Dinneford’s Pure Fluid Magnesia HAS been, during twenty-five years, emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public, as the best Remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT AND INDIGESTION, and as a Mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, more especially lor Ladies and Children. Combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, it forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its aperient qualities are much increased. During hot seasons, and, above all, in Hot Climates, the regular use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. Manufactured (with the utmost attention to strength and purity,) by DINNEPORD & CO., 172, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON; And Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the Empire, . * O ■< O w P < o £ CO En oQ K H EH ~ Q K o o §1 z H o « w O cu m c n EH p rrH US ~ -ki m CO o p* a K O C 2 O Eh >h <! x <1 0:1 o
SEEDS. PETER LAWSON & SON, EDINBURGH AND 27 GREAT GEORGE STREET, LONDON, S.W., The Queen’s Seedsmen, SEND OUT CASES OF AGRICULTURAL, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds, to all parts of the World, packed carefully so that no damage can happen and of a purity that may he relied on. Case No. 1., GARDEN SEEDS for one Acre, X 4 Case No. 3, contains choice selection of FLOWER SEEDS, including, with a large variety of others, most of the old garden favourites of England, such as Wall Flower, Sweet William, Pink, &c., .£2 10s. Case No. 4, contains a choice selection of FLOWER SEEDS, £1 10s.
P. L. & S. also export all sorts of FARM SEEDS: Clovers, Lucerne, Sainfoin, Rye Grasses, &c., with Tree and Shmb Seeds of the Laburnum, Sweet Brier, Gorse, Broom, and the like. Boxes of Horticultural Implements of various sizes and prices. Each Ciisc will contain a copy of the Few Edition of Neill’s “Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden,” the most complete and comprehensive work published for the use of Amateur Gardeners, containing full descriptions of all the various Flowers and Vegetables, and pointing out the best modes of cultivation. P. L. & S.’s general Calonial Lists may be had on application at, the office of this paper. T E RMS. All orders must be accompanied by a remittance, or reference for payment in Edinburgh, London, or any other principal town in the United Kingdom, and such to include expense of transit, which must always be prepaid. The prices quoted for the Cases of Seeds, put them free on board at any Port in Great Britain, and include expenses of packing. When the customer makes his own selection, the packing charges will be added. Cheese. On Sale by the Undersigned, 4 TONS FIRST CLASS CHEESE. ROBERT ROBERTSON. Fort Richard, Otahuhu. O B. EBSWORTII, Wool Broker and Auctioneer, • Produce Stores, Circular Quay, Sydney. Weekly Sales of Wool, Tallow, Hides, Sheepskins, and other produce. To Merchants, Settlers, and others. THE undersigned begs to inform Merchants, Settlers, and others, that the agreement between Messrs. Mort and himself having terminated, he intends to carry on the business of WOOL BROKER and AUCTIONEER of COLONIAL PRODUCE, and trusts from his long experience to obtain a share of their support. O. B. EBSWORTII, Wool, Tallow, and Hide Stores, Circular Quay, Sydney. £ISOO and £IOOO. THE above Sums are ready to be advanced on firstclass Security. Applications from parties desirous of borrowing, stating nature of Security and rate of Interest, will bo received until FRIDAY, 25th instant. Applv to Mr. THOS. RUSSELL, Solicitor, Wyndham-strcct. January 10, 1861, THE AUCKLAND ALMANAC FOR 1 8 (» 1 IS NOW PUBLISHED, at the “New Zealander” Office, and may be had of the Agents in Town and Country. December 20, 1860. NEW BOOKS. On Sale at the “New-Zealander” Office, FIJI AND FIJIANS, new edition True Womanhood West’s Tunc Book, Organ, &e. John Hunt—Fiji Missionary Prayers for Families Punshion’s Huguenot s School Maps, 7s. 6d. each