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Tiik Speaker look the chair aliitie after Ihive o'clock. Tiic minutes of previous meeting having been rend, n'li'l con finned, .Mr. Move's miction us to what steps tho Government intend to take to promote immigration to tin's I'roviiKV, was postponed on account, of linil jncjiibor's unavoidable absence. Dr. I J ollen asked ■• tiie Provincial Secretary, whether tile subsidy—in tho shape ol' pavment, i'or tile repuMiriiti<>Ti"nf tin: l'rovineial Government Vr.y.vUr. us an advertisement—which had l«;cn to certain public journals in this city, wem intended to be continued : ,-i n<l if so, whether there w\-\\: any, and it' ; a:iv, wliat icasou whv ull the public journals: in I Auckland should not Av.nx- i-qu;llly in ll;e bounty oi , j Uie (ioveriiinnit.' , !!■• li:i'l slu-'wn .'.n u jirev'ious ; occasion tliat tlie cost of tin- Ga/.rtle as all I was tUice Ihi; cost'of ]m!.li.,liiu;r it in ! :i Cia/ellc form. It sut nied to have Ijetbiiie a liabit I to i;'ivu tliis bonus to tlvj.-«- papcis wlii.-li took j>ar- | ticular vii-v.-.s of politiis. U seeincd to him an imi ne<H'S.sarv i-.vpiiiilitiire oi' public mi. nt-v. ! tl.<: ol>j.-<"l to Ik> tho ffiviiitfoi' publicity to thu l.lim-lU; I he w.iiitt"! to know why a papei\ from \{-a ldni,' j iiUmilisi.i,', its civculatiuii as largo as any in I the province, should not participate in a share of Go- | vcrniDcni, advert i.semcnts. ! Mr. "SVj-nn roio to a jioirit ol' order; it was not n j cpiostion but in reality a mytioa involving ;i vote, of ! censure on the (jovernnicnt. It carried an accusaj tion of a very serious clmricti r, ami ;', wus iinlair ! Ihiit no aiacuv.iiou could take place ,m it. ! Tho Speaker rul.-d tliat it ahonM be put. J!r. I)aldy .said tho ([iicstimi ciirrieii with it :m implication of a vi-ry prions i-liar.icliT, and lie should purposely abstain from inti rti-rina; with tho remarks I that had bei'li made. He ."hoitlil not answer the j question in its pre.-eni, form, but, if the bon. member I would put it in another way ho would freely afford 1 all thi informatiun on the'subject that was in his I J)r. Pollen tisked " the "i'rovincial Treasurer how or I by whom tiie hali year's interest, due in October lust, j upon the first issue of Hc-b,nti;r.s to the extent of I .£IOO,OOO, under tho 'Auckhi'd Loan Vet ltiti - ; ' I ha.l been, or w;i.s to be paid." 11... cvuq.Wu-Jl of tho I scanty niiormaiion llial, liail been allbrdi.'d by tiie j (li.vrriiiin-iil, and that Jhice months' inierest'were I due befnre the debc-nturrs were issued. I Mr. J.taldy replied that the province had to pay j inierest for Ihu siuu of £10,001) up to the ulat Deceni--slr. Foley aslced the lion, member at the head of tho Executive, " Lf it was thtir iiilentiou to take uiiy

Mj.< •«'■»->» asked the iw;,,,.;.,! Se.-rotarv, γ-n it was (Ik, ~f Government to ~„;],] sibK } ' Sa U WoUkl b,; du,lu as sou " as l' Mtic L.vuu nc, "J a were, the intention of the Go-v'lnnu-nl toi comply w itli i; iU vote of this Council by ,' '" ' C>l,,,t to . U " ! 'lillci-cm-.! o! th,- amount ot i".a.U"' li ° iL " ° U C l '° :lt Xmth imtl Glv ' d South .Mr. Udcly expect,,! the n>!.,rns (hat uiternoon. C..mii'il N 'i "xl U " , ''°-' l 'l' 1 " Tl,;,t '" lllu "I'""'--" of tins ( io wa.s u.-5,,.,,!,!,. thut I]ir- u-ariw.-iv .-drcidv surveyed Vnvceu -]„, ir.-n.1,,, a-,1 the Wuikato rivcY k, !'? fcU l«>ss>h!, delav, ~n<l that I ii.i . i...u.|,-.i IU , i;i..tion, fur unless immigration ~■!,■ (::l >:,■,( ~„, such works a> th;.t under c..,n-;idcra.. !|ne<lion''io ln V '.'T i - 1 "' ■ >! '"." ! ' 1 ,i:iVU lik '" l ""•■ I The value of Ihe'un'old' inifoXwSli?,* »>; tii» 1"...- «•„„ ,1 ~r ~,„„,, )„. ~.],,„,.„, ,„ ~;,,„',; lit\ ot nune 1,,!,.!, ~,( V. - ruKiiM-at.-a, wlijel, was ai-l--*nl.|.|U;.tilXi;li.lll.t iIXi ;li. 111 . Ti,. work n.i.l.v 1,, ,!„„;> in x <, ii..-..