ni-IW-i- Mi- 11. r.- >■ Jiiii-i- .),,!,,;..:, j,.i 'I HI. 1'11M1,..-. ..( I|.,- i! v:i> ), Mll , ~i v ,:!,]•!;,V in--MM,- ;;! 10 ~-,-l ~•;;. ')!-<• i-ii.-u;:.- .-ii.-iitt.-t \'.': n 'I - .- |; ( k<- !:,-i:c in,-li:i-.ii.i:- iimil j;.i..uii. ..hi-.,- !; : : .i i ] . i:-..:,. , ,;i, -„!:.- u-il t" iM-ii.- iu-ii-i-lii.u' icv.jiu- ;,..■ l.i-i-i ;iii,,, in ~, '. l:r l;ili:cl., IVii.N tlicll J r<>> i • ili ii 'Mil.. Sir. ili-niiii.-iii ] 10.-i-ruti'i, iii;u .Mr. W'-.jin <Vi. i..n-.l ."\],-.- t i.-. J'uc-.<■;>• mi.! Ajiuiio .ii-lt-r; l-i-u-)-.-.
>Ti\.Mi;rriTnirt\ thu case, and called on tin; v-l witness, Miim.s ,\T i ;,.K- il y:—[ llm ];,. s ;,lont and .!«::-l.'illt Xatlve. Secretary le-idin- al X.-1-..ii. 1 i;i)\v tlii! prisoner a! tin- liar, lie helonirs tiTthe XV.iikirohapu, (it tlw li-iV-. :',<■ foi-ii-rly resided in 'the i-mtntry, In- AVi>i|v,i Iwi-ii.-ii of tin- U'aika'to i-ivi-i-. "l saw i 1,,-ni-vn'-r at < ■<illiii ir woml in tin- l'lovinee (if Xelxm .hi :u: Ith .'n!y. I |h>t ,si\v him .in ih,. ;i n |. Me was In-;:- with tvilain iilher natives, representatives \M-:iti:.rilii, Nip.tiawa, and XiMtiianra tlili.-.-. li!ld 11..1 l).-|..ll-! <-f the ei.iin'.ry. a'ld als,, 'ruhaliiy the;,- wi!•• lon natives at il,.- ineelin-..•li.i.u-iiia:i" '!»• .\!i,i,il,- 1>1,, t ,,|. >-'<;i!.in-of ,■,„,.-," p>.•lμ ■■■ Jmi.K- J.!;,,-.- ~., the :;,■,;. it „..,.„ „„.,, ; v ,;„. j,,,.. .miliary "i-ii.'.in-.-.. i'orama, f.: the'prisoners ;..iiili:u.iMii> p,.,,,[ ;],!,,„„;, j-.,J1-, ltfw ,, 0 .l ~u ~,,. -j.jth nil,,:. Hi: «... ai.s,, ]„,..,,.,,[ ilt ;)„. ~„,...;,;..■, ),„( ln ,,| ; •M prrt in it. 1 .;,»■ h,i : , in Culiii v w(,...lal l : ial tini... I'h.- native.- <„i^:,,allv ~.,., ~, M 1,,. ■,| lwi ~. •.i, W -a,..-ki, [:i,;,r:,'!VT;, ~ :111 ,l l'd'man, ~a''ve-i'tlio -i'tlio Middle ].-).--,, d i.-si.iirm-.-i* \l:iv,i r i,. liay wviv it tlioiliicliiiL", an,l ~ii. vk.'a- Ml Ci-iut. I heard thu j.nsom-r speak. H, mudiie.d no Utter. The ieU.-r .11 < was pr.-senled at ;l ineetiu;;; h.-1.l ■. Motupipi !,,.,!.:!„ >~ j. ,3... (i,, !,!, s,-!,;,,„)„'.,. IM ;> 1 «», at :, i.nvtiim. I f.,,,nd natives di>eussiii,r propriety ol -oiii- 1,, Northern Island. (Two letters produeed and l.ain!,.,i rmuiill Letter now in court wti- . .in- iif lhi'iM. 1 know letterbeeausr it is rndor.-rd hi mi. haiidwrilinj; : 1,-tti-r ,\,,. i also; and they Mup-I rate's ('uui-t J,, An, khiud. .They were si nied I,y three iiiiiiv..- nann-, Dm- li. i'li; Ihal/oi , tlu- iialiv.m <"urt. i minim say that the icllcr i> in premier's Imial-Hnliii!;. Ihr letters were mer-iy handed round a; l!,,- ,„,.,., : ,-. I ~.ui.l ,a,l 5:.," uiu, 111.-v Mviv a,l.hv-.~;,; i,,, ,„• «h» tl,,\ w.-iv «nti,-i, l,v. At tin- iiu-..i;ii!_' <>l' tin- llli July. i'.n>Mii,r sui.l lliat ih.-y l.iid v.nfu-n i.ltri'- 1,, i| u . (.Mr. Mnnro ua- (h,!,,-!) l._, .\i,-. Wuni us iiiK-i-Mivti-i- lei y\r. Mark/- In.-ra! ~f what 'nn>,,nn- Miid.) ■Vr. 1n.,, pi-i M .M.-r-aid -- W\- Cv.m-rh «i,,:,. I-t!, ~. ,„ ~I U i, iv iii,m yon l<, ].i-,.,vr,l Iμ \V,,;1,au;;,.. ai,,l mv i,<,\v .-.jin,-|.,-i>,,:»dlvl.> ivpi-nt tin-i.iviiatinn. Wlh-ii Kunijuans lir>l si t'tlrd in N..-w Z, aland, lln-ir wo!-I;n weiv jiood -.-ivili/ini' Hi,- liatii,- trili.-s and puttmi; an t-nd to laitivi- war-" ACtci-lh.- |-:iir..|.«-;iii.- liad Ikvii >rtl|.- ( l lor .-cine li th.-iv wa> a:i . lil liisi-Mu-ivd;- i|,,,t i<. tl u . wh,,!,-nl tlu- lands v.wc jm-iu;; inio th.- lioss. s-ion of ilnIt »,, s Hirn dci.Tiniu.-d. or a plan » IL . lilrll m.i|m],| )■,„., („ ( |ii ~ 111,-lllilli; l<. IVrlt Ihis evil and i-im1.1,. thnii to lr t in ,, tli«-ii- lands ; th, lvfmv th,. liillivi- khi.ii- \v.-:s Ml up. ()|, ( . of tin- fruits of that work was a law pas-rd l,v tin- kiri; t<. iviuni 10.-v.-r\ Irilii- tin- Imid- whii-h hail loi-in.-'i-lv hrloi", ,1 l<. ,t 'ih,- lands ol tin- irihrs tlm! inn ~'1,,-,n <irn, n aw,\ l.y tlu- ii.iM-ondii.