Polici; Cot'liT.—J a addition to Civil Court cases,nothing of interest came on yesterday in tho tiesideni. Magistrate's (Joint. Three drunkards and two vagrants being summarily dealt with. Timbvr.—Tenders for the supply of about two millions of feet of saw n timber are advertised for by the Deputy Commissary General, and will be received until noon ot Wednesday,the t'th '.nst. This timber is required immediately, for the. purpose of building winter quarters for the troops, iicuee the short time given to seud. in tenders. As many of the principals of tho several saw ing establishments are absent up the country, at their mills, it would be well for their agents ia town to send special wold to them of (his requirement. SroKts' ioiNT Whakv is'j Boats North SllOlth.—Tenders for repairs to be done to this vihurl', and rdso to the read leading irom it, are invited by tho Superintendent, and must, be sent in on or betoie noon of Saturday, the 12th instant-. Pilot Station at this IvTanvkau.—The services of a couij et( tit scauiiiii, to undertake the duties of signal' man ;.t the jViauukuu I'ilot Station, are lenuireu by tie 1 lovineial Government. The talarv is .fciUJ per annum, and api'lii aliens must be made at the olhee of the Sui eriiitei.dcnt on or belcie the Siih instant. Tin; Cm' ions.—One ot the city pumps was yesterday jlac<d our the well sunk m IJuecn-streot, ojposile Mr. Marsh's shop. They have been constructed by Messrs. Yic'uerv aud. a; uiul <ast iicaii designs Uuuished bv I hi'in. '.Lhe j lat-vd \ fsirrilav in Quecnstivet is a hend.-ouie piece of work, but its apI I'uniiii e is i-Ltireiy destroyed by the unsightly colour wi::cl: il has been ; aimed. Soi.iukks' Wife tli-.i.u r rc-Nn. —With reference to tlie Auckland 'i ioup J-aces, which take j'lace in Potkr's paddock, vi A;onday, we are g'U'iito i.r.dci>U'.iid thai I'-.r. .Viardiugton has iibcially j Jacid ail his vans and 1,-orsts at the dis] lel :Lo litiiej 1 unci )cr that day, and that- ihey will be [ id. up to auction lor the day's use, by Mci-r.-. denes and Co.. at iirunswiek-l-uildiiigs, at 3 o clock, on Saturday aiteruoon. i! aiviutu inii riiuti '.Lai tl.e bonus paid for the ] nviiege oi holding a buoth on the ground, a sum oi Pas abo been handed over to the iiihd. and that, all the money taken at the gate v. ;:1 be applied io lue s-ame ] urjc.-e. 11 the day is fir.e, tins .siu.i is 1 .kely io be considerable, as the races 1-eiug held so near tow n us tpsom will present- a inure than umuil attraction, and tho raeing i> likely to be nun-e spirited and closer contested tl:«n on gnlndw occasions, ivhiie the manaiicnicM of the eoiuse, as provided tor, will ensure the orderly carrying out oi *he arrangeniuUs. i'hc band oV live iicuU liegt. will be in attendaiue on the uvuund. Oi.tvv.'.'se. 'rat .\w.iv,ov. —At \a vl\c iulcutvou. oi ihe Ci' a* t we \ eve vivo, to cause the .\»H«M\atu 'ce vewc'xved imvit.(i.fc(e. This river, wLhh luns into tlie W nikaio, might be ver.iteved wavijialsle us Livs.lv as Tuva Fura, two iiii'.es Irora l\ie Wiuviku week, aud with a tramway a. loss this i.arrow joiiage, stores might ho shipped 1 rom Our-iiiniga toW aiaku, taken across the portage and re-sliipj.ed at i'ura Pura, wheiicc ihcv i-ouh\ Ve cciivcyeil Aweet \iy 'water to V. hata hat::. N earuaw shin, or any of tho s'.ai'.ons on tV.e iAato (.r W Tho L uilvr iV' I'ctnry ol nr. jUr. )ins : caJlcd }'ir to.dcj-! ,i-r the eVarms I'ne aroa, .stream, according to p-ian i.nd spccilicatiou to be kh nat the Jlt-ience Olnce. Tl;c tenders be sent in bj nc.ou oi 'tbvirsday, the 17th iv.sUuit. Y\'aiti-:jiata Sticau Fkiikv C'oirpAxy.—The ollon< iwn'w by the yroiKoi.iTs of this undert iking have, weuudersiini'l, been eminently sue-ct-'SiiO. <i cuilimen ol>on;merciaJ slanding in the ciiy V.ave 'already r.Uc-vl \-.p ;v fbare list, to t\ic extent ol and jt is ijilendt'd to hold a on ific oitii fcLon-, ;.t. wJiicli it is ex- ( wt( d a J/nqt- nwounl ol <_■/// /};)} u j)) );e scii))cU. 'iJjOfte aJmuly wi iLe li.sL liave exj vcsM-d their w s, 11 n-qtnred, to take s(Ov'fc (u (.Loubl<j. the MiiOuiit; aim to tender the whole uiiuir ;i sneeefrK, ISiclioisoU, of v.vtv, uud hui.setf, ot oiiey. Lave agreed to /ui'iu.-.ii ii (i'i. A'ci—HaC ouc suj.{>ij r iug" liie veMt'J, anil (Le oilier i.'ic nnH'hiiU'ry s lotions Uii't] - ) Xii.bUU. \\ is iriUiitWd \o exlviirtthc hhato lift fctijl lmfic'i-. n$ oi fourth i/ie first axpeiiSOH oi \\ oiiom; thy vtaiei will lit-vt? to be provided for.
