(I the " ]*rit:sli Jouv;.p^om^rai^iv.") T b.'Li.iii operations ci- n f_-'a>d-lookmii you:i£ piekpoek, ;la :ii iii:» i!y kr.ow> ;•-> " iVrtn I-l* k , v.'iiiiiu I ; u:, ; ; t-» i'.j.'ii.e 1 ;,nr idoU)}). NoVf i i.jvu-ii: mil ir.fvJ the »»ni oa : ;i e!,,:ir iVf't «»f o.:r earner.';, o: «.v nn ;<!o;i of i the }-i;v- -<* for v.l.iri, t-!.e had oi-o;» brm.iiht there; ■ an I. Isimiiiar a- ! a:n in *' read in.; fa:e-/* I saw bhe - wit? on thrauihiii our pielori.d inteuli'jm, . aiiiioimii -me v..sely kept her o'.yu counsel. The J place iicir.j: prepared. I enjoin* cd or. hvi- tin* neees>»fy of «uing quite still when 1 tol;'. iloi* t<> ■ I*» mi. r.vithr.illy promised obedience. ".> then/' sa\ * pulling oil' lite iap, and IV.-de .> in-ad simultaneity underwent a series of slow, «t<'ad\ o>v*ll!a{ K.ji< 71««il t MCC it' side which intaliy d» ■strou-d plate No. i- On den-loping it, 1 fuinni a >harp body wi;h an intently blurred head. I ii-ade i?iti t u on I'ert !i lies? that daw but- they 1 were ail total fad.t:e.<. I v ll 'h'd the cap ' tiii' <}'.e Wit* . 0 !!« no:;.-, >iie sa.'ii, at llu: ht «»i lb-.' round '±\u>x looking u- her that war ji.;. Lo her feci ro itu'.'r"* that >hc M\ook and trembled all over, lntimatini.; m* intention of divine up opr..itiuns f«»r tl'.at d..y, here's e\e twinkled and plainly eiid me .-he i:i"uuht hi*>elf tin* victor. mio led back to hvr ioii for a tunc. In this ex- , periiM-. iu no head rest Imii been u-ed.ulid lutdiiiir«ho ; IHM Ii; v o;' ai: aaj-iiU -, r.otiiue lust ill pro- ; t'ui'in;* (>ne with a heavy iron foot. IS*ex; day ih\ss ; wj-> iuatvhr:! out iiL'ai'i .tu.i phc ed .»>) the fiprrat ion I ehair. ')uriM».' the ?h.» beh-ived "well —r.ot. ' liie 1« aM inoiicn per-eptihle : i»ut when the j.-.'vnml l!;» na«t Iki :i i« hi>»ved ai;d the »ui;*k .-rlidi? it verted in i:> pla-'e. v.!k> had aupiired li krioe. of (he rowiiw of the on <.»b.-erv- ] inu; t;;e cap r-inoved ti\e lesi*. ywddeiiU threw ■ aroutui lu r iua i ii Ii an exelamal i«>u eoneeniin«r " I' ii.i.t v.ur hitllin' her nc.s../' During eight oi- ir.i'ds ill.* >a:»:<- trapse was played. It was . eiiiit-r "ihir lii:<t liekled lie;' the critical , inoii.'Kt.or it wt\< tiie head re>; ihat troubled her ; baek invk, or it \sa> an obsenaiinn by her iliat >be ; thought a aide view of her face wonel lor.k better : J lie ob.-ervat:?)n wi;!i a ; >o'o .-n.i'ntor, vheti a <-ide v;cw \'.a- uiicniuted. a ' ci.nvspoiuting ni«.veiae!ji t(> :!