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The s.s. Wanak a leaves for Napier, Gisborne and Auckland on' Friday next. The Union Company's s.s. Kaituna left Westpprt • on Friday morning, vi a Lyttelton, for Oamaru. She discharges 150 tons of coal for the railways. ■ '....'-. At the Magistrate's: Court on Saturday before Mr George Brownlee, J .P., a first offender was convicted and fined- for ; drunkenness, and' also ordered to pay 2s cab hire. He had ' been -.arrested' on the: station platform. "■ To-morrowj night, in Coluinba Church, the half-yearly meeting of the North Otago C.8."; Union wilV be held, when the Rev. : W. J. Williams will.give an'.. address entitled '''A Model Endeavor, Society." Everyone is cordially, invited 'to be present.. 'From a .telegram received by the ; C'hairmaa of the : Hartforßoardiirom ■Sir; : '.-,W. : Jj .Steward it'lb assumed that the clause in-; reference to the conditions of the ;G6yerflment ■guarantee4n::the ''.Wash-up Bill" is sat .'sfactory 'to the Board. : -''■ ,-.;'-,Jv*v'. 'Mr'D.; C.' Bates ;has;: intimated Jo, the .'secretary; of ;; :rtlie;:RaintaftUjii^;

OommitLoe that ' P change in tlio weather is probable this evening—any change but a nor'wester would be preferable to the weather of yesterday,

The annual'general meeting cE the Bliareliqldens ol the Oarnaru Woollen Factory, Ltd,, will ba held in tho Athenaeum on Monday afternoon, December 12, at 4 o'clock, when tbo annual report anil balance sheet will be. submitted.

Parliament, alter a session/extending over 25 weeks, ended on Saturday night, and members left for their homes by special trains and steamers, A special train passed through Oamaru last evening carrying the Southern contingent.

"Messrs Gresham, Watson and, Co. report having sold, on account of Mr W. Grave, his freehold section!!, block 86, Lime street, together with all improvements; also two acres, Awamoa township. Satisfactory figures were obtained for each property.

The Union Company's, s.s. • Corinna (Captain Cameron) arrived at 11: o'clock, last night from . Dunedto, landed /70: tons' of general cargo, and after.,'\ takiijg in 30 tons: of Produce Eor Wellington, and New Plymouth sailed at ,3. a.m., via TimlarU'. Th-e Corinna will load here a day earlier [next trip, and is timed to load on Saturday, I7thi ihst., at i a.m.

As indicative of the earliness and indifferent character of the coming harvest,, it may. he mentioned- that some oats at Windsor have already' been cut and stacked. They have, of. course, ■■. matured prematurely under the influence- : of the hot and dry weather, and' they were necessarily poorly' developed both in point'of-straw and ears. It is intended to turn these oats into chaff, that being the only means of securing some return for the expenditure of labor and money, and a poor return it must prove, ■ -

• At ->'•• Bitting of the Magistrate's Court at 'Kurow on i Friday, before Mr T. Hutchison, S.M., Fanny Orr, of Duntroon, was charged with .permitting drunkenness ' 'on licenced premises. The information was laid with respect to .the booths at the Kurow races. Evidence for the prosecution -was given by Sergeant Stagpoole, Constables Macartney, Oassidy, 'and. M'Gregor; Mr Ongley,- who appeared for the defence, called «, .-number of witnesses, including the Secretary 0 f the Club and Mrs Orr's sons, His Worship .intimated' that he would take time, to consider his decision. , . ■

About 4.30 this afternoon the large) stationary pontoon which is to, carry the pumping and other machinery in connection with the dredging operations in- the harbor will be launched. The machinery to be fitted on the pontoon comes, from Dunedin, and will be fitted aboard as soon as the decking is completed to receive it. As soon as that is done and the piping laid for carrying, the Bpoi'l to the place of deposit the scheme of, operations will be complete, and a start can be made with the work, The Progress, however, will be here before this is all ready, and she may be utilised in

clearing away the accumulations al the entrance, • '

Messrs Dalgetyand Co. (Ltd.) report, having received the following cable from their head Office, dated London, Ist December, 1910 ;—Butter -Market dull, position weak, Copenhagen official 'quotation 2 kroners lower. The total imports into the United Kingdom for the week ending 26th November were 63,000 cwt, and for : the corresponding period of last year 66,000 cwt.'We potel New Zealand butter (salted) 112s; Dan-, ish, 116s; finest Australian salted' 108s, 110s. Cheese-Market steady, I>ut piet at last quotation.

