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/„f ' ' • r ANNUAI/MEETING. "■

.Tho annual meeting ol members ol tho Oamaru Chamber of Commerce was held last evening in Mr C, ,W. Cook's offices;- there being only a small.attendance, Tho President (Mr li, W. Monson) occupied the chair. . Tho minutes of tho last annual meet 1 ing wcro read and. confirmed,' The President .announced thai tht following . had i)ecn ro-, ceivcd for the various ollices to lie filled, and that there being no needfo! an election, lie declared them duly elected: President, Mr A, Trader; vicepresident, Mr W. 11. Steenson; com-mittee-Messrs W. I!. Rose, W, 11; Meek, W. Jardine, J, Meiitlund Jones, R, W. Monson, It. Millignn and It. K Ireland; auditor, Mr A, W. Woodward ; sectional committees Committee, Messrs A. Frascr, J. Buileid, W. Bee, J. M'Diarmid, 11.I 1 . M'Callum, W.'H. Meek, 11. Milligan, A. G. Crragh, .1, M. Brown and J. M. Joiici|| donations, Messrs W. lice,, J. M. R. Milligan, J. M. Brown, R. Brown, W. H. Meek, W, Waddell, J. Bullckl and J, E, Hood; retailers, Messrs A, Fraser, E. (1. Lane, J. M. Brown, I M'Diarmid, R. Brown, It. Milligan, J, liulleid, W. Bee, J. E. Jlood mid J. M, Jones,

Mr Rose'pointed out that.tho sectional committees were rather 100 large, the consequence being a difficulty in getting good attendances. Mr Frascr said, regarding the Holiday Committee, that it was felt that the numbers should be huge so as to ensure all interests being represented, and the sectional committee was, on Mr Eraser's motion, re-elected. ~ The othor sectional connnitleo wore also re-elected.

Mr ltose said before Hie President moved the adoption of the report he wished,to move an amendment, so that it might be incorporated with the report and the discussion then taken. He suggested that in place of the two paragraphs referring to the conference of Chambers on the subject of cornsacks, tho following be substituted : " At the instigation of this Chamber ut conference with other Chambers was arranged here to discuss the railway regulation limiting the weight of grain to be carried in sacks to UOOlbs after Ist February, I'JOU. The .conference was attended by delegates from Christchurch, Tiinaru, Duncdin and Invcrcargill, and was presided over by our Vice-President (Mr A. Frascr), in the absence of our President. After a comprehensive discussion it was unanimously resolved to recommend the adoption of a 'IG x 21J inch covnsack, Since the conference, however, your Committee have noticed that the farmers and millers seem disposed to advocate the rccision of the bylaw in order to continue the existing 'arrangement, and in view of this your Committee have suggested that a conference of Agricultural and Pastoral Societies and Chambers of Commoreo be arranged to be held in Dunedin at the time of the forthcoming wintei show. As the outcome of the Onmaru conference, it was unanimously decided to hold an annual conference of Chambers in the other centres by rotation, the next one .to be convened in either Christehurch or Timnru in March next year." Tlien in the reference ,to land settlement mid Balruddery, lie thought the words " Sold privately and cut up for closer settlement under the freehold system " should be inserted. These alterations were agreed to. The report, which Ims been previously published, was taken as read. The President then said : " In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet I am pleased to say that our membership continues satisfactory; there being fifty on the roll. As will be seen from the report, which goc* very fully into the year's work, the

