MUST DAY. Friday, January Ist, 186-1. The Maiden Plate of 100 sovs., with a sweepstake of 10 sovs. each added. One mile nud a half; 3 years, Bst. 2 lb.; 4 years, Ost. 9 lbs.; 5 years, lOst.; 0 years and .iged, lOst. 4 lbs. Lieut. St. Hill's br. h. Dainty Ariel, G yrs. 10s. 411) ." .'.Pollock 1 Mr. \Vild. ns. li. g. (iarotler, 3 yrs. 7s. 1311) Alex. Barrmi 2 Mr. Kedwood's eh. li. Kegnuni, -1 yrs. l>3. 91b Jos. Redwood 3 Mr. I). Lynch'H py. m. Venus, 4 years. S.-i. 71b...." "... Geo. Clarke 0 Cipt. AValmslpy's eh. h. Maori Chief, 4 yrs. 9s. f11b..". Jos. Wuyland 0 A good start was made, Dainty Arid taking the lead, Regnum and Garrotter following, hut not placing the race in doubt ns Ariel was never headed, mid won easily. Shortly after passing the Grand Stand the rider of Maori Chief fell from the saddle in a fit and thereby annihilated his owner's chance.
The Ladies' Pukse of CO sovs. 2 miles ; welter | weights, 3 years, lOst, 7 lbs.; 4 years, list. 7 lbs.; 5 years, 12st. 2 lbs.; 0 years, mid | aged, 12st. "lO lbs. Mr. Cameron's b. g. Volunteer, a. 12st. 71b Alex. Cameron 1 j Mr. Redwood's ch. h. Kegnum, 4 yrs. 11s. | 01b Joe Iledwood 2 | Mr. Uol'i'm' gv. g. f?.im Slick, a. 12s. 7 lb .' Kich. McGeo 3 Mr. Maefarlane'e ns. ch. g. Harkaway, 3 yrs. 10s Kelley 0 Mr. Kelley"s b. m. Annie, o yrs. 11s. 9 lb '... llich. Kelley 0 A good start; was rfl'ected, Sam Slick leading, with Harkaway and A'oluutecr in close attendance, aud Eeguum fourth. Shortly after passing the Grand Stand, Harkaway bolted. The order, as indicated above, continued until passing the clump of hills facing tho Grand Stand, when Kegmnn passed Volunteer, challenged Sam Slick, who still held the lead, but failed to pass him. Just beforo entering the straight run, Volunteer drew to the front, passed all liis horses, aud was landed a winner by three lengths. Time, 4 minutes 12 seconds. JloYAii Cav.u.hy YoLi'XTUEB Plate of 30 sovs.;
second horse, 10s.; third horse (o save his stake. One milo heals; welter weights. For all horses hond fide the property ot" members of the Corps, mid which have been ridden ns troopers for at least two mouths. To be ridden by members of the Corps. M. King's ch. g. Wen Tnniiny Donley 1 1 Mr. Georgo'e b. g. Micky Free... .T. Georgo 2 3 Mr. BlcOheo'e b. p. Hilly Brown..ll. McGhoo 3 0 Captain Fitzgerald's blk. p. Niger ... .Owner 2 Mr. J. Miicltny'BbUc. in. Fly-by-Night Scott 0 Mr. J. Foley's yr. m. IMikb Grizzle E. Donovan 0 Mr. J. Uishop'n Hay lYinco McKnight 0 first heat. —A capital start, Niger iromedinteiy taking the lead, followed closely by Micky Free, Fly-by-Night, and Wee Tainmy, in the order named. A. few strides furUior Micky Frco deprived Niger of the. lead. Ply-by-night, Billy Tsrov.ii, and Woo Tammy, being lu oToso ! attcudanco. On entering the straight run, W» Tammy gradually pawed liis compotitbre, mid came in a winnerby a length; Micky Free was [ second, and Uilly lJrown third, Niger saving his I distance. Time, 2 minutes Vi seconds., j Second heat.