyers owing to the pecular ~ — eg i" 3~& IB lE 1* FOE X) . — , -j —- suitability of the Site, its Level Surface, and Rich Soil, together with O ' 777 j IMI JL \~J _£Li -IN , I FOE SALE j j j(4j the enormous traffic that daily passes through it; beside being a \. '■-- 2 "i' —:;r ziziiizilTHE CITY OF THE WAIKATO. f |H jMj \ ml • i G \ I J jiAUKKT! _.._.. \ — - - 1T Ig ALgO 14 6 !P ]' ' ; ~ j — st. ■ THE VERY GATE & ENTRANCE TO BUILDING LOTS ,/ ; |»j U I THE ***** waikato - V fii H 1 ■/ V _j lei . '■'' _=^_ GREAT SOUTH BOAD, \ . . \ ~! r I \ ' AT THE Ss ->. ' ! I / , r __ . _ _| J : I 1 / For particulars application may be made to Mr. J. Cnspe, Urury, S"N lICT CT i\J ' Q C? F" PI OI I R "T" \ I I '''> \4l / or at the ° ffiCC ° f lhe Auctioucer ' Q ueen stl 'eet. I ; ! ! QUEEN'S ' CAMEZRCIT ST j And upon the Chief Thoroughfares leading from the Lower AVnikato, i l~~W~\ j REDOUBT Tf\ C TPIPTT A IVTT the Thames, and surrounding district. | j „Z | ~ t ■ i 11 mini
i Rods, M.P., ic, ';/" Me /J»fc </. Medecim; I'ui-if, t | 0 mil null in Medieine. Sunjeri, "nil Midviferij ; Lieut- i I fiVfr »/' Me A'"//"' ■»"■'(/// of .■tpntheeuries, He. ! HKVIICWSANII NOTKI>. I --To 1..- V...H1- own counsel or your own doctor, i ' entails risks'that have become provci-vial h>a degree . : tluit prevents much good resolution from taking any benefit oradvantagewhon reasonably oflorod. rfti*-i<i-cioi'.bo"-. is irresolution, and whorel heroism.confidence -..od results seldom follow. Medical Looks arc ii field for th- faculty alone, and the public iict, wisely in ivfruiuiiur IVoin their study. • Drink dcc]i or taste not the Pierian spring,' is 'good advice where the uiiiji!'oiiii. d mind, listening to its own apprehensions, is often readv to imagine lliau use its coo! judgment. There is oni- class of medical hue, however, that stand-- in a position somewhat exceptional to our remark, and which treats <>/i disorders and irregularities in which morality is offended. For this reason the patient ton often (suffers in secret, or pursui siniirnorancopraeticos thatduilybringhiinintoii ■ more hopeless condition for want of friendly advice. To i sue), we recommend a iierusal of the 'Medical Adviser." ~f Welter J)e \i«o», M.D., of London, an i i sl'ahlishcd I'hvsiciau, graduate and licentiate of al. • the regular institutions of London and Paris; and who has made nervous disorders and their baneful i origin his particular sludv, and obtained such a ! prarticc in this branch of therapeutics, as qualities ; I him to hea safe anil competent adviser." — County , ! dirnnieh; Mini 111,, 1801. i "The MKMCAL ADVI.SF.K, by AVai.ti:k Dk ' Itoos, M.D., for the das* of diseases upon which it ! treats, is undoubtedly the best and most soundly i practical book which has come under our notice. The Author is a man of 7iinst enlarged experience. ' ! —Ih-ehi Ti/n/rtip/i, June 2!>/A, ISO I. " To those who contemplate marriage its perusal is ■ especially recommended."—/<»/' - U "U- " T1 " ; k "" w - I,d"e it" imparts must runic Mine time, and happy : thev who do not posses it too late."— I'nlilieUiii. (Jure i >rn ./«;» in i very curable case, and few indeed are thev which are'not so."— M'd. Jteeieu: "it is ,-ilculuti d to effect a complete revolution m the trcat- : mot of the-,.- complaints."— Med. Ih.iz. "Simple : .