Female Immigrants to Auckland.
We copy from the Times of the 29th of January the following interesting notice of the departure from England of the Female Immigrants, who have just arrived here by the Stately: —
Emigration to New Zealand.—The first detachment for New Zealand sent by the Society of the Female Emigration Fund left Blackwall yesterday morning to join the barque Stately, Captain Ginder, by which they are to be conveyed to their destination. There were 32 in number, mostly young girls of from 13 to 20. A steamer took them from the railway station to Gravesend, where the ship was lying. Many of them were accompanied by their friends, and seemed in good spirits at their future prospects. The ship is bound for Auckland, and is of between 600 and 700 tons burden. The emigrants were also accompanied by a school-maiter and a matron, besides which sub-matrons were chosen from themselves on board to superintend the arrangements. The society have arranged to pay £15 a-head for the passage money, and hare fitted up part of the ship for the accommodation of the voyagers. The dietary scale which is furnished by the Captain has been submitted to the committee, and an extra supply of medicines, and what may be called luxuries, is consigned to the care of the surgeon, to be used as he may think proper. The accommodation consists of a large cabin and two smaller ones on the main deck. The large cabin is about 30 feet in length, and occupies the whole breadth of the vessel, so that for ventilation there are six rather small windows, three on each side, and a large hatchway communicating with the deck. There are an upper and lower row of double berths, running down the length and the furthest end of the cabin, and down the centre a table with benches, with racks abore for cups, plates, &c. A seperation of this part is effected by curtains bung on rods, which go all round, which in the daytime can be withdrawn to afford more light and space. In hot weather no doubt windfalls will be required to keep down the temperature. . A knife, fork, and luch other things were distributed to each person; also certifi cates, stating that they were sent by the society, and the ground! on which their applications had been granted. Provisions hat been made for their reception at New Zealand, and the bishop there hat pledged himself to find situations for them, varying from £10 to £20 a-year. One of the smaller cabins was allotted to the matron, and the other was to be used as an infirmary in case of sickness. Before leaving Mr. Kinnaird and the Rev. Mr. Quekett, of Christchurch, two of the members of the committee, addressed a few words to them. They stated that Mr. Sydney Herbert regretted that he bad been unable to attend to witness their departure; that they did not wish to misrepresent to them the circumstances under which they were embarking. It might not be an easy life, and would require great perseverance on their parts The voyage might not always be pleasant, but they would add greatly to their own comfort by good conduct, obedience, and kindnest to eHch other. Those who could not read or write would have an opportunity of learn* ing, as the schoolmaster would instruct them daily. The committee took great interest in them, and would be very glad to hear from them personally, and would alio forward their letters, sent back in the ships, to their friends. As an incentive for industry, they had provided needlework for the voyage, and they would be paid 6d. for every shirt they made. Out of 400 or 500 sent out by the society they had heard from very few personally, though frequently of them, and they had all gone on well. They added that, if any of them wished for a friend to join them, and chose to save out of their wages half the passage money, the society would pay the difference. They concluded by saying, that every opportunity was given them, and they tiusted to hear good accoums from all.
Female Immigrants to Auckland.
New Zealander, Volume 7, Issue 536, 4 June 1851, Page 3
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