—Some dilfieulty was osp?riw:ced in rflivling a .stnrf; when made, Miss Grizzle rushed to the front, Micky Free, Wee Tammy. and Niger, ipllowiuK in close ]iursuit; the latter, liard held, gradually fell to the rear, the lead licing taken by Wee Tammy, llioky Free and Mitt* Grizzle well up; this order, however, continued but lor ;i few" strides, when was j seen to be making rapid advances to the front, i clinlleiiging and passing all he met. except j Wee Tiiminj". whom hv also closely pressed._|!he I latter winning only by a nei-k, Mic'.:y Free j third. Time, 2 minutes It seconds. J The Inkkkvers' I'latk of 50 sovs. Onenille ; and a distance. Maiden l'late weights. I ?,fr. Redwood's t-li. m. Lady Uii'l, 6 yra. 9a. ! nib .T. KiHlwiiotl 1 i -\mu\. St. ]lill'o l.r. h. Dainty Ariel, G yi-s. .' j- 10s. Ul'o Tdilock 2 ! 7.1r. AVitd'n us. l.r. in. Jii'unett.-, 1 I ]K ViinuiT 3 i Mr. MeUhcivs b. g. Hotspur, a. 10s. 1 lb. lkiuiott 0 j ilr. Jitlly'sb. in. Annie,'-> vis. S's. 91b. ..Colgun 0 Mr. K. Gniliain's 1). n\. LaiiKi, 3 yi-s. 7s. 11 . 1.1). ' Ferguson 0 Mr. M.iefrulatie'h lir. !;. Koheroa, S jts. 7s. 1111. ". ......MeGwrpo « Capt. Widuislcy's cli. h. Mmiri Chief, 1 yi«. y-3. oHi " lJoliinson f Mr. King's i-h. K . Uuttiirlly, :i. 10s. lib Kin;,' I A fal?o start was made, Maori Chief, at ! splitting pare, passing the Grand Stand soim di-itauc<! belore. he cuuld be pulled it]). A Kecond false start, the Chief again first ol!'. A\ the third essay. Lacly Uird" took the lead Brunette and Dainty Ariel in immediate attend i anue. This order was preserved to the close o ! the race, Lady Bird winning easily. Time, '. minute?
A protest of " false start" was lodged with the. Stewards on behalf of Maori Chief by Colonel Lyon, who acted for the owner, Captain Walmslcy ; it was enquired into immediately, but was not deemed admissable. The Fakmeiis , Purse of 4.0 sovs., added to a sweepstake of-1 bovs. eaqh. : One mile and three-quarters; 3 years, 8 st.; 4 years, 9st. 7 lb's.; 5 years, 10 stone ; 6 and aged, lOst. 4 lbs. Sir. Hedwoo'l's ch. m. Liidy Bird, 5 vis. Os. lib .' Jos. ltedwood 1 Lieut. St. Hill's lir. h. Dainty Ariel, 0 v«. !os. lib " '..Pollock 2 Mr. Rogers' gy. m. Sam Sliik, a. 10s. lib .51. Redwood 0 Mr. AVild's ns. br. in. Brunette,' u. 10s. llli Fanner 0 A capital start, Dainty Ariel taking the lead, followed in close proximity by Lady Bird, and Sam Slick well up. This order continued until Hearing the turn into the straight, when Lady Bird challenged Ariel, but did not pass liim then ; in the straight, however, she passed him gallantly, hard held, ami passed tUo chair an easy winner. Time, 3 minutes 25 seconds. Pony Race of 10 sovs., added to a sweepstakes of 1 sov. each. One mils, catch weights; post entries. Mr. Baker's Johanna 1 Jlr. Kelly's Kitto. Sir. I'. Coyle's Sheet Anchor. Mr. Conochio's Kato. Mr.. Coyle's Tom Saycra. Lieutenant St. Kill's Mosquito. Mr. C. Howell's Wisud. A false start was' made. The competing animals and their unconscious riders making the circuit of the course before they