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join, but lit'le perceptible difference will be found. The following gentlemen were elected Officers and Committee tor the ensuing year:— Patron—His Excellency the Governor. President—Mr. Win. Gisborne. Vice-Presidents—Mr. W. Rattray, Mr. P. A. Phillips. Treasurer;— Mr. .). C. McDowell. Secretary—Mr. David Baldcrston. Committee of Management—Messrs. J. C. Firth; S. Edmonds; C. Sanderson; .1. F. Lcighton; Henry Potter; John Varty; Hugh Reid; John Mathcson; J. \V. Carr; James George; James Smart; Richard Taylor; Fred. L. Jones; A. A. Melvin; John Uattrav. Auditors—Messrs. \V. C. Daldy; K. Ridings; K. J. Cox. REPORT. In again presenting to the Members the Animal Report, the Committee of Management regret they arc not in u position to present so satisfactory a statement as they could have wished. The dulncss and depression in commercial affairs throughout the Province for some time past has heen found materially to affect the Financial position of the Institute. Your Committee are, however, of opinion that on inspection yon will find that the Institution has in no means deteriorated in usefulness, or in the intellectual benefits it oilers, —and they trust that when the present unhappy war shall have ceased, the Institute will again thrive with renewed vigour. Members. The number of members on the roll is 285; of which number pay 205., and 57 Ids., annnallv. This shows a falling off, according to last Annual" Report, of 100 members. Your Committee, however, are of opinion that there must have heen, inadvertently, some error in last years' statement, ami that the actual number of members less at the present time would not exceed fifty, as they find tlw decrease of income from that sum is only £2."). The large amou'-t of emigration that has heen going on this year would easily account for this falling oil'. LI.UULITIKS. The present liabilities of the Institute amount to about JEI36 10s. 3d. While there has heen a falling off in Subscribers it is satisfactory to find that our Annual income has suffered little deminution, there being a considerable increase for hire of Hall, and which there is every pro-
bability of a continuance,—while in comparison with tin 1 previous year a decrease in expenditure on many items will lie found, your Committee having used the strictest economy consistent with necessary requirements. The present Secretary's salary is I'lnn per annum: instead of £ 125 paid to .Mr. Boyle. Lectures. The following lectures have hern delivered during the season : One on Phonography, by Mr. Braba/.on; three on Astronomy, by Rev. T. 1 lamer; one on Cardinal Wolsey,by .1. T. Mandeno ; one on British India, by J. I''. Johnston ; one on Elements of Chemistry, by Mr. Heale; one on Familiar Geology of the Auckland District, by Mr. Heaphy ; one on Tenure of Native Land, by John White.' Your Committee regret to have again to make the same remark as hist year retarding the apathy exhibited in their non attendance. This causes great difficulty in getting gentlemen of ability to conic forward, and they trnst this appeal during the ensuing year will he found not in vain. Linu.vm. During the year IS.'! volumes of new works have been purchased and added to the Library, namely : S.'J of Fiction, 12 of History, and Sot Science. Your Committee have aimed at adding works of interest and attraction, and only regret that the cramped state of the tinances prevented their making a much larger addition. During the year the Library was partially culled of old am! useless hooks and the proceeds invested in new work.-. The total number ol volumes now existing are 14S,'{, classified as follows : Science and Art, 18:2; History and Travels, 243 ; General Literature, 984. The circulation during the year has been GOOO volumes, an average of 116 volumes weekly. The average number of readers arc 212 or threefourths of the members. The following hooks have hen presented during the year :—■ Rambles at the Antipodes, \iy James Smart ; Harry Lorriqucr, by J. L. Franklin; The Science of Gunnery, by James George ; The Story of New Zealand, 2 volumes, by Dr. Thomson ; Gibbons' Roman Empire, is volumes, by Messrs Ridgway; Tin- Imperial Gazetteer, 2 volumes, by do. ; Buckle's History of Civilization in England, do. ; Lardner's Museum of Science and Art, fi volumes, do.; Mattnder's Treasury ol' History, do. ; Maunder's Natural History, do'-, Memorials of John Mcintosh, do.; Taylor's Picture of Palestine, do ; The Exiles of Florida, do. ; Ceylon, Past and Present, do. ; Knight's Knowledge is Power, do. ; Success in Life, do ;' Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress, do.; The Student'sßlackstone,do.; Joyce's Scientific Dialogues, do. ; Mechanics' Guide, by do. ; Thomson's .Story of New Zealand, bv do. ; The Earth and the Word, do ; Elements
