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The North Otago Times MONDAY, JULY 26, 1915. THE VOICE OF THE DOMINIONS.

.-The almost mipiwoilonlod enthusiasm j that: lias olmrai'lonspil'Jlr Boiiar Law's ( sterling, 1 j'ibutn in tho: IToiise' of Com- • mons in. tin? woi'lt .of, Uift.'Ovcvspas Dn minions in- the present, world, war, can- J not .fail to awaken thranghont the Em- ;ji pire) from the South'Seaa to the lands, e of equatorial sun,: In I lie snow of'the : lt northern regions, a deep sense of : the •" great-and wondrous spirit of Imperial] p inn thnt'unites Bhtisheu all the woild ovdi under bonild it miee boundless ,aiul I nnpenshnble.* Hot alone ba\e we iaisptl> an Enipne greater than Die "world has ' pvei kVown,\bal thit use,lns heen. for f (he/ good, of all that dwell withinjits jj bordeis, Piophecies hase-tl\eirda),' and world' flPnlMffrff j/Tdulpiflfem m/hto' 't toxoids iti goal. But what prophecy in history has been borne out-more full), j tlrarttat* mptipea in 3

yii;- - imrim^tal' p'asvi.gc -ii)y .spoflcli" offtnrktt's ,'flimre 'jtlrau • fl' luiiulved "; years; f '*'' ' • ,4 • .... ■ v As'rJp'iif; •asj.ypiv' jifiyc.-.tlie "wisdom ,to lto.cp. t hi) sovei'jfiigii ;fiiit)loi'ity' of. Hiis aaithfl ..sanPhia'rV.~o£ Jnißrty/ the siu'j'otl toniplft com'inon,,^; \vlifi r the .chosen ..race anil- foils' of. England '.worship freedom, |hey. •wlir.t'ji'rn-'tli 61 r' Irii e6s-" to wftrd s. Von. 'they multiply,' • the , nfore ;i^|f))(l.s "jfon' will hfivp; 'the more.• arloVe'libcrijy the more, per: be' their, obedience, . Slavery 'theyJeaVi'have anywhere.'" It is ji-wo'qd Ijiat/ gro\ys' in r oybi'y 'joil, ' Thoy may XaVft^'ltv/roiii; have it lost ,nie ' n l ;Cl ' es^ and' your freedom .'they have from none b'lit yoii.', Ihe. commodity of jiriee, of. which you • listVtf-W'ifeon^|iS(^ : H!hiliviß the true act.of'.navjgatim); r TTljieh .binds to yon the sMmmerce' and .through then! seirtrres jo yon the wealth of Ihe -woSikli -- Do-ny (hem-lkis,partici-pation of "frfiedoni,vii.Jid- -you ibreak .that! salt .iiiade, arid •must -stilt Hli!) w«il,v : of . the Empire.' *' i-Do-nipt entertain so . weak :a)i,,iuiagi/ijitiouV:vM tlyht; yoiii'; j'pg&iers and your bonds, your affidavit?- and your sufferances, your-..eoelcets' and ; your oleinaaceSj /otjij the ..great, securities of your commerce; Do not, dream that .yonr.letters of office,.and your iijst'ru^tiojis/;' arid your suspending ■cjhiises, are .tlie, things that ", ■'getlief '!tire:' i; |reat contexture - of- this- *"■ TK'^'e" things: ib not' make ,y'o|ur'geveinmenti ■ iDead 'ib*: •stnnnentsj^a'ssivef'tools -sis"'they U' iKjTijfMt W tlie'Jriglfsh 1 cbirimuiiiou tiiaf •ttiiem]': s'^thiS ; spifit.-of • tlie 'oWs®'tft ; 'ifefy nfiifedM'f pligMlie? •riiighfy ■rti : lis^ipe r fefcds;' wiit'es'j'jii-, 1 Vig'orates/'uoift^every part-of;-tlie«Em-pii'e,VeWii' iWn'tp, the 7 minutest mem-v ber," A T)je .^ower'cdfeealed in the'great .prin--eiple, of .h,n -liberty .that; has .governed t'liftHleyelbpnwnt: of ' this Car-flung Em'pire,'"vfas" 1 mote' than 'a'century ago by one of Vlie' greatest, Englishmen, it ..has .bpen. fpr. .ali tions of statesmen to' follow the- -ex*, ample sg|- by .his wortjfl, Jo improve upon, it, to build iippnViVj' . And we of the Overseas Dominions .with a full realisation olYthe own the Motherland before -:ub, . Jiavs?';ae<?omplisljed. our paW. All 'barrier's' '#■'•' have - .-been, 'brrtiten'/lofii; established" for all tiii'ift!'lt'i? pow"our' pride,;.flnr greatest privilege, 1 to -serve tlm:01d liaiid in lier-hour 'of of wealth, to' i f necessary. To desire {he snialie,st :I Tecpgnition. ; fp.r. any sacrifices we*hnve mattyin Britain's ca'u's'd.'wotdiFibe entirely! out' offlepprd with our best and'truest feelings. Alls-lrjil'ia''/'att(l-'/N*eff Zealand have, untied, siiniuif tM last, and' finest- .c"'--.«a(ie the Prussia ami Turkey. - different'., alike. in ]nw i\iid'Religion haye p ombmed to hold Soutli ' AfHca foV' thfe'.'King. . Canada ,has.sent tiie' ljbW Vf'-li'dr-manhood-to dcfistjdJlie : imle-i- of, shattered Belgium. 'Empire' repre-. sents the graud- reserve, of the Allied eauso:^^ 'fThc'viiiight of. the Empire, hiiVl I'd;• iiiiitVd • i rft oVh'i' i e"oii Iti cty >vil l be 'inf'sliilii^'. 5, ■'fqok forward, with S9pre)p.| at, the small assistance we., to'rendo.l,. to tjie vision of a. united RritislfEmpire S'?frK£ rs sti'M'i ■

