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AN.XIAI/MCTINfi. The annual moiling in connectioi>„ with St, Paul's Church was held last evening. There was a large attenuate, and tho Rev. R, ,1. J'orter preside.!. Tho proceedings having been opened with devotional exercises, the Chairman apologised for the absence of tho session clerk (Mr Rose) owing to illhealth, and Mr A. Eraser read the minutes of tho iast annual congregational nieetinjg!.| The session report was read as Iollows: -Session Report,In ths good providence of God we have come to the end of another year of our existence as a congregation, and your Session would .xsk you to join with them in thanking the Lord for tho He has bestowed upon bur imperfect service, and for the open door which He still sits beforo us, Th'ero have Leon tokens that the Lord JesU3 was with, us during tho year, quickcniii" the dead and reviving and refreshing those who nrc His. , . .. It is our desire and prayer that tho new year may bring such increased spirituality in all our cliurch life as 'will make us as a' congregation a greater power for good and and for God. ..

Kirk Se.ssion.~At tlie. boginmng ;o! the' year thelo wero eleven membirs of. this court.. Somo months. "ago it pleased God to take to Himself our respected brother Mr. Wm. a life of earnest and devoted service Mr Stewart was a. man oi.simple, uno.s' piety, aiid tlio Session in a special minute expressed their; ap-. prcciation of the faithful services 1 lie rendered to tlio congregation. He departed this life in full assuranco o' faith, after a paiuful;illness which ho bore, with singular patienco and resignation to tho will of/God,,, During the year it was found necessary to strengthen tlv> Session, and in, the month of June', after the usual procedure, Mews J, W, Bishop, A, C, Buist and G, A. Ferens were ordained: and inducted into the odico of the eldership, The Session hlas Jicld th<i usual number of meetings, at which attention has been given to tlio superintendence of the work of the congregation.

Attendance at Public Worship,-This, on the whole,, has been fairly encouraging. Of course, there is tho usual complaint to make about' the Suuday attendances and half-day worshippers, and about those whoso presence in church. 6ccms to bo ■ determined rather by inclination than by a sense of duty. An address to young ( ]>copli! is given e.vcrv Sabbath moniing, and wo would earnestly urge