-l ol tlu-ir an,T<toi-. At this tin,', n-liirn l<, Wailiawan. If i], t . inl.r iriurii. il'will i>, .1i.i0,!. If i!,,.y hk,- iM ,-, n.ain. it will „!„. W r,,, K | W.-aiv all iviali-ii. Tin- is a lviir-ou win il»-li-il. -Ih.iild i-.-tnni to th,- la.„! and dw.-!I. lYh,- \ -alll.n,ohal.a tnl,,- Him- --in,- thiv,- y-.,v '"■lon-. I'lll had inland.i So that tin- iln.i'i^l,i ? of tin- trill,- iniir'.n l.<- a- on,-. Tin- tnl,,- had h.-lli-i I' •" to Waikawiui ami ,;»,-!! ,-n (!„• !ai:d, !1,,-i wi-:v liot »alil,-.i a> -oioi. .-. 1n,,. ~f tli,. iv; ,', our roni,.- !> to r, iiii-n to N irarua I h<- iiimU a Wad-awaii. 10.-hmmM,. ih, mi. ;•.- lh.-v wr.v In in" a: >].-n<> Iμ th<> l-.itrop,; n, of the ' Midiiir 1.-laitd LraM- il,i> i-laml inirai.iii!,' tin- Mi.ldh- l-liind) loi thi- wliil,. skins. Mini llu- Aortlii-rii Island for tin th.ivloiv i hi- .Ma..!-,.- .l],.ul,ra'i.-o 1011,, 1 , al om-'plan-." rin> i- the i.i m-i-jil ,-i;,.,.| ~| what was said. I u,-\ .-aw ), n>,,!„■!■,ni :iiiih Amu:-!. :ii Kivi-r Uidlt-r. \V,-> l-'<'.'.-t- Hγ -p, 1,,- to „„-. and I look him prison, iand 1,-Id him ( ,!iai : ,,l Lni u.lli tivax.ii. 11,- >ai, !»■ iM.I u.-t 1,1. in.- 1,-.- Inn his .vlatioiis. |o,- havinj ■■ommriii-.-diii:hiiiii;l..-li,ivlK-.-,iuldivtiini lotlu-Noi-tl 1.-ian.t. l'lisonris had 1,,,-n in INiO. lint I i-ahiiol .-:,y w 1i,t1,,-r th,-,\ ha\<- lu-.-ti liuliliii-i >in<v. saw 1! in 1,,h,, ni ("la;, 11,-s. mid tin- prisnm r ha. told m,- >o. 'I 1,,- «„,-,:, ihat „,.,,. n.jali- „.-,- of ivln-i i urri-sti-n hiir, i,,,aiu liiMi.-iual n-latno l.v ,(.i..-ai. -nimu. I UIW . ~„. u, jn |, ~,u . ,| {„ ~| V ~,.i,;<,faadm. hook.' 1 !.»w-!,,0k,.U,A,-mliimi.s- sin.,- at n ,-n.os I >w,-ai- thai rith.r tho>,- words, or «ords to tha ein-,-l. w.-iv iis,-,1. 1 will >w,:u- that, to th,- ln-st o :11.-. lirh.-r, I l:av,. r.-p.-at,-d lla- a< Mia! words. II mii.i,- iix- of th,. ai-inal «o\-,l> 1 lnivi- mad,- us,-o onl\ \ an, iny >~in, tin,r> in rcpi-lituin. as all .Maori »i'l. 1 iiii :: ;,i lraii.-!ali-all in two or Ilin-i- dilim-ii »a;.-.". 1. n.i-l,t .-a_i that ih.-y \i< n- told l<, lollerl i mil-jilai-,-. ll ini-'ht |..- ,aj,al,l(. of hiariiij; itnothr iviidi-im". hut not a-.iothi-r lii.-aiiiiinr. It couid mi in,an thu th,- who!.- .Maori ra<v should 1,,- iinil.-d a oik- rue,-. I aiivst.-d lour olhir>. ih.l nl tht- >atu tiini-. hut al-Miii ih,- Minx i,m,.. 'Ihc ollu-r ilnv w<-iv at Muliipipi and otlii-r placi-s. Tlin-i; of tlii-n him- ln-<-ii risrharurd at this srssion without trial AIU-r thu im-,-(ii;'n—-Ith .lulv—the natives <-on vciu-il dip, r>, d hi- thiir "villi!",-* nhont fon or live d,,y.> ulu-r. Nom- of thu Nmitiranui went to tlic Nurtli Island to lij;lil, Tin- ilinl' said ll would (jo in (hi- .Norlh Island and see the Kinj; ; i his laws »rr,. i-,,,,,! 1,,- would han- tin- land at Waiku Willi. I lold prU.iiii-r whi-ii I an-e>t,.,i him that hi I'l-ioi- 11. thai I li-u,- r01!,,1,-d tom-tlu-r a jiiiinlici- ( his .si-ul.-li.-rs 1,11, ~-d: 1.0 l ,-v:i,-|lv 111 llu- i-.,115,-,-lltiv ord.r 1 ].la,r tln-in in, hut a> in-arly so as po-sihl, Tlii- raulion 1 mall- n.-p of was—"" V.m him- a .-on M.irra!,!,- an.ounl , f laipudni.v t<. nun.- .-nid i-nd, a M.lir In lull- nn piopli-"--if I wi.-h to ;m. inl tin- invM-iin- ~l \oiir .Maori Kin-, 1 ijUi-.-tion wlicllu' 1 louid do si. uiimoh'swd/' I'.y - in-v people" 1 nira (he nalivis ~( nn di.-tri, t. ! inn 1,','.-i,i< nl ,'jinl Ihi• iis.sis|;n,i .\;iiiiT Sr.-ri'ltiri ill tin- tii.-li-ii-l. an lun,- aiithorilv im-r 1 li.-m la.w tlill'v. .Mr. l'm-kv as>w,,,-u int.-rpn-ti'r now translated I - ,, pr.Miui'i- the uiidenee of jlr. .Maekv u> the .Maol Jiii.-iijii.-i-. 1%. l.'iwai '!'urau<;aiH'ki was Iheu sworn, and i-x aniini'd liv Mr. Jli-rriiiitin : M v tr.ln- is tin- .\;;al,a rua, .Ma.