„„[ inexpensive, every sufferer may cure Inn.sell i ; sneedilv, privately, and at the least possible cost,"— • i Senl.,,-1. From lone- practical observation of the treatment '. : pursued in the most famous Institutions „i\ tins . country and tie-continent, for those diseases reterred ', to in the above work, the Proprietor has had some- . what unusual facilities lor acquiring that uniform . ■ Miceess which has hitherto characterised his practice, I ; in v-hi'-li the distressing consequences resulting iron. , the injurious employment ot mercury, c.-.pivi, sar- ' sanariJla, andsimilar dangerous niedicnies are entirely , , ! obviated. Lastincr benelit in the,.- cases can only be ' ,-,„.5„,„M/y expected at the hands of Ihose who devote \ ! their chief attention to such diseases ; ami to such • onlv.-an confidence be snfetii extended. Dr. IV L. ! refers with pride to the numbers he has 1 „ mstru . : mental in restoring to health and happiness : whilst . i to all who need such aid he offers every assurance ot s ■ --iiecdv restoration. j ' Iwii'iKMiN- PlsliiF.NTs can be successfully treated by ", correspondence, on the detail of their case ; with a Hank note or P.ill on a London house for Lo t or .£lO. in order that a package of medicines to meet r the cxi-eiieics of the ease, may be sent out by next mail- thus avoiding the protracted suflering and unnecessary loss of value time, wineli must olherwiso 1 occur. '! f\K DK UOOS' iiUTT.K VI'IVK on LII-'F. , \) 'idol's; JVoteeted hi, Urn,ill Letters J'utenl of ']-:,,;lin'id : Suit* »/' the. Fuenlle de Fen nee ; Uoijul ', r Coilei/e ol' 'I'l-n-ixiii, V- ; bavc in numberless instances M proved their supcrioritv over every other advertised . reniedv foi-Hpei-matorrho-a: languor; lassitude ; dev ~,-essiou of spirits; irritability; anu'er ; excitement; ",. j„>eilless lea . distaste and incapacity lor society. "l «luilv'or business ; indigestion, pidns in the side, palpltat.ou of the heart; eiddiness, noises in the head ; impotency, impediments to niarna-e ~vc Ibis mHlicincstrentrthens the vitality ot the whole system, V .rives energy to theinu<cl(.. and nerves, thus speedily '' removes nervous complaints, renovates the impaired power- of life, and invigorate the most shattered *'" constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains '" in the hones* an all those diseases m which mercury, sarsap..rilla, &<:., are too often employed in vain, to t- the sericus detriment of health, its surprisinir ollicacy is, has onlv to he tested to be appreciated. us As these complaints if neglected become " chronic" he or incurable, sufferers will do well before they waste ile valuable time in seeking aid from in-trumente. and :>e other absurdities professing to eupcrredo medicines ;
0 make fair trial of a remedy, which concocted oil inn iring scientific i.riucii>l«'M cannot tilil; and limy lie carried about the person, or left upon the toilet tublc, without exciting a suspicion <>f its nature. Trice ll\, i ■mil four tinier the quantity :it 3;is. per bottle. The j I'.-i packa»e-< containing twelve lis quantities, by, which :i -aving of .flYis. is otl'cctc.l, will bo sent : from M, Bedford Place, only on tin- receipt ol the ; amount per draft on n Loudon house or othciwiso. ; Extracts from letters which can be seen by anyone, j " 1 mil happy to say tliat 1 am now nuke well, thanks j to you and your medicine of medicines."—7/. 7'., St. ■Isit/jt't. " 1 am happv tusiiy that .1 -hall not require : more, thank tied, and 1 hope lie will reward you lor i what von have done forme."