of Practical Agriculture, J. N. S. Gclcs, Letters of Queen Henrietta Maria. by Mr. Muberlv, A Religious to tin 1 East, do., Masters ami Workmeii, do., Lectures to Young Men, do., Railway Economy, do., Thoughts on Man, do., A Sentimental Journey, do., The Autocrat ol the Breakfast Table, do., My Note Bonk, do., To Cuba and Back, do., Shelly Memorials, do., Nuggets from the old Diggings, do", Business as it is and as it ought to be, do., Copy of the Statistics of New Zealand, presented by The lion. Mr. Stafford, through Mr. Gisbornc, The Scottish Chief's, by I*. W. Phillips, Conferences on Homepathy, Dr. Fisher, Travels in Siberia, .las. George. RiUDIXU Room. The Reading Room continues to be well intended, and in order to suit the comfort of the Members, duplicate copies of the most popular works are now received. The attendance daily is between 40 and 50. The following is a list of the papers and periodicals which are received regularly by every mail: The London Times, The Illustrated London News, The Economist, The Home News, Leeds Mercury, Scotsman, London Weekly Despatch, Dublin Warder, New York Herald, Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne Argus, Adelaide Observer, Morcton Bay Courier, ilohart Town Daily Mercury, Wellington Independent, New Zealand Advertiser, Hawkc'sßay Herald, Nelson Examiner, Taranaki Herald, Lyttelton Times, Otago Witness, New Zealandcr, Southern Cross, ami Auckland Register, Edinburgh Quarterly, North British, and North American Reviews, The Saturday Review, Blackwood's Dublin University, Eraser's Cornhill and United Service Magazines, Builder, Atheiueum, Practical Mechanics Journal, Nautical Magazine, All the Year Round, Chamber's Journal, Family Herald, Punch, Family Friend and Journal of the Society of Arts. The following works of reference have been added during the year:— London Directory, for 18G0, Chapman's Almanack, 1861.
Your Committee havemade two applications to the Provincial Government for a grant to be placed on the Estimates for tin; benefit of the Institute, lint they regret to say without success. On tin- first application while the benefits the Institute, were acknowledged, anil its claim to public supjiortrecognized, " The funds would not admit." On the second application an offer was made that if the Institute would build a Museum and undertake the care of it, the Government would recommend a grant equal in proportion to the amount expended. Your Committee did not, however, feel inclined at the present to entertain this offer. During the year, the office of Secretary became vacant by the resignation of Mr. Boyle. Your Committee proceeded in the usual course to advertise, and the election resulted in the appointment of Mr. David Balderston to that office, ami your Committee request that you will ratify the same. Your Committee during the year have had a long and pressing want added to the Institute viz., a deep well having been sunk and a proper place for stowing firewood.
Your Committee have had in view the compiling oi ;t catalogue, but waited ill hopes of making a large addition to the Library and a greater necessity to the funds.
A Soiree took place on the Queen's birth night and was very successful, upwards of £2O being added t>> the funds.
In concluding this report your Committee must again reiterate their previous remarks} that while the condition of the Institute is not so prosperous in many instances as they could desire, —yet during the next few months there are a large amount of subscriptions due, and they hope by renewed exertions on the part of the Members themselves, and also redoubled exertions on the part of the Committee yon may elect this evening, that the liabilities will soon be reduced, and large additions made to the Library, enabling th Institute to maintain that position which it now undoubtedly holds in Auckland.
Your Committee in yielding up their office can only assure you that no efforts have been wanting- to advance the interests of the Institute as well as the convenience and comfort of its members.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 3
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1,421Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 3
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