became aware of the starter's liat. A second start being effected, the race was re-contested, and resulted in the viclory of Mr. Baker's Johanna. A protest was entered by Mr. Foley, jiin., against the winner, on the ground that she is nbt a pony, the Stewards deciding to leave the adjudication until Weddesday next, at their meeting, at the Greyhound Hotel, Queen-street, on which occasion the Treasurer will paj" the several prizes of the meeting. SECOXD DAY. The Maiden Pbodcck of 50 sovs. One mile; 3 yi-H., 8 st,, 0 lbs.; 4 yrs.. 0 si..' 10 lbs.; 5 yrs., 10 st.; (5 and aged", 10 st. 4 lbs. For all liorses bred in Now Zeedand. The winner of the Maiden Plate to carry 5 lbs. extra. Lieut. St. Hill's br. h. Daiutv Ariel, 0 yra. . lOet-Ub ! It. Pollock 1 ifr. Jfauiarlanr's br. h. Koheroo, vra., sst. alb ;... o Mr. 1). Lynuh'i gr. in. Venue, I yrs. 9st 71b. 0 Mr. If. Graham's b. in. Ltiura, 3 vra., Bst. 31b '. 0 "\fr. Kelly's b. in. Annie, u yrs. 9st. 111b 0 Jlr. Hechvood's ih. h. Iti'gnum, 1 yrs., Urt. lOlbs ". 0
A capital start was hardly made when nil but Dainty Ariel were seized villi a roving propensity, and fairly bolted; the former eventually passed the chair in a canter. Jockev Ci.fb Plate of 200 kovs. given by the members of the Auckland J ockey Club, with a sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each added. Half forfeit. If three horses start, the second horse to save his stake. Three mile; 3 years, 7st. Tibs.; 4 years, S)st. 51bs.; 5 years, lOst.; 0 and aged, lOst. 4 lbs. Mr. Eedwood's ch. m. Lady Bird, 5 vrs. Jas. Redwood. 1 Mr. AVild us. 1). p. Giurottor, 3 vrs....A. Bavrou 2 Mr. King's ch. g. Bultorlly, aged ' 0 Cap!. "iVahnsley's eh. It. Maori Chief, 4 yrs. 0 Mr. Redwood s eh. h. ltegnum, •% yrs 0 Lady Bird took up the running from end to end, winning with so much to spare thather rider coidd not pull her up until she had gone nearly half way round the course for the fourth time. Garrotter came in a very good second The Hurdle Hack of 30 sovs. Twice round the course. "Welter weights. Mr. Cameron's b. £. Volunteer, ngod . ...Oivner 1 Mr. MeGce's g. g. tittle Dick, aged .... Oalvcrt. 2 Some delay occurred in starling owing to the factious temper of Little Dick, who was admirably managed by bis rider, and who fortunately escaped a. serious accident. A start was however at length obtained, and away went Little Dick taking eveay hurdle in succession admirably, Volunteer lyiug second; all the way Jiard held. On ijoing round the second time Volunteer gradually drew to the front, took the next leap in advance of his opponent, and came in winning so easily that his jockey was able to turn him immediately after passing the winning post. EOTAL CaVALUV VotUNTKEK HuHDLH UaCE of 30 sovs.: second horse, 10 sovk. ; third horse to save bis stakes. Entrance £3. Twice round the course. Welter weights, to be entered on the 29th December. Mr. Tlioj. Gcoege's b. p. Micky Frec.W". Goode 1 Mr. JlcGce's r. g. Little Dick.'nged Owner 'I Mr. Stynk's b. in. Gipsy Oivaer die.
