Ft is with pain as well as pleasure that we' transfer the following notifications from the 1.xm1,,,, C.-tz-ffr. We heartily rejoice (hat. the gnlliint M'lveiina has received his hard won ami well merited honours. At the same iime we eiinnot but grieve lliat the brave and devoted liyan should liiii-,. perished in an iiutiiuelv and waiery grave, before he could become the re-eipii-nt of hi- siieed of royal approval. WiirOiliee. .Inn. Hi. The (Ju.-eii has 1, •, u graelousiv pleased to signify her ini.-:.-:i..;i to cot »t 111,- d--e.,rati.,u of tin- Vi.-turia I 'i..-.- ~ii :!„■ under ■:■■:!(i-.rt.-.l ..liic.-r at>d 110,,-enmmis-sioii. d i .|'ii. -i-i- i.\ 11. -1- .Mij.-lv's in-iiiy whoso elmill toli.esau... have 1,,,,, Mlh'luii't ~1 for'llcr Ma j.-.-l V '.< ■■Ml' l " , ' •! ••'• .•"■■■■■imt of acts Hi' lira very p-iformed "l.v ■• :i, -i'' '■'-' .N-w /'■■.iau.i. as leooitie.iagam.-t their "■'■ it: !: Lvi'i'ii!.- f ■..!.-Mt--S.-v-..: l ,it '.'now Knsi-u) i-.iv.--i.; :,;■]■;.,,,,,, f. ,- I ,,' ;i t th,-,,^;,^.- ■■"■■•' >■■'■" ■ .ii.ii :■'.!,-;.".ml New Z, aland. ~,l the 7th ".' > !■'- ml! -r. i.v , ..:, :,:':,■, 1,,-th hi> «.!lic.T-, Captain ;; ii,; !.:, iit,.;.ai.t I , .;.;!. :■, ha.ll.e, n ,|,,,t, inchar-e----inii-lln--.i:->i tie- li ~-.i!i-.7i of an monv outniimborin"him, and .li.nviii- ~iV i,iv mi,:,!! f..,,',., ~,„,. .Utin.- ,',( !«■•> .■-,,. ii,;.-. ..„.• ).„»!.-,, an.l ::i men through a Lo'i.. :,::',! .„-.,! ,-l-.1-,tiy, Willi the 1,,,, ofbllt .me " l:l ".i !.,:.'■■ ■■ ,:■'! ~i...:'.'-r t'ii--in-j. L.i- lit.-is.irit-tJc-in-ivd < •':::•■! :,. (' !'.., .- ii.n: !ii.!ii,'.- !:, r M..v<tv's 1.-nvs in 111.,t e,.i..,,y. i..i',.,t>ti..,t it, (\,1,,,, ; -Se,-,a,,t M'K.nna imi-'j., :■::;.,.~.l ;u i-■::,,;: ■;»,;,: ; ,-l :;.,. ~.,,ii,!!'n,-e I'l !'■••; 11l i.;i:l l.y !!.■ .-.l.iiel-, i,rr, U "ilt ~i M l,l,lel,|y '.-■-tii I,'. ::!•.„.,:. l.aMi'e-r..,-j,., r: ,l .1,,],,, ]; v:in ,-,„. V-U'llt ...iphl.-t ..! I!, Ul'-i';.;;,,,;, near ( ';,„., ,-„„- ■'•■'■" l, a', v.' i-. •■. :-i- ! :... •!'!,:. i-.-.> "'J----'-. ■'•■■■■■' i'rvat. - P.M.!...-'! :.;„! 'I':, |i,.,1. ~f the >;'111" I- - ■■'"■ :'■■ ■v:,.-!-.,V" 1,-- : ■e..v,!.',,-1:.|.-.l Inr the M.e.l.i] I"!" '•...-!:•>;.• i-i-.' 'i i |..; i; , ; in ; h , lieM 1,.]- tileir '" h-i\!"-.r •■'. I! .- -,■•: ..I'i.'i:. i-e:':.,\',l :!..- !i..ily «.i lie : ''■■ ' ■■■■■•- < : .'--- Sv i". if !;,;!„■ J'' i'i M| ;,,■!;.,!, ..iteille had i. ■ II !i. i-.y.W w..|,i,.i, ,1. and i- :i.:.i1..-! »ill. it ail >'■'-■■' ■■■■ :■■ i-c.-I, lui-lle.;.! '~;,- !;:•■ . l,e|i,y.- Hale nf Si:::!"i ■• A. r i.i ni. We are .sorry to have to record ii:e oi-ciin-'-iice of a M-rioits acciileut \\ hich ha \. •-;.■!-. !:> \- [..ofiiiiig to a i orler of Mr. • 1a..!!).'. n;::,:ed V\ ilami.-.. win. was eni).|oye.l ill!,g i!:e ie.r>, , a«:iv as tl,ev were lan'.led from !!„■ -tcMu.-r. al.-ni'-.i,i,. ()■.'■ (Jiiceii->irect wharf. In being ;,.«,-red on i.