V Vff n T,A ' > Tli/i ihllli'iillv Will) llm 11|}%if oHho PaLomui wiiK iiiiiii'iihly t mliiiHtril" on Siluuliy (uliys a piiils It U.IH OY[M'ltl'd till' VI'HSII would II'UVO on Hatuiilaj night foi Aubliulm. Od nig, lirttoevei, lo llio dGVelopriieul! 1 ot bolluf trotihle, Mio. vesseli is detained antlifi Bit ram t i \ f It in l;ho intension .nf- i;llo-cilazenrf,of 'Uainani lo give flti ollicmliiWiilcomctaiid. <i ' 'iOiul off" lo I lie Alißtiahiin mines, ol Iho Willoclin, as tliey piss through Ounanuby tlie sofond cxpipss to daj ,(Monday) > His Worship llio Afayoi (Mr'Yith), Avill dfllivpi"ft:shol , t: •aildress expressive ohthfii town's appro-, elation nf tlie iiurses'.'sei'.vicßSi.lo ''Our ißoys-'on. board' the. Willochra.; Diiiv fiimeis oi I lie Weston dis (riot' will he/nt-erostol . in 1 the-an-iiomiccniolif that a.' meeting. is, to\ be lieiiljui -Hie AVesion Huil qii' (to-iiiorrow). cvfinirig, to consider • the - question 'of ro-'ojienin'g'the: JWaidVekff Cheek -Factory. It. seems to 'be .pretty, gehernlly 'accepted, 1 - in; other any j rate; • that , "there's iin; •i t H;«siri n iiufa.cfiu rft f -o f J >. . -fors |(v ) r 'proflta niep. i;6speii: fbi' milkj suppliers!, 'equipment 'ot'i fae- * ! ipjfpjVisf therefore >' beiiigs pushed (ahead" ipr ''ijflx{' I 'sea!io'ii.' : I t-'i s; c oil siilc ve< (that--1 ihvpjist yea : i:.3' ; A\ f (is •wide-' ( ly|' celebrat' ed >: f or ij ts' : it j to; Ve' 'a paynbieventvvro ; '•: to.' on'ee •more! se't IthefWaiareha .'Fa c tpiy :i goi irgf. r'Tlijp,memorial ci ; eetcd,,t'o : - the,' ■mefiiOry. of J ,t)ie\'lnto 'Mr. •St^liuk'e's, Ciiurcli Is; h' .oiie, 'Buricfdin.i .The;first'.figure^is' Christ, as-the <; ''fii'glii- of:h"e. : World,'? arid the- second;St.;John.asjtlie disciple 'whom Jesus loyeil^j ii-lEjie/irißcfyptionfis; as follows':— 1 '"To-1h6.V6"10i-y;,ofpH:/niitt i 11* lovinjv jnoinovy or Wilipughby CrichtSn M'(l)ouali; vfovov6r thii'ty«'yGars iehhi'dhwardeii and' vestryman of. 'tiiis pn rish.V'Eiftc'ved; I.Ma'y;2S,'.l£)l;4. ' ! Agerf.62,''Miich.pleasure.\vas felt-by '• relatives' and-friendsat• tho.pai'ti.cip'ii- ,• :f ion ifi the service of, a -son. of -the.-iate ■M iVMel)olift 11,>in*. tli e ]>erson o the fl'ey.* : .W.IC, McDoiiallj S.P;G':who' is/at prps•ent iji OaniaVroii.fmWiftirfi:oni North-'eV-ii China. 1 ! • 1 / ■ ' : .Tlie • Mayarof- Duncdin, : Mr-. Glavlt,' 1 >vill- leave, for. Wellington'.to'-day(says - a .press inessage): •to Conference 'of-Mayors.of-cities!,• ' 'operation: and ain'aniinify .of. action* in connection .withrpatriotic 'funds; • .Mr : 'Clark: 'intends ,to; rajso ■the..'question Whether it would' not 1 lie :in the bpst;in-fccrtests-of the, Doniinio)i, ; in;tlie.present er i sis-, to p all, publ i cin eot i ngs •: tli roil gli - • out . the .country to- protest . against' the 1 waste of time by Parliament, and pass : resolution . emphasising that the Dominion would be-best served , by a '■ Coalition Ministry,.and; calling on Par--1 fianuint at oiice in give etfcct.'to' the ! resolution. If other Mayors favour the | project if. will be proposed lhatvthe meetings-;he held throughout the 'Dominion' on the same .night. . ' On' Saturday night .a number,- of | sportsmen met' in. Coquet',.Street. Hall ! to, say-!farewell' lo Loiiiel Wrny, who has.yqluiiteered.:for thje.front, on. the 5 eve of: his. departure from Oamaru.iMr T. I/. EalfeVprfisitled, fiiul: in. making, on .belmlf of those present; a'presentation of- a' fountain peri .to 'Mr .Wray, re- '» ferred to, part .he .had !taken in. the promotion of-athletics, and Sport ■ generally. Mr Wray thanked all those 'pffeseiit 'for-'the kindly memento of his pleasant association witli • them,' and 1 said' he'would' often use tlieir gift to ' .let'them know how matters were going ' arid 1 how the boys, (Applause). : Piiriiig tlie evening, a immber.'of toasts 1 1 'irany ei6n.tritiiVted' 1 soSdnclyrec.itations. '■ at" a late.