Ykstimihav nt'tri-mum the udioui-ncd uu-i-tin" i.f tln> New Zealand Society «* hoi."! at the l'ril,-H.,» J-luiol. Oliilmliii, l'»r tin- ].urpo.-p of tin- l-'-jx-i-l i.f 11 10 deputation iijp point ed to v/.-iii. upon liislliiiinr tin-Superintendent, on llic -.uhjuct nl'tlu-iiilnnlu.-tioii 01 , pirun-piifiiinuiiiii 'Aiu-lmliu. A1...i,( iliiri;. in-ixiii.-. \n-iv |>.••(•μ-iii. Tin- Ciiiiimmii illr. liriyj;) sliitcd that after the ilfpiiliiiiuu liiul seen the .Supi-riiia-mlcm, they c.\pi--riinivd ii ilillirullv in i-nnvr\ to the moetili;; what iviill.V litidlitvii f.vpivssed hy t lit- tiiipcriuloiiilciit, a giviil iiiiiny topics haviiiff lurn ri-fi-rreil to in dosultorv ronv.-r.-iiti.jii. Ln i-oiihcjunne of this thi-y re-i|in.-sti-il Ilio. IJiipi-riiitcuJeiit to liivoi- lln-m with a wi-ilti-n r.'plv to tin- lv-oluliciis thi-i- had placed in lii.s hand. Tlic-'.-oi.iiiiiil,.!-- «•!•]•..-iDiiibl,; 1,, Sl -r lluil. thev Im.l iluiii- air. tiling in.-i.ii.iisii-nl in i^kiu a lor n n-iil'v inlliis w,u. it «»- ...I,lv f.!iMhi-sil.r.,rilil-Supi-rm-li-ndciit'. in iiii.M-iiii»(riii:liiiii iiiisflil be pi.nvd <.n Hli.-it hi- mj.fiit siv. 'J'lio I'ollohTut lctUTsin.l nieiiiMiMiidniM wMvtiicn'rra.l:— .Siliii-1-intc-ndi ill's Oliire, An'iclaii.i.-J'Jii.l J-'i-hnnry. IHO-l. Sii:, — 1 liav,- i!i.-h.,iii;i to; rk-ii.iwl.-.1»..- ihi- v> <<.iij!.<,f yum- Irli.-r oi'd.-ili- L'liti, in, taut, lvc.-iveil this inuni-iii-r ri-i|iii-stini; a n-plv in to rel'tain lc.-suln-lii.iis pa.< M.-d at ,i jiiiliiir ini-ctii." hfld at (.)!ahiilin iij.mii tlic siiijji-ci ..I rf,ti<- 1 .-,'.,in..,,0 1 ,i.-i. i iiiu-,1.
..I.M.TVI! tli;il it i« •.-MHlewliat lllill.-,11.1l It. :IT.IH Hi- Sii|if:-i;it,-iii|iMit:i wiit'.u i-L-]i!yli)VL'.-;(;!iilii.i!Sp:iM-l-il ill II J.lll.lic m-clill,"- li "ilivi-liiny; c>l which the Si.; ; .iint, -i.deiit ti'i'k- IV. ]<:nl in. fi;:] ! have t-tx-n 111..J1- M-iriiliiv iiiiii rinir had Ilit- Ji iiiilsilinii whir), 1 hail tit- iiiMinvtu ivcJu; up..,, tin: subject riilui-.-il the results ot th-ir runteirin-.' to writing in.'l γ-ijoi [ L (l Hi.- mcuc >.'. a futiu- liiuL-liii:-. 1 in•»■<.•!•-Uu-lrs- Inrward hucwi'.h h nicmuriuidum stating in v.-i-ili'ijr HIV vii.\«-s upon tin- r-übjeei iil'lili l-st'lution-' siii HiiUcil In m>., us tully cs ill' , Aivvl liiiif nl my tli.<-i.m.-iil will [i.r.niL. i .il-.. .;n-1 r.-i: liurcivitli cnpi-js ui' I'l-civiiu.-itil ai C.iz-U", lmiiiu-Vs four ami ] liavc, •'.'■.. Kgui:i*t ' J|'.mi,im, Siij.i.Tiuttn.loiit.
