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I Tuesday, .T.yniuby 12th. I j Tin; Speaker took the chair at- Unco o'clock. The | minutes of previous meeting having been read and | continued, i ' Mr. King presented a petition from John Hardy j respecting his not having obtained pre-emption laud, j | Petition read and received. | 1 I Also a petition from John Carter, a forty-acre j man, who arrived here in the ' Pditc Jacket,' in 1559. j ! He had presented his 1 md order a few days after the j I twelvemonths from the date of i-sue of his 01 dors ; j ! that he was igiorant ol the law rejecting the pre- ! | sontatiou of i.ider.- within twelvemonths; and prayed I I the favourable consideration of the Council. i . J Poeoived and read. j I Dr. J'ollen pre.-outed a petition from Mr. George ! . I Martin Main, pr n:er, .showing that in pur.-uancc of nil ; j invi.atiou pubiisiied ill tile Provincial o'oirrnnii-Ht .' f j (inwtti; caliiug fur lead as fur Die jiriuliug fur six ' j months, tiiut lie had mado a tender tor the service, j | and having been called up m to gave certain infer- j i | laation li;ul fmnished iiit'iiriuati; n. Ho had! ! since learned Cat. hi* tender was the lowest. Tne j time fir oommencir.g the contract had expired ; and : ! that in reply to two' applications he had r. reived no j reply. He praved lor en.iuirv in his case by the | Council. ' ' : | R-ad and r, ccived. | Mr. V.'ynii moved the su-pension of the standing I orders relating to private hills, in order to enable him i j to bring in a privaie bdl. Mr. Kerr seconded. 1 Carried. ( Mr. 'SVynn presented a petition from Charles i McCanl, ;i military settler, praying for land which ho I had not obtained, owing to his not having claimed . ! wiihiu three months. ' , j On tlie motion of Mr. Kim; standing order No. 70 ' was suspended in order that 'the petitions of Charles .- Hardy and ,1. \V. Carter might be referred to the private grievance commitlce. The petitions of i Clement Partridge, C. McCaul and John Home, were 1 idso referred to the same committer . Mr. <'adman presented a pet'tion from George More Pickin, who had sold his commission in India to proceed to New Zealand. He claimed the priviliges under the Provincial Land Act to which he was < entitled. Referred to the private, grievance committee. Mr. Cadireni presented a petition from residents in ; the Northern district praying that the Great North Road might be improved. Peecived and read. A message was received from his Honor the Sup<■riniciideut, laying before the Council ail papers relating to printing for the ensuing six month.-. r Message IS laid before the Council copies of all papers obtained ll'om the (ioueral Government relating to tile Steam Postal Scivice and Panama Koute. Mr. Cadmau brought up the report from the select committee appointed to consider and report on the road leading from the heacli at Cmehunga to the ; Croat South Real. 'I'iie committee recommended I that the road he repaired at the earliest convenience ; j ol the Ooveiument, and a sum be put on tlie sup- j pleinentarv estimates lor the puip 'se. I ; I I'elien as!;, d the Treasurer whetlier j there was anv oh e.tioii on his part to lav before this } ] O uueil copy the letter addre-scd to 'him !>v Mr. ! Main, on behalf .•!' the Xnr /.ml.nvh.r newspaper, re- ' speciing the re-publication of the I'rorincial (lorrrn- j , ui :it tii'zill", by way of advertisement, together with | a <•■ pv ol his reply to that letter : Mr". Daldv said'he bad no objection whatever; it wi old be sent down' Hi. Pollen also asked tho Provincial Treasurer, whether an arrangement has been entered into with anv other public journal in Auckland than the 7/Wy S:\itl,, ,,, (',05.5 for the re-publication «f tlie J'rorim-iiil j (l-n-i-niM.nt (It'.itU: by way oi advertisement. Mr. Dahly said thai noa'irangomeiit had been made i with anv oilier paper lor the re-imblication of the j,V-,,,,' '' ' I j Mr. \\ ynn moved that tne hr.-t uihrni: report ol | the Private Grievance Committee be adopted ; tile report embodied a petition from l>r. Pischer remark- j 'I iug tha'e —from the peculiar position of his property j above the permanent level —he m.ght be ex. mpto'd I ii'om the piovi-ious of the IJuildi-.g Act, ami be per- ' netted to erect a wooden building. i | .iles.-rs. lie.'l'g- .'ind I! >w.. ..;.], ;.