C oloo'el C'lJAWLiiv.—T\'l,ile the trial of this otlicer, ami tic various inciucuts connected with the ch.iiae m.-jde tguiuit Liui me iie;h in ererj body's ii.outl!, fcoum little account ol his antei ccientti lmiy r.ot be uniutcrctliug to our readers. \Yc take the ioiloviiug ltom the Illustrated ljjn■■(oh JStus of the liljch. i/eceiubei' wliitli sLutotl iLat -. —L.eut. L'oloiici i i-ou::-.s iobort Crawloy is one ot'lour biothers, tons oi au old othuet who was severely uouiuwd in the i'tuiiibular War and thereby dibbled at- an tarly age. 'ihreeof ihc-se broil.erb— co.cnci Crawky oi the lnuiikilincluded—ootuined couiinissious iroza
aiiohur.st at the ages oi MNteen bv .j-assing hjghiy-diMinguishecl examinations. 'ilie fourth i iucJj;ii( ci his coujiiiifcMon, and, us a Lieutenant oi the 1., ji_'ii at fciobraon whilo -1 iking a guu wlni.li he gallantly captured from il.e eiiuii) , having 11 •Yumt.iy shared in the dnngeib oi Xucdkce tind 1 ei with his disi i)igi;::-!;i'd corps. One ol [he brothers served in ail climate* and m the Lrimea lor iweutv-eight years :n li.e ibth iu-giuieiii, from which he're;ir. d as a Aiajor, v.itii the rank of LieuteimntOulc/nel. Another liolher died in the 4-th .Uegt. iroin the el.eets ol ti.e climate in India. Lieutcolonel Crawley, of the litii, or Enuislniiing, uogiu.cnt ol Lragootis, entered (he Armv n.s an i.iis-iyi m t.'ie 'Jutii iifgiineiil. He lias served ior several years m ?iu parts of India —on the kitail Oi t !>o i;il f Iriir .Jasj er iNicolls, when Coiu-liiUiKlei'-ni-L ir.et m J nihil; of' General Sir John Ailc hisoii ; ol Lord in the Punjaub campaign; aijd lazily, as Aide-de-C'iunp to I ho late Sir Harry ,Smith." I'.STKXSiOK Ol' iiiK Qi'KKJS-STREET WII.IHF. —The J 'lovinr.ai Cowimiiiiit have, we perceive, caiicd ior tenders ircm persons desirou3 oi contracting ior this work. A new T is to be afli.\ed to tJio extremity of the wharf, and the increased accomodation atloided to shippers by this improvement}', ill, v»e trust, in some measure meet (iie increased demand. A short time since we were shown Uo pieces of totara which hnd just been taken out ol the water where they liud. lain lor over two years, the one when placed tlie-c- w as gre-eu and the Lurk vna titill attached to it-i tiic witfr-iicri uad barked : tin {brake?