Jlnii'iniiiili'l,l nt , t?!! , Siijifriiili-iHloiii m>oll (crl.iin l-r.-nlutioiic jiiis.-id nt 11 |iiililif Oluhubu riririiriliiiir J:'< ><,■<,-,„„„„»,„■■,. 1. Tin' ri|iinlly lr-rrts witli Iliu «li-« titlir tiistt ciillli- illlirtl-'t Willi (In. .iHi-iIM. vull.-d /'/ci<r<i-r*>-«»'« lii'Vf l;fi:ii inliithis l'l-n----vini-i-. ■1. Th.. Suiici-im-iiii-nt iiilnjiifd tin- only syst.-in (if iil.'-jv.'ctiini linn whs i.p-u to him uudi-r tlic (.| tin- Di.-oH.-ul C.ittlr -\H, lKlil, (.<i-u sub-si.ctions 1 to M'Ctil.ll 4 ffll-.i! Slill Art. ;>. The Siijicrintfiiili.iit Ims no power to malco sc]i:u-.iti' lviriil-tliiins i<■»- knii i-iitlio ;..s iu.sliniiiii.-ln:d I'lom 1.-it, iiiid wi'.li 11 -;iid In lia tlio Siijii.riiitemU.-nt. fully iiiiM'cll by i-]<.*.j mid anxious umiuii-y lvi'i'iiv i.l'tb, 1-,-slrk'tii.ns iui].o<fd tlutt th.' vi-i|uii»'im-!its i.f tli- I'ruviiK-o i;npi-Ritivijly tlc-iii.-iiiucil a 1.-irjrrr mi]>j.l_v oi'ciitlli- ti.r iln.- jiurj.oso ol' fund tliaii c.piilii In- iilil-iiMed ill the col-Miy, and ivsiliftion whs only iviiiovi.-d lroiu th.i.-c i.lai-cs in which tlio Suprriiit-r.ui-nt r. i-ivfd reliiiWc iiil'oniiiitiou tliat in. iiitW-tioa-i rlisivisi' uxi-t.-d. U mnrnavcr. tii tiif Supi-rinli'iitl-Mt, that th. , scttlcri by refusing to puroluiM' loan cattle wmild .-f|."-tuiilly prevent or mntoiially flu 1-k their ini[mnati<jii. 1. Ti!.:].nMie :md i.' in-.y fully rely upon all iTiisiiiinlile sti.-ps ei.ii>i>li'iit v.'itli tli- law b.-intr iiilupl' d ii'.'iii tili-.e to time f.jr the inipi'irtatii'ii unu ii.ii.liiiir ol' cii'.tli , u, i-h.-ck a.-i as po.-.-ibU- the >).ni..i of r> l ;,,-»-/,;i.-v...>;,;a. .'). Tlic Sup.'i-inli :ul.T.t cannot prevent the landing ot eittle on ti.e mainland which an inspector uiuier til- '•■ JJis.-a.-eil C.itile Act, l.S'il," bus cerliJifl to be li'i-..■ li-uiii .my e r 'iit:igi.m> or ini'ertimu disor'lvr. (i. Tli'- S!iperiiiU-inli?nt'i- -ratili-l to (ind tlmt he may rely en :!:■.; .•;..ii -f fir- nie.-tini? in iircv,n"liii-' lb- ie.r:J..r -pi.-.-!i:i- uf tiV i!i>i-as..-, anil ibaiiJc- lii-111 i..rti;i' cxjiri'-sinii of sitisl'.ietinn with 111..- eniidui-t of I la: Siip..-rii'.t..-!iib.:nt. The Superiiiti 11-iU-nt i.i cif ij]iiiii.'ii thar. furtli-r investigation ami a ni'.ru ext.-ii..ii.-1-l .-.\|K-rieii<-(.- <.f tl:« type of thc_ disuse H-. exislin.if in thi> Troviin t- i- n-ipiiivil Ijei'or- the l'l-ovim-iii'l Cimiicil eau h(! boiielit-ially invited to l..»islate upon tliesuhjivt.
