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WILLOW HOUSE. II OM(E 0P A TIII C INSTITUTE. Albert-street, Between Victoria and Wellsley-streets, AUCKLAND. MR. WILLIAM WILLSON A T HOME FOR CONSULTATION, between r\_ the hours ot 9 a.m. and 1 o'clock, p.m. Notice of Removal. «'R. COOK, Surgeon Dentist, lately arrived JL from London, has moved into Chupel-strcet, Auckland, next door hut one to Dr. Bennett's. Hours —from 10 till 5 o'clock, or by appointment. N. B.—The house Mr. Cook now occupies is near the sea, and nearly in a line with the entrance to the Catholic Chapel. FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. THE " ODONTHYGIENE," an invaluable preparation for the Teeth and Gums. This mixture has been extensively patronized in England and India: it is considered far superior to any other Dcntnfice, on account of its chemical properties, and it will be found essentially beneficial in these Colonics, where decay of the teeth is so prevalent. The " Odonthygiene" is prescribed by Mr. Cook, Surgeon Dentist, Chapel-street, Auckland, where it can be obtained, and is also sold by Mr. Leighton, Bookseller, Sltortland-street, and at the " Ncw-Zca-lander" Office. Price 2s. 60. per Bottle. For Sale, ALLOTMENT No. IG, Parish of Titirangi, containing 71 acres, 2 roods. This Allotment is within 4 miles of the City, having a large frontage to the Great North Road as also to the Waitemata. To be sold upon reasonable terms. For land and water carriage, level land, abundance of water and convenience to the City this is an opportunity not often to be met with. For terms and particulars apply to, Messrs. MARSTON & COX, Solicitors, Canada Buildings. 21st Januarv, 1861. For Sale, ABOUT FIVE ACRES of excellent Land fenced in and laid down in grass, in a nicely sheltered situation, and having a water frontage. A number of Allotments (with frontage of about 40 ; feet) adjoining the above. These Allotments are also laid down in grass, the outer boundaries are substantially fenced, several of them have a water frontage. They are all within 20 minutes of the City. A Dwelling-house with outbuildings pleasantly situated in the Suburbs, commanding a beautiful view of | the Harbour and the greater part of the City. The House consists of 5 rooms and is tastefully built. A Dwelling-house situate in Union Street in the | City, standing upon an allotment having a frontage of 60 feet with an average depth of 200 feet. A Dwelling-house situate at Parncll. To Let,
An OFFICE containing 3 rooms situate in Vulcan Lane. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to Messrs. MARSTON & COX, Solicitors, Canada Buildings. 21st January, 1861. BEST LONDON PORTER, 9s. PER DOZEN. Xi # jyioORE, QuEEN-ST. W lIARF. Wine, Spirit, and Beer Merchant. N. B.—Families supplied with 18, 10, and 5-gallon Casks, at 3s. per gallon. REAL JAMAICA RUM, Direct from England, ex " Egmont." Fine Old Pale and Brown Brandy. ALLSOITS' ALE IN BOTTLE AND DRAUGHT. Bottles Bought. Jan. 23, 1861. To Builders. LENDERS will he received up to 7 o'clock, p.m., . on THURSDAY, 14th inst., for alterations and improvements at the London House and Bee Hive, Shortland-street. Plan and Specification may he seen on the spot, or at the residence of the Undersigned, Jennyn-strcet, Official Bay, any evening after 7 o'clock (Friday and Saturday excepted). The lowest Tender not necessarily accepted. RALPH KEESING. To Masons, Bricklayers, and Carpenters. "LENDERS will he received by the Undersigned, _ until 6 p.m. of Saturday, 10th inst., for Lahour only in the erection of a Scoria and Brick Building in the Suburbs. Plan and Specification to he seen at the office of RICHARD REALS, Practical Architect, Victoria-street. Not bound to accept the lowest Tender. To Builders, &c. rriENDERS will he received till f) o'clock, p.m., of JL THURSDAY, the 21st of February, 1861, for the erection of a Dwelling-house at Dedwood. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen on and after Thursday next, by applying to JNO. ANDREWS, Architect, Quccn-strcct. Auckland, February 5, 1861.
To Builders. TENDERS will he received by the undersigned until noon on WEDNESDAY, February 20th, for the erection of a Savings Bunk m Queen-street, Auckland.. Plans and Specifications of the work to he done to be seen by applying to HEADER WOOD, Architect, &c. Wyndham-strcct, February 5, 1861. Board and Residence. LADIES and GENTLEMEN will find first-class accommodation at Mrs. Mouley's Boarding Establishment, near St. Matthew's Church, Ilohson street. Mrs. M. having been proprietress of a Boarding Establishment in England, for nearly 30 years, will conduct the above in the Home style, and wdl leave nothing wanting to add to the comfort and convenience of her patrons. The above is otic of the most healthy and pleasant localities in Auckland. N.B.—Excellent Coach-house and Stablinc For Sale, COTTAGE and ACRE, situated at I'anmnre, „ Garden well stocked, and a well of line water. Also, — An additional 2J acres, part in grass and part in potatoe crop. For terms and particulars apply to HUNTER, COCHRANE & CO., Auctioneers, Queen-street; or THOMAS CREAVY, I'anmnre. REWARD. X7TIEREAS the door of my upper Store, in the /V Horse Bazaar Yards, was leloniously broken open on the night between Saturday and Sunday last, I hereby offer a Reward of FIVE BOUNDS for such information as may lead to the conviction of the offender. 11. lIARDINGTON. Auckland, Monday, 4th Feb., 1861. AUCKLAND CRICKET CLUB. THIS DAY THE FIELD DAY OF THE ABOVE CI.UB. ICKETS will be pitched in the Albert Barracks Square, at 4 o'clock, p.m.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
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898Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1547, 13 February 1861, Page 4
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