> the w hari' .me of 1 lie hor>e> eai !u«n iij;,,n the iiulbitiinalc liii'ii. s> h.. was no; >ullicieni!v ;,!,-rt in stepping aside, and .-truck him on the head with the frog of his hoof. The man wi.s sine.! from fiilling l'V Mr. !■'. i;ing and Mr. Stark, w!i.. happem-d to lie near; and cnstaMo Mollov. of the armed police, who was also close l.y". took care of the man and eau-e.i him t<> lie carried up to l>r. I'hil.-0,,. v. 1,., dr.-.-sc! the wound, which, ihongli a very -even- one. i> vaid n,,t (~ In- dangerous. Tim."in ■:. - After h.Mving been in everybody's nioiilh 1..1- ihe I:im i»m day-, there is searei'lv any need on our |ait lo remind onr readers that this e panv w ill ap|:car agiiin this evcniiii. , , at the Odd lei'iows . Hall. We may mention, however, that that tin re are M ,ine new local Mings tor the occa-ion. I'.asti:!( .M.ixinv.— The linnks. we perceive, have isMied a notice aiiiioiincii,- t J i:i 1 Moiidav. being a public holiday, t heir establishments Mill bee;,,,ed lorthat 'Iny. <;.io;.s I'n.M Kn.m.aX!..—The New Zealand Liisiiranee Coii,|i:iny aiiiioiinec that thev iin b-r----wrile merchandise to all New Zealand and Australian j.nrls. through the medium of their London agents, and .\les>r>. Wcb-lcr. Steele A C'<i.. liuehaiian-.-ln-et, Clasgow. Claims can lie settled and paid, either at home or i,: the colonies, at ihe insurer's option. Tr.\i)i-:us lor the removal of a house at I'apatoiioi. and fi.r makiii'_'additions therein, are invited l.y Mr. .1. !!. Williams, of Olahiihu. and must he seiii in In' noun this day. Ai.'MV .iNi,,\.n-y ( li-T-l'i-xsiti'.NKiis.—The paviiient nf ]iensini!ers. for the ipiarter ending :U'st March. Mil! !»• J aval-le at Auckland, at the Albert i'.arriieks.'.m thelih oi' Kln.iii. : at OiK-liunga. on the oth of April, at, at Sergcaui ('assim's cottage : at Otahuhu. on the Mli of April, at II a.m.. at the Commissariat oliiee-. at I'aiiinure. on the Mill of April, at 11 :i.m.. at (he I'osl Oliiee; and at llowick. on the
! l:S'li ( .f April. i-| Id a.m.. at ,M r. Crew's hold. !. NI.W limiKs. ■-< )iu- of t In- !,'iv;il luxuries tli;il 1 lit.•l-μry I"-...,!,, ci.'ji.v iit home, is In lake up :i. ; review, and having lic-rn exciiod iulo a certain i amount .>f liv ilic ci'i(i.|iu'(in some iirw ! work, s<. (.?-,!<-r ii ;.| ~)„■,■ |V,,),, i 1,,. booksellers and I read it ln'li.r.'tlii- inlci-c.-i v, hich has Ucn excited , (lirs uiil hi-Milne new whim h;is taken ils place. ill(T<' we have lisna'dc 'received I lie Knirlish ; reviews some two iikmulis prior t.i (lie arrival of ill' , works reviewed llieivin. and uheii ; they in turn have arrived all is ll;it. stale and unpiolitul.l.'.. mill we ttaid.llol them. l."i: i lie works we saw reviewed in (lie serials i>f , lli.':.ii!.~c.. | iie,,i ii.;:ii. .Mi. V;ii-lv has determined 1ii.".111,i- shiill no ioiiL'er lie lii'e ease, and willi liie ene!;;v ::nd l;i:-(c winch have placed him f"fel:i.i.