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STEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY FOE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE. Offices:—Fraser’s Buildings, corner of Queen AND ShOBTLAND-STREETS. Capital, £IOO,OOO, IN ONE THOUSAND SHARES OF £IOO EACH. With Unlimited Liability of the Shareholders. Directors: Chairman— THOS. HENDERSON. Deputy-Chairman— S. BROWNING ALFRED BUCKLAND, WILLIAM T. BUCKLAND, JOHN HENRY BURNSIDE, HUGH COOLAHAN, WILLIAM C. DALDY, JOHN GRAHAM, GEORGE BURGOYNE OWEN. THOMAS RUSSELL, C. J. STONE, WILLIAM C. WILSON. Ex-Directors: J. S. OLIVER, JAMES WILLIAMSON, W. K. GRAHAM, DAVID GRAHAM. Auditors: THOMAS COWTON LAW, RICHARD RIDINGS. Marine Surveyor: W. C. DALDY. THIS COMPANY is now prepared to grant Policies and effect Insurance from Loss or Damage by Fire upon HOUSES and other BUILDINGS, GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDIZE and MANUFACTURES, and FARMING STOCK of every description. The Company will also take MARINE RISKS, both in Coasting and Foreign Trade. The Directors respectfully request public support for this Local Institution. The rates charged are the same as those charged by other Companies. Whilst Insurers have the security of a Capital more ihan equal to any contingency which may arise, together with the Unlimited Liability of a large body of wealthy Shareholders, the property of this Company is retained in the Colony.
Tables of Rates, Printed Forms of Proposals, and all other information may bo obtained from the Manager, G. P. PIERCE, from ten to four daily, at the office of the Company, or from any of the Directors. THOMAS HENDERSON, Chairman. To Clergymen. A QUALIFIED and experienced Medical Man, married, and without family, wishes to join a Mission station in the interior, or on the Coast. His wife is willing to undertake the charge of a School. Address by letter to A.8., care of Messrs. GILFILLAN &■ CO., Auckland. Partnership Notice. WE HAVE THIS DAY admitted Mr. GEORGE ROXBURGH as a PARTNER in our firm in Sydney, New South Wales, and in Ipswich, Queensland. The business will in future be conducted in Sydney, under the style of'R A YMOND, ROXBURGH. & CO., i and in Ipswich, under that ofR AYMOND, CAMERON, & CO. 1 RAYMOND & CO. Sydney, Ist January, 1801. EXCELLENT FARM ON THE WAIROA, 109 Acres, 2 Roods. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER, & CO. HAVE been instructed by Mr. Codtts, to dispose of his Valuable and much improved FARM, No. 26, Parish of Wairoa, containing 109 Acres, 2 Roods. This Property is admirably situated within a Mile of the Wairoa River and Wharf, the Road to which crosses the Eastern corner of the Farm. It is surrounded by the Properties of Messrs. Bacon, Cochrane, and Thorpe, and a Government Reserve intervening between it and the Properties of Messrs. Lawrence, Lord, and Blackwell. About a third of the location is cleared, a large portion fenced, and a considerable space completely stumped, together with a large Garden and Homestead. A comfortable Adobe Cottage has been erected, together with Out-houses, Stockyard, &c. A running Stream intersects the Western Division of this Property, and contributes to the many advantages of the favoured spot. For further information, &c., apply at the Office of the advertisers.
TENDERS arc invited for the purchase of the Hull of the Brig “EMMA,” as she now lies on Onehunga Beach, —either with or without the anchor and chain. Tenders to be forwarded to the undersigned on or before TUESDAY, March sth, 1861. For Sale, HHDS. MARRIAN’S No. 3 ALE 100 cases Bass’s Ale, Pyramid brand 50 cases Guincss’s Stout 30 tons Common and Fine Salt Slates, Countesses Pig Iron Hoofing Felt THE LEASE of 23 Acres of Land, having seven years to run, fenced and sub-divided into four Paddocks—three of which are in grass, together with the Stock, consisting of—--6 Cows in Milk 3 Calves, 1 Bull 2 Draught Marcs 2 Fillies Cart, Plough, Harness Dairy Utensils and Sundries. Apply to ALFRED BUCKLAND, or MR. THOS. RUNCIMAN, Drury. ON SALE, EX “KATE,” COMPANY’S SUGARS, of Qualities Fine Cougou Teas in chests and halves Best Sydney Soap. JOHN F. POWELL, Onehunga. 0. R. STRICKLAND & CO.,J Queen-street Wharf. February 1, 1861 For Sale at Drury, JOHN ROBERTON.
Landing ex “ Zealandia.” ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, BALES 3 BUSHEL BAGS, CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. Auckland Dispensary, Queen-street. THE Committee of Management have appointed Mr. Wm. Watts, Collector. Subscriptions and Donations are earnestly solicited. WALTER EWEN, Hon. Secretary. 19th Feh., 1861. Mill and Baking Business for Sale. THE undersigned is prepared to let, for a term of years, either together or separately, the MILL and BAKERY now carried on by him in Lower-Qucen-strcct, Auckland. The Purchaser may take the Stock, &c., at a valuation. For particulars, apply to H. COOLAHAN. February l.3th, 1861. Small Sums. SEVERAL SMALL SIMS OF MONEY to 1* lent on good security. Apply to R. MATTHEWS, Solicitor, Wyndhan-Strcet. February 18th, 1861. :. A - FIRST-RATE PIANO, quite new, for Sale. XX Apply “ Fausta,” “ New-Zealander” Office.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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789Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 4
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