- -/. <■'.. Jlnrt/ijioul. " It ' mv tongue could speak, or my pen could write to ex- ] press mv platitude to you, 1 should tcol happy, but neither "tongue nor pin of mini; can do 50."— J1..1.. Jii,min>fhom. ""Without von J should have been in mv grave, but now I am a happy mail again."■-- I). F /', Inn-mo*. "1 can never thank you suflicieiitlv"- laid 1 never read of the Outt.e Vitie, where or what I have been now, I cannot tell."— II . U., Il\st I'etton. . T)\IXS IX TIIK HACK, C HAVEL, Lf.MP.AUO, 1 (lout, Kheumati.-m, Disease of the K"lnevs, Bladder kc. Dr. Do Poos' Compound lu-nal 1 ills liru a most safe and speedy Pen.ody for the above dangerous complaints, Discharges and Diseases ot tlie Vrinarv Organs generally, which too heqnontlv harass the sufferer over the best years of hie, and end oniv in an agonising death. They agree with the most delicate stomach, and in three days ; effect a cure when capivi, cubebs, ,vc..have utterly tailed. 2s. .Id., •1« (id lis. and :535. a box. The superiority ol these ceiebrii'ted medicines over anything; of the kind is in.iveisallv acknowledged, and the extraordinary ileiuand for them without precedent. Manv there are, who lrom natural (lifli.l.nco, or fe-ir of'diseovci v, would silently bear their allliclions rather tlian n])]ilv lor aid to those from whom they may reasonably'expect, relief. With the above ~ medies the sufferer may without the knowledge ol a second person, cure himself speedily, privately, and at tin- least possible expense. " I have taken vonr Tills and always <len\c gieat hcn.tif iron, tlani."-/''. If. JI <<~,../* r,.11. V e " 1 have taken your 'ills with the most l,ar.nv result."—.«. //•■ ''«'*• our Tills dome „'. Y „ 00 d 1 feel better this hist twelve months than For vc:m» 0., IVanhan,, Ashfont. 0,,r Pills did me more goodthan any limy I li..m- UUu —Ml Jutm/ei/. " I have tried your Pills, anil derived the great".'St benefit therefrom."—l'. 6'., -W// Jlotel, St. Jle/ier*. , . Sold wholesale bv l'.arclav & bon, <!;>, T-arrnigdon-ctr'eet London; Agents,— of whom also niav be hail "THE MEDICAL ADVISEK," or shouli dillieultv arise in procuring any of the above enclose the amount by draft or otherwise, to l.y, Led lor.. Place Pdoomsburv Square, London, \\ .1., and tho\ will lie sent securelv packed per return. C\l"i'lO\ — Sii'lt'ci-crs .thonlil tjHtu-il at/must the re of «*'•/«■*« imitotio,:s h re lir /,,r, „■/„, therefore nhtuiii <i Uinjer prujtt. Jhe ; /e,iiu/,e hoe the wit's "Wai.tki: Di: ltoos, Lo.Ni.oN," printed i, vhite tetters on the dorenioieut Stomp. HV iiKHKH o Unit Majksty's Hon. Commission Kit, to imitate whir, isj'eluiijj. STKT'TI'TCE OK THE EKETIIHA; its lialnr. eonsequenccS, varit.ies, and speedy cure, wither, the pain and risk of laceration, cutting, or other lira tional measures. Sent post free for 2s. (id. by .lohn son \ Co., Publishers, 10, P.rooke .Street, llolborr London ; and obtained through all liookscllers. "Scotland & cojineliouk, IXTEU-COLOXIAL PRODUCE AIEUCIIAXTti AND Commission Aoknts, 4 SIjSBS STKK 15 T, SYJSE Y. OKI) KUS promptly executed for Horses, Out! Colonial Tobacco' of the hest brand, and all kind of Colonial Produce, on the shortest notice. , ♦- . ■ 11. P. STA RK, ESTATE, HOUSE, LAND, AXI) GENERA: COMMISSION AGENT. Oflice, comer of Vulcan Lane, Queeu-street, Auckland. (£3?" Sevoral linms of money to be advonred '■ approved eecuriiT.