The. firebell was rung yesterday afternoon lor an incipient fire in one of the store rooms of the Taieii and Peninsula Milk Supply Company. The Brigade tumid out smartly, and.found the floor of the. storeroom burning. It was quickly subdijed with the small hose in'the building. The floor was burned through, and the windows above cracked. A piece of machinery in the -room was also damaged. The fil'o is a mystery,, as the floor of thte room could, hardly be said to be inflammable to the extent of catching Are oven if a lighted watch were thrown down on it. The dam-" age .was" slight, and a few, pounds' will repair it,

The following cable has been recived'by Messrs Dalgety and Co,, Ltd., from their London office, dated Ist December, 1910 :.. "Fair demand for New Zealand frozen lamb, and Prices are firm. We 'd'uote prime Canterbury, hea,vy 5Jd, light 5Jd. Limited demand for New.Zealand mutton,- market firm.. We intoote prime Canterbury, heavy 3fd, light i{i- North Island, heavy 3|d, light 4d, Pair demand for New Zealand beef, but prices are'weak, prime ox, fore 3 2jjd, binds 3§d. Fair demand for Australian lamb, We quote good average quality crossbred, Australiatii heavy sd, light sjd; -prime Australian mutton heavy J 1-lCd, light HI"

The Corinna landed 500 cwt of gun .cotton at Timaru on her way south; amd.this was railed to NgaJjara on Saturday. The gun-cfobto'n is to b3 used- in the rain-making, experiments, vThese will be carried out under thtj supervision. of -Staff-Ser-geant Colbert, of Dunedta, and if the conditions are favorable &. start will be made this week, as everything will foe in readiness to-day.. Three of the most favorable sites in- the district -have already been selected, 'and the men under Staff-Sergeant Colbert will proceed with the operations as. soon as it is deemed adi visable to make a start. A gentleman with .a knowledge of meteorology is expected to be in attendance to advise ag to the weather conditions. Mr H, P, Gibson has put in a busy week in making the necessary preparations.

The members of- Parliament. have not been quite.a happy family during the past week or so. A large tawny agriculturist, 'iwhose.qiame.,, is not disclosed, was charged by another member in expressing himself in language that bore only-a remote resemblance to the truth, and he at once caught the person who had applied the epithet by the throat, and held on with such tenaoity that, to es-. cape .asphyxiation, an apology had to be mumbled. The grip was relaxed, be mumbled. The grip wias relaxed and the memtlsr passed out (o{ the. House 'into the night with a purple face and a torn collar. In another' instance a member who felt .himself aeferievod at the . remark' of another-invited him to "come Qutsida." The invitation was not accepted,' Under the circumstances the termination, of the session was manifestly a thing to bo devoutly desired.

A large audience assembled a t the Drill Hall, last -.night, when Mr M'Dcnald submitted some excellent sacred pictures, entitled .'-'The Way of the Cross," "The Story of Joseph,," and "The Fait of Babylon.' 1 The .first-named, wbb after. the stylo : of the late Mr Wilson Barrett's "Sign of IheTCross,'' depicting, the persecution of the early Christians in) Rome by the ''Bloody" Netty and was : of an; impressive -„ nature..:- Several incidents.'in Jhe film showing the life of Joseph \were;; scarcely -in> conformity; with;;the 'Biblical - v narratlve;;i: ~Mi takenall overj'it wasW; fine-:: product tiofc:;. 'of 'Babylon- f.^aSifc

'fancied ; of: ■BelshaMM : b™-his-ultimate idycrthrow s Sevwal:items:of :sacrcd ! #slc ; ; we : rendered; at:iuteivals ■during;the-eveif--

i()ir'Saturday; staß^of.'tfc'e ■: North Otagp. Times .assemwea •in-'the '•■ composing ro o m,•when ; MiSS Olive" Moss| .who./has' /been; engaged: In 'the: : clericai' , for some time'''!;past;' was .presented) .with; :ai Triumph selMilliug fountain. pen;on; leaving :to take tip: another);;' m : pointmerit. :,'-Mr ■'•'. J; in:. making ;tho' presentation, spoke of the:regret felt l /by--'-the;.ystafi-at losing, Miss Moss, and paid her a: ; welK tlescrycdcorapliraciit [or the faithful and... conscientious manner :ih"which' she had carried outlier duties.. .'He also stated, : that he had been.; asked, by the proprietors to express ;th6 firm's appreciation of.Miss Moss's work,:and;alß6;handed heron their behailf & slight recognition of her services. .:/ Miss.;. Moss, ■( in a few well-' chosen '•■words'warmly thanked the staff . for their .evidence of 'goodwill,,' and .also Vthanked -them, for the. uniform' kindness, she had always „ received at their hands.'.:

