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ONEHUNGA VANS. ON and after MONDAY next, the 10th instant, TWO VANS will run twice daily from the Horse Bazaar, Queen-street, to Onehunga, viz From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 8 a.m., returning into Town at 10 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Kyber Pass, at 9 a.m., returning into Town at 11 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 4 p.m., returning into Town at 6 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Kyber Pass, at 5 p.m., returning into Town at 7. Terras as usual. Parcels booked at the Bazaar Office. FOR HIRE,—A first-class open Carriage and pair, with driver—2ss. to Onehunga. horse and carriage bazaar, QUEEN-STREET. THIS Establishment has just acquired several new Carriages, imported direct from England, of elegant structure, perfect finish, and most recent patented springs. , , _ A Brougham, the handsomest that has yet appeared in Auckland, of most graceful figure and luxuriously easy A Landau, of highest tone—light, fairyhke, and safe A Sociable, of new and comfortable construction. The above have never yet been used, and are now for the first time offered on hire. AlsOi A handsome Family Carnage Dog Carts Saddle Horses &c., See., & c. S. HAGUE SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, HAS OX SALE 6 1) oZ E N WOO D T APS 1 Chimney Sweeping Machine Holloware and Tinware, Iron Bedsteads
American Cooking Stoves, Axes, Brooms and Scales 20 kegs Fine Cut Shingling Nails, White Paint A good variety of General Furnishing and Builders’ Ironmongery. For Sale, ALLOTMENT No. IC, Parish of Titimngi, containing 71 acres, 2 roods. This Allotment is within 4 miles of the City, having a large frontage to the Great North Road as also to the Waitcmata. To be sold upon reasonable tenns. For land and water carriage, level land, abundance of water and convenience to the City this is an opportunity not often to be met with. For tenns and particulars apply to, Messrs. MARSTON & COX, Solicitors, Canada Buildings. 21st January, 1861. For Sale, ABOUT FIVE ACRES of excellent Land fenced in and laid down in grass, in a nicely sheltered situation, and having a water frontage. .A number of Allotments (with frontage of about 40 feet) adjoining the above. These Allotments arc also laid down in grass, the outer boundaries are substantially fenced, several of them have a water frontage. They are all within 20 minutes of the City. A' Dwelling-house with outbuildings pleasantly situated in the Suburbs, commanding a beautiful view of the Harbour and the greater part of the City. The House consists of 5 rooms and is titstcfully built. A Dwelling-house situate in Union Street in the City, standing upon an allotment having a frontage of 60 feet with an average depth of 200 feet. A Dwelling-house situate at Parnell. ■ To Let, An OFFICE containing 3 rooms situate in Vulcan Lane. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to Messrs. MARSTON & COX, Solicitors, Canada Buildings. 21st January, 1861. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. R E M U E R A. A LARGE AND newly-built Private Residence, well adapted for a private School or a large Family, consisting of nine rooms—on the ground floor, three good sitting rooms, Kitchen, Store room, and Pantry; on the upper floor three good rooms, one 23 x 17-6. There is also a good under-ground Cellar. Attached is a good Paddock and Garden, well supplied with Fruit Trees, imported direct from England; also, an unfailing well of water. This desirable residence is situate within 20 minutes’ walk of Auckland.
For further particulars, apply to Mr. K. W. Wynn, Solicitor, Shortland-strect, Auckland. N.B.—A considerable portion of the purchase-money may remain on mortgage at 10 per cent, interest. REMUERA. rPO BE LET or SOLD—A Villa Residence, with i fine views of the Harbour, containing Large Drawing Room, Dining Room, Bed Rooms, Kitchen and Stable, with front verandah, 30 feet long, by 6 feet broad, side Verandah, 36 feet long. Vegetable Garden, and 5 acres Grass Land, fronting the Sea. Apply to MESSRS. CRAIG & SIBBIN, Auctioneers, Lower Queen-Street The Auckland Art Union. Subscriptions taken daily from 10 to 4, Webb’s Royal Harmonium and Pianoforte Saloon. N.B. Pianofortes and Harmoniums for sale or hire, and tuned and repaired in town or country. MR. A. HUB AULT, Muni duOiploxne, dc Doctcur cn Medicine, de la Faculte de Paris, et des Diploraes de Bachelicr es Lcttrcs et de Bachelier es Sciences Physiques de I’univcrsitc dc France, se propose d’cxerccr sa profession dans Auckland et ses environs. Dr. Hunault has taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Philips, in lower Queen-street, where he will be in daily attendance, on and after the 24th inst. Timber! Timber! At Manukau. MESSRS. E. GIBBONS &CO. have always on hand a large assortment of Well Sawn Timber, and arc prepared to supply orders at the shortest notice. They would call the attention of shippers from this port to the convenience of loading, as vessels can take in cargo from and directly opposite the Mill, avoiding the usual cost of shipment. Feather-edged Weather Boarding, Taper-sawn Shingles, Coopers’ Staves, Palings, Laths, and Fancy Woods for Cabinetmakers, At their Office, Onchunga, At the Niagara Mills, Huia And at Mr. S. Jones, Auckland, TO WOOL GROWERS. On Sale by the Undersigned, ROBT. SORBY & SON’S SHEEP SHEARS AVool Packs Ruddle, for Marking Sheep. CRUICKSHANK. SMART, Sc CO.
COALS. English and colonial coals for sale in any quantities to suit purchasers. Apply to W. H. HOBBS, Queen-street Wliarf. To Journeymen Blacksmiths. A GOOD SHOER will find constant employment by applying to P. MCDONALD, Queen-street, Auckland WANTED, by a young Man of five years’ practical experience, a situation on a sheep and cattle run as overseer or assistant, here or in any other of the Provinces. Apply by letter to C., office of this paper.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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967Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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