3s*U» *» &ttfif«*. FURNITURE. CONNELL & RIDINGS Wifl Sell by Anction, THIS DAY (Wednesday,) 'February 13th, at 10 o'clock (previous to the Sale ot Drapery), A QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of— Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Bedsteads, Chests of Drawers, Carpets, Chiffonier, Bedding, Cooking Utensils, &c, &c. Also A lot of Tinware, Hardware, &c, the property of a dealer giving up business. Sale of Drapery. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY (Wednesday,) at Eleven O'Clock, CASE OF NEW and SUPERIOR FANCY PRINTS Grey Sheetings, Dungaree Domestics, Handkerchiefs White Calico Clark's Reel Cotton Cashmere Shawls and Scarfs Muslin Collars and Caps " Sleeves, Gauntlets, Falls Dunfcrmiline Counterpanes & Table Covers Cashmere Hoods and Hats Grass Cloth, Barege Coats, Trousers, Doeskin &c., &c., &c. Apples, Pears, Onions, Potatoes, and Dried Pish. CONNELL~&~RIDINGS Will Sell, THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, -JO BAGS APPLES ±£k 2 boxes Pears 20 kits Potatoes 20 bags Onions 7 kits Prime Dried Fish 14 bags Liverpool Salt &c., &c, &c. Parisian Perfumery and Soaps. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will sell by Auction at their Mart, Queen Street, on SATURDAY next, the 16th inst., at 11 o'clock, HWO Cases of the CHOICEST PERFUMES and L SCENTED SOAPS, imported direct from Paris. Terms-Cash. Also, A Beautiful Swiss Rifle. Auction of Furniture, Piano, &c. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Will sell by Auction, at the residence of J. W. Bain, Esq., Upper Queen Street, on THURSDAY next, the 14th instant, at 11 o'clock. 1 FINE ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, by . Wou, Drawing-room, Dining-room, Bed-room, and Kitchen Furniture, comprising— Cedar Dining Tables and Chairs, Devotional Chairs Satinwood Chairs (Spring Scats), Work Tables Walnut Whatnots, Cedar Chiffonier with Book Shelves Brussels Carpets, Rugs and Hassocks Fenders and Irons, Vases and Ornaments Several Choice Framed Engravings and Oil Paintings Bedsteads and Curtains, Toilet Tables Chest of Drawers, Washstands, Toilet Glasses Kitchen Furniture, viz.,—Dresser, Table, Chairs, Dish Covers, Tubs and Buckets, Fenders, Boilers Moderator Lamps and Oil, Carpenters' Bench &c, &c, &c.
Terms—Cash. Red Clover and Rye Grass. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will sell by Auction, on SATURDAY next, 16th instant, at eleven o'clock, ALF A TON RED CLOVER 1, 50 Bushels Italian Rye Grass Seed. Row Boat. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY next, 16th hist., at 10 o'clock, , ROW BOAT, built of Teak, 33 feet long, copper fastened, has six oars, &c. Can be seen at Mr. CARR'S, Official Bay. Hobson Park. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CONNELL&~R] DINGS Will Lease by Auction, on FRIDAY, the Ist March, FIFTY BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, in HOBSON PARK, PARNELL, for a term of twentyone years. Full particulars will be given in a future advertisement. NORTH AUCKLAND. PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. CONNELL & RIDINGS Have been instructed by the Proprietor, Mr. P. Callan, to Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, 2nd March— HE NORTH AUCKLAND HOTEL, at Stokes' Point, together with 5 acres land adjoining. Also 22 Acres of Land at Stokes' Point, the greater part fenced and cultivated. gasr Full particulars in a future advertisement. Shingles, Shingles. MR. S. JONES Will sell on SATURDAY next, at his Mart, at 10 o'clock, I MILL SPLIT SHINGLES.
FREEMAN'S BAY. BAYFIELD ALLOTMENTS. MR. S. JONES Will sell at his Mart, positively on TUESDAY, the 19th instant, at 12 o'clock, i VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS ,t Bayfield, Ponsonby Road. They command an extensive view of the Waitemata and the ranges, within 15 minutes' walk of Queenstreet. Terms of sale : One third Cash, residue 6 and 12 months. Carriage Varnishes, Ac. MR. S. JONES. Has received instructions to sell at his Mart, on SATURDAY, the 16th inst., at 11 o'clock, CASE CARRIAGE VARNISHES, consisting of—--7 Gallons Best Wearing Body 4 " " Hard do. 10 " " Elastic Varnish 6 " " Black Japan I " " " " Enamel " " Japan Gold Size Powdered Pumice Coarse do. To Close a Consignment. 1 Ton Prime York Hams. MR. S. JONES Has received instructions to sell at his Mart, on SATURDAY, the 10th inst., TON VERY PRIME FORK HAMS, to closo a Consignment,