The Otago Daily Times on Satur-' day : says that the 'scheme now bMog carried out by the' (Jovernmerit' for the irrigation of the Steward. .Settle-, nient will be completed about.'the' middle of January.: The scheme, which' ; : comprises a"main .length of about';-./' 70, miles;, with the Waitaki :river 'as the. Bource of supply, will serve to irrigate about 2*2,000 acres.

It is understood .: that the Otago Land Board'will shortly take steps to have a Water Board, set up to control the distribution of the water and maintaJin the races, etc, The Public . Works Department is about, to -put in hand a scheme for the irrigation. of: : the Otekaike Settlement. The water supply will be derived ' from the Otekaike river, and

■the scheme is not: intended to serve, more . than about 200 ft acres, the construction of four or five miles of

race-.will."meet the positav' Mr Furkert, : District.Engineer, "Public Works Department, has been in the Otekaike district this week making an inspection of the scheme.i

That the Hay ward Picture. Company are succeeding! in their, efforts' to, place'■before the public of Oamaru nothtog| 'but the best of cinematograph entertainments is shown by the general excellence of the films which have been screened at -the Opera House of late. The pictures are all new and devoid of the objectionable flicker, which is predominant in films that have been in use for any length, of time. This, combined with a most powerful light, an up-to-date machine, and expert operator : provide an evening's entertainment of which we can :only speak in terms of the highest praise. Saturday's programmes l were (both interesting and educative, comprising in-, dustrial, scenic, dramatic and'comic items, which were frequently applauded and much appreciated by the audience. A picture of exceptional merit was an American Biograph film entitled '-'The Marriage of Muggins." ' This picture is one of the clearest that has ever been seen here. ."The Adopted Daughter," "A Child's Mth," '-'The Long Trail,". "Pathe Animated Gazette," and a number of other scenic and comic pictures were included in a firstclass entertainment. That the Company is showing the latest is shown by the fact that several of those seen on Saturday, are dated in the catalogue "as late as September and October, 1910. The Company will reappear at . the Opera Housei on Thursday evening next with & complete change of programme,

That the, success of M'Donald's Opera,cinescope Pictures at the Drill Hall is assured was apparent;on Saturday night by the large number of spectators who visited this place of entertainmenti The seating accommodation on the balcony has, ■been improved by a small platform ib'eing put down, thus enabling, the back seats toj view the piotures without interference. The set. of pictures exhibited were of a high standard of excellence, and were screened with faultless accuracy and imperceptible flicker. In connection with a Picture that is worthy of repetition Mr M'Donald is always willing! to gratify any reasonable re-guest,"and bv request ithe pathetic drama of "A Call of the Heart" was repeated. "The Islands of the Venetian Lagoons" proved -an instructive as well as a beautiful scenic film. Hunting Buffalo in l Indo-Ohina," from the meet to the kill, was interesting as well as instructive, Ohristehurob Squarel on a windy day .introduced the race for thee New Zealand Cup at Riccarton, which was one of the most distinct colonial-made films of the) kind yet produced. ''Lqvb of Chrysanthemum" was a 1 tragedy of high Japanese iife, the mannerisms •and customs, as well as the Quaint scenery, being pourtrayed. The principal scenes in the late revolution iu Portugal, witn events in th'e 'life of ex-King Manuel were screened with good effect. '"A Knot in the Plot was a good drama, and VLove's Stratagem" was a comedy which created much) amusement. Winter, ■ Detectivo," and "The Chanticleer Hat" were the comics, and were provocative'of much merriment. The programme- was a lengthy one, and was evidently enjoyed by all present,

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North Otago Times, 5 December 1910, Page 2

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Untitled North Otago Times, 5 December 1910, Page 2

Untitled North Otago Times, 5 December 1910, Page 2


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