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By placing your order with us you'are assured of a Smartly Out, .Stylish and Beautifully Finished M V Skills.. aud Tailors, Thames Street, Oamaru I
. RANGES play a big jtorfc in economical housckeepI iug. They provide plenty of scope for the most ambitious cook, because of the many facilities which they possess for every kind of cooking and baking. /Die continuiillyincrcasing popularity of Shaddock's Orion Ranges shows that they give the. greatest, possible service. Quiek-lieatiug, easily-controlled ovens; the maintenance ;f the heat with small fires; the absence of smoke and dirt; and a very low consumption of coal arc some of the Mures which commend the ORION RANGE alike to the skilful Housewife and the Professional Cook, v Made in ail sizc3. Open or Close Fires. Ask your ' Ironmonger to show you one! , V Dunedin, Wellington, and Auckland.
of KSew THE NEWEI , Wo have just opened up a big range of now Tough-wearing Linos. PERSIAN CARPET EFFECTS MUim'JHhY: PARQUETS, MATTING, Etc. RATTRAY ST, BMW. irf^w^'U^MX'-'Wmwr* WITH PREPA IT CLEMS, POLISHES MO FINISHES, With one simple application, Try it ou youV furniture or piano—you will bo surprised at the wonderful improvement. It gives Craftsmen furniture that soft, artistic polish bo appropriate to the stylo, It entirely removes the "cloudiuesH" from mahogany furniture, rostoriug its original gloss. Keep your dining-room tablo bright and tompting--it will giva an added charm to your homo. Hot dishes have no effect on tables polished with Johnson's Proparod Wax. It nover becomes fiticky or tacky in the hottest weather or from the heat of the body, consequently does not gather dust or show linger prints. Every family has dozens of usos for Johnson's Prepared Wax. It is , 4 uat as necessary 'rouud the house as Boap, Keop a tin always ou hand to clean and polish your noon Linoleum Woodwork Piano Furniture Leather Goods Motor Car Golf Clubs aim Stocks, etc. It is unsurpassed for all of theso purposes. Johnson's Prepared Wax iB clean awl easy to use and economical. It 1b convoniently put up—always ready to use—no tools or bruß required—all you need is a cheese-cloth rag or woollon rag. Sold by Most Good Dealers. Insist on your tradesman supplying you. 110 can easily secure Jonnson's Prepared Wax and Johusou's Wood' Dye through any of our Now Zealand Distributors: Auckland: Jlill & Plnraraer, Ltd.. Smifh & Caujrhcy, Ltd, Geo. Brow, Ltd., Hardio Bros., Ltd. Dunedin: Smith & Smith, Ltd., Laidlaw & Gray, Lid,, Patcrson & Barr, Ltd, Wellington: G. L. Gee & Co., Ltd,, Robt. Martin, Ltd,, Smith & Smith, Ltd, Cbvistclmrch: E, Ecoco & Sons, Ltd., Mason, Struthers & Co., Ltd., Smith & Smith, Lid.
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Bibliographic details
North Otago Times, Volume CIV, Issue 13686, 29 September 1916, Page 7
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430Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 North Otago Times, Volume CIV, Issue 13686, 29 September 1916, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 North Otago Times, Volume CIV, Issue 13686, 29 September 1916, Page 7
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