-snie Hay. 1 know the prixmer ; lii irilii- in r,-iatiM- to" N-aiiianiaj-otn and two ~ih,-r-rris,.M,-i rris,.M,-i- liu-.I at Kawhia and Wluilka w all. I'l'isone liu-d in ihi- Norllu-rii Island in .1 unu anil.iuiy. l-r-l >iiw pn-oner in tin- .Muiiill- Island when lie »a laix-n pn-oiiri'. I do mil i-euieinhn- ;-, ii:e,iin-a .Motiipipi on the ith Septrmher. l.Siil'. I did lu'l se Mr. Maekv al a im-i-tin-,' al Mollipiji. I ;:a-.< soun h-tti-i-s In Mr. .Maekv. I -ot 1,'„,>.• letlers i,v tin- mai lion I-μ. I leli « haii.luriiiiii: thev aV.' in. remi-iiilier a me.-tliiu at ('o Him ;w 0,,,1, oil Ith Jllh I >.•■:■{. ni wiiieh [iris,,!.,!-w;:s [,n>enl. lam not ,piii ■•i-l-laiii whelllel- any lellers Welespokell iihotll a: Ilia ini-.les ami two females »v;,- pivsein. l'lisonei' spok al that meclin-. lie .-aid hi- eali.e thelv to I'eteh li a--., x. .Kor ii- to ,■ e l.aek on our own lands. \V, l-.-i.ii.-d. we '~,11 not ,„.„.-. 11.- .-ail! il is well, it rest w:i;i voiii--i-|\e<. l'iMMi;:er eoneluded b\' sa'.int -ouietiiiiiL- ahoiit Ilii' Vi\«n Kin-.', he.-ans,.- lie eaiiie i'i feleii n>. U<■ irpiied llur. we wi-nld uol <;.•. Wlien H,-|VM.H lh;,l Illd liol roIMI-lOU.-IH-lolV. Nl.lllil!' wit- -a.d l.v )t:i'ii ah,mi our li-liliii- ihe (,'ueei or opposiu |i; h,-i- authority. No 'word was -aid Iγ i'.'-rautl.'-'.i'ii!.'"'""'"" ''"'" U> v " 1 """ "''l' 1 ' 1 " 1 "' .Mr. .Mi'iTiinan as-erted in an>wertohi> Honor. Ilia heeoiildnol earrv ilieea.-e lurlhei- than depositions and thai lie would wi.-h to .-Minii;,.- one moiv wit l-:rinvcra. a Maori ,-ailed a> witness, having 1.,-ei sworn, d< po.-ed : .Mr. I'uekv ,iei;n-a> inlerprel.-r: am of the .Vμ Ila\i a I,'iiie'. .liv piaee of ai,o<U' i . ; 0.-r lo I am a 'nalive as>e»or. -en!- The,- va- 1,.. l:,i, al-o'ut iellers. 1 -~,! nol •I. ..,.••. >- :,,- 1..J.., i :.■' ;),.,; 1 was. lii:: ;n> ■!• I'.ao , ..Mie to I, i,l, tin- >. aiirarna t<. i;o :.:„ ■"■' t■-1 ■■ Ih, ■'■ l-n I in the .\o,iiiern 1.-ia.i.l. ' Th. pri-.-a-l-u.,-.,- v. 1,1 i.,;,,,.-.'I, ■>„,„. -lliie pea.l-upo 1 v....r-e!-,,-: ,f ni.i, i,K,-lo -o. .I,! I, ..,..' w-1.1. -la>. -in...- .501 i,,,,,, was >a,d a 1,,.,.: wi... v.a- in 1. ~'■:!,.:: Waiki'io , .-in.,- ~: Kawl,]., ;l i.-.l Watkiiwan 1: wa - -a..; in \\ i 1,, „,- 1.,.)., [ an.l i ! ,-,;.-.-.-nr- '! la of til,- K-,,,r „.,, ~.,, ~„. ,■„„,.„.,( i,,. „;,; oi ;;, ,u,;,;i- ued as \< n< : in.i t!,..- name i> Malula li.v -Mr. ?.!..|ii,ii.m: T,,.- , ,!;. wa.- a'oolit ih,- N -a-!::.i:-'i i.-n a,.,.i - ;,t |i ; ,- \, ;!!,,■:,, I-::,nd and tlu N;:ati.iw;: -~.i... ;,. -,j,,. %, ,;;., .„ 1.!...,., i. 1 ;.,.„,-, '.-I.'.;,,■_'■ ..1..},! J,|i|!i,;... ,-., Mi, ■ i;,- I j (,• I'M M lilllt i.'iU' U" 1 . li- !,.,f_Hi- i!' iii.i a: !■:.,; .Mi. if ilial w: > li.. he : win., -; , . i ;,,, .ills li. mi- t;..',;.-nt .Mr. .M",'. n ;n;a.." l.a.i ' aeted wuil.V in wi,i,iii-:iv ti,,- «-...-,.-, at tin-saim- Jil i>l! bound to ;-;,;,• that w|,,,l luul lij-pptiii.: Muite.iusli-
i'j(l tho enquiry that had liken place. In justice to kfr. Sliiclcy he'wuuld remark that nnirh mischief had ji.-eu prevented l.v thv wise prudence dispL.Ncd by li:il tjon'iulilaii, together with llii; -Mod .-elite of thu i'.yal natives themselves. " | The native was tlioii pronounced nut iruiU v and set it lib riv. Ib-rand. Hi.' other defendant in the case, ivas then brou-ht up and disclim-i d. SIHMiTIX(i AT A MAI 1:1. ! James Abbotts was placed at tin bar, chav-ed with with havin- at Kaipara O'i the 1.-t February, lS.'vl, IWoniously ;.-,.! malieiouslv fi.vd a !t,ad,.d gnu at a r.iuivr named Hare. ' | I'ri-oiicr pleaded nut -uilty. ! Anotherjiivv wa* >-nij»:i;nr ( n. dto li.-ar tin: case, i Mr. Meniman ;ip]v;iiv,l t,r th- prosecution ; Mr. ! IVvoride.,: tor d.-fcmtalit. Mr. Jl-miuan opened the case, and rail,.], ~, tirst Willi'--:.. Kdward Vraiiois Tule, who dep.». d :—I an. a survey,,,, and ~„ th- l>l February'l was at K:i ukiipitliajia. I km.w the house of Mr. Thompson. 