AH got away together, but shortly after faking the first hurdle Gipsy bolted, her rider however succeeded in reclaiming her from her wandering propensities to some extent, inasmuch as ho brought her round the first time, when she again gave way to her inclinations and shut herself out of the race. Micky Free, who led throughout, won easily. Little Dick a good second. TiiE Military I'n.vri? of 80 sovs. Two miles. Welter weights. Gentlemen riders. Mr. Eedvrood'e ch. ui. Lady BH, C yre. Jns. Kedwood 1Mr. Wild us. br. in. Bi-unetto, aged 0 Lieut. St. HUl'e b. li. Daiuty Ariel 0 Mr. Cameron's bv. g. Volunteer, aged .... 0 Mr. liogcr'e g. g. Bam Slick, -aged 0 Lady Bird waH allowed lo walk over for this. race. Conboi.atiok Stakkh of 30 nova. Entrance 3 sovb. each p.p. For horaofl that have started and not won in the meeting. Horses to be named within 15 minutes after the Military Plate has been run. To be handicapped by till- Stewards, or wliom (hey may appoint. 1 mile. Ml-'. Wild vs. Unmette, aged, Dpl. 71b.... Pollock 1 j C'apt. FitrgcraM's Kigor, ngt\i, 6st. lOlli.. ! " M>ui>liy "2 Mr. Holer's Bam Sliok, 1W Hell 3 Mr. Kelly's b. m. Annie," G yi-s., l-'lli. « Afr. D. Lyiu:h"H c. in. Venus, 1 yr*.. ?t.t. 7IH. 0 Mr. V. (ir.iliniiiH 1). in. Laura, S yrs. 7sl. 31b. 0 T'eforu a start was tittemyited bolted, arid was not jiulled nj) for fully hclf-a-mile ; klio was, heV'ivor, marsluillod bao.k, and h very capital start inado, l!runette (aliinp; up flio mniiing, Sam Slick weond, and lliil'd. On rounding »"U> the strmgllt turn, lath'l'look ihe Bccond plaeo and. chiilluugod tho leader, fit
om* lime being head audhoad; lit* persevered gamely, however, nnd cuijh , in. n, very good second to the mare. Tiik "Fonci-.n Handicap of 10 per cwif-. on the cross n'monnl <»i" money wuii 'j.t any horse: half foifi-il. llerses lo'bu nmiiod «t fill) winin li-iio aA for (lie Consolation, ami to l>e iiiuiilii'iipiH-d in tilt; sumo jnaiuicr. 1 mile nud :i distant:' 4. }lr. Wild i..--:. r>:-uin-Ur Jos. fleilwood 1 I llr. Ciuniwii" > VoluiiU-t-i' fos. Uvytvooil - ! LifUt. imi'? Aw.-I I'olWk ili.l. j This race was by ]Jnim'llc caslly. :iud j iniiiK'dintclv allcr h wolVst was lodged jipinst j lie! , -nitli ll'ip Stt:wav<!s by thf owner ol A olun- , H-i-r on the ground that lip to tlio time of.t'lo'aiif? i tlu> entries slie had not been a winner, find was disqunlili.-d to start This objcrtion will c-onu> belbiv (lie Stewards, together «itl. other matters, on "Wednesday next.
Hack Rack, for untrained horse* ef 10 kovs. 1 mile. Entrance 431. Catch Weights. Post Entries. • Mr. Absolom'e John 1 Thirteen entries were, made for this race, but our space will not permit of our giving tho names seriatim. It was a. good race, terminating in favour of the winner by half a length only. This event terminated the day's, proceedings, and ihe company began to prepare for the homeward rou,te . , . By kind permission of the Colonel and Officers of I'i.M ]2th regiment, the baud of that regiment attended on pack dny. mid contributed to tho enjoyment of the numerous visitors, by tliu performance of operatic selections, dance music, and other choice vwrccaiur, including the "Night Bell Galop," which iWis redemnnded more than once. Altogether the- meeting; may be regarded as a great succefs ;, an, agreeable reunion : and a favourable inauguration of tho year of grace 18G4.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 44, 4 January 1864, Page 3
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2,193AUCKLAND ANNUAL RACES. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 44, 4 January 1864, Page 3
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