FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. From Queen-street Wharf, on the 4th of March, 1861. rgIHE Inter-Colonial Royal Mail ComJL pany’s Steam Ship “ Lord Worsley,” 500 tons burthen, R. Johnson, Escp, Commander, will bo despatched as above, carrying Jhiß Majesty’s Mails, Specie, Passengers, and CargoFreight moderate. Passage Money: Saloon Second Cabin £■'> Families by special contract. For particulars, apply at the Offices of the inter-colonial royal mail company, (Limited), Queen-street Wharf. February 26th, 1861. For all the Southern Ports, FR 0 M TH E M ANUKAU. rinl IE Inter-Colonial Royal Mail Co.’s JL Steamship, “ AIREDALE.” 500 tons burden, will be despatched from the Manukau on THURSDAY next, the 7th March, Passengers to be on hoard at 0 a.m. For particulars of Freight and Passage apply to the INTER-COLONIAL ROYAL MAIL COMPANY’S OFFICE, Queen-street Wharf. For Taranaki. rspßE Clipper Schooner 1 “ SAI.COMBE CASTLE,” lifiMßßSei 180 tons, John James, Commander, ' having the greater portion of her cargo mgaged, will sail for the above Port cm TUESDAY, March 3th. For freight or passage apply to CAPT. JAMES on board, or to HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. February “26th, 1861. > Regular Trader to Mongonui. VISION,” 35 tons, C Nutter j will sail for the above port on Saturday (THIS DAY), at 6 p.m. For Freight or Passage, applv to AT. BRIGHTON,’ Queen-street.
For Sydney. rjp n K A 1 Aberdeen built Clipper i Schooner “ TAW ERA," - ~ h-Alkx. W.VLK.EU, Master, will sail as above with iiiiniediate despatch. Tor Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN KOBERTON. Fort-street, liStli February, \SG\.
FOR SYDNEY. TO FOLLOW THE “ KATE." N\\ fJMIE Clipper Brig 1 “ FANNY A. GARRIGUES,” goO tuns, G. S. O’Hali.ouan, Commander, will sail for tlie above Port on or about the first of March. For freight or passage, having superior accommodation, apply to HENDERSON & MACFABLANE. Feb. 21st, 1861. Messrs. Willis, Gann, & Go’s LINE OP PACKETS BETWEEN LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND. The Undersigned, Agents for the above splendid line of Vessels, are authorised to make arrangements with settlers who may be desirous of bringing out their friends to this Colony. The Passage money can either be paid in advance, or satisfactory security will lie taken for its payment upon the arrival of the vessel. BROWN & CAMPBELL 171011 SALE.—The Colonial Steamer WILLIAM IHE FOURTH, of 120 tons measurement, and 40 horse-power. This vessel is well worth the attention of parties engaged in the coasting trade of this or of the neighbouring colonies, carrying a much larger cargo for her tonnage than any other steamer of more modern construction. She is in good order, and can be employed by any purchaser at once, and without any outlay. Her speed has been much increased, by the superior and powerful machinery which has been recently placed on board, by Messrs. NAPIER and CO. of this City, enabling her to maintain a rate ot 8 knots when fully loaded. Her running expenses, sis regards fuel and otherwise, are very small, while her character as a sea boat stands unrivalled. The only motive for disposing of so useful a vessel is, that she is superseded in her trade by larger and more powerful steamers. For the I liter-Colonial trade ot New Zealand, no other vessel could lie better adapted. She is fully found, and can he taken to sea at the shortest notice. F6r further particulars, any intending purchasers can apply to the Manager of the Illawarra Steam Navigation Company, Phoenix Wharf, Sydney.
Partnership Notice. WE HAVE Tins DAY admitted Mr. GEORGE ROXBURGH us a PARTNER in our firm in Sydney, New South Wales, and in Ipswich, Queensland. The business will in future he conducted in Sydney, under the style of RAYMOND, ROXBURGH, & CO.’ and in Ipswich, under that of RAYMOND, CAMERON* & CO. ' ’ RAYMOND & CO. Sydney, Ist January, 1861. Timber. I) HARTLEY wishes to inform the Trade and others that his prices for Timber at the yard, are as follows ; Scantling, 4x3, at 11 shillings; and Hoards at 12 shillings, per hundred feet. Cash purchasers of 600 feet and over, will have it delivered to any part of the city free of cost. Nelson-street (North), February 23rd, 1861. feis” Entrance to Yard, Nelson and Graham-streets. Flour Mill and Steam Engine, PGR SALE,—A STEAM ENGINE, of 6 horse p P°' V( r, and MILL, with every requisite complete. ® or particulars, apply to , ' 11. COOLAIIAN. February 26th, 1861. Pine Apples! Pine Apples! /V QUANTITY of the above luscious Fruit Just fr° m Mdreton Bay direct, and on Sale Jli? I JUNE’S REFRESHMENT ROOMS-, Queeny , beautifully sound and perfectly ripe. a choice Ibt of LEMONS.