--i ..":" I ],»• Iraiieiii ,\ uei, land, ha-- adopted the .:. v, ;.!••.!. ..f hnwi- Ids 1.e.,,ks senl ~m |, V ! ! " : < "■■>• 'i W\< ■■.■hi.i- a liliie e\lra o\pcn.-.'. lull the reading pi,l.lie wiU not 0,- u ,|n,. |],(. iVieirli! ~f ci^hieei,-pence per il). on their Imoks. ti7lnivc a new hook while ii iv;:lly is new. and to receive tin , revii w and the work il criticises alone and the Mime liirc. A Ni.iv ZiiUM, C'a/.i-ttk whs |)ii!»lis]iwl yesterday. Il i iiiii;iins. an (.;ij; ..(her matter, a i!i-oelain::ti(.n the ap]ioiiilmenl of .Messi>-. T. .Mii.lariniie. >. ll.Smilh. I), .\.-dlian, "'"I ''I- i'orter. as addilional trustees of the .uicklaii.l Savin-s' liiink: ii lr appointmelit o!' ''"■ ''"'i- !■ ('iliies as Ke.L'i.-tn.r (Jem-rai ol'land. .\ I'.-j ..)■) !.v liie rliiel'Mirvi-yor nf the I'rovinee "I" iSoullilmid i'ti i\U lvccii't viMt to 1.-. Hmd is ;.i,!,!i-!ie.! iiif.>viii:i!i..ii ; the :!}>].fiiiitiiifiit of Mr. !",. (.eviaiwl us inspector ~f MeiirliN and measures in I hen,on, of .M r. .| M ,r,, iir :'M<l "I" Mr. CI,M-!,- lla-ehlen as resist raP of (le.uisa,,,! ~ .arrive, f,, r ihe of In (he Atu-kliiiid Militia JI. f i. Jv!acki,;,,re has lieen appointed Kn.-imi. and the rosiHiiiitions of (..:ipl. I'ojieiaud, A.S'.V., (\\}i. • I. A. \\ ilsnii. A.M.. have lieen aecepted. I'lider the ]ic;:d (,f " Tosial." «e iind ii,at 13. luis lieen :i;,ij-oiiiii-i| postmaster ;;( the (Queen's licd.Jiilit ; Ji. O. Stewart „( |' o ,( \\- ;t i. kilt.i : Scj-l;!. '!'. i'c-ral l> ; ip;,r:na, and ']'. Shoil at M;d,iPi;!i-i The « ; ,v,!.,,, 15i - s of C. A. lliirri:-.i!i!«i .'.;.:ms. duen ,V (.r;il.:nn have Uvi< !i.-eli-e(! 1..!- ■:.;■ reel, i ~l iioi,di-d H :> : !lni i .'<>r. \\..!. Lo;!:i-rin-ioi: I;.i> li; en iieeiiM-d |,i .-'■ l :i> a cli.-;o:.i lioii.-e a.'.cl.t ior the purl oi
Hay I'Ok the Commissariat-.—A largo quantity of pressed ]iay—iio loss a miinCer than 2.5(1(1 hales—may lie expected to arrive, in the •Statesman,' for lli'u use of lite Commissariat. Wokkmk.v for PoiiT "Waikato.—Tt will he seen lliat the Government are advertising for lit I its. boiler-makers, rivefters, blacksmiths', &<.•., (o jiroceed lo Port Waikato. Tt appears that there lias been a strike anion;,' the men hitherto employed (here: many of tlil'in were brought from Sydney v.-ith a written agreement to work for lL's. per day and soldiers' rations: on arriving heve. they were allowed the Auckland rale of wages lor such trades. 15s. per daw and the soldiers , ration was augmented in quantity. They have now struck for a more dainty diet, ami the Government, have, we think, verv'wiselv refused to be taken advantage of.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 115, 26 March 1864, Page 4
Word Count
1,245THE REWARD OF MERIT. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 115, 26 March 1864, Page 4
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