'Hare iso.dv on'-Thoncpson in that district that 1 know of. ■ had sonic naiives with me at tin; time—Hare, H ileum and Kutiiii. I aniv. Dat Thomson's house in advance of tile niitivis: they had w'ith tli.-in victuals and survevin- in.-trinueiils. We were procc,.,ii:i - from Auckland to tl:.- .-one of ~in- operations. I ]>;,.-,-d Ti;|.<i.ii't hmi.-e twi-nty-live minutes, past six in the afternoon. Alter Iμ. in- about half a mile beyond 'l'liniiiii-eu's 1 heard the rcp.>rt of a -uu in thi'-direction olThomp>ou's stockyard. 1 returned, and alter |i-occ.-din- a few yards heard anoth.-r .-hot and saw sm..|;e from a -mi, and two men between stockyard and hou-e. Alter Lroinir on a eptarter of a miie 1 heard another shot. 1 was mere ih.-in a qii.-iUer of.i mile Irom t!:ei,oii... wh.-n I saw the two men. T mi I the native iiUMcdiiiloly alter hcarin- tin-third shot, bciuiv pyUinx i,,.k lo Thompson's house. I intended. I could nut .-,,.;■ tile liiccs of tile twu men, and could not -wear they wev not Maoiies; but fi-iii ;i]tp...-!i-;(iii-f 1 tliii.l; tl>' s- were Kuropeans. When l. illliii!!- with th.; naiivi's i met .Mr. le.-ali and .Mr. Lamb. 1 did not -ee the natives whonthe shots were fin d. l!y .Mi-. Kever;d»e : Tli.- stockvui-d is about 1 ehams fioni the hou.-e on the left side. 1 cant mvc-iii-that there is not more than thirty vards between ihe stoekvard mill the. house. I was'ralher better than half ii mile fi-oi.-i the house when 1 heard the lirsl shot. 1 s,iv the sl., r k\ard and house immeiliau lv the shot was iiivd. before 1 bewail to retrace mv wav. 1 oh.-crv, d some one nroecciliim fi-oin the .-tockwird towards the bouse. ] think there were two persons. 1 did not s, e them enter the house, or see what became uf them. I can't swear that the men I saw niter Ihe scuml shot were the same two men. When the third shot was Hied. 1 was better lhau a quiirleiof it mile from the house. 1 hmi about twcnlvor thirty yards to U o alter the third shut was tired before 1 me! the native:-. I did not hem- the hall » hislhiif; | me. liefore I ivl 111-lied. I had reached lliesnoi at which ue .<u'-.-.-cjUi-iitl\ eucani]ied. (.'ali't r-aj «liu-e ground it m>: it was outside s fence. It was in u uorthc.-iv direction from '! )iom;»--'■ii".- 1 -e. |i,,,,-| know liow far the snol at which The defendant Mare »* then ,wor,i. and drpo-cd /-Mr. !Vcl.e> int.-i-.m-liiit:-).- M\ name i> 1 laiv. ol tlie tribe of Xiialilamatci-e. My native ]>hice Is Ivaj-aiiun. «'it the 1-1 i'ei.i-u.-irv ia-l. 'l uas Mr. 'folc Ilie -urw.,.r. I Liiou iv 1 tika]ial.:.|.a and I knon Tii0mj.,,,,,-- h,.n,,.. Wire,,.,, ami Ki.lcue :i,v,.in]ianied meon that day. Mr. Tole went on before liNwiu-nwe were near Tlioiii|>mhi'» house. Y\ hi n and drank some of n" Me -looped Uonn and dranl, the water; while in the act of doin- -o. the "iin was lire..!: The m.uiml ,■;„,„. ~,ward- u> from •fhomnson - 1.0u.c We were (iuii.n ~a>l the 1.0u.-e. and tt.,l to it. I heard Ihe - voie.. of the bail" .•>> il passed: il pa-.-cii di.-tau.e al-.ove us. 1 did not sic the .-moke ari>im,' from the discharge of the l:rsl sliol. Iminediatelv after we rose up Vrom drinkiu-, a second -hoi Has liivd. and »hen we i;ot up on the bank, >a\v the dire, lion from which it was tired; saw Ihe .-moke, and two men .-lauding beside Th0m,,,,.,, > .-t,,c|;v ; ,,d. They were between the stuc!,y..i,iaudthehon.-e. 'I'h, re were iiirth, r.-hots tired h,..-ide> the two. Afti-i■ hearin;* the M.ciid shot, »v pi,,, ecd.d towaidsthe .iid of the leiiee. when anuth.-r shot «■:■.- lire.! from the.>anie |ila<-.-.s the last. \\ h.n we "ot i<, the middle of the f< ni-e a fourth was tired. It |« f sei. uvi-i- my head. I ducked my head and avidcl ii. Wo w,-m on tn near a «,Mte. We then I saw „ while man, who was taking aim with his mm !at n>. 