- 1...1 b,. ~0;,,,,,, (!k .;. u ,, uM liiivii ti > •.,,,'^ liSirv"' lu, " ! - -th ' tl '■""'■"ilii'S ivmcuy for dl'u u - Jlr. (.Voi-e5e,,,,„!,,] the m( ,ti,, u ; l],c work woiilrl °i il ' n . "I , th '- >-"»"t'-y, ."Hi W :i greal boon to the lirovimv. .Mr. [LuT,,p said was hanllv nl.lo tl.ey .-1i.m1,! l,e n,ul u nl with ca.,:,l o.nnmmicatiun, wlnen w0.,,.1 l.e ma,-!, .-1,,,,,,,,, Hl . tlj(l n ,, || wi ., J It:,-ri..,ii«.ii, l JU t lu.,ki, :s atliu. li>,],iliti us Uua Y' r ", '•"^"■?'/>»••;" ti'" i,!,1.v, ho Lhou-l.t lh,.y " lovoJ ll,:a ■ i;k " ' ll ' bulc ,je !u ii° unied iai ■Mr. J.O'X.-ill Iliou-hl ii u-,,,,11 he well to 1>»,,«wlu,: ,i,,,s tl: , Cinv,!-:,:,,,.,,, ;„•,,.,;,!,,( ~, u!v , v , ilU nvar.l i u .•>.>,:,->•;>!:.,,,. lie uuul,: muve as an anu-ml- >'"•'/• 1;J I!;'' 1.1..U..M, iha; ,l,e 1 :1 , L ,h,ve ward, be nnntled, NMth she view o< , the follower : _ " I ...ler tl.e noUee of u.uuedialelv eoneen.ud, wilh a vhu r:ii,ing the loan' by taxauun m Iha! k'L-.ihly." -Ml- Lyneil oi.jeeled (o the , 11O "-; 011 alK l Ulc Uon o'rT'm ' l -°'" iJ -■>' work to bo a 4uM.Mr. Kin- hoped the -amendment would not be aecv'/ied. lie Micvi-d llie work (o be one of the j,'!Viilrsi mipi.rhiikv i,, the pivvimv. ile would like lo we a pnvaie couipiiuv el:irloil to earn' it out. Tlic oi" llie tramway to tin- provinee would be unnieMse ; they would Lo able to have .'ooiU cin-ied lor .C 2 instead of Jt-J t0,,. J-'oui-.jiCh, of the labour of h-aveilin- would be avoided. jlon. niembers u.uM not, allow themselves to be friuhlened by the loan ; he believed it would be m-i-.w-ji-y, bv-and-bye, lo have another half-million loan. It. was the only way dial j.r.Mie works could w ,-arried on. and he dul not why po.terhy .hoald not pav for what I hoy would ivjiji m, ~,U i h ad\autai:e front. 11l- tlnuii;lil the CeueraUanernmeul shouldV asked to undertake the v,,,rk, rall.ei- than that the motion should be 10.-( in Vin- pre,,ed on tiie CouueJ. Dr. Tollen ,ai..l that (he Council .-houl.l ils r.-oinves; he tl:ou-ht t!:;-.:. under the present state .u himy-s liie work wan bevond the lueiuis of tin- proviiK-e ; the C'omtcil would" do well to put the <|iK--li.)n iiMili- lor the present, lie did not doiil)! )ln(ieneral (Joverjimeiii would eonsiruet the work if they found it i,eee>sary -Mr. Cudniau w.u, «i:tv I hat the question had been preyed >o >oon after liu> Waikalo railway seheme ; it IV.-.UH in proveiithig tlie earryiii"'out of the main woik. .Mr. Newman thought, -uanv members had K i)t oiV the tn.ek in the M u«-stu.ii. 'Ihere purely w...~ noi n iiienibei- wlio eovdd say. that, tin- -work was not :i i,eeo.,-ary and de.-irii.i<- one. I f ti,e Couneil "ere noi (it to undertake work.- of this kind, the sooner liiey ivcpi.-ted tin- f.'eneriil (Jovoi-iimeut to lake (he iluiit-s into their own hands tin- better. If llie C.nnrii reived to the work, the Cemral (inviTi)iiieiit would eerlahilv earrv it out, but tin- pri.vinee would have to p,:v for i"| ~11 the .-,um>. and he ihou.L'lit thev ia::;ht us well have the I sal.-laelion of eonsirue;iim' the work, espeeiallv a= he believed it eonhl be mauMi'rd move eheaji'.y'bv llu-C.iiiß-il, than the licnei-al '.! : !,ere was noi a line of road in the province a traniuav eou'.d be so eoiL-truci, d. nor was U po«ib!i> to -peiul UKMHIII in a n.ore )iiu;eious manner. J k> did not make thi, motion with a view of tbrowini; back the «r.-at tr.inl; line ; he did not thiuii it would haie ell, ci. bin. ~n ill.- eon-.rarv. he believed ii wouhi rather forward rh:.i. work: i'i wa, feeder.: like thib that made I In- Iriiiih lines p:>v. .Mr. <)"NeiHs aiuendmeui war.' then put. TinCoiiueil divided as follow.-.. ,-i > e.- : — Mr-i -. .). OXeill, .\. O'Xrill, Sheehau, llarrop, Xerr, Kjley, Wvnn, ?.ia.-kenzie, UalhuiL'her. and Swansoii (10). Xol-s:— Messrs. Xewman, \\lay. Daldy, Kidin.