Auckland Probincial Council.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1861. Present: —The Speaker, and Messrs. Pollen, Merriman, Bushy, Griffin, Cadman, King, Fcrrall, May, Tamer, O’Neill, Dignan, Carleton, Mcars, Brennan, and Coolahan. MESSAGES rnOM THE SUPERINTENDENT. Message No. 31.—The Superintendent submits for consideration by the Provincial Council, a “ Bill to amend the Licensing Act 1858.”
J. Williamson, Supcrintcndcn
Siqierinteiulcnt’s Office, Auckland, 13th February, 1861. On motion of Mr. MERRIMAN, Rill read a first time—ordered to be printed, and to be made an order of the day for Thursday next. Message No. 22.—Transmitting letcrs from persons claiming land under the Immigration Certificate Act. On motion of Dr. POLLEN, ordered to be referred to the Immigration Committee. Message No. 33,—The Superintendent submits for consideration by the Provincial Council, a “ Bill to enable the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland to make and maintain water-works lor the supply of the City and neighbourhood with water. J. Williamson, Superintendent
Superintendent’s Office, Auckland, 18th February, 1861. On motion of Dr. Pollen, Bill read a first time, ordered to bo read a second time on Thursday next. Message No, 34.—1n compliance with the request contained in the Address No. 5, of date November 27th ultimo, the Superintendent lays before the Pro* vincial Council copy of the “correspondence which has taken place between the General and Provincial Governments upon the subject of the Provincial Government of Auckland defraying the expense of repairs of Public Works executed by the General Government.” J. Williamson, Superintendent. Superintendent’s Office, Auckland, 18th February, 1861. Message No. 35—Referring to the Address No. 24, of date 31st January ultimo, the Superintendent lays before the Provincial Council copy of a letter from the Honourable the Colonial Secretary. J. Williamson, Superintendent.
Superintendent’s Office, Auckland, 19th February, 1861
(Enclosure.) Colonial Secretary’s Office, Auckland, 14th February, 1861
Sir, —l have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the number and date quoted in the margin, (No. 9, 6th February 1861) enclosing a Resolution of the Provincial Council as to reserving the site of the present Court House and Gaol. I have, &c., Henry John Tangred, In the absence ol Mr. Stafford. His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. Mr. COOLAHAN presented a petition from the inhabitants of Onehunga, containing 91 signatures. Petition received, read and ordered to be printed, To the Honorable the Provincial Council in Session Assembled. We, the undersigned Residents and Owners of property at Onehunga, respectfully desire to bring under the notice of your Honourable Council, the wants of the Port of Onehunga and the Harbour of Manukau. The number of vessels entering and leaving the Port and the amount of merchandize and produce shipped or discharged, have of late greatly increased, whilst accommodation for vessels is almost entirely wanting. The Wharf which was erected some time since at considerable cost is now in great need of repair—the channels of the Harbour are but imperfectly marked by buoys or beacons, whilst the South Channel of the entrance is without mark or beacon of any kind.
Your Petitioners learn that valuable endowments have been recently granted for the improvement of the Harbour and that these endowments can be rendered available only by the legislation of your Honourable House, and therefore, your Petitioners respectfully pray that the present Session may not be allowed to close without some measure being passed to authorize the extension of the present Wharf at Onchunga, and such other works as may be necessary to promote the commerce of the Manukau. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. On motion of Dr. POLLEN, the lapsed orders of the day were made orders of the day for Thursday next. Several hon. members renewed their notices of motion and as there was but little business on the paper, and with the view of securing a House on next sitting day, Dr. Pollen moved “ that the Council at its rising do adjourn till Thursday next.” Carried. Council adjourned.