ray's Ointment is soothing, cooling, and healing, and s better adapted than any other remedy for all filerlal ailments. IXIHOKSTIOX, IULTS, AND SICK IIEAPACHEB. No organ in the human body is so liable to disinter as the livov. niul none is more apt, when negected, to become seriously diseased. When nausea, Ihitiileiwv or aciditv on the stomach, warns us that lurestion i> not prol-ecdiug properly. Jiolloiv.-iy's Pills regulate everv t'unetion. give strength to every organ, speedilv remove all causes of indigestion, bile and iiek headaches, ami ell'ert a permanent cure. UMUAGO, KHI-r.MATISM, AXD GOUT. Tn these diseases, the blood is always in a highly iiillnmiuatorr state ; the stonv.u-h is also disordered,and the liver and kidnevs unnaturally torpid. A lewcloses of these Pills', taken in time, will recttly all these symptoms by their cooling and purifying properties. Jloltowai/'x Pills are the best remedy known in the 'icurlil for the folloiriny dhenxex :— j ■Vgue 1 Female Irregu- i Serofula or | Asthma lnrities King's Evil bilious Com- Fevers of all | Stone , and plaints kinds l Gravel Blotches on the] Gout Secondary Skin ! Headache Symptoms Bowel Com-! Indigestion Tic-Douloureux plaints | Intlammation Tumours Colics ' Jaundice I leers Constipation of Liver Com- Venereal Affectho Bowels plaints lions Consumption Lumbago \\ orms of all Debility rile* Kinds Dropsv I Rheumatism Weakness lrom Dvstntcry Retention of whatever cause Erysipelas I Urine &c, Ac. Vit's i Sore Throats ' Sold at the Establishment of rROFESSOR HOLLO WAY, 211, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London; also bv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—ls. 1-Jtl., 2s. Ud., 4s. ud., 1 Is.. 225.. and 335. each box. *** There is considerable saving by taking the largest sizes. X.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients m everv disorder are allixed ro each box. \v. enkveb, WHEELWRIGHT AXD BLACKSMITH, A/ xv\ -i s& \<\ IS V\ 1%l \oi £) pRAYS id \i\ til v*\ /■§/ > hi 506, GEORGE-STREET, oppasite Police O.'Ure, I And i sfll, BRTCKFTELD HILL, SYDNEY. | W.MILLER J lAS REMOVED his COLONIAL BOOT Li MANUFACTORY to more commodious pre- . mises opposite the Q. C. E. Boots of every description made to cnler by firstuss workmen. Peg Uoots made, and repairs neatly eiecvtU'd. *.* FOOT OF SHORTLAND STREET, Auckland. l \TEW ZEALAND BANK SHAKES.—The un : iN dersigned i 9 a Cash Purchaser. —H. P. STARK . ' Brokwr.