-r-j. Uall, Chcesema-.!, tieorge, Cadniaii, nud Lynch (IU). The Speaker gave his vote against the amendment. Un the motion of Mr. 1/aldy, that, the question be postponed till V.'ednescLn' next, the Couneil divi.i.-d, ihere beini; ten ay against the -ame number i.f noes. Tin: speaker gave his easting vote with tli- aver-. .M.W..-C Xo. liC was reeeived from his honor the Siipei-,iii, ndfut, transuiitiini; -opv of u letter from the London of tlu- p.-ovin.v. Mr. U. Ji. Unuv, liaiiii-- ivforeiie-' to tin- p:-.>po;i.-.l wate]--works in tile provi.'ice. 10-;eihcr with remarks thereon by ,S. 11.-irdiu-. l-:*|., C\ K. Ordered lo be refem-d to the water supply committee. .Mosngi! 3V enclosed eojiy of u memoviiO from Ihr elecloi> oi thu .Marsden di.-triet, praying for a revision of the electoral district. Memorial read, and menage ordered to bo considered or Wednesday next. Message iiS laid before the Couneil correspondence between the Superintendent and the London agent on the proposed lividgo on-r the Xamal.i rivor. -Mr. Lynch proposed that the correspondence should be printed; it was eventually divided to refer thu documents to the eommiilee" on the subject, which should have power lo decide what porlioiis of (he e./n-errjpo;ideneu were nonli the of printing. Mr. J.ialdy laid on the table, further papers connected wilh the estimates. Mr. A. O',\ciH moved il.t.t mi address be presented to his honor the Superintendent, requesting him to place on the supplementary esiimaU-s £100 to open up the direct road from the AVade dit-irict to Auckland by the colleu'c at the X'orth .-Shore Mr. Didiiy asked thai the mo-.ion be postponed till '.o-morrow, iu order to give him time to make hw monetary statement that evening. Postponement, at;recd to. ]>v. Pullet-, moved (hat a ivsp.ivl.lul address be presented to his linhol- the iSiiperiiiteudeiil, requebtiug that he would forward to this Council a slatement of all the paytnents made at the Provincial Treasury on account, of public, works iii the Cilv of Auckland, or as advances for the service of the- citv. from the Ist dav of Januurv, 18DS, to the ;Slst dav" of llceeiuber, .I.SC3. Mr. Dtildv reqnryied thiit •• to da'.t" be substituted fur aist Jicci-mber. Agreed to in this foi-in. Mr. Wvnu movod the further consideration in committee of the "City Doard Lb.iu Act. ISG3 Amendment Dill." Dr. i'olleii moved that it be nmde an order of the day l'o? to-:i,arrow.—Agreed to. .tM'liOl'ta.lTlOX BILL. In the s.con.l l-cisdinij of the Appropriation J Sill- Mr. Daldy .-aid it was unnecessary lo nmkc any remarks on the nature of the bill, it beini; of course the usual money bi'.l passed during each session. .lie would endeavour to slate in as few words as possible wlu'.t was the precis.? financial position of the province, lie lirsl wished to say that the government desired to carry out the Appropriation Act of ISI.KI in its integrity'. There were, however, cei-luki votes in it which k. was not nc.ccbfary io o\pend, such as ekvlion expenses, lii-am sulinidy, and other iiialkT.j. Accordiug to the bebt fiilculatiou lie

ii bad l.n-cii uhl.. to main-, the -avmg which would ncCTiic from this source would shout compensate fur n tlietlcticii-ii.-vc.rilic mvinio. Instead of a deficiency i , , in (lie Customs' Fixths of ISO 3. lie was in a position is lo announce thar there was nil excels of £1,000, which d . would pimble him to ask l.he Council to slriUe out the I i.empo.-ary loan o!i the new estimates, this sum hav- '. j my been quit,, unexpected when tin: pri --sei.l estimates <1 j were pivpaivd. There would he « small increase in I Ihe land i-evemie, as also in 1 lie. pilot and harbour fees. - j Jμ the provincial revenue there wasn flight deh'tiencv. I During LSrU the pilot and harbour dues were not " I separated iiv'.in the ordinary provincial revenue, but. - I were included in it ; the sum ivm ihen ,£O,OOO. In > I inaKi';!; u;j Iho present rslinmtcs for hSG:i, a suSipioiit ■" j reduction of this amount had not been made. The J : sum received Vo , - assisted passages was about, £700, 1 j leaving a deficiency of £1.300. The government have (liven notice !