Chamber hns been the means of securing benefits to the communitj tlmt could not, 1 am sure, have been accomplished by individual effort, am/ this proves that the Chamber of Con; merce is on institution that has done,' ami is doing, good work, Tliorciore it is essential that members should tnkci an active interest in the Chamber ami support it, not only financially, but by giving their services. It is- very gratifying to your Committee to know ;that two very important matters they have been working for for some considerable time, that in one the work has been carried out, and in the othei wo now have word, since our lust meeting, will be granted. 1 refer to the long-distance telephone and acces; to the Holmes wharf, due to the effortij of this Chamber. The Post and Telegraph Department authorised the work of connecting Dunedin and Oamaru ant l ; Timaru ond Oamaru by telephone. During tho year this important work lias ljlcen completed, and Ims proved of immense value to the business people ami the public generally, uml judging from tho amount of work on these lines they must prove a source of revenue to the Department. It lms been urged upon the Minister the necessity of. reducing the'charges and extending the time limit, but this he would not do, but I nm in hopes tlmt wo may yet seo' the lime limit ex j tended from three to flvo minutes, " Access to the Holmes Wharf.—'This has been occupying the attention of your Committee for about three years. Tho Railway Department at first refused to give access by Wunsbeck street, and this question was taken up by us, and by our porsinlont efforts ill keeping the question always befon the Prime Minister and Minister f<jr Hallways, the result is, I am pleased to say, tlmt the General Manager for Railways lias now advised that ilio Department, will erect an over-bridge for foot pussengerfi at Waiisbock street/ At a conference of Chambers, convened i>y your Committee, hold in Oamaru delegates from Christchurch, Dunedin, Timaru and Invcrcargill,' discussed the important question of the size of cornsacks, and a satisfactory decision «n;. arrived at, but somo differences of opinion hnvc arisen since, t and the farmers have taken a strong exception to the Railway bylaw limiting the wiigiit nnd the matter will probably come liefore you again to discuss it with delegates from the Aji'icuitiiral ond Pastoral Association, vlion it is to be hoped a final decision v.ill bo come to. It is to bo hoped tint next year we 'may havo wool pales conducted in Oamaru, The Auctioneers' Association have goiie to considerable trouble and expense to bring this about, and have

nOff, ;o gu'nraut<»/o(.ibV«!Ufli)OiM)alffi; si' Tlio question is' to lie the' next, ■ arid • fro' trust ')tia{;oaiis(abiwy |] arrangements,! will Vlio. iS«db; to'i''. hbld ; ijj local sales. Owiiig to .tho drought last; _j| year our exports fell very low,' "but'' with a good' ljarvest this year nnc| v a c ] very heavy, demand for produce in the |j -North Island our expirt's ' have': ; beeii p large and heavy shipments made. In \\ connection; with our ox|iort- twdo ii . seems to mo.'that,it Av6\ild;br' much mbre 'satisfactory, if tlio present^.system of shipment direct from;, country sidings was doiio away with;: nhd all ; produce shipped ox store. It wouid . then enablo produce to : .bo properly sampled and branded and shipments : completed, as .under the present; ; BysV torn, with the heavy grain traffic'JiHliri "( season, the railway calmot allow l trucks to remain unloaded for days, "[ and farmers with heavy .consignments to ship cannot get their produeo for- i ward in time. If rain sots in it is ' Very often impossible to' cuil . whcij. I required, tlio conßcquenco being that consignments • cannot bo: completed, and great trouble and annoyance is ■ caused to shippers. Again, trains atrivincr at night, tlio produce cannot bo properly attended to bftlovp shipment, but this would be avoided bv sending into store first, and it wonldihen be ready to be handled at ttiiy time when . required. 'J'lio question that the in- , coming Committco will require. to keep , before them is that of haulage And tcrmiiial charges, which requires to be . further pressed, when wo may'.get - q I reduction. In connection .with this we ) should also press for a reduction of t overtimo charges. Under tho present i conditions the railway, working' overtime, is getting work done by crtsuul 0 labor for fid per hour at night in of Is 3:1 ]»r hour in tlie daytimo, and t tlie shipping companies have to pay c (hem Is Cd per hour per man, also the 1 snmo for engine-driver, fireman, two. j. shuntfcrs, wharfage nnd clerk,; who are c all permanent employees. By .vorking o over-time the Department enjoy ' a ut double benefit, as they are turning i- over the rolling stock twice in one : day, and it is just as necessary to tho ut llailway Department to work overis time to cope with tlie work ns tho y shipping companies, therefore 1 conn aider it only an equitable and fair r thing thnt the shipping companies ut should only pay the difference between I- overtimo rates and ordinary rates—i> that is 9d per hour instead of as at ir present Is Cd. In concluding my role marks, I have to express my rcgrqt ul a the nbsonee of Mr Mnitland Jones frdm i- this meeting, who is unable to attend io owing to ill-health, and lam suro k, we\ihall nil lie pleased to sec lrini ir' amongst us again fully restored to r- health. 1 have to thank tho Com :1- niittco for their support during -. )ny in term of office, also Mr C, W, Cooke, a? c- as secretary. I 'congratulate,Mr A. n- Frascr, my successor, who mil, I nm >r- confident, have the full support of the ul Committee."

