r, „al*3 hj% sVAt\*&r., Peremptory Sale of Hou^e. CRAIG & SIBBIN Arc instructed to sell by Auction, on MONDAY next, 11th instant, at eleven o'clock, at their New Auction Rooms, Lower Queen-street, MIE MATERIAL of a WOODEN HOUSE, as it now lies on Mr. Somerville's Allotment, Queenstreet, opposite the Court House. The House is 40 feet by 10 feet, divided into lour rooms, and all lined. It must be removed on or before Tuesday, the 20th Terms —Ca On Monday Mornim CIIA I G & SIBBIN Will Fell bv auction, at their New Brick Stores, on MONDAY, the 11th instant, at half-past 11 o'clock, immediately after sale of Wooden House, VARIETY OF GROCERIES and Hardware, . viz., 6 chests Fine Tea 20 boxes do. do. 8 " Honey Moon Tobacco 40 bags Adelaide Flour (best) 7 packages Sugar, damaged 7 Hams 1 ease Mustard 1 " Raspberry Vinegar 11 tins Jelly 1 case Pipes Wothcrspoon's Confections, &c. 1 Best Iron Plough 1 Small Weighing Machine 4 Cross-Cut Saws 1 New Wheelbarrows 1 Large Wooden Pump 1 doz. Best Iron Buckets
2 kegs Shingle Nails 2 " Cut Kails \\ Large Iron Blocks 2 New Wooden Blocks, a Best Europe Hope Cigars Paints Also A New American Stove Boots and Shoes, Clothing, &c. 1). NATII A N & CO. Will sell by Auckland, on TUESDAY next, the 12th instant, at their Stores, Shortland-street, at eleven o'clock, viz.:— Q TRUNKS BOYS' STRONG KIP BLUCHERS L i " Men's Calf Wellingtons 1 trunk Men's Half Wellingtons ] " Ladies' Kid Boots 1 " Men's and Women's Carpet Slippers 1 bale Blue Serge, all Wool Shirts 1 " Scotch Twill do. 1 case Fancy Washed Regatta and White Shirts I " Ginghams 1 hale New' Styles Prints 3 bales 9-4 Bath Blankets 1 " 10-4 " " . I " White Domestics and Shirting Calicoes 1 case Men's and Boys' Millers' Mole Trousers 1 " Doeskin and Shepherd Plaid Trousers 1 " Neckties 1 " Men's, Women's and Children's Hosiery 1 " Harvey's Black ami White Brown Threa 1 " Brown Glace Keel Cotton 0 lbs. oz. Paper Pins 1 case Plnvine; Cards.
Terms at Sale. Clocks and " Sharp's" Axes. D. NATHAN & CO. Will sell by Auction, on TUESDAI next, the 12th instant, at their Stores, Shortland-strcct, at 11 o'clock, viz.: 1A CASKS 8-<lay 0.G., Spring, Octagon Drap, A/ Scroll Top, 5 inch Pendulum, Alice Alarm America]) Clocks 1 case American Squaring Axes lo " " Sharp's" Axes 5 " " " Handled Auckland Land Association, No. 4. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. npHE General Half-yearly Meeting of this As- |_ sociation will he held at the office of the Secretary, Wyndham-strcet, on FRIDAY EVENING next, the 15th instant, at 7 o'clock. Business: To receive the accounts and statements prepared in compliance with Rule No. 2'.). To fill up vacancies caused by resignation of one Auditor, and one member of Committee. .JOHN BATGER, Secretary A. L. A., No. 4. Wyndham-street, Bth Feb., 1861.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 2
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