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.1 rf ' HUNT'S ROYAL MAIL VANS TO AND FROM AUCKLAND, OTAHUHU, PAPAKURA, AND DRURY, LEAVE the Commercial Hotel, Shortland-street, EVERY MORNING, at i and *-past eight precisely, leaving Drury on their return at i-pastonc o'clock • Mr 'Rogers' Van will leave the above mentioned place 'in the AFTERNOON at three o'clock precisely, and will convey Passengers as far as Otahuhu, from which place they will be conveyed on to Papakura or Drury by Mr. Hunt's Vans. Fakes Upwards. Auckland to Otahuhu Is. 6d. - Do. " Burton's 2s. 6(1. Do " Papakura 3s. Od. Do. " Drury 3s. 6d. Fares Downwards. Dnirv to Papakura 0s - *'• Do." " Burton's ls - 6( JDo. " Otahuhu 2s. Od. Auckland. Otahuhu, 6th Feb., 1861. Os. fif'i. '„ ls. 6d. 2s. Od. 3s. 6(1. RICHD. J. HUNT, Mail Contractor. ONEHUNGA VANS. ON and after MONDAY next, the 10th instant, TWO VANS will ran twice daily from the Horse Bazaar, Queen-street, to Onehunga, viz : From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 8 a.m., returning into Town at 10 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Kyber Pass, at 9 a.m., returning into Town at 11 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 4 p.m., returning into Town at 6 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Kyber Pass, at 5 p.m., returning into Town at 7. Terms as usual. Parcels booked at the Bazaar Office. FOR HIRE,—A first-class open Carriage and pair, with driver—2ss. to Onehunga. HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, QUEEN-STREET. Establishment has just acquired several new _ Carriages, imported direct from England, of elegant structure, perfect finish, and most recent patented springs. • A Brougham, the handsomest that has yet appeared in Auckland, of most graceful figure and luxuriously easy A Landau, of'highest tone—light, fairylikc, and safe A Sociable, of new and comfortable construction. The above have never yet been used, and are now for the first time offered on hire. Also, A handsome Family Carriage Dog Carts Saddle Horses &c, &c, &c.
Dining and Luncheon Rooms, Queen-street, Auckland. "AMES THORNE begs to inform the inhabitants U of Auckland and the public generally that, having disposed of his Private Hotel in Princes-street, he has leased those very suitable Premises for the above purpose, adjoining Mr. Morrin's Establishment, which will l>e opened on SATURDAY, the 2nd February. J. T. in thanking his many supporters in Princesstreet for their liberal patronage, promises that his new undertaking shall be characterised by the same attention to comfort and cleanliness with quality, for which the Private Hotel has become notorious. The Bill of Fare will comprise every delicacy the season can afford, with only reasonable charges quoted. S. HAGUE SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, HAS ON SALE 6DOZEN WOOD TAPS 1 Chimney Sweeping Machine Holloware and Tinware, Iron Bedsteads American Cooking Stoves, Axes, Brooms and Scales 20 kegs Fine Cut Shingling Nails, White Paint A good variety of General Furnishing and Builders' Ironmongery. Pianoforte Tuning.
R. J. BROWN, Professor of Music, begs to announce his intention to enter more rally into the above branch; and having secured the services of the only Practical Pianoforte Maker in the City, is enabled to undertake repairing, new hammer clothing, regulating, &c, &c, in the best possible manner, on the lowest terms, and on the shortest notice. Ever)' particular may be obtained on application to Mr. Varty, Queen-street, or at Mr. Brown's Residence, Hobson-strecr. MR. A. HUBAULT, Muni du Diplome, de Docteur en Medicine, de la Faculte de Paris, et des Diplomes de Bachelicr es Lcttrcs et dc Bachelier es Sciences Physiques de l'universitc dc France, se propose d'excrcer sa profession dans Auckland et ses environs.
Dr. lluballt has taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Philips, in lower Queen-street, where he will be in daily attendance, on and after the 24th inst. Timber! Timber! At Manukau. ,/TESSRS. E. GIBBONS &CO. have alwave on J±. hand a large assortment of Well Sawn Timber, and are prepared to supply orders at the shortest notice. They would call the attention of shippers from this port to the convenience of loading, as vessels can take in cargo from and directly opposite the Mill, avoiding the usual cost of shipment. Feather-edged Weather Boarding, Taper-sawn Shingles, Coopers' Staves, Palings, Laths, and Fancy Woods for Cabinetmakers, At their Office, Onehuuga, At the Niagaua Mills, Huia And at Mr. S. Jones, Auckland. TO WOOL GROWERS. On Sale by the Undersigned, ~>OBT. SORBY Sc SON'S SHEEP SHEARS A> Wool Packs Ruddle, lor Marking Sheep. CRUICKSHANK, SMART, & CO. For Sale, SMALL DAIRY FARM, a short distance from . Town. A good opening for a man of limited capital. HUGH REID, Wvndham-strcet. To Let, riTHAT desirable family residence in Symonds-strect, JL at present occupied by General Gold. HUGH REID, Wyndham-street. COALS. ENGLISH AND COLONIAL COALS for Sale, in any quantities to suit purchasers. Apply to W. H. HOBBS, Queen-street Wharf. To Journeymen Blacksmiths.
GOOD SHOEB will find constant employment by applying to p. Mcdonald, Queen-street, Auckland. WANTED, by a young Man of live years' practical experience, a situation on a sheep and cattle run as overseer or assistant, here or in any other of the Provinces. Apply by letter to C, office of this paper.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
Word Count
856Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
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