Mr. Clark i-Om! to a Idrcss the, meeting. Ile said lie wns not.;i resident in the i>ci._'hK>urhood, but i'olt the same interest n> they nil did with regard to the spread of I In- fatal disease inidi-r iheir consideration. They found theinselvo-, in the same position t hoy were in ill tin! \-.\>i meeting, mill he would beg to Jay his views before I Ik-mi. In l«ll>, ulieii residing in tlie West i)l' Kughmd. lie had been ii considerable sutlerer from that very disease, ami had reason to know a great deal about tile ilivnilful results o!" pleuro-piieu-nii.ii.iia. It was fraught wide danger, not only to ])iirli.Tiilni- individual,. Inn to (he whole i-oiminuiily. it wik admitted tlull there v.i-re two great facts be-foiv lliini : a ii'j|m!:'..n.>n i.o be li.-d, n liilo tlu-re. wa; not .-ullieient. food to wet I he deuimitl. and the price j of fyod hiis hiu)>. «-iib .--.i-ry pi-nbubilit.v i'f it bein.j i higher. 1.1. ivji l!ie ilulv i">l" tho-o in authnrity to ) ■iiiiiril ini]>i.-iiiliii«' and legislate with a \ view to the beiielil of the inereasiu;; pojmla- i tiou in tin , i-iiitiitn. JJ»i' [ii-otrrlioii had not bei.-u ! tiiki-ii to jMvvi-nt 11ic iiilroiliu'lion of the that was now threatening; them. lie did not wish to blame any individual, tins whole provincial authorities were at fault, and ho would to toll them, as mi iiyrimhnral soeiety, lhat they were not free from | blame. When it was seen that importation was j likely to take plaee, no steps were lak'.-u to prevent being inlrodueed. ile felt sceptical with regard to pleuropneumonia being the disease now in Auckland ; it was not like what he and many others had witnessed in England, ir was more like pleurisy, lie would not lilci to give an opinion against lhat ex-. pi-csscd by (he velerinai-y surgeon, but- thought that cattle, all'ei- being cooped up nil board a vessel tor a long (line., and then turned inlo paddocks, were very likely to be with pulmonary complaints which were not. pleuro-pnouiuunui. lie would be gln-l if it turned mil. to l.csn. lie would like to suggest, tluit I something like the following ho passed as resolutions : —That his Honor the Superintendent be resiuested to aseerliiiti vhiil districts of South Australia had been infected, and which were I In; districts where di.-cn-e did not e\isi ; where there Has lonnil sus]ie.-.ted disease, the importation of cattle should be prohibited ahoge-.hev ; where I here was no disease, free importation might be .illowvd, for a man must be vi'iy hardy indeed -.vho cmld desire lo tiiru?! on the colony the high price of meat, likely lo prevail. Quarantine grounds shonlil bo appoiiilod, not onlv in Auckland, but at. Mongonni and the JUy of islands. Iflhe Superintendent, found he could'not obtain the necessary fiiniis. ho should convene a special session o; the Provincial C'onneil, and obtain u vote for the purpose. It was his opinion that pleuropneumonia was not. hove at present, out they could not bo too sinxious u> I pivvont'llie plague ever roii-!iin,!t their shoivs. He i did not belong u> the -Society, so that he had an cbijectiou to move ivsoliaions of the he had re- ! 'ferivd to. , . , ; f j :n,e Chairman said ii was a public n.cetmg, and t I \vu ; ; competent for any geullomau to uiow iv.o.u- , ticus.
Mr. Stevens said the uiisner of the Superintendent to thu deputation was satisfactory, with the exception of one particular. IFe stated he could not prevent I lie landing of cattle after they were duly innpecled. At filch , last meeting the veterinary surgeon had stated that no inspection could prevent the introduction of pleuro-pneumonia, and that was the reason he had for saying that part of the Superiuteiideut'e answer \vi la n'ot .-at:sfaetor.\. Cattle from Australia ought not to be put on the main laud, but slaughtered on some island appointed for the purpose. Pleuropneumonia, existed more or less over the whole of Australia, so Unit, if rou continue to open one port, the whole of them might as well be thrown open. Mr. IJlarkairioed with the sentiments of the laet speikcr, but wheic were I hey to mid a suitable island »nd the WTiwairy fund lor the animals while there. A very considerable outlay would be necessary.
Jlr. Stevens thought that if the authorities were not inclined to incur the outlay Australian porta had better be closed altogether.
'I he Chairman said that the Superintendent had obtained information about the districts supposed to lie infected in Australia, but it was not in his opinion to N- relied on, a Port Phillip Olub having- wiid.that no ilistiict in Australia was froo from plouro-pnemonia %\"itii tin: exception of Gipps' Land. The members of tin's dub were themselves large stock-holder's, find wen- not likely to make their case Hpp.'iir worse than it lc-fiDy was. AVith regard to the question of feeding; the imported cattle, lie thought it was a matter which principally afiojted those who required the ii;:iin supply oi' meal —the contracture. J''ood could be supplied without liiiiiculty, there was abundance, of hay 1-otli hr-re and in Australia. It should be remembered that (his w;i.-, .1 temporary exigency ; they >ven; proviiiinir for -~. time of war which might not last very long. He would liko to hiivo Keen thu Suporintondent appointed a well chof-ru counnibsion (o consider t!:c whole subject iind report tho matter as l'i lhi> pni-eucu of the 'iliw-sise, and what was tho nio.-t advisable ••iiuive to be adopted, taking everything- into consideralion. JU,-t valuable suggohtiona might hnvc hecii made ami they nuVlit then have hoped for Home good result. A t-uitablo island for the reception of cattle might readily have been found ; he himself know of one which would answer adniirablv.