••• front. \\il!i the re- ; mark ihat. after all. i\ inuti v'u w would !»e the l»esl. ; I ; i»nM : land ii :i'» longer ; xi at'jer prepHrinir a plat*.1 cadi'd a e«iU]i!e ol co;»<inb!ei l»» e<»;ne to n»v - • ance, in '»rder tljal iier !e ad >*_:Jxl be kept >teadv bv : tbive. 1 strapped bee tirmiy tiown by bi-r Md"--, my a-ji?tani> i>e(iind and held her Ilea.! a;;U sh'nd«lc*.> a- fii'ii.lN a> po.-ible. The plate wa> r\pr..:j'.! ; !)ii; li\e >eei-nd>. her luce • had irmLnvmc a >erie.- «»f co:it*»r;:t':!'r >«> liid'-ous that : I i'«irealcit to my dark r«»o;n * on -i.ierably i iv-t-fallen. , ai)d, wnen li:e ve.-idt \\;ts •h-»»:oped, it a pii-lnrc >o trtily fMnuiftuJi.ii-v thai would 1 utterly !ad t*-> iie>erd)e il. i>< wa< I'utujUered once itit-re. i: ikhc J'eea.rte rviiiviit (o tue thai prisoners : weiv not :dl aviinuwus of having their portraits Taken, : and i!;.,t. so lar ;,•» I had -.'viu' 1 . *»oih coax inai<o .ori-ejiiKi been re»>.*t<M to wjihotit il iu*w «m;lv reman'.iAt lcr iii'; t:» !r\" what tuinmng w«'U! J e:!(•••! : Jb:\ not only w;i< liu' uo*<•»'norextlenieiv ;111 \ ion ilo liav e -(Mue pi'iUts «d'tlie liirl for di>tril)u- ---: ! !":• h.-uie ol Ibe other «idiees, iuit. '* \\oi>e to ' my fadsir. * in nourirawni; a bkiek- , ''yen \,le:.iui'e } uuiii !u>«»;e wi ti' ;}u* .-uojeel of verv 1 ire*' ''ojti'neiit i»y my (dilver?, and as t<» i my uitnuaio i»ucee>> v.ere beiiiL." o.ienj'ivelv made, j Alter ?ome * ion. lullowed bv a day's I or,; ot a mechanic, i aL'ain in the iieht, willi t my h!a;-K-'*ve.l cuejuy Milium before ;be eajucra u.< j iijiioecnl-ic,;•» TJic enmera was ] uncappud and >ia:)-bn;i in it-* P"'«-: lot, of i. , iv.Meii Iland eareje.->iy, *>ne by her. | in ct i ut;n'i «i;!i ;l iit:K> br;i?> knob wluch utv : siiclu:;. r-.l rn.n; :iu-lull. "_\mv Hits," kivs j I, " ! r:ioi:ii hiiit to ivy .-.nd laki- vonrporlniit ; huf. lu-t'oi-',' »c inigiii, 1 »•;>.(ii. lo stv if vou <-:iu liuld ; ;.r.i,i- liouft s(rjni:t r u>-';;iv [liuii vou did formerlv.'' j ll.i,nil' inii.Mu- lint iiu- (ocuVjiuj; ).:nt birn "nil i ihb.ific I iH'iorc s!i.' v. tifuiiulii out. and at I lin.l iiR-im-m llioiT II wiij-.-.i ivi! ])!:Ur i;i Uio caini-m } \v;ui oi:iv tiio tiMii-ii ol' !iu' on liie l^i-u.^s j knoo :iioiv.-..-.u— ill ivuiily Wiisul throw- ; in:: oii.-n :i t ,•.■>•( t sliuittT ii!!>uif I,In! i-n'iiicni—uol j (l:r:iiniii;; oi tius unMiiyi'iiU'ii'. iitss snt ns neatly as ■ roi k. 1 l.noli -.\:i> ilio .-ecivd blmilci'did | ilury ; umi v. lien die jiieUuv »s> deviloiieil, it tiis- ; phnea ;i innuiiilHvnt negative, ili.iriie and eleur. ; \ ar.oiis lucelimii. 11!. imueven cl«'i'lru:si. t/oiitrivaneeo ; el c!■ u! i.-e 1 j lie 1111 y to nt-iiv oil tile prieiple ot •; «X{K).sun>. fjov./ral of tlie.