Mr'W. If. Rose seconded the rnlop' lion of the report, expressing satisfaction at the agreement by the RailwayDepartment to erect an over-bridge at. Wansbcck street, He thought ths Chamber should now communicate the Department's decision to the Harbor Board. As to the long distance telephone between Oamaru anil Duncdin, ,it was well known that the telephone wire was paying the Postal Department very handsomely, and he thoughii an effort should be made to get the time limit of three minutes extended, If the line was so much required there was sufficient reason for the Depart, ment to put on another wire, but certainly the present time limit was too short, As to the Kurow train service, ho noted that it was to be ceased, and he suggested that they should make an effort to get proper oflicial information as to how . tho service had resulted financially. It lin'j been largely availed of, ami he was sure the senvice would pay if continued. The proper person to get oflicial infornuuion was the It on.' T,. Y. Duncan, who should be corainujiicnted with, otherwise nil the - trouble" they had before would have to be repeated to get the train re-started. As to the Harbors Bill, to be before the Legislature at the forthcoming session, he was of opinion that (hey should also take action to support (he decisions arrived at by other Chambers in favor of such Chambers having powers of nomination of' suitable persons to the various llourds, As to Hie question of shipment ol grniv through store, mentioned by the I'resident, he agreed with what Imd been said, but the question was inseparable from tlmt of the present terminal charges, which imposed 2s a ton for a quarter of n mile of haulage. Mr Stcenson said he had travelled On/lhe Kurow train several times. On a recent occasion it carried 20 passim gers out and 33 back. If the Department said tile service was not paying, then he thought (lie slatemmt .wns be side the truth. As to the goods service, the traffic was increasing rapidly, and the train had lately conio in largely freighted. If R was not paying then tliero was no service-in the coiinti.V that was paying. 1 lie motion was then agreed to. In reference to tho Harbors Hill' Mr Rose moved-" That in .view of the fact that the proposed new Harbors Act will, if carried, niter the basis of representation on the Oamaru Harbor Board, (his Chamber urges the Government to hiftke specinl provision in the Rill to ensure (lie Chamber ! of Commerce obtainin,' fair representation on the Hoard.'' The motion was seconded bv Mi •Jardinc.

Mr Uillignn reserved his right k advocate a different basis 0 f election in ""other placo. He did not tliink it was a good policy to have nominated meniuers on such bodies. All' members should be elected by the popular vote, -Mr Fraser asked did the new liarhors Dill_ provide for the nomination of uny portion of the board?,

iho President su'id two Government would be nominated. ill Fioscl said tho principle ol nomi* nation was (hen admitted, and if thoro wrc to bo any nomiiuited incinlxirs tlicu the Cliqmber should have powers of nomination too.

Mr Hose, in reply, said other Chambers, and far more -important Chambers than'this, saw tlic dilliculties that WGIO going to bo created by purely elcctivo boards. The people interested should bo properly represented, and those interested in ll tt rb o r Boards wen particularly the commercial section of the community, which tlio Chamber especially represented. Tho motion was then agreed to. A recommendation from the ..Com mittcc to fix'on'Empire Dny nr the' holiday in preference (g tljn 3n( Jimc\ W«n next considered, -

Mr CooKe said there wiis a pro ; posal in Duncdin to adopt Empire Day there niso, it being felt tliat; it was a better dnv. '

_ Mr I'rascr moved that die alteration »o made in tho list of holi;lnys; In doing so they would befalling in with flic L'mplovciV : Asaocislion. . '

The motion was seconded, . -■ .■*; Mr Ireland as|;ed what