TlilZE MEDAL. j CJUNOLIXES AND CORSETS. | Tin- only 1W Medal I'm- Excellence of Workmanshin unci New Combinations in STAYS, CRINOLINES. AND COUSETS ; was awimlnl to A. SALOMONS, ; H.-> OLD CHANCE, LONDON, j THF, CARDINnU'S IWTENT .JUPON. j Coi.i.aJ'sks nt tlu> slightest pressure, iiiicl resumes its | shape when the i'li'sfiirc is removed. I SPIRAL CRINOLINE STEEL AND BRONZE Eor Ladies' Skirts (Patent), will not break, and can be. folded inlo tin- smallest compass. SMITH'S NKAV PATENT J-lAKMOZON COP.SET (Self Adjusting), Obtained a Trize Medal, and is the very bust Stay ever invented. CASTLE'S PATENT VENTILATING CORSET, n valuable lor the I»:ill Room. Equestrian Exordia, and Warm Climates. 'I'm be had, retail, of all Drapers, Alilliiici-s, and Stay Makers ; and wholesale only of SALOMON'S. »5 OLD CHANGE. LONDON. THE DOCTOR EOR ALL ! j Jl OLLOW AY 'S TILLS. j fi ISROAVN, AGENT EOR NEW ZEALAND, j 0» Sliorlland-Street, Auckland. | CHEST COMPLAINTS. ' No diseases are more frequent, few more danger- j ons, than ali'ections of (he respiratory organs. The ! lirst symptoms of catarrah, bronehitis. and nilhieuza, ! ■ may always be i-adieally removed by Holloway's re- j : nowned Tills. Thev q'uiekly remedy any temporary | sin-nation of blood, relievo any ovcrgorged veins, j moderate the hurried breathing and enable the lungs ilo do their olllre with ease and regularity. .1 hese i VilK (, v their purifong powers, eleanse the blood ' from all impurities, and fortify the system against | consumption, asthma, ami similar eomplaints. ! STO-MACII. I.IVKII. KIDNKVS ANl> BOWELS. Kroin various euuses these organs are frequently i cetlin" out of 'jrder, and require some suitable ! medicine to regulate them. Holloway's Tills etleet ! this object with wonderful eelerity and certainty. ! Thev rli) not distress the svslem, or weaken the Inline; j thev thoroughly invigorate the digestive organs. | Thev gently exeite the stomach and liver, stimulate. I the kidneys to perform their functions ellieiently, mid i act upon"the bowels without griping or any other 1 annovanee; again, taken an hour belore dinner, they ! cannot be equalled as a " Dinner Till" us they ' entirely prevent acidity, flatulency, nausea, and I biliousness. I -WIXDY OR VATEKV OKOPsSV. I Whoever is ulliicted with these complaints, should at once have recourse to Holloway's Tills. They act most energetically on the glandular and ahsorhant system, purifv the blood, and impart a vigour which a'.ve or other euuses ninv have temporarily taken awav. Thev excite llie U'.nevs lo inernised activity, and'therchy'stimulate the ab=orbaiits lo remove the fluid already collected. I)1S0HI>K11S VKCn.IAU TO WOMKN. There is no medicine equal to Holloway's Tills foi correcting the aUments incidental to lemales. Ihey may be taken with safely for any irregularity ol the system. As Hum- remove all cause ol maladies, and sc restore, bv their" grand purifying properties, females of all ages to robust health. INFU'KSZA, DII'THKIUA, AND SOKE THHOAT. How all-important it is to cheek the first departure from health ! All mnv do so by taking Holloway t , Tills, wilhout risk or restriction. In all diseases at i feeling llie blood, nerves, and muscles, or in eases o fever, sore throat, colds, coughs, asthma, am - shortness of breath, the earlier they are taken tin better. children's complaints. Diseases incidental to Children, such us fevensl attacks, scarlet fever, measles, and all diseases ol th, skin, may be immediately cheeked, and soon cured bthese purifying Tills, which may be reduced to i i powder, and given in doses of one, two, or W .«>htly, according to the age of tho sufferer* Hollo