■■ nil parties concerned that they s intend taking lepd proceedings for tlie recovery of |, i these amounts : nothing but the dis'urbed state of r ] the province, had prevented them from having t done il before. JJe was therefore ai'le to report that ~ (lie deficiency in the last year's estimates was about .. i .I'l,l'JO. while I he lapsed votes would lunouiit sis nearly j, j as possible to about that figure. The e-t'inatc hsc'l , i as far as possible proved eorrc-ct. Jle w,,b!;l like to . I lav before the Council the- comparative stale of the , ! i-.-lniiale.-s for Hie years J.SIJ3 and 1S(!1. That of 1S(!3 , ! was .slimated at LT.2.2U3; for KSIM it will be. .1:71,120. s : Hie expenditure, was divided iiiulei- llircv heads, .. ; namely : - "j ....... lSl!3. ISGI. Ilicr. ;, ! Liabilities and perinanent, 7 ' charge.-, - - - .C12..J01 17,01.". 0.021 \. Kstablishmcm. - - . ~...7 ;! 20 , 7:i;i . It .j, m j ! .Special and .Miscellaneous - '2b,VJG 2i;,7.J5 1,-lU 1 I JJecr. c ; £02,21;;:; 70,10 a - ; —He would not stay here to show how that increase I ' was proposed to be dealt with, but would de, it when ■' tlk- Council went into committee on die estimates. •' It was proposed that there should be, for police £70(1: lor jinolM .C:) 52. Hernial, here state that the total ;• number of prisoners for the year ].Bt>2 was 78, while " I for _]. SOU, the number had been 110, which would • ! siiliieiently account for 'the increased 'expenditure. the jn-oviiieial revenue for ING 3. taking fnmi it the . c.iih in liand and other sums not actual revenue, he I found to be £,-,3,351; ;„ ]shj. it is estimated at . ! itiO.S-.'d. making an increase upon the past veiir of j L5,10!J. A principle upon which ihe estimates had jcen trained tins year had been to do away with ninny i small voles for specific works in dilicrent localities. _ -V -ui,, of money had been placed on t lie esi imVics for , localises were the population was limited, and ; needed assistance, not de.'ining the particular purpose I to which it was to be. appropriated, the government I finding that it could expend money belter Ilirough the. inihicnee and direction of member* belonging'to , the districts in which works were undertaken—works ; of whief. at ihe time of the pas-ing of the votes the government and members liuew little or nothing. Ho , mi-lit state that in those districts in v.hich workshad ; been pei'lbrmed, gentlemen had voluntarily come ; forward and looked after tile expenditure "of the i \ money. He would amongst others riieii'Von the ! ; names of Mr", liar-tow, at the Bay of Islands ; Jlr. [ Williams, at the Kerikn-i; Mr. Uiill, and Jlr. White, , Kcsidenf :U-,i;;ir.ti-,ite, of Mongonui. He thought it ; I '.vac not asking the Council to place too much eonli- . j deuce in the government, when it was requested that '_ iuvi.thjgsumsforsuijhlocalpurposes.they sliotildgivc it ' , in this way. In rainisg o:it that principle the largest i ! sum possible ha.l "ljccn -placed on ihe estimates to ' meet local contribution-. It had many advantages, the lirst and materia] one being that it promoted" he j j expendnure of a large sum of money on public ini- ( ! provemeuts, while at the fame time i't paused people j to lake a ;;rcat interest in the improvements gchi"on ! . I in their districts, having themselves jo raiW p:-ri of i the money ; every shilling expended would, therefore., ; . oe jealously hatched, and made to pr.,dite..- tin-. ¥ ! greatest amount of work. He trusted this would I \ i meet the approbation ofllie Coiineil w!icu lliey t ( . ; into the consideration of the estimate-. i j to the ncce.-sary provision for the inlercil and Jiul:- ! I ing fund of the loan, he would remind tlv Council J that when the Loan Act was ]ir,.posed hv lud slated ; ; thai thv debt due from the whan would provide the " • in!ere.