-cd the adoption of ] til ■ repoit; ii ii wiic allowed it would open the door ' ', to a number of i-imilar claims. ! | Mr. ilanep Mipporlod the motion, arguing that j '] Dr. l'i.-ehei's was quite an exceptional case. j i I .Mr. -I. (> Neill also .-poke in lavourof the adoption j I of the n poll.- ! | Mr. thought it would be scandalous to rcI gard this as an exceptional ease; numbers'of other ! persons had If en obliged ;.. build of brick or i stot.e wh.i wen: equdly emi'le.l to exemption from | ' the provisions of ihe i'.uilding Act. In tint many j allotments wen now va.a'.u because the owners wore ' | unable to put up 00-ilior eioitious than wooden ! buildings. Dr. Fischer knew the portion ~f his pro- ! pertv when lie bought it. He ielt it his duty to op- | ]...-.■' the motion. ■I Mr. Lynch thought if would not be, rigid to give ! 'permission to one individual to break the law ; everyj iiody should be placed on the same footing. to I grant liie prayer of this petition this session they i might ('-i <!..?,.ji next session. Mr. I-'oiev also tool; this view of the mutter. Mr. V.'vnn, in replv to what Mr. (.'adman had remarked, said Dr. l-'iseher'did not know what were to be I he permanent levels when he purchased. it had been said that the Pudding Act had resulted in injury to a host of individuals as well as to the petitioner. ! It this were so, it was the duty of tlie Council to i remedy the.-.e evils. Council divided on the adoption of till) report.— Aves 11 : Noes P.'. 'Negatived. I Mr. "Wvnii moved for leave to bring in a private | bill to amend the Pudding Act. Leave granted on a division of 17 ayes to fi noes. j Pill read a lirst time, and second reading ordered for next Thursday. I t oi'.m.tis in' Tin: hay. Mr. "Wvnn mov.d that the C'itv J'.oard Loan Act, ! lSi..i, Amendment Pill be read a third time. I Mr. Lvtich moved that the bill be laid aside. 1 Council divided; aves, Mcssr... Cheescni in, Cadi man, A. O'Neill, Lvn'cii. polev. Gallaughcr, George, j MeGhee, and Sheehau, ('.)). Noes: M'essrs. AVvnn. I May, Newman, Daldv, llarrop, Martin, llattrav, i I.'idiugs, Poss, MoKeu'zie, Powe, liall, Kerr, Skeen, ! King'and Swanson, (Li). I Amendment 10.-l. 1 Mes-rs. Cailinan, George, Sheehan, Foley, Gal- | laugher and .!. O'Neill spoke against the bill.' ] Messrs. King, Skeen, Hidings, Powe, Swanson, ! llarrop and Wvnn suppoitcd the bill, ! Alter which'the 15.11 was read a third time and . | The Council then went into committee for further ! consideration of the Railway Appropriation Bill. Mr. Daldy explained that owing to several innn- | hers having strongly represented to him that the i Superintendent was out of plaee on the Hoard, he I hud communicated with his Honor, who had stated his perfect willingness to have bis name removed tr. in the H'ard, providing of course that he should have a certain control over the expenditure of the money. The. Clauses of' the bill were agreed to pro form:', 1 with the understanding that tlie bill would be recommitted on another day. ' The bill was then reported, and ordered to be recommitted to-morrow. ESTIMATES. The Council then went into ccuimitUe on the • estimates. Police Department, £'»,!)3-2 10s. fid. Mr. Dahly stated that he hud that day received strong ri presentations ironi Mr. Naughton, L'om- ; niissioiier of Police, requiring additions to the Police ' force. Dr. Pollen thought the sum proposed was totally inadequate, £ 10,01.0 would not be more, than neces- ' Mr. King moved that (he Commissioner's salary ' be i' !U0 instead of £o2j «s printed. Mr. Foley moved that it be £3.50. Mr. .1. O'Neill .-aid it would be well not to interi fere with the Government ollieers; however, this . particular item he thought should be £100. Mr. llarrop thought the salary should be increased. .Mr. Daldv said the Government would stand by their estimates, and divide the Council on the various ' items, in order to obtain the opinion of the Council f on them. ' , . , 1 Mr. Lynch was entirely against the principle ot ■ raising sal.,lies while they wen- borrowing money: . but in this particular ea.-e, considering the number ol , peuule likelv to be brought into .the Province during be'vear, and the consequent increase o thudutK. ni' f >'„> ol ice the s-,larv should be raised to -UoU. ol t.u ohm, .in ..n.n> "■',-. (]„. gcntlcI Mr. Cheo-oman opposed the im i ;•■ • • 1 man who lill-d ihe was a >'er> .mi, , lnit he wassuilicientlv reiiiiineral.'O- ~.•„,,„„„„ Messrs. May and A. O'Xeill opposed tho wcieabC. |