- -J-"—u-uJ-Liuf tnis ns sound as the day it was cut clown, other it ore or Icrs v cured iind drrayrd. On rnquiry wo found (let tlu- rrfiilt is invnrinWy ihc same, tofarn, when rrecn, resistiit£T the infillonce of si'lt vetor Car hetter ll'fllt v lien flic sflf is out of it. The natter is worth furlltcr investigation and nttenlion. Prnr.tr at thk "\\ at>v.. lenders for the lmilriinir of a bridge at Hill, over the old Dairy Creek", near the for the repair of certain bridges in the "Wade district, which, though put tip only four years ago. are in a fearful state of deenv. will be received by the Superintendent until the 23rd inst. Plans and specifications may lie seen at the houses of Mr. Maurice Kelly and Henry Lloyd, TYq.. at the Wade, or at Mr. Good's. Wait em a tit Head, as well as nt the Superiiitcndent's office. Pkoifssor Bkt.kw. —Yesterday a'teriioon Professor iiolew lectured to a large and very attentive audience in tlie old Market Ifotise on the management, of the liorso. 'Die principles of Ill's theory were liglitlv glancwl at. and those who might be desirous of learning for themselves the art which the professor was ready to show himself possessed of, wero invited to put down their names for instruction in his private classes when, if not satisfied with the value of tlie information and know ledge imparted, their fee would be returned. Unfortunately the Professor was unable to proceed to tho practical demonstration of his rower in subduing wild horse, having been disappointed br Mr. Kinlooh, the veterinerr tvbo had imHorrnlmi to find him but w'iio did not fulfil his engagement. We see. however, that this defect will be remedied l/V this afternoon, when, at 4 o'clock, .Professor Belew will again givo a free lecture and then proceed to show those who may be desirous of becoming his pupils, the power which he profiles to innnrt. Mr. Ih'lew seenis to well understand his subject—and promises largely, but at the same time candidly professes to torejto nil reniuncation if lit* do«'s not iullil his promises. There was a considerable excitement occasioned by the novelty and attractive nature of the entertainment, and it is likely that tltau) will avail themselves of this first opportunity which Ims hern offered to the Auckland public ofheing initiated into some of the occult mysteries of " Hippoainezapprivoiserositv. _ Supr.riiK Coubt. —The Civil Sittings of this Court w'ill be opened on Monday next, tho 7th inst.. but owing to the illness of tlie Chief Justice will be then postponed until the 7th of April. A Nvw Ziulasd GAzr.TTK was published yesterday, it contains among other matter the appointment of a commission to select and determine sites, to obtain and section plans, and to take all other necessary steps for causing the construction of. a Government House in the T>omain, and h Supreme Court House, a Custom House, and a Post ottice, in the city ot Auckland. The following gentleiren are appointed the Commissioners, Messrs. .C. .Dahiv, Alfred .Domett. J. A. Gilfillan. William Gisbo'rne. Koberc Graham, Chas. Knight. Albin Joseph ]S T ewman. William Swainson. and Fi'cderick Whitr.ker. The gazette contains certain regulations relative to criminal prosecutions, also a notification of the Government purchase of a block of •22,000acrcs atlvtiiprtra ; the appointment of Mr. T>. Graham as vice-president ot the Auckland t?>avings* Pank. and tlie general des7)atches relative to the .-flairs at Awamutu and ]\angiawhia. both of which will bo found in fuil in another column : also a des] atch from the Duke of Newcastle recognising the services of the Auckland Tlifle \ oluntcers and Militia under Colonel Lvon, and the cool intelligence and .energy shown by col cr-scr; crnt J: ai Kcnna at the atl'air at Tuaknu when Captain Swift lost his life. The gazette contains little more of interest save the tables of the Auckland and other Savings' Banks. Militia Appointments.—ln the Government Gazelle of yesterday the following appointments and promotions have been made in the Auckland Militia:—Capt. J. Keddell to be Major; A. W. East to bo Captain ; AY. G. Turner to be Lieut.; and J. I\. Horne, and W. S. Styak to be Ensigns. Acknowledgment or Sehvicks to the Colonial Fobcks :—The following appears in the Gazette of yesterday : — " I have much pleasure in conveying to yon an expression of my satisfaction of the uniform good conduct of Her Majesty's troops in this hurrahing description of warfare : and also ut the steadiness and efficiency *«hown by the !\1 ilitia aiut A oUmteers under Major Lyon. And I cannot omit to notice j especially the cool intelligence und energy displayed by Color-Scrgi ant MacKenna, upon whom the command of a detachment devolved after Capt, Swift,had been killed and Lieut. Viutler severely wounded. I have, &e., iC IiWC A.STLL*. Governor Sir George Grey, K. C. 8., &e., ice.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 96, 4 March 1864, Page 3
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1,945Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 96, 4 March 1864, Page 3
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