-l.''nd.-i; ferthe iirsi tluve years. The ! •.•stim!il l »!ff<i-i;-.isycai']iavelieen framed on the basis that ' i CI 01 l,i.>. Hi oflhe. loan wili lnne been taken up IVoii:, the ' ' I Hunk by ihe end of the year. X 4 ,127 10s. of the ! ■j ' wharf deb! 1, p:>o..s,-d to be applied to the payment \ I of half Ihe interest and sinking fund, ihe otli. i- half. " I 1 1,127 10s., will be provided by Ihe interest of Minis . ! loaned N the City, .South Koad'. Ac. With rciavil to J the Harbour Trust, lion, members would perceive ' I that thi-. ;:-i!.-t wiismpidly improving iu auiiiuut of in- ; ! eoine and imporlauee, 'and that I'le e-i imatl'.- this '_ ! year were tf.',:j(U.l against .t.'i.MiO for I8(i3. Hon. ! members wire aware that durintr ihe mceling of il». ; ! ficner:;! .\s-cmbly, an Act !iad been parsed enabling | j them to r-.iy ui) the amount of .L' 2,000 ini'o ih'eSn- ! I j pivme Court. They were prepared lo pay this ' amount and free the pi-opertv iVom thu niuiigage. There were a lar-e number of allotments both inside . and outside the intake thai might be made gu.Vl use 'of, and rendered ;;rodueiive of income." "While | r ! on this -ribic'-i li- felt hound to sav that be. tUouirbt ! I this trusi should be plaecd in eommitsion. lie | ' b.:lievcd it to be too extensile in its details to be pro- | perly i-ianaged by ■'. government, the members of I which were constantly subject to be changed from lime to time. The other trust he did not know that. ' he had any remarks Ui make on. There were a number of allotments belonging u> the Citv Trust unleased; j they hi-.d been referred tu (lie City' Hoard for their I advice as to the expediency of leasing them. Of the College and. Grammar School Trust, lie nughl state j that the accumulated fund was .C 3.000. this had ! j been held by the Unnks for two or three i j j years at four per cent. "With the advice of tile ] Executive Council, the Superintendent had ! ollcred this sum on loan, believing that an eligible investment at i> or Hi per cent, might easily be obI tiiined for it. He lrid forgotten io mention that in " : the year lSltf the .1! l-J.OOO'loau at 111 per cent, will 1 have to be paid oir. which will cilc.ct a saving of ' , C(it!(l in the year, and in ISi'.ii will make a diliorencu 5 i of .L'iKIO i't thi' oNpeiHiitnic He thought every cil'irt ; nhmild hi- m;c!<- v> induce peoi.le to et.n.'eiit \o taxaj lioit i.u-,| improvements: ihe interest and sinking j • ■ I'undof lhe.lonn, wJiieh would iallon thoreveiniciit'ti.3. I wouiil, wiili t'n<! ineviUihle ineiease of establishments, ■ I tend to reduce t'nii sum that might be applied to local • purposes ; he referred to such m-itters as the extermination ol thistles, which the Government felt uu- • able to grapple, with; it had become a formidable enemy, and required local energy au'd enterprise to ' overcome ii : also ferries, and oilier matters of liko '- character. It was a principle that had never been denied, that if ihey Verc prepared to borrow money ; for tin. , purpose oi , oreetifiy permanent works, they • must ho prepared to carry on local improvements by , menus of taxation. (Heal-, hear.) What colony iii ? the globe had not had to resort to local taxation" for f tliat purpose Y Thero was one particular aspect of the jiosition of the colony on which he held a strong . tinnncial opinion. Ho believed the- linm should he iixed -when thi; present land regulations should cease. . their opt ration. Hmust he evident to all that they r were borrowing money to purchase, laud, ami then. ] riving it away for nothing; and were, also burrowing ) money to bring out immigrant. , ,-, wliieli whs certainly . oi,>.a,iing both ends of the e;ut,;!,y-a state of tilings 1 that could not last much longer. Ho did not wish , by any means that a sudden change should be etl'ectcii, but on the contrary thought it should be. a very gradual one. The 'pv. scut systum ~f laud icgul.itions was also a \ery expensive one. Thecst j r of carrying it out was more expensive than liomiwinc; i % luoiiev for iimnisfration )iuvposes, cunsi'iHiont on th<; , increased cost oHiind. He feared that if the lvjiula- ' lions veru continued too long, th'.: result would be '" very injurious to the I'rovince. lie thotight it should he. c.jus'idere-l at the time. The Legislative. '' Council having- thought tit no! to confirm the resolutions come to ny the Council and 1 louse of Jvejn-e.