* , .< o! <ftlr r r s¥" with <hem *&A*b ScriptUro ) i"Tiain up tt child m pit Way he,should J go. and S , '%nhH, i A' V'^U 11 "°t (,epart ,rora ,• ii /?? 1,0,8 held regular--1 j Eveline, nhd \Vc I aro doapljf injected to the followinc ufz 0 , 1 ! v !?y di,ciing the »«»£• d JfAV- I,ah ' v: 5If Sf'S* 1 ' A ' Bui st,'W. • Hlt \ J - v Mly fthd 'l. c, York, e are a o under 'of grat.tud e ,to His ijuhii for prwlding a t ti, e organ njlj lending tho soivico of praise, and for m&ch' Additional liolp f | ff e | fC I ''n ,h ° ( ' ,llllCh ' ol 'l gOOd irfli'i I 6' '' oncomoro fJi ' ' s, 0 . ut Y«»n» serpens, .lonr invito. j ,r coiidiiotcd ft . ten «fiuwh, ami ,G.,Gibson a,Aveek'g « t ,Jßyelino. Tho fv'W attended, .and Z*' ••#pemng the InterIll 1 /)'f the Kinggrpip|ul,to other fefc{ 8 teMyhci,. hearty J nil 1 w , Us tHeeo services, A nc l Gibson, deservo our earnest thanks, an d we all unite i n S? - C " niulcll Uoisln l? in tlioi/ Cominu^^olUSixty^ght.kem^ hers wadded to the roll cltirjn ff th 0 Nod.« n^ ; rc.yiew-33:ijKprofe s i6n of ' a . l | , h>arid.v3s; by : !certific'ato.' There ■ wws f :dißjuh(,tioris-49:by certificdto, p u»* : 1 .'• datth—viz., Mrs R T °t or s T i , frs Johnstorie, Mrs IT. Stevenson, Mr J, Lindsay and Mr W, Stewart, Anumtor of our adherents have also passed S y ' ! nl1 ,'Navodandsudwing .onbi > P'o 'poiild: •' o.vtond - our ' deep sympathy.. Our = roll number » w ni<P ; at l incroatjb for iJ,■:attendances at.'coninnmi<in r°, : ? 35 ; Decen >bcr, 2511 • feN.??C' ,J «w/.,26p.:.-Tlii); B nerj. , nn ■ M ' administered to 20. infants, 21 funerals' and 1) mamages: hav 0 been conducted, a nj c.JI visits have , been made, by o u> paßtoi; to-.tho lib'mes of tiio people. Pioyciv Meoting,—fhis hns bcen main .tainod regularly oji Wednesday even wgs.With the exception of a ■ short interval during . the siiixiiher months. The average attendance lias been a ittio higher than JMt'ycar, but is still far from being what might bo expected. to, ovc'T man and woman among us to identify; themselves with tins gathering, .aml^mako.,it wlmt it OUght to bfr-pie most inspiring n nd strengthening agep.ey of (lie Church. fabbntli Schools,t-A,.report,, o{ the work done,, in^'oiir-.schools is given eisewhero ;nnd w:lll .ft fa W pleasure by, ajl wlio aro interested in the religion trying of tho vomit;. Jho mmn school reports a , slight d> cieaso in the number of .scholars at> tending; Eveliiie reports « slight j n . ci'caso; but ifi iioili tho work has beet prosecuted wjtli vigor'and many jndi Cations of , success. Superintendents and-teachers, have. :glven themselves with earnestness to tho servico of Him who said not only "feed My sheep," but ajso "feed My lambs." We ar? persuaded that .no part of ths Church'J .work is of greater importance than tho work dono m tho Sunday school, and w&iHd again urgo upon parents that jf their children aro to recoivo the greatest benefit they must attend regularly, and must be.encouraged to prepare their lwsons at homo. Four members of our teaching staff obtained ;the Assembly's certificates fqr loni' sctvm-Mv.< Marshall; Mis Pbrtcr, Mr J. JL Million' afcd-'Mr W. H. ltoso. Iheir length of scrvici ranged from 25 to 50 years,/We cordlallj' fiongratulate .these unwearying 1 laborers ■ on their deserved reeogiiitioii. Bipio Class and Christian Endeavour Society.--The reports prosented by tjieso _ organisations show' tho work that is being' done for tho youths,' young men and young women.of tho ccngregation, * Tliq various classos are in tho -hands' of'j capable leaders, to whom the f-lesHpn' .tenders its most smrcro mid grateful thanks.' Abundant futility n iv; provided for Bible study and spiritual culture, and the Session can only hepo and, pray that he young, pec,p) 0 p[ tho Church will fully avail tlienii-clvcs of the udvaitages ■thai, are now open to them., Missions.— I Tho members fed tho P.W.M.L', l'cjjort a record contribution to tho missions of, our; Church. This is exceedingly encouraging. A living church is a 1 missionary church, ever feeling; under obligation'to tho Divinicommand, "Go y 0 jnto all tho world and preach tho. Gospel to every creature," Tho Session would tender their thanks to all collectors and contributors, ..with a , Bpocin,l word of gratitude to tho members of tho.Union for the.. biisinoss-liko. way. in uhb'n they carry, on ,their work, Ladifi'. Guild.— Tho, members aro to be congratulated on. tho results , pi fast year's work'. Their cutluisiusm und self-sacrifice aro worthy of all praise, and tho Session thanks them most heartily for,their labors. Choir.-We would again thank the members of our choir for valuable assistance .in leading tho service of praise.. A. few weeks ago Mr J. J. Hardeman handed ~ in his resignation .ns organiit , mid choirmaster, lir accenting the Bamo-tho Session desires to think ( Mr Hardeman for his past services. ,\\o aro now taking steps to lill tho vacancy.

W„ H.ROSE, ' • Session Clerk ■ Mr A, C, Buist read tho Sabbath school | report, which was adopted oi. the motion Of Mr T; Kennedy, - Tho .report of. tho', Christian ' Endyavor, was also ' road by Mr Buist, mid u'.loiJted on the motion ; of Mi" G, A. leteiis.' ' ■ '' . Mr, J. Martin, treasurer, read the annual statement of accounts, and 'Mr' A,; HedleyJ''clerk,of tho managers' court, read tho" managers' report as follows:

■ "Tluj managers, lii : presenting their annual, report, are pleased to state that tho sl|rinkago ' referred . to in last year's'report' has quite disappeared, and that tho financial operations for the year hayo, boeji very satisfactory.- . "Tlio total recoipts for the year, in* .eluding loan of • £4OO for. organ addit'ons and reconstruction, amounts to £lsßfi2s. lid, Tho expenditure for the .same period , has, been £1317 2s 2d, leaving ;a, credit ..balanco at: to bank of £267 (i os 9d, . .From- this amount should bo deducted , tho . unoxpended bajanco of the organ loan,'£2l7 10s; this, leaves -£49 10s' 0d as tlio actual Hirpluji for tho year,' ' ■ "Tho ordinary .' collections at St; Pniil's and Evolino an increaso' of £2j) OS;;!!!), , Tho,.BC(rt rents hnvo also inerease^ l j)y.,£Jl 2(r9d,; Tho sUstentation fu'nd contributions aro £l3 ,10s less than last ycar, buf during the last eflvelopo •"•ystom pi contributing, to'.tli^ 'ordinary collections, seat, roi\t(i, j, suStonta : tion.fiihd: was, £39 0s od was'recoivcd, Under this system, which jwitlrtho amounts just stated, shows. a n iuercaso 'under those three :a '

