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CAVENDISH HOUSE, 341, George-street, next the Commercial Bank S Y 1) N E Y. JOHNSON, WOOD, & CO. (late W. C. Preston I *3 Si Co.), Importers of and Dealers in British and Foreign Silks, Shawls, Mantles and Lace Goods, ; Ladies' Underclothing, Baby Linen, Hosiery Gloves, i Ribbons, &c, &c. ! BItIDAL, OUTFITTING, AND MOURNING ) ORDERS Will receive prompt and especial attention. Families in the Country Districts and the adjacent ' Colonies, who may require First-class Goods, are respectfully solicited to send their orders as above. J(->r Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Gloves, Cambric ami Silk Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, and every description of Under Garment in great Diving Apparatus. C. E. lIEINKE, SUBMARINE ENGINEER, 7!), Great Portland-st., London, OEG Sto call the atten- -: r]Merchants, Captains, &c, "; —- &e., to the important imj > - pmvements made by him in ': SUBMARINE HELMET M : DRESS fW AND K APPARATUS, ?i under water, for the recovery of property from Wrecks, i miikiiitrsuui repairing Foun- "" ill tio!) i :' Harbours and PEARL AND SPONGE •pa A PTiIRRTNP' CELEBRATED ' c - HI E E SAUCE. CONNOISSEURS it AND AI'I'LICAE::TRACTofa Letteb from a Medico r. Gentleman at Ma» di'::s, to his brother At Worcester, May, 1851. "TeIILEA&PERRINi. ! • > ' j ~ ir " r -; i : ,;} that Ihcir Sauce is higtii} |."Ilv.":!".-~-| esteemed in India, ii'.l -~' : 'A is, in mv opinion, tie ,r.ost palatable :i» well EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. k P. Laving discovered that several of tbe Foreign Markets have been supplied with spurious imitations oltucir" WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE," tbe labels of wiiich closely resemble tiiose of the genuine Sauce, and in one or more instances with the names of L. Ac P. FORGED ; they have deemed I:, their duty to caution tbe public, and to request purchasers, to see that the names of Lea & Perkins arc upon the Wrapper, Label, Stopper, and Bottle. L. >:>: P. further give '.••• : -'" tiiat they will proceed against any one who may infringe upon their rights, either by manufacturing or vending tuch imitations, and have instructe I tin ir correspondents in the various parts of the world, to advise them of such infringements.
;«fei COMPJHSK.S KViCUY DKSCIUPTIOS "J' SPOUTING AND MIMTAIIY AMMUNITION*. ./ PERCUSSION CAPS, as originally invented by then), arc particularly adapted ibr me in India, where the caps are often allowed to remain a long time on the nipples oi rii'cs and fowling-pieces, the ignition being at ail times safe and certain, whilst in humid weather the discharge is as instantaneous as with onlicaiis on the driest cl testimonials as to their value for shooting in India, See Col. Jacob's work on " WJles and Projectiles" Patent Wire Cartridr* 00 For killing game at long distances; alt _, CARTRIDGE, made with tiic largest drop shot and mould shot, will be found very efieetive at large game, whore the sportsman has not a riiie in the field. Al>o, chemically prepared Cloth aud.Fclt Gun-Wad-dings, in prevent the leading of guns. Cartridge Casts for brccc.a-!i>admg shot guns, and Ball Cartridges foi Prince's and other breech-loading Rifles, Muskets, J S,:ic Contractors to the War Department, . For Waterproof Military Caps, Cartridges and Caps for I Colt's, Adams', and other Revolvers, Jacob'sßillc Shell i Tubes, ice. • \ Gkay'.s In:; Road, Loxdox, (wholesale only). - •'' I' rola **> i.i- ■.■'.)>•. a iravr.'Mi.'f. tr Oft a W^vlt^lil JSII " WHITE ROSE, MYRTLE Af 5 o ]ff FRANGIPANNI f I! ■°W \\ PEHFUME Of PARADISE //' ,-. m T,\ JlK.i a others, iS t* 5 \r ~\ —. r— — > /..
EOLLOWAY'S PILLS. SOLD BY MB. SAMUEL BROWN, SOLE AGENT AT AUCKLAND. KAii.un).'-, Bn.ii, Loss or Ai'i'!;Ti:i: and Lowxess i r|lili-;S:0 i'ills require no interrupt ion of business or 1. pleasure, they act mildly on the bowels, strengthen • stomach, and promote a healthy action of the i liver, whereby they purify the blood, cleanse the skin, I brace the nerves, and invigorate the whole system. j They effecl a truly wonderful change in debilitated ( constitution, as they create a healthy appetite, correct , indigestion, romo\e bile, giddiness, headaches, audi' j palpitation of the heart. 1 Weakness and Deiiimtv. In cases of debility, langour, and nervousness gener- | ated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, j - j the efleet of these Tills is in the highest degree bracing,! renovating, and restorative. Tiny drive from the . system the morbid cause of disease; 're-establish the i j digestion, regulate ail the secretions, brace the nervous j ' j system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back the ! ' I frame to its pristine health and vigour. They | ■ the appetite, while they secure perfect digestion to all j i ordinary food, and release the invalid from restraint in ' ~ I diet. Cot i,us, Cof.ns, and Asthmas. i\o medicine will euro colds so quickly as these - j Pills, when of long duration or settled on the chest, or s even though il has assumed the iirst stage of asthma, >f they may bo relied on as a certain and never-failing t. cure, particularly if the Ointment bo well rubbed into the chest and throat night and morning, ft'this catch e eve ot any as ad as oven not able to lie down in bed, let him well u preparations for onlv a week and the i re-nit will be ' | Blood to the Head.—Diseases or the Heart. More persons die suddenly from diseases of the ! heart than the unlearned suppose : in sue!) complaints, the bowyls should always be kepi well upon, as also ) ' when; there is a tendency of blood to the head. These i- celebrated Pills purity the blood in an extraordinary g maimer, and should bo taken in copions doses when such il symptom occur, taking care not to overload the stomach, b) (hi i means all danger is quickly averted. '• N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are allixed to each Box. c XITANTED—A SITUATION as Book-keeper or c ' TT Clerk, In ■ i-.c who n ah! inajo liimself other- j | wise generally in il. A.ddress A, Z . " N iw-Zealunder" Oflicc, |
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
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969Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.