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Cottage. TO BE LET, a handsome w COTTAGE, situate ™Z S Town ou the ° I Town ou the Epsom road ftt T 8 ."Mount St. John." It Rooms, with back conveniences, include *' pump, well of water, &c, & c . There is»? lhti< to it a commodious Stable and about S fine grass land. It is close to the road several Omnibusscs pass and repass daily ' Kent moderate. • Apply to H. HABDIKgiq, _____ : -^^^JB^, To be Let, -A COTTIIGE in St. George's P ,__ particulars apply to b "% J, [I H. COOLAIIAN, December 21st, 1860 Qucen - St^t^ Houses to iiec, Apply to W_£ Allßpv House, Land, and E^ To Let, with immediate possession [rpHE VILLA RESIDENCE OF GLEvpL 1 beautifully situated on the bank of &?*5
tcmata, about 15 minute? walk from town manding an extensive view (embracing the harbour and river 'scenery past Kauri Point) river frontage having a good sandy beach desirable for bathing. Consisting of a K w L house. Pleasure ground well planted. Ore nine acres of ground, well fenced in, anduau tivation. Tor terms apply to Qucen^tftei Mechanics' Bay. VARIOUS PORTIONS of the ROPE Wit*. Mechanics' Bay are TO LET, statSfStable?, Town Dairys, or for many other pjttjZ " A person wishing to enter into the Firewood f • could not possibly find a better site for his Donm-"? whole being under cover; and for an the propriety lg Machine, proved tesj. The whole or any portion will be Ictatvem rate, rates. Apply on the premises t< MR. WM. BOJB For Sale or Lease, SEVERAL Cattle or Sheep Runs, con O 400 to 4000 acres each. A number of Improved Farms, varying from jj),. 500 acres each. Fur particulars applv to william mm House, Land, and Estate Jm Qaeen-stKeT
To be Gold or Leased, -i <)A ACHES OF LAND, partly fenced, in m ItJV and grass, with or without Hemes, &c, &c. Being situate near town itisweUt*-" for a Dairy Farm or a Butcher. Apply to D. McPHEE & CO.. Auctioneers, t Auckland, Nov. G, 1860. FO R SAL E, At Messrs. Leighton's, Chapman's, Wayte'« «•> Varty's, THE "MAORI RECORDEB," PRINTED AT THE MAORI PRESS, AUCKLAND, %,*7"ITII Extract:- from Sir William Marsh T V pamphlet on the Taranaki Question. Price, one shilling; without extracts, sixpence. Auckland, Jan. 22, 1861. Steam Engines, Portable and Fixed—Seh Ploughs, complete Thrashing MAcnrsaReapers—Mowers—Chaff Cutters—Pun* —Oil Cake Mills—and all DESCBOTHit Agrictltcral Tools, Implements, asd MiCHINEHY. Qartz Crushing Machinery—Mining Ban and Machinery—Hydraulic Engines asdhchisery—Screw and other Tresses-Bets and Tile Making Machinery—SawtsglL' chinert and Engineers' Tools —CHArss,Niu and Black Ironmongery. The Agricultural Engineers' Company (limited.) Directors. Andrewbs, C J., Esq., of the firm of Messrs. Bwa Exall, and Andrewcs, Agricultural Engineers, BisBentall, E. 11.. Esq., Agricultural bridge, near Maldon, Essex. , Fowler, John. Esq., Patentee of the Stora Off 28, Cornhill, London. Turner, E. P., Esq., of the firm of Messrs. £*« F. Turner, Agricultural Engineers, Ipswcb. Warner, C 8., Esq., of the firm of Me»j* Warner and Sons, Bell, and Brass Founders 1 m Majesty, and Hydraulic Engineers, S, Crescent, *c Street, London. Bankers.— The Bank of Exglaxd. Manager.— W. Archdall O'Dohebtl. Centred Depot and Export Warehouses.— Upper Thames Street, London, (El.) (Formerly in the occupation of the late Waif
Drat cS: Co.) PUIS Companv has been formed _L supplying the Public direct with Ap<f" Implements and Machinery of the most approver stniction, at manufacturers' fixed prices. With an ample capital—the active the leading manufacturers—a special the purpose—and the possession of the and most extensive premises in London, the i r; now oiler to the Australian Public the follow* portant and exclusive advantages?— t$ The power of selecting from the manufacture the leading makers. The certainty of having only first-class gowplied, at manufactures' prices. , a | The. optiou of bavin- the goods w ( principal Colonial Sea-ports, free ot w ' the purchaser, and at a charge included mp thereby securing the Goods to at a cost very little exceeding that incurs. British Farmers. fajlo^ The opportunity of procuring supplies o goods through the Company's Agcm?, • i terms, and in many cases tree ot an? Freight or other expenses. . „ ,^f The facility of making remittances a j£jrj£ duee, and receiving the proceeds in The utmost nromntitude, regularity, an
execution of orders or commissions. a t0 And reliable inforcaation and ?a improvements and requirements of i, tricts and operations. The fact of the Directors having ' j the leading manufacrmJDg firms will a» 0 ' . ( ■ table guarantee of the quality, \ ness for its use of even article sold, and u» J ful fulfilment of the above pledges. n^iM'' The Catalogues of the Company arc I- M . English, French, German, and other to&gM special Illustrated Priced Colonial Cataio e forwarded, post-free, upon application. .^idK' No Australian Agriculturist or Shipper wjj^ji England without an inspection ot tflfi StOCk. . M : n Jjorf'j Orders, accompanied by a remittance i Produce, or a credit on England, will D» r tent ion, addressed to the Manager of tM' pA> \l AGRTCULTURAL ENGINEERS' CO* , (LIMITED,) -35 Swan Lank, Urn* Thames S«^JJS (Formerly in the occupation of the law Pray & Co.)
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
Word Count
836Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.