1 ftill went on till I came a »ate, I when the -mi was dis.lial-ed. The ball passi-d clo.v ! helore me, and I st:ut,<l had;. I heanlthe sound lof each shot, or bullet, j.assin- me. I am accustomed to tin- u.-e of the nun. l' know the diliercnec in the sound between a blank cartriii-e and a bullet. I heard the first shot sin- as it ],as.-i d me. 'J he i.-ist shot s. muled like ;, hlank cartridge. 1 had n<, otfer means of km,win- than by tin- sound. 1 was too much alatir.od to lui k tor w-'hero the bail struck the μ-round. The man who was .st.-,,idin- by the ! fence was about 101 l yards oiV when he tired. ' 1 am able to say that the men standin- by Thompson's house w.-re white men. The nun whiiin 1 saw near i the.-lockyard included the man who was taking aim 1 near the I,•me The distance was too S icat to disi tin-ui.-ii t!a' features, hut J could see by complexion i that it was m,t a Maori. I lly Mr. l!evonil-e: They wire not hall-castes who were lirin-. I could .•<■,■ iti.-tnietiy that they were wi.ite men. The men were b.uli" dre.-sed m' while : eJotii.i,- I (~,-ei head Liverui-. At tile lime : we wet,- kiieelin- down to diiiik the creek was so J siiUiit.-d that wecoidd not be .-<■, n Irom the h.m.-e. , We could be seen as we came down to tmere.k. for we saw the me, .-.tannine 11 was, not a ! Very lon- time helore the shots Were t'.lvii. We j wer iiy lon- . iioii.uh al the < leek to drink. ; W'ireiiiu llieii heinsr .-worn, slaleil : I accompanied .Mr. Toie'- |iai-t\ -urieviKi;. I rcim-mher Ix-in-. on . Ist I-'cbruarv. near 'rhonijison's house. M r.'Tule went on before u>. I .-topped to drink. Jiefoiv 1 slopped lo ui-iiik, I saw >onie one rear Thompson's lions.-. 'I'heiv vi-r,- Ivvo persons between u> iiml the house; standing between us and the sto.-kvard. 'Ihi-v had sinus with them. We could see thc'iiiins before we reached the creek. \\ hile »e were dj'inlvin- al the ci-eek. n iji.n was fired. The sou,i<l came from the direction of the house. 1 could hear lite eonieiit., of the Him. 1 hciir.l ii l-iug-iiis; sound. It went a .-hurl .iis.ame al>o\e u>. Alter the second .-hoi, we Held up the hank. After Hie second shot, ihe white imin disappeared, but there were oilier shots afterwards. We went on till we came to ■ lie end of a fence, when another >hul was tired. ! We went on till we to the middle ol a fci, e, ] when aiiolhei- shot was lir.-d. We went on to a Late \ whei-> Iheve was a r, a<l lcadins; lo a house, when \ another shot was tiivd. At the (oiirth -hot. the hall I pa.-sed close ,„ one of ns. for one duel-a-d h,s head. I The lifih shot lii-ed from the »al,- ihe hall went clu-c I to Hare. 1 heard the .-oiind. We ran and met Mr. I 'Cole eocim- u.Aards u-. We could >e- I hat t hry Mere,- me,.-. I hie was div-eii i:i something , <">!' a "rev colour; i hi- olher in black. They lead caps : but i i-i-.uth-ii de:.;-ribe them. I knew" iheni lo Inwhile in,-I, mil only In their clothes, hut hv their .-Milt-; lhe\ H.-iv noriialf-cesio. When the lirsl siiol was lire I, we were as tar oil' from the men as ihe last | v.:iue» -latcd, namely, about 101 l yards. We did | not -laud at ihe evei'k, we stooped I'lown and draii!i. | The.-!io( that p.-|s-,d in front of Hare was lired from ! inside the >lock\ard: aim was taken at u>. and 1 I .-aw ihe lean, lleiv.-ted ihe μ-in o.i a lad. We j wire al too yreat a distance to sav whether he was j one of the men »e >::w before in front of the hon.-e. '■ We did mil .-,-.- ihe »ii:i heini: loadcl. •ioliu l.aniii fell,:; called and sworn, to the i ■,-c-livtcria.i (onn. sialid : I am a miller at ihe W.utemai'a :,;i;:>. 1 l.uow .Mr. Thoinp.-on".- ],laec. I ivm, :: ii, r whal !,.,.!, i,::,.,- ou 1:4 Kebr'm. ri . I wa:-i-.l Ihoi.ipson"- holl-e tilrii dm. Mr. Ui-all was there wuh ue. Ii u, i.,--,M,vii il Hid ll' v.h. i! we μ-i iieni tin re. ' We >i:: veil there .