THE SEW FRENCH REMEDY. B'l RiHH'l I.'tl<>:i I-lllmt, I'lllln the sprri.,l x ,l,ietint, of 'lUr'Mai-st,,-* (Jwer,„.,e,it, ami the Chhf, ,f the y-n-uIU J- Prance. , IUIEKAPIOX :—or CERE of CERES.— This X Miccc.-.-iul and hijrhly popular medicament, as employed iu the continental hospitals by Kostan, .lolii-rt. V.-lpimi, uTid othets, combines nil tiie desiderata to he souL'hl in ;i nu dicine of the kind, and surpasses hitherto employed. 1 >evoid of .■ill taste. <,■!„„,'; and'ff/y>«/»-««>r of medicine, it can be left or carried anywhere, and taken from time to time without txcitiu;r "suspicion. Each package contains full instruction for •.■very case. THEKAPION. N«. I, in three days only—removes gonorrhoea, irleet. and all iliseharires; effectually superscdinLnnjecuons, thereof which dots irreparable harm hvlavimrthe foundation of strict ureandi it In -r diseases. In dysentry. piles, irritation of tin- lower bowel, coiifrh, bronchitis,' asthma, and some of the more trvim,' complaints of this kind, it will be iound astonishinoTy efficacious, affording prompt relief, where other welltried remedies liave been powerless. THERAPIuN, No. 'i, for syphilis, disease of the bones, son- throat, threatened <U.»ti action of the nose and palate; impuritv of blood, scurvy, pimples, spots, blotches, and all diseases for which it has been too much a fashion to employ mercury, sarsaparilln, kc, to the destruction of the sufferer's"teeth, and ruin of health, l.'nder this medicine every vestige of disease rapidly disappears : and skin assumes the pleasing- softness of infancv. THEHAPION, No. 3, for relaxation, spermatorrhoea, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, excess, residence in hot, unhealthy climates. Are. It pos-eses surprising power in restoring strength and vigour to the debilitated. To those who are prevented entering the marriage state by the consequences of early error, it will render essential aid by subduing all disqualilicntions ; and restoring ti,,.. liist tone' to the sysUin. Therapioii may be procured at lis., and iSISs. per package, through all ne (Heine vendors, or in i.'o packages lot lorei'-n shipment, direct from London unlv, by which .U l-'s. :ire saved: and £10 packages for the mor, inv( terate eases, bv whicli a still gi cater saving u effected. In ordering tlie above, the purc],a.-e) should state which of the three numbers be requires llkh M.ijksty's Hon. Commissionkks have gia-cion.-lv j*nnittcd the Govornm?iit stamp hearing tin word "Therapion" in white letters, to be attached t< each package; thus insuring the publie.against fraud uh-nt imitations, and securinu; to the proprietor tin sole i-iirljt of supply throughout her dominions; am any infringement of which they will prosecute will tlie utmo-t severity. • Aoknts roll Knolanh.—Thomas k Co.. 7, '"ppo St. Martiu's-lane; P.arclav A: Co., Earringdon-.-treet Edwards A: Co., and Xewbery A: Sons, St. Paid' church-yard ; Sutton A; Co., Row-chureh-yard. London': It-iinjes A: Co., Liverpool : Apothecaries Coinj). Olusgow; Pen-is A: Co., llristol : Corni.-li .V Co., Ply mouth ; Howe, Devonport : Kendall A: Co., South ampton ; and obtainable through all medicine vendor in the- known world, or in ease of uilticulty, by en elosiii-a draft or order for £', or .till, according t the nature of the case, payable in London to Me»sr> Thomas A: Co., as above.'a larjre package will be sen by return mail, carefully secured from observation o accident. PREMATURE HECAV OE THE SYSTK.M. an its perfect restoration, whet In r arising froi youthful imprudence, or the excesses of adif lite, infection, climate, A:e. Observations, o marriage, the prevention and removal of certain diqualifications. Rules and numerous prescript ions ti sclf-ticNtiie-n;. Suli'eiers who an; prevented froi matrimonv bv the consequences of imprudoiin should read tliis work, as pointing out tlie sure wa to rest.,ration ofhcalth. Sent post free in an envelo] "ii receipt of 35., bv Mr. Lawes, Medical Publisher, i Hand Court. London. THE CAUSE ANT) CUKE OF PREMA'I'UR DECLINE. Sold hi/ all the Agents for JJr. J)e JtooeJ/rclirhie", »eitt jio.>t free, secure from obseriation, ttirect J'ro the Author, for 2s. (id. rpHE MEDICAL ADVISER, on the modem tre.-i JL meat of mental and physical incapacity, syphil stricture, tec. ; with unfailing rules and prescviptiu for the speedy cure, by very simple moans, of all t more common diseases and supposed incural maladies of the sexua system, By Dr. W. ]
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 133, 16 April 1864, Page 7
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3,314Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 133, 16 April 1864, Page 7
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