I hcadihgs of £BS 18s Ud, as compared I with last year. ; ''The contribution to foreign mission.'j ameunta : 4 0 £ll2 j2s lftd, .and for other missions £47 4s Bd'has Men collected.' : s

Managers again tender their sincero thanks to the ladies' Guild for iJioirMmtirinff efforts in assisting the 'finances of tnn church. This year th6y banded £135 .to . tho treasurer from thoir last Balo of work; £IOO 0 f this amount was applied to pay off dobontures on Eveline Church and site, tho palance boing tiUil'in hand. ''During tlio/ycar the Building Com* inittco disoovvicd • that the church spiro ■ wna in a daugerous condition, und lmd it takeu down and rebuilt. Messrs Lindsay usnd Allen woro entrusted with tho work, under tho supervision of Mr J, M, Forrester, architect, yie oosl being £59 4s fid. "Tho arrangements entered into with Mr Tustin, • representative ■ of' lAlessrs Norman and .Beard, Ltd., for additions and' reconstruction of tho organ are now in progress, and it is oxpoctcd that everything will be finishby tho end of August, BngLd'Cooke, orgtinist of Murray 1 lareTjiurch, Duiiediii, has been asked to oj»n tho organ with a nj. filial, and Her has kindly consonted to do so.

• "Tho amount required to pay tho additions and reconstruction of tho organ, £4OO, has been raised on dobontures, bearing interest at tho rate of 5 per cent; ; from Synod and Church Board of Property, £l5O, has not yot boen received. Thin, with the balance in hand from the Ladies' Guild, will nearly pay of the'debt on J'jvelme ChurcUS and site'; and will induce our total indebtedness to £6OO, tho whole of which has been contracted .on account of organ alterations and improvements. Tho Managers desiro to oxpress thoir appreciation of tho faithful services rendered by tho church officer." 1 ALLAN HEDLEY, Secretary," { Mr J. D. Grant moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, specially complimenting Mr Martin on tho oxcellent mannbr in which tho treasurer s books were kept. Mr D. Patcrson seconded tho motion, which wbb carried.

A' report from tho committee on the envelopo system was • read, stating, that, though it had been on trial only a short time, had worked excellent' ly, and that its contimianco in a more general form ivas proposed, Mr Eraser moved tho adoption of tlio report, which was seconded bv Mr H. D, Stovenson. After a brief discussion tho motion was carried,

Roports of tlio Young. Women's Young Men's, and Youth's Biblo Classes wcro read, Mr J. H. Milligan moved the adoption of tlio three reports, coupled witli an oppression of thanks to tho leaders.of tlio olasses and tlio Christian Endeavour. The motion was carried.

Tho report of tlio P.W.M.U. was road and adopted, on tho motion of MrW. Strachan^ Tlio Ladies' Guild's report was road and adopted, on the motion of Mr Ferens.

Tho first report of tho nowly-insti-tuted Maori Birthday Mission Leaguo n( '°l )lc( 'i on tho motion of Mr M'Diarmid. \ otcs of thanks wero accorded by ftcnlamation to tlio Session; Secrotary, Treasurer, and odice-bearers, tho Superintendent and Sunday School loacliers, .the several committees, the Ladies Sewing Guild, tlio mission committee and mission collectors, tho choir, Air Hardeman, and Mrs Dunn, llio auditor, and Mr Bisset (church officer),

. Tho chairman read tho names of tho nine managers elected as. follows: Messrs .Tno, Allan, R, J. Barrett, J. Hews, Jas. Brownlec, A, Ironsido, A. Meldruin. Jas. Mi'Diarmid, W. Strachan and R. 0. Young, On tho motion of Mr J. 1). Grant, a lioartv vote of thanks was accorded to the Rev, R, .T, Porter and Mrs Porter, file meeting was then closod with tlio Benediction,

Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of tho approach of tho disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after tho croupy cough has appeared it will prevent tlio attack. Pleasant to take and contains no poison, For salo by Milligan and Bond.

As showing the steady increase in tlio values of Taranaki lands, it is of interest to lenm that tho Egmont County valuation increased in five years from about £OOO,OOO to about £1,388,000. Very few objections liavo been raised, and only three were > aiid. All of them have been arranged by Mr Hill, District Valuer, so that no sitting of the Court is required, A more liberal allowance has now been liiado for improvements.

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North Otago Times, 29 July 1909, Page 1

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ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. North Otago Times, 29 July 1909, Page 1

ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. North Otago Times, 29 July 1909, Page 1


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