-.liQU^.! " ' Military camping ; ft:! New Zealand '" eritails a'cfrtain amount of-''roughing ■ it"*on- the'part. of the men, and many of' tlie public have,' ho dorib't, 'discussed I at odd times, the comparative effects.:'o'f ' wet,, cold, and ' other .iriconvenie'rices on: ' the town men : arid; "We. country men. When lie was before the Trentbam Com- . mission on Friday, DiyFrengley, De- - putj'-Ohief Healths Officer, said that, il; wiiß not liltely tlml. -' the city men ' 'wfliild st and ' adversfi conditions of I lie ■ Jt'ind indicated as. .well as the rural. ! men; would. Bushmen were. well used* • to being wet '.'and '.'damp : for -long I strelelies of time, and- the town men were inclined tliioiigli.-pride, t'o endeav--1 our Intake as little.'' wet/ ' clothing as ; their confreres-;,from the • backblocks, He admired the pluck,.of .■ lite : town ■ men, 'but said they aeted foolishly • in . endeavouring to . enuilate men who had long accustomed tiieinselves In the outdoor life. ' The Waiarek.i.;Lodge No. 51 1.0.0. F. .. held ih,eir usual fortnightly im.ecting on . Friday evening, the N.Q. Bi : o. I). Coi'miek. presiding. ' Having been diily elected, ' a candidate for .iriembprship >vas iriitintod into the,pitlev. Several coiiiimiiilcntl.oiis from Hie fiiwl Seereiary !of liiiportiinco to the Lodge were fi'iliy. discussed,' accounts passed for payiiierif. and other i»fltters'*of routine attended to. The clilof 'business of the eyening waß of the 'iieiy., the ccrbmbiiy. Jibing, con.ducted', by,,tlie' Dlstiiet. ; Deptity Grand .Moster (Ilro. -Ai Crleliton), assisted '.by D.D.G. ..Marshal (Bro. W. D. Burns), . and D.D. G. AVnrden (Bro> J/. Fiddes). Tlie/following were the. officers/ in-stalled:-^—J.P.Q., Bro, ; K Coniiick; j\ T .G., Bi'O. W. A. AndersonV.G.j Bro. ■ G.-Dennis; secretary,,'.Bro. P;"Conimon; tteasiirer'; . Bro. J, T„. itahoney;. cpnducto.r, Bro. W. F. HcHewellj 'warden, Bro. II? ■ Andersoiii, Bro. J. ' H.ovende-n;; K.S.N.G.,- Bro. 'A; '•Martiii; : . li.S.N.G., Bro. Jas. Rowlaiids; Tt.S,|\ T .G'., ' .Bro. J. ,Taylor; L.S.V.G., Bro. J. Forrestet; .; R.S i S., audi L.S.S. Bros. 'lt. Beiin and Cornickj .J.G,. Bro. J, T. Cornicle. Sjiecial ;merition' was made of theoxcoll.en), manner in .whi'di Bro. Hellowell hat-carried through tlie 'duties'of secretary during his term of office and regret wis expressed fit his retirement..For the first time for maiiy years in tlie liistory of . tlie. New■ Jfeilanfi Pfliiialiieiit," the House 'of-Representatives-on Thiirsday < -night -indulged r .inv;an alliiight stonewall. on-a private member's Bill. iF.iV T. K. 'Sidcy 's "fiefinition of Time Bill ■ was the bone of contention, ■ anilvthe-",debate." .dragged : on till; 8.20. a.m. before ia comproniisc was- effpefpd.' After a. iiiimjif!)' of anienflmeiits far'-tlie blocking' of the- . measure had been dealt with, an 'ameti.(lme'nt : . that: tho.'op- ,! eratioii - of- the. Bill: -be deferred-.until ■ November/-;ifllS,,was accepted, by Mr ' Sldey: ht O.fiO; a.'iri;,. and ■ at/7.'10 ■ i the amendment 7 was agreed,'to by'iilG I voltes to 12, 'A division -was then taken ' nii' tlie adoption of tllP flails? fls pmpjjd-'. \ ed, the result lieing that the einuse w agreed' to byH/i votes 'to 12. -The. re- • mamder; of the Bill was then-fought ' clause--by clause/ and the division bell 1 was .kept' constantly ringing; Claused . —the. principal clause, of the. was earned by votes to 10, This pro vides ithat'from the'hour of 2 i]i the morning of -the first: Sunday m Novem-' "(jer of eqeli jeqr ptil the hour of 2 in the- first- Sunday.'iii' February, m ,■ each jear New Zealand clock time sliaU te cne hour in advance flf New'Zettlwl standard time,, am} that fgr tjie j nialndef of the ;>ear New Zealand c time 'shall be,'the samjj 2ealand<stantlaTtlttime. A new clause limit ing-the,operatlon,of the. Bill (to a per- 1 lod of three months rin one summer / only. (that,of r lD1819) r was agreed io on;the vc/iceji.'/The Bill was reported, c and the House rose r,t 8,20 , ( V- *■