-one- t me. Mr. 'Ihompsoii. lici:ie\. v.iii' Ai.1.0l wuv there hiiui we lir-i We lei! between :i ami I o'clock. i w;:- in All-. |;.,.,.|,.- .MilipilMV. 1 m<l Air. an.l >..ine o| •:,•)> a'ooitl H They j;:l, , e >~|i,e inf..rieatioli. 1:1 , oU-< .lUe.lce i.flhal iti.'oi-Mii-ii..ii. I wcni lo Thompson'.* 'lou-e. I .-aw 1.. e th.-i-e. nor near i. i eaiie.l out !or ihe |.i. : -oi.,r. am! he cava- nil of ;he hoii.-e. 1 iisk.-il '. ilia if he had -hoi ;il Ihe n.niics. Me said "no," j indignantly and einpliaii, ai:\. I slal d fnat llii-v ' bud .-:, i.l >~. ilr. i:,,e :l n ,'> hriiiaiiii: tiicmiack to ' >.-.-al:..ii! ,1. lie.-al.l. "If they come liel-e I'll shoot- j i-icii:." i said "'i ..nil net i;ii.. iroiibie if M.n ,'ti. I .->. ' lie .-a-ii. ■• I uoii I cure. , ' Jlf Mil-1. "lY iile\ : ion.,. i,,,v l,,e\'ie ~eiid men." I sii.j. -if u'll -1,,...-! 11..,-!,: von !i I.e hiny lor ii " lie an-wc.'ied, - i ~.•!, I c,:iv." :.nd wcrl away. 1 know they did J not -.■.. up thai infill. lam aware that ili-s. Thomp- j .oil :, ~| oi.ll hie. , V..T' 111 II illel eit .-nine I i lite I.ef'-lv :in- ~';w.:m:i a ii.ii.e. I know ll.i- liosi-e wili, and the inc!.- -.uuun.l. lltunipsoii's lu.use is, 1 should siv. bUU y;,)ua from tin- eivck when; the
I natives mwi! drinking. Tlie neurit part of the creek in question lo the house is (lie distance I have stated. There is ii regular ruail leading to ihe houses Jt is a buHoi-k roiul. I []•: JI.-iiTi- was re-called and asked whether tlie)had a.m.; by the kir-e road t<. tliu creek ?—Vos.'i 1 cannot swcai- positively that i! was SUO yards, "b'ui, I • •slimalc it at thai. Ihavo (ravelled ove'r tllC roiid const.uilly. 1 do not think tliat any one in Thompson's hous" could see any one in the cieek. I have known llie prisoner aliout three- years, he has not been all that time in Th'iii.jw.ii'.-; ei.:i>l..y, I have ali ways I'miiid him a quiet mill). 1 never hoiird that I lie "was anythin- else. The stU'kyard is only 30 j yard.-. from the house. The distance I have taken J a> hi-iWeeii hoii.-caml cre.-k is just as yon (ravel over i the l-round. Tl.t distance as the trow flies would be i vel> little less. S- i-»-eaiil F,. f t- r boiiir .-w.jin staled—l am Si i-;:ra:it of the Police force." In the early part of I r'eluuary. I went to Thompson's to ap'K'eliend pri- ; sonu , . r.-.i.pieheiuled him ..„ a warrant which I read • to him, I e;u:-:ioii..'J liim m.t !o say anything to me, if he said anything- I might have 'to give it in evidence, lie saiil he did not care, that if the natives came on the land he would shooi (Inn. I him it he had a L-iiii, li,.- said—Ye.-, h.-re is one here, r.-a.-l.inu- me ih.• one n..w in ('nut. l'a e< 111111011 brown liess}. 11,. .;,id, it is Kul.d and capped, which it «*■ lie .-aid h- hail ii. -i.r ),is own jin.tirlii.n. I tin n lett him in char;: , .' of. mother policl-uian, while I procevded .:ii to arr.-M another prisoner. The pri-s-ia-rsaid he had not liivd at tin- natives. The gun had no appiara.-ue of having been recently disclianjeil. (The ixnn was unloaded in Court by the fSenr.-.iiil, and found to he loaded with ball.) .Mr. .1. 1, , . Th..mpM:n hw.,111, stated—about the befriiiniiur i.f l-Vhruary the pris.'iier was in my emplov- . r.ient. He w.» so mi the Wt l-Yhinary. I cannot tell the ni.-n win. mi i..r about my'premises oh Ist l-'chriiarv. 1 knew Ai.l.otl ahi.nt tv.. he years iigo . in the iioUh "I' Ireland, and paid his passage out. 1 Mil jmr tliiit time he had always been n very quiet ! and inoffensive man. I .Mr. i:evei' addressing the jury, said ho had nO , hesitation in I.ringing ihis rase before the jury, ae if J the pri>. n> r was found uuilty. he must be'found I jiMtliv of nil c-liiii".'.'.