Cottage. TO BE LET, * COTTAGE,' ritSrS-Srk Rooms, with back conveniences, pump, well of water, &c, &c. There to it a commodious-Stable and about fine grass land. It is close to the road 5 Bent moderate; Apply tn H: HARDKotQij To be Le^ particulars apply to ' J» H. COQLAHAj Iter 21«. 1860. December 21st, 1860. •C 0 S ADnNG2 - a ' M4^ Apply to House, I-S?indSft To Let, with immediate possesaioiL icmuui, iiiHjui 10 iiiiuuira nam iroja tOWn manding an extensive view (embracing the ■£ harbour and river scenes past Kauri ]y!S igj river frontage having a good sandy be-' ■ desirable for bathing. Consisting of Sbo house. Pleasure ground well planted. CM nine acres of ground, well fenced in, and tnjife tivation. For terms apply to m^ JAMES T.BOYLAS, ' Qneea^j, Mechanics' Bay. VARIOUS PORTIONS of the ROPE WATS Mechanics' Bay arc TO LET, g»yf J Stables, Town Dairys, or for many other purpose A person wishing to enter into "the Firewood I i could not possibly find a better site for his purpo« f whole being under cover; and for an approval ten theproprietor would erect a Sawing Machine The whole or any portion will be let fit vefrjji rate, rates; , _ , ( , .. *'' Applv on the premises tb ■« , .j, Q tf& war. boyd, For Sale or Lease, • EVEKAL Cattle or Sheep Runs, contaii Also, A number of Improved Farms, 500 acres each. For particulars apply to WILLIAM AITto House, Land, and Estate Bjd Qu
To be Sold or Leased; IOU and grass, with or without Horses, &$ &c, &c. Being situate near town for a Dairy Farm or a Butcher. Apply to Auckland, Nov. 6, 1860. D. McPHEE fcft AnctiopeiU. FOR SALE, At Messrs. Lcighton's, Chapman's, WMR|| Varry's. THE "MAORI BECORDEB," PRINTED AT THE MAORI PRESS, AMSLAXB, ITH Extracts from Sir William Mro ' pamphlet on the Taranaki Question. Price, one shilling; without extracts, sixpence, Auckland, Jan. 22, 1861. $ Steam Engines, Portable and F2m>-ta Ploughs, complete—Thrashing MacetjbUeapers—Mowers—Chaff Cuttbrs-Pbiw —Oil Cake Mills—and all DESCBnros » Agrictltcral Tools, Implements, akd Sj CHINERT. Qartz CRrsiiiNG Machinery—Mining Essn and Machinery—Hydraulic Engines asb » chinery—Screw and other Presses-Bss and Tile Making Machinery—Sawins Mi chinery and Engineers' Tools—Chains, Nih and Black Ironmongery, The Agricultural Engineers' Compuj I (limited,) Directors. Andrewes, C. J., Esq., of the firm of Mesas. B«* Exall, and Andrewes, Agricultural Engineers,!** ing. 0 Bentall, E. H., Esq., Agricultural bridge, near Maldon, Essex. _ 28, Cornhill, London. . , Turner, E. R, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. E it» F. Turner, Agricultural Engineers, Ipswich. Warner, C. 8., Esq., of the firm of -Mess> Warner and Sons, BelL and Brass Founders toff Majesty, and Hydraulic Engineers, 8, Street, London. Bankers.— The Bank of England. Manager.— W. Arciidall O'Doeebtt. . Central Depot and Export lVorcAoi»«.—Swasl*^ Upper Thames Street, London, [p*H (Formerly in the occupation of the late Finn i Dray & Co.) HHIS Company has been formed for the pjgj L supplying the Pubhc direct with Agn»T iplements and Machinery- of the most appro** struction, at manufacturers' fixed prices. r^J With an ample capital—the active co-oper the leading manufacturers—a special orgamjathe purpose—and the possession of the w» and most exttmsive premises in London, the u> now offer to the Australian Pubhc the foUoW portaut and exclusive advantages:— i-jSitf The power of selecting from the manufactures the leading makers. nrtdji? The certainty of having only first-class goo* plied, at manufactures' prices. . »^| The option of having the goods dekverej g-j principal Colonial Sea-ports, free ot wiy, ti,„ JZji.Z~l —a „> „ inducted J*.™ at a cost very British Farmers. terms, and in many cases free oi su., Freight or other expenses. . _, •,r> fnr.;Ut,r r.t moUnn lwmit.til.nCCS W MB duce, and receiving the proceeds in m The utmost promptitude, regularity, ana execution of orders or commissions. $& And rehable information and improvements and requirements ot P 81 "
tricts and operations. tabic guarantee of the quality, worton*"- a ness for its use of every article sold, and iw fvd fulfilment of the above pledges. „ n bii»^ The Catalogues of the Company arej» J special Illustrated Priced Colonial Catalog" . forwarded, post-free, upon application. *$ No Australian Agriculturist or Shipper England without an inspection of tne Stock. - n 0H Orders, accompanied bv a remittance » _m Produce, or a credit on England, wdl an* t" tention, addressed to the Manager of tne AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS' CO** (LIMITED,) Dray & Ca)