-*.,! eoutriviiiiee.i ; nusweied lla'ir pur|io>.! u;iimv;ib!v. : tile i.-iei'irie iiiH', v\iiit*li. by in.;uis of a wire . I'j> ' lit- ."i.-iiul :.ii,i ill euiiin.t Willi 1111 eieetrie intmin-V , t!ie r;mieia. einibleil me lo expose tlie plai" , ilu* insi.i.; ( .i my i!m k loom. li is now i woek> >u>ce 1 bewail •.p.-i-alions as just tielaileil, audi j have inoibiiei! uiy original opinion iib„iu prisoiiois objectriii; lo ill;- of tiielr porlniils. .Alilioii.sli i thciv are one or two who— lii.e Jii> s —ytroiigiy ; oiiliet, i iind t in.' yenorakty are ratliei- proud of (lie ; distineiion. 1" or resi;,iue. •'.'Siiisliv 1!,.b." a fello.v ; witii a aa.vt i;i..o',iipi\.n;if,;,i; line, was parti,-iiiarlv ; desirous o! Letvj. " tai;eii oii, and aetnailv i*i'i|iu'sted : Unit Ins own eiollies might i e removed from the .-loto j room in oi'.lt ;• tiiat !>.• miyht lie taKeii nt /iroj/iui ; pr.-.-or". 'litis MiLTfiested to me u pregnant bint, tlmi i ior pui'jToses oi i'ieiitilieati'.iii liieiv wa> l.uie n-e »-■' ! 1 hil1U jiKii! I' in Miiol ec->taine ; and on tlii-, ! and I>v l.i.Uilic; oul as an indueeinelit lor ] beian'ioar tJ,e tiieir poftrairr in their own i ei;iiiies, we have sueeee.'ird in tlu' p'risnui .'l'.s !o steli ail eMent tin;; at tireseiil I lure is aetuaiiv n eoiiiM. I,lion win. -hoi.l.i 'i X ' lalien. One ino-'t. ) .ronl ile:...;ne dl.^pera | io, in lorn bnlularv, ba> most ! biinioiy ] eiitione,t t}a;t a <-opv of bi> portrait :tni;lit ; be f-.-iii to li:s laother. jir'inn-ir.^—in the ev.-iH ot | t with hi., iv.;tie?t - i'or ilie inline term ■ ol Li.', stay wit-i u> v,*e wiii not be tioubleii with any ; :iets of lnstiboi'.liiiatiou on liip part.
o }Ir. llnwt.lionu! says that all America] s haw "an «ni,-pc;tK:ihiir \vamiiig towards Englandbut thfc ia an oild \v;ty ot 5-liov. ir. 1m; wur mis uoiu* it nil-— )iu, nut ;l!I, liut :nutr!i of it. We h..{ c i-n* it cutis itinuy curt; thr ,\ui'. , !''' , an <>l his vsmity aitfi liis |*roju.|ii-i-s, ltMviuif lis hctltrr liinuU ihtiii ever. Thk ash iiii: !••>«./jsn.- - We, ii) our • 'iry aim«'Spl;c:L\ :uv tun :u>vt»us. 1 ity;-jr,*j,{:( . 1 -.'itt-nuiiM-.1, ! si ;iiU i:i 1, (In iiiitl I ini-i tn ;.»■ ir t -. ,1«-li 11 i»v:!l. ».h t in' <tm !' I i:;:nd, )uis iriuvp. l n i"n-1-ixS'M, -It i god, j ileav\ U, ill .» w.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 100, 9 March 1864, Page 4
Word Count
1,226THE PHOTOGRAPHER AMONG THE THIEVES. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 100, 9 March 1864, Page 4
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