< or innocent. Most persons were ! aware Mint this "case has l.een brought before the j puhlii' by the press and other means, lie hoped how- ; ever thai gvutlcnc-n of the jury would disabuse their I mind.- of any mic)i reports of the |iiv>s; ami intended j to maiuliiiii that the gun was not tired at the natives, I or if fired was only lired by accident. There was no I direct c\idciice whatev.r that prisoner tired thin , .-hot. Mr. T:)!e could not even state whether they j were even Kuropeans or not. The nutives do I not idiiitil'y the prisoner by any means. Tlieif j evidence contradict as to clothes.' They could give ' no . viiieiice as to the caps on the head of the partic- who tired, and it would be for the jury : to say all.r Mr. Lamb's evidence as to distance wheth.'i- :ii. y could indeiitify any one as Europeans, ; 31a..lies ..)■']!:,!]'-, -astis, bv colour of skin. But sup- ! [.0.-iiiu-the evid. nee of the Natives identity and the i 111.11 had hi. 11) loved European:-, could they s!tle that pri.-oii. r at bar was on.- of the ~.. n who lired tins .-'not. And be.-iu.- n the Native t.'-lhiionv what .■vid. u.'.- h- ve wi-. 11 it had not !.. .11 for .Mr. Lamb's evidence the case MHild in t have liiei. bioiight before j the (' .Mr. L.-.mb did nc-. miv lh; t prisoner I !ii..'i ilte .-i.i'l. v.hut did h-.-ay : li.-'.-ay.-he and Mr. ; \l. u...u w, :;; t.itl..' house a!..! 'o:.i 11. t itt" tiistsee p;-i----.-.i:i--r. i-u: u.iii.jf ;> s. i..i.d tiii..' and c.-.liiuji out tor A1.1.i.1t rnd a.-k':i \! him wh.-ther he had tii. d at the ■ Natives, he denied it indignantly and einphaticaliy. j lie said aft.n'.anis if the Natives erne here I v/ill .-hoot tin 1:1. This is hrou-hl forward to prove hi.s animus, lie thought th.''case had tailed, for it vus i evi.leiitly merely an observation made on the spur of : the liiiiineiil. and the . >.citi mi lit of the mislns- and hi r child had h. en mui.lcivd ruthlessly only a few days hefore by the naiiv.s. lie was sure thai the jury would pav no he.-.1 to that as militating apain.-t ].ri.-. n.-r. ai.d that they w. uld take into ton-.-iiieratiiiii ]iii-on. r's ].revinus conihict and J ehaiaeter. and felt sutisli-.1 that'they would return I a v.-idict that would . liable prisoner to return to ! society and that his futiiie lilc would show tliat hh . acipiiita! was in accoidai.ce with riijht and justice. " I His Honor sumiiiii.g uj.. then left the case to the jurv. that the laneuime of tin; prisoner >'h it'll iv-itinl t<. the natives "as.'to K iy the least of it, iui).roper, thou._.h his excilen.i'iit was such as to do I him honor rather than to hrin-; him contempt, i .'oiiMderiii!: the scenes lie had "witnessed so lately. ' Had it not been fi.r those expressions ho would not < have been Ihere. and could only consider them as i ai.d improper. Yet notwithstanding iie had J said indignantly that he had not shot at the natives, . )ir admitted llial his slate of mind was such, that had natives cona' thai night he would have shot 1 them. The case simply one of identity, the jury ; niust lie satisfied beyond any nasonahle doubt'that j the prisoner was one of the two mo:., who had jhot at ', the natives or ihcy could not cor.vict him. The jury retired for consultation, and returned, after ihc minutes absence, wilh a verdict of " A'ot j (i.iilty." '. His Honour desired Mr. Pucky to explain to the ; i natives clearly how tlie case stood, that it was not ' : char who the'por.-on who sliot ; a them was, that if i he had been identified he would have been most severely punish, d as an example to deter others from i such a clime. ]( \Miuld he a very paintiil thing , if an I idea g-f.t ahload amoiijrsi the natives that a European 1 had more dance ayain.-t a native than a nativo ! against a Kuropean. ! The autonomic action of son..' of the Maori wit- ; ne-ses in the K.iipaia shout r ise. caused cusideri able at;iUM mi el. In dc.