Council divided on tho quostion that tho salary be £32">. Ayes, 12; noes, 11. Carried. One Sergeant-Major, at Bs. Gd. por day, £155 2s. 6<L Mr. Foley moved an amendment that it be £200, which lie afterwards withdrew. Mr. King: moved that it be 9s. Gd. per day, £170. Council divided on the smaller sum. Ayes, 6; ncos, 15, Lost. Mr. King's amendment earned. Two Sergemts at 7s. Gd. a-day, £273 15s. M I'. King moved that it he Ss. Gd. Mr. Koss movixl that it be Ss. The smaller sum was then put. Council divided. Ayes, 5 ; noes, 13. Council then divided on Mr. Ross' amendment. Ayes, 0; noes, 11. It was then carried, on the voices, that the sum bo Bs. <»I. "Two corporals at lis. Gd., (237 155.)" Mr. King moved that it bo 7s. Gd. Carried on the Thiity-six privates, at Gs. (£3942.) It was amended, on Mr. Paldy's motion, by tho substitution of liS lor 3G. Mr. King moved that it be 7s. Council divided on tho original sum. Aycn 6 ; X.ios 15. Mr. King's amendment earned. "One Clerk and Inspector of Weights and Measures, .CISG." Mr. Howe moved that the words " one Clerk and " b" omitted. The salary was inefficient for two mon. One man could very we'd do all the business of tho office. Mr. Daldy explained that it was intanded that a clerk in the police ottiee should in future do tho work of tin's office. Two individuals were not meant: it would make it clearer if the word "and" -were struck out. Mr. Howe said be bad misapprehended the meaning intended. His arguments had consequently buui beside the question. Item carried. " Conditions for ditto, £20." Carried. " Occasional Police Assistance in Country District*, £10." Agreed to. " Rents at Pamell, Newton, Panmure, Papakura, and Mnmranui, £108 Ss." Mr. Hahlv moved that the sum bo £128. Carried. " 1! items for prisoners, £100." Carried. " Stationery, Firewood, Oil, Boat Hire, Travelling and Incidental Kxpenses, 175." Carried. " Kxpenses under Dog Xuisiinco Act, £30." Carried. "Forage for Commissioner's Horso, £GO." Airreod to. " Great Coats and Clothing, £250." Carried. I'risnn*.—" Superintendent of Prisons, £250," was postpaid. Toe Speaker repirtod progress, and asked leave to sit again. At. >ii\vn o'clock the Council adjourned for half an hour. Council resinned and further considered tho estimate.-. Sb'ckade Gaoler, £200. Mr. Foley moved an increase of £25. Amendment lost : original sum carried. Five Overseers, Ist class, £0 10s. per month. Mr. O'Xcill moved that it be £11 10s. Question put that it be £!) 10s. Motion lost. Mr. Ball moved that it be £10 10s., which latter siuu was carried. Nino Overseers, 2nd class, £8 10s. This sum was increased to .£9 10s. por month. Bedding and clotiiiim', £250; Rations and Medical Comforts £1SOO; Firewood and Stove, £190; Contingencies £(>O. Auckland Gaol—Gaoler, £150. An ii regular discussion took place on this item, during which Mr. Daldy was understood to say that ("lie Queen-street Gaol property would not bo given up by th" General Government to the Province, but tiiat the Province would be allowed some say in the | matter, ami that a commission for carrying out tho ; erection of a Supreme Court, ice, had been submitted jto bis F.xcelleney this day. The matter was not lost I sight of by tho Provincial Gaverunient. ! Amendment moved that the sum bo £75. ■ Question put. Original sum carried. Turnkey, £120 ; Overseer, £9 por month; three Overseers, £'.S His. per month. Matron, £60 per, To which an amendment was moved that it be £72, and carried. 110-pital.—Provincial Surgeon, £350. Tnis gave rise to a lengthy discussion as to tho advisability of erecting a dwelling and compelling the surgeon to reside on tho spot, in which Mr. King d. •.louueed the present system and urged a thorough reform. House Surgeon, £150. 1 luring the discussion on this item Mr. Swanson railed attention to the business of the House, when it was consented to adjourn further consideration of tho estimates. I'liairman reported progress. Council adjourned at half-past 9.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 52, 13 January 1864, Page 3

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AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 52, 13 January 1864, Page 3

AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 52, 13 January 1864, Page 3


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