,<, „i £ <* • t > < ( '•■ «,Thii iiiumfiTinl kidvien iil Sf. l/iiM yoahudiiy, held in, luiiiik svitll tlir uiiv«iliiij> ti'eieiuoiiy of <i wjmltm iji niiiilioi}' ol' fcheJluti' Mi W. 0 i\l( 1-iotiiill, wns attended (jy t a laigi\ numboi' oholii' lives and. tiiendi of the liite/Nt Mr Donnll, iinil his family The D. Russell, assisted by J?cv, W C Me 1 Donnll ponduptpd Hid qoiVifri" t ffypcial hymns and psalms nppioprialo 10, Hip occasion jWcip sung, Tlip t seimnn was pi cached liv llm ]W, flu 1 sell, who took as Ins text the 20lh verso' ol: the -81 st chapter of■; St. Jolm, VTlio Disciple wliom Jesus loved" Tlic-preacher. emphasised the four prom'lueiitt traits of. character; ol: .the late ■ .Mr. McDouall, as illustrated inthe sub-. ■jeets jol .thn window};awl. attachei!' to ■ the initials olvhirmimej viz.: Watchfulness; courtesy and -consideration; modesty and devoiitncss.. , ,s • Some time ago a meeting was helfl in H.tmpjlonvfor .the -pjirpose- ol: forming D' Sewing Guild/ to make comforts for our . wounded soldiers in ligypt. A number, of ladies responded, to • the ea|l-.j and .since, then the. Guild has i been: highly successful'-, in ■ its. eftorts. •A'' case.-.was recently' forwarded, to the hospital slup,. containing..the following articles:—lst .case; !)• leather,"pillows,. ■ .It pan's, sheets, 18 towels,,B balaclava" •clips,ll2 pairs-socks, 5 pairs .cuffs, 101 .jfjiUbWslips/ "2' : soiled .-linen - bags, V 'cli'olerii'.lielt,- .4 'pairs-felt- slippers, -4 . pairs•sbcks;il6 pyjjama •suits,'7B handkerchief 1 pan ' blaiikiets, Aiiotlier case ot - articles is ilow ; ' in ' readin'ess: to be sent' to • Jigypt coritaining:'. >6:.'sheets, .]!). towels; . 2 pijlowcas'esy 14 .flannel; undevsnirts, 8> ;pa'irs 'bed socks, 9 pairs guffs'; 4 pairs t 'socks; 60/? Jratidkercjiifef • J'2s /pairs> . py- - 'jamas'; assorted:bandages.' •' ■

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North Otago Times, Volume CI, Issue 13324, 26 July 1915, Page 4

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The North Otago Times MONDAY, JULY 26, 1915. THE VOICE OF THE DOMINIONS. North Otago Times, Volume CI, Issue 13324, 26 July 1915, Page 4

The North Otago Times MONDAY, JULY 26, 1915. THE VOICE OF THE DOMINIONS. North Otago Times, Volume CI, Issue 13324, 26 July 1915, Page 4


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