KOTK9 AND N,BWS'.PBOM KHAR AND PAR, (Published by arrangement with lb« North Otago Labour League), • Evef.vihinji but. Ideas lm S nilviuicoO per eout iu prices sine© |l»o war begiinr-AUix Kastman, •.'.' • ~..' . The past session ofParliament Was not «f s|ieeial tutevost to Labour, very lit.tlo- tiiiliwtrial logislutloH-being dealt with. .Mr A. 11, lllndmnrsh managed to >oiw Iho passage of a short Bill ut restrict Hie ejuplo-ynicut of female assistants in restaurants, tearooms, tttul iimrhli'burn (o lt),:il) (un,, exeo|>t ou ut liu, M»'il number ol' iiociiskuis and under *|winl roiiiliUonh llitlterto there iias l,w 'i no limit to the Hour up to which in such 'establishments might, bo employed. Tlie supporters of tho moa« sine argued that, as the public a vear, or two ago were able to do without mnrtilp bar*. Mipy'shuulil how lie üblftti «to without them after HWO p.m. .The Hilt originally Ihed the hour at JO p.m,, lu "l miiile the restriction apjdy also to hotels; but the half-hour was-given as « compromise with opponents, and the provision regarding "hotel* was struck out because It complicated the measured und was notMiecossnry on the same grounds as applied to'tearooms.
• • » ( Another piece of legislation of special interest to Uibour was the amemlmeni of the War Kent provisions of the War Legislation Amendment Act. This provided Hint proceedings, to ascertain standard rent-might bo tiiken by Inspectors of Factories on behalf of aggrieved tenimls! that the, law should ripply to furnished houses, and that' valuation for standard rent purposes should be biufiil upon pre-war values. The last-mentioned provision was inserted by the Prime Minister ill the reipicsl of Mr lllndmnish, who pointed mil thai if the valuation were to take into consideration lb scarcity of houses, cost of materials and other proseat causes of added value the whole purpose of the law would bo defeated,
Ono proposed enactment which threatnidi to cause trouble was tlrnppt'il In the tlnnl hours of the session, This wns Ihe clause added to Iho Statute l,«\v Ameiulmeiit Hill empowering Iho lloveminent to suspend nny award or iijireemen!, m- nny clause in Ihe Whops and Olllces Ad, or Factories Ael, so us In provide for the employment of disabled soldiers, The representntives of Litbour In the l.eitlslalivo Council explained ihut they were not opposed to milking provision for the employment of disschurned sohllersi lint lin'bour must see Hint tills provision, which would he for nil time, wns not open to abuse, The Hon, .1, Iliirr that the suspension of award* and legislative provisions should he. made by the ArbilrnHon Court, whieh hi a position to consider the iir|>iinn«nis for ami HHiiiiiM such suspension, Mr I'rtuiots Hell explained thi|l there was no desire to infringe the rl»ht* of Labour, but it wih feb thnt Ihei-e should be some di'lluile provision I'm tlit' ease of the ."oldiers. The dillieiilty lending to the droppiiiii ill' Hie dmi.<c was the ipiestiun ns lo how the low should be ndiulniHlered- whether by |he Minister in t-li«r<;e of ihe Din-nursed Soldier' He pnrtmi'iil, or by the Arbitration Court, There wns no urgent need for the llilloii, nyd if it were held over experi nice■ini»lit lie u'liiued in the nieantiiiie as In the lies-t methods In purine, II may be pn'mled out that the Otiraniiienl lm> nlri'iiily powers, tl :-.n.- ! i Hi v so are war powers only, i,r deal with' iiwiirib, and a'urei'inenl.t, so as lo meet Ihe needs of disabled soldiers.
l->l.«eiis,«iii<; (lie oIIWI of the rnvrnl ipiHinn nf union benefit h'lhmiim, Ihi' Court linvlnn lipid Hint i»iii'li .Hrheiiio* were iiiilnwful, tln* LiHliunr - ivvlfror-- in I In* Widliiifllmi Kvpiiliii; I'ojl mivsi "There nil' Iwo ways In whicli the dil'lli'iilly rniwil l»y llio 'JiiuV's dm-Mon cull hi' overcome, Ily rpOi'lul li'ijUlii.' Ilmii llii' Liibniir Dr-niii'lliioiit limy ho oiiubled to iiviiil llsoll' of the sei'vlees; el' tin' Ut'iflalriir of I-'viomll.v ikidleV it to provide iniiehlnory fur ileiiltiiH : with union litnii'lll wlit'inon Itself. Thin, would rouble llio imloiiH In keep llio, ro-lii'iiu's dirorlly under lliolr own eon(nil, mid would oli'vliitit .(lie, ueeewly nf milking n d|n,H'|«l'(!iinv(uw for memborn mid n tipeebil eollocllou j'or lionollt lines 'l'lie otlier wny-.U by eidablMiliij; noponile oi'Kiinlmillonn no for all-knew mid lienelll elnli* nnd ivklhloi'liik lliem from the l|pj|l«li'iir of I'Vlondly BooleI it's, This ooui'Ht' linn boon ndo'pli'il Intoly li,v ono ( or I wo'"' unions. The Tnmuviiy llpncflt ttoetoty l'i illillnct from the Trnnnvuyti Union, fliuu^li-now employees hid obliged \f> Joln : belli, '['lie M'nlerHlde Workers' Union litis recently rnliibllslunl n bouolll Boclcly disllncl from dm union, Homo unions favour llio liiltei niolhoil of ovwoiniiiK llio illfllonlty, >liiei! Iliey eoiisidcv that lu'iu'lll work lends to become 11 iiiitln ten lino of n union's nollvlly, oliseurlii" oilier 'lsmu's, Tlnil. bouolll Bcliooieij ore no oodooblod to uiiloii membere eiinnol be depied. Not only do they. ussiivo mm nsslslouce ■ for Ino member who is slok, bill tlioy nlso reduce llio number of •"HsIV.Mn clrei|litllu)i for iwlsliwce /or distreseeO- worltere mitl their J'nmilles,"
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North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13981, 17 November 1917, Page 1
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821THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD. North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13981, 17 November 1917, Page 1
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