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Sales anrfton. Boom Papers. MR. STIONES Will sell, at his Mart, THIS DAY, Saturday, the 2nd instant, WITHOUT RESERVE, NE CASE PAPER HANGINGS. O MR. S. JONES Will sell by auction, THIS DAY, Saturday, the 2nd instant, at 11 o’clock, K/\ PAIRS COTTON SHEETS OU 40 Cashmere Shawls 15 doz. Cloth and Tweed Caps 1 piece Carpeting 20 Boys’ Tweed. Coats 1 Box Ribbons 20 Reams Blue Wove and Commercial Paper Regatta Shirts, Coats, Trousers &c., &c., &c. CITY OF AUCKLAND. Eligible Building Sites in the West Ward. MR. S. JONES. Has received definite instructions to bring into the market, the residue of SECTIONS 48, 49, and 51, consisting of the choicest Allotments in that portion of the Cityhaving large frontage to Wellington, Collingwood, Anglesca, Hepburn, and Smith Streets, and to the Ponsonby and Franklin Roads. Date of Sale, and terms, will be given in a future advertisement, when the Plans, &c., of the Property will be ready. Residences in Wellington and Beresford Streets. MR. S. JONES Has received positive instructions from Messrs, Owen and Graham to Sell at his Mart, Qnecn-street, on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, at Twelve o clock Ol VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, 01 having frontages to Wellington, Beresford, and Hepburn Streets, together with the residence, m Wellington-strcct, formerly in the occupation of Mr. Graham. The House was recently erected ; contains a large Parlour, Drawing Room, four Bed Rooms, Lobby, Kitchen, &c., Well, and Out Houses, &c.. Garden, with choice shrubs, trees, &c. Allotment in Beresford-street, with House, lately occupied by Mr. Owen, containing -- Dining Room, Parlour, Drawing Room, three Bed Rooms, Pantries, &c.; also, detached Kitchen and Store Rooms, Well &c. The Garden is celebrated for its choice selection of valuable plants. Wellington and Hepburn Streets are now formed, and being metalled within two minutes’ walk from Hobson-strcct. All these Allotments present eligible sites for building. Lithographed Plans and every information can be obtained at the Auction Mart, Queen-street. Terms One-third cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, 10 per cent, interest.
To Teachers and others. VVM. MARSDEN & CO. Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, Saturday, if not previously disposed of privately, TWO GLOBES, Terrestrial and Celestial, 22 inches in diameter, in excellent condition. W. MARSDEN & CO. Will Sell at their Mart, THIS DAY, March 2, at Eleven o’clock—--40 BAGS POTATOES 20 boxes Tea, ex Lord Worsley 20 cwt. Bacon 30 prime Che.scs 10 cwt. Sugar G kegs Scotch Herrings 4 bags Rice 5 kegs White Lead 2 Chests Drawers 2 Office Desks Chairs, Tables, Sofas &c., &c., &c. Cattle Dogs. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will Sell at the Haymarkct, THIS DAY, at Twelve o’clock— O WELL BRED CATTLE DOGS, ex Airedale. Breeding Ewes. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will Sell by Auction, at his Yards, Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, 7th instant, LARGE-FRAMED BREEDING EWES. 120 Dairy Cows. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will Sell at his Yards, Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, March 7th, at 12 o’clock, <) GOOD DAIRY COWS, at the calving. Haymarket Horse Sale. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at the Haymarkct, THIS DAY, Saturday, March 2nd, ON E TO N HAY Large sized Spring Cart Four Wheeled Van and Harness 8 Van Horses Strong Riding Horse, 4 years old Powerful Draught Mare, warranted Staunch Active Plough Marc Draught Gelding, 4 years old 3-year old Pony Draught yearly Filly. Leicester Rams. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will Sell, at his Yards, Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, March 7, Twenty five Weii-brcd Leicester and LINCOLN RAMS. IMPORTED SHEEP. Oxford Down Rams To Let on Hire. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Has received instructions from Mr. Austin, to Let for the Season, at his Yards, Newmarket, on THURSDAY week, March 14th, at 12 o’clock, 3 IMPORTED OXFORD DOWN RAMS. The Auctioneer confidently recommends the above Sheep to the notice of his friends, they arc of large frame and come to early maturity. Half-bred Hoggets bred from those rams realized the highest price to the Butcher of any Sheep of the same age during the last season. LAMBS’ WOOL BALE. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he will hold a Sale for Wool, at the Haymarkct, on Wednesday, the 27th March instant, at 12 o’clock. Haymarkct, Queen-street, March I, 1861. Pianoforte. FOR SALE, —An elegant ROSEWOOD PIANO, nearly new. Terms very reasonable. Also— A Mahogany Horse-hair Couch, and six Chairs to match. For address, apply at Mr. Warner’s, Cabinetmaker, Parnell. Auckland Ladies’ Benevolent Society, THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Auckland Ladies’ Benevolent Society, will he held in the Odd Fellows’Hall on MONDAY EVENING, March the 4th. The Chair will be taken at 7 o’clock, by Dr. Bennett. Mr. Brown and several members of the Choral Society have kindly consented to contribute their assistance for the Evening?!
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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785Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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