Tenders for Works on the Great South Road Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 25th February, 1861. O eligible Tender having been received for the Jl\ Works required to be done on Section No. 7, of the Great South Road, tenders will be received until noon of TUESDAY next, the sth March instant, for the works, as follows; Section 7a. Forming and Metalling; Re-forming and Metalling ; Repairs to Metal and Bridges— From Papakura Bridge to Swing Swong Bridge. Section 7n. Forming mid Metalling; Re-forming and Metalling; Repairs to Metal and Bridges-—From Swing Swong Bridge to Papakura Village. Specifications may be seen at this office. Each Section to be tendered for separately. The contractors will be required to maintain the Sections contracted for in a thorough state ot rfcpair until the Ist day of October next. Tenders to be endorsed “ Tender for Work on the Great South Road.” J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Mangatawhiri, Great South Road. Superintendent’s Office, Auckland, January 25th, 1861. riIENDERS will be received at this Office until noon JL of THURSDAY, the 28th of February, for work to be done in opening the Great South Road from Mr. Selby’s to the Mangatawhiri Creek, Waikato. Plan and Specification may be seen on application at the Roads’ Office. Tenders to bo endorsed “ Tender for Work on Great South Road.” ,1. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. TO ARRIVE <(f SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned, J k HHDS. DUTCH RED CLOVER SEED 10 30 “ “ White “ 15 “ Cow Grass “ “ Italian and Perennial Rye Grass Scotch Ploughs and Harrows. CRUICKSHANK, SMART &CO. TO ARRIVE 4P SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned. HHDS. BASS’S ALE mO 150 eases Sherry 20 qr.-casks Sherry 20 ditto Port 5 ditto Brandy 15 ditto Campbclton Whiskey 75 cases Price’s Candles 10 “ Cavcndigh Tobacco 2d coils Europe Rope 3 bales Canvas 5 “ Corn Sacks 6 “ Blankets 1 superior four-wheeled Dogcart CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO.
On Sale by the Undersigned, American cooking stoves, mi sizes To Arrive per Zealandia, English Cooking Stoves. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. 100 For Sale, ffllDS. MARRIAN’S No. 3 ALE 100 eases Bass's Ale, Pyramid brand 50 cases Guiness’s Stout 30 tons Common and Fine Salt Slates, Countesses Pig Iron Rooting Felt O. R. STRICKLAND & CO., Queen-street Wharf. February 1, 1801. ON SALE, EX “K AT E,” COMPANY’S SUGARS, of Qualities Fine Cougou Teas in chests and halves Best Svdney Soao. JOHN ROBERTON. EX “ ROB ROY.” Summer Goods, Summer Goods, now opening at G. & E. Lewis/ GENTS’ LIGHT SILK ALPACCA COATS Do. Black & Colored & Holland Coats Do. Angola Tweed Sac Vests Do. Shepherd Plaid & Tweed Trousers White & Brown Drill Trousers White & Regatta Shirts Patent Vest Shirt with Pocket Merino, Silk, and Flannel Shirts Garibaldi Felt Hats and Caps Panama & Straw Hats Ladies Trimmed & Untrimmcd Straw Hats 100 doz. Military Half Hose Muslin Dresses, Print, Calicoes, &e., &c. Ladies’ Work Boxes, Filled & Unfilled Writing Desks, Musical Instruments in great variety Ladies’ Leather Bags & Portmonies 330 doz. Assorted Cutlery Combs, Brushes, and Perfumery.
To Arrive per “ Tawera” & “ Sevilla,” Casks Glassware 4 Bales Grocers’ & Drapers’ Papers 5 Cases Assorted Vestas 1 Case Solar Lamps 2 Cases Glasses & Cottons 6 Trunks Boots & Shoes 10 Cases Horn Scented Oil 2 Cases Mole Trousers, Lion & Elephant Brand 1 Case Fancy Sue Coats & Trousers 2 Cases Hair Brushes, Combs, &e. 2 Cases Plate Looking Glasses See., See., &e. Opposite Connell & Ridings. Cheap Clocks, Ten Shillings each, WARRANTED IN GOOD ORDER. milE largest Stock in Auckland, various shapes and Jl prices, wholesale and retail. A lew good Watches, Gold Chains (Alberts and Guards), Gold Brooches, Lockets, Wedding Kings, and Keepers, Pencil Cases, Snaps, Hoops, and Ear Rings, Silver, Plated, and Gilt goods in variety. Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, cleaned and repaired, with care and despatch at HICKS’ Vulcan Lane, Queen-street, Auckland. N.B.—Terms strictly Cash. Otahuhu Agricultural Association. NOTICE. THE Meetings oi' the Association will be held QUARTERLY, instead of Monthly, in future. E. P. CARTER, Secretary. February sth, 18G1. I7IRESH GRASS AND CLOVER SEED, landed this day from the “ Zealandia.” Rye Grass 10s. per bushel. Fine new White Clover Is. 3d. per lb. Fine new Red Clover Is. per lb. Haymarket, February 22nd, 18G1. BOARD and Residence for a Lady and Gentleman, or one or two single Gentlemen. Information to he had from Mr. LAW, Parnell. February 23rd, 18G1. WANTED, by a respectable middle-aged Woman, a Situation to attend on one or two children and to make children’s dresses or plain sewing, if required. Apply to M, D., Office of this paper.