3li-. Clark remarked that the plugue was either ]>ri:seut or and unless tbey adopted tho most stringent measures they would rui: the day when it vriui too 1 ito to a<'t. 'Clio jri.-t of tlio Supeiintendont's reply was this, —that a(W the inspector had passed cattle, he had no power to prevent their landing. He did nof wi.sli to iniput-.' lilami; to the Superintendent ; it was for the meeting to express their views witli ivjsird to tho jrreat cjilamity with whicb. tliev wen; tbriatein-il. \\v knew wliat plouro-pneu-nmiiiii wa-lo bi.s c<.sl. and couid tell tlieui that if it once "-ot into the I'l-ovinee, (hu\ - would uuvia- get rid of it—it was iueurabh;. J l<; 'had birai told by a
skilful veterinary surgeon in Kingland, that he only l.liirw away iii< money in i:iid<»ivoimiis; to have his cattle cured. Jb; hoped they would ailopt resohitions of tin. , nature ho had snjr-jcßt';d, and request tho iSupei-intrudeiit to ilm what was necessary to prevent iiie discHsii s]>r(ading—pii.-vuutiuu being ahrays bel Iw tliun euro.
Tho Chairman hoped Hint, the meeting would uot separate without something detiuitu being arrived at. The mallei' had been laid before the provincial authorities mid die result of it jippean-d to bo juet «h:il Clark ha-1 slated, lhat tlio Superintendent had not powur to prevent the landing of eattle lifter their lieiny in»]>ccted. TluLt, he thought, was a very i.oriotis alati , "I 'tiling*. A has just arrived ill Aueklrtinl, 1;1U auiinals h:ivi«jt (lied on the passage. Whs it m>l \rry likely tiiat si'inc of them wei-e disciised p.'iih plcjirii-pm-uinonia:- , but because an uiiiiual is not Ibuinl uii board siyim of the diseuee thry arc prrinil Ic-d to be hin.ied hiul mix promiscuously with thciv lienls. They should forget their proper sense of responsibility did they not reiterate in the strongest languago what has already been .-ii id.
.Mr. Stevens n-slied if the Chairman thought it would be inconsistent to draw up some stronger ivi-oSulions?
The Uliainnan thought , , il was just tho course that should be adopted.
-Mr. Albvn Martin raid il was uuiUs evident that the Superintendent intended to lake very lit tlo notice
..r.-uiy resolutions they midil. forward to him. Ifc was ecrtaiu tin , . Provincial Government meant h> i-ontiuuc to ini]ii>rt catilc, mid if they did not ho believed the General Government would take tUo iiiiitlur out uf their hands ami permit it to b« done.
Tin' (.'luunnan thought they could not inter that from the Siipi'ri'.'.teudeiii.'s lvply. It' he were to suspend impnriHtinii entirely, the Cteiienil Government iiiii;!it do so; but tln-iv was no clmigcr of flint being • iciii , if such iiieii.»ure» ouJv Mere adopted as wcro iiece.-Siiry to protect Ilie I'roviiu-e nguiust pluropneiimoivu. Mr. K.-id thought from what Mr. Austin hint staled Ml hist iiiccliiiij, tliut Inij.liiij; ciittlf on an island would lie little or no protection against ihe disease. It was si\ months frequently before pleuropneumonia could lie in a beii.-t. and (In , , cattle might eventually get mixed with tlieir herds. The best v.-.\y would lie ti) prevent importation altogether. On motion of Mr. Golliui the memorandum from, thu Suj-Hrintnidcut va.- ajjitin rend. ill-. AV.-ill.-i.-o ivin:.rl:ed Hint the SupcrinteDdent hail sUU-d that nun,- iiiformi.tioii was required beforo t'n<j ]'r.ivinci:il Council could on the subject; In: thought th-.-y should adjourn thu meeting on thy >:imic grounds, ?tiy to tlic Ist Tuhmljiv in April; that would allow sufficient time to got iiiforinatiou on the matter. 11.: made :i motion to this effect. Mr. Basset s-i.""ndcd the motion, providiug tho (.'iiainniiii h.ivt: juravr w> call tin: meeting. lliilliin thoiujht the (.'liaiiiuan shouM haro ]«.«.-rti> o:ill anothi-r na-.-tlna: when he thought it in-i-i's)i;,r;.-. Th.-f may In- no for a meeting: tet llio time iiifn!io:i"il, or it iniglit by i'umkiMu to hii\.' it ■> to:tiiif,'lil l.ofoi':. Mr. .Viid'.ows supported the adjunrniwnt to the Ist TiKisday in April. Tin: presence of the .lisuasu eould not be I'aiily tc-trd bi'fore that time, so that a meeting' at an eariier date would be useless.
The. motion was then agreed to, and the meeting stood adjourned.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 88, 24 February 1864, Page 3
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2,273PLEU RO-PNEUMNIA.-PUBLIC MEETING AT OTAHUHU. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 88, 24 February 1864, Page 3
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