-cribing the difference j betw..en a blank carlridiro and a' Yiall. the witness j pulled out his cheeks and" blew for a blank cartridge, J and -ave a small shriek for tin- sing of a bullet,"at j the saute lime bobbing- down his head and hoisting J up his ion-linger to the h vel of his eye. The action j ..i'thi'."Waorics in speaking i> yery 'like that of the j (icinians, cmjdialie. nervous, and theatrical. ] "Mr. M.-niman haviuu return. (!. alter a few minutes j absence, stated that he coiilil ]jr>.duee no evidence in I respect of the two other indictments. Verdicts of not were returned, and the prisoner discharged. ' ' The Court then adjourned until ten o'clock this day. A LiVK-v Sn:ri-|.AToi:.—The London eorrespoi:il.'ut of the Hi-ljuxl S, us L,ltr,- mentions an instance of the rapidity wilh which fort lines are acquired now-a-diMs-. by what the Yankees call a "clever stroke of j business." It appears that, about the time of the j breaking out ol the «arin America, the junior partner • ■fa well know., fir,., in thecily. en-aged in the Indian trade, went to Calcutta to represent -the house' in that Presidency, l<Hiding that a quantity of cotton oiilii be purchased on lvasonable terms, and that the j market vw.s risin-, he purchased a large parcel, and I drew on his partners in London for the amount. I Ihe firm :« home were aWn-e.l at the number and amouiii ofthe drafts upon them, and at first hesitaiod lo acei'pt them, i'elem'aiihs were, however, forwarded to Calcutta fo the effect that the bills had been accepted under protest, and that as the partners in London did not approve of the speculation they would I consider the transaction as the private enterprise of J Mr. K in Caleiitta. and would debit his share of the capital in the Urn with whatever amount might I he paid on the retirement of the bill-. Such beini' j ill.' state of ailairs. .Air. K wrote home to England I thin he agreed to the conditions on which his partners I had accepted the bills, and ihat his share ofthe capi- | tal «as to be held responsible for the amount. In iv ; lew mouths afteruanlshe returned to England, and ; sold the coiion ai a proiil of .Li'.U.OOO. Jle at the same time retired from the firm, and i; now a partner in the icleliravd company of adventurers at Liverpool «h..!iiriii-:i me hlo.-i..,.!e nuiiicrs to Confederate joit-. -Hi.' -:'.kc j,:,,,l 10n,,,,e has intended him in .us new field ot >p v , uiaiion, and he is now said to bo v.0.-i!, ~,,1 n> ,„„ u,i|;i, llls .Meriiim. This gentle-io.-.n i-.-.ii.:! lo have lately taken up his residence in A l'oi'i i.A,i Am.- A n-w of ventilation is ao.'Ut to 1,. !,,ed, by the Kmp.ror's ord.-is, uj.on the riilvay- wme South of 1',,,u,e. Why not lii.s liuj,e.ial llifioiios try a .-till more ];. ),ular mode of y.n:;:..ti-.n the inrdom .1 the': All subjects w.-uld he well dliw-i,. I'erhaps he thinks by sii.ii an .■.•..•.■•i.-iv-iidmi.-i...,, ~f free air, and dran-ht's ••I a iioii-miluary character, his power would s-.illW a Tin- win. was hitely tied to time lvs I•>• n r.-li as-d. I'l'owii tiiiiiiisthci-e i--a.iwa\smuch /'.oibility about UK advi.-e of a law;,!-,'. In Mi.i.t cii-.-uii.siaiu-es is a uomanthat wears stavs ? -- linuii,-lances. Tlie evils from which a morbid man sutlers most are lho-e thai don't liappi n. T.-a-kcttie, a:-.' dcidediv Yankee! in their melody; they -i:ifr Miruuu'h tueir noses. " ICverv one tai-.cs . are of hiinself." ae the donkey t-uid '■••lien lw diim-vd ..niong , th.j chickciu
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 117, 29 March 1864, Page 4
Word Count
5,093SUPREME COURT.- Monday. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 117, 29 March 1864, Page 4
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