-en--1 1 tative.slhey miist expect a heavy ih.inand for inilikuy ; : cttiei-s in the. next year or two. During the past ill roe months they Imv? had no land handed over 1 '.'mm the General Covern-.hiiit. Under these eircuml. J stances it behoved the Council to look closely at this I Huhjivt, as it related to tinanee. He sini])ly wished u i to report to the Council his opinion that it was time j to e\amino into the matter as to how it would ctieet i their financial p-wi'.vm four cr live years hence. : Many iarms would bo torfci:e<l at the expiration of •■ i six yo'ii-o from IS.'iS, to' which additional vahw l \l been given by the iinjuovi m.nt.s which had t'tkwi '' jilacc on jy]joinii!«-. pio].erti.:s; they were now too '' valiialue to be ajiprojiriatcd as they were, originally v inliudi"], and Gove!iii:icnt would n'ot bo able lo get - cash purchasers to hid for these laniL the c I holdevs of land orders. If the Gent-rid Government I I' terms of special settiomout prowl morn favourable to ', iiituiH-aiitii than the. Provincial r:gulu(io!is, the - Litter inn>l of necessity be brought into prac--1 tical dvuHC. 'I'ho nuuilvr of huid orders i-ogi>tci-ed e t!u\s ytii' had bcon upvai-ds oi 2000; that vad a

=r=T= — ' ' i rT'i 1 reason he thought why they should bo carotid lest. • they should ovtrnin the quimtity of land in tlioir • possession. Looking at their general pro.— i pwts he could not ljul consider them In be very ! j promising. They hud huurrt of no serious complaints, . I 1 iie revenue had increased not merely by tlm £.Coo '■>', . J shown in thu estimates, but l)y £510U from trusts, : 1 ("!1.«, &<: Jt was very rhwrivg to wiy tbnt this i»- ! crease, whether iii the Great South Koad, or in the. ' J Harbour Trust, indicated prosperity amongst tlm ; people-. It was alg'b cheering to see that thu sunm ' received lor tile past year, indicated that the peoplu ! were capable of raising by local taxation both thu ■ interest and principal for carrying on public works. . ! lie would not say more tliiin congratulate the country ■ on the sound position in which it stood, linimcially, a.s j a province. Ilu would only add Unit during all" tho ! vicissitude.-) tlirough which "the Province had passe*), ' ,' tlie Government had been enabled lo keep the expon- . I dilirre within Hie limits the Council had specified in . , tile Appropriation Act of last, year. Mr. Duldy ended i by moving the second reading of the Appropriation Piill.lSC.-l. i The Cuuncil then went into committee, reported. J progress, and ohtainctl leave to sit again to-morrow. Un the motion of Mr. Duldv. Council adjourned at six ./clock. " "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 46, 6 January 1864, Page 3

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PROVINCIAL COUNCIL—Monday. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 46, 6 January 1864, Page 3

PROVINCIAL COUNCIL—Monday. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 46, 6 January 1864, Page 3


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If you’ve used a RealMe login somewhere else, you can use it here too. If you don’t already have a username and password, just click Log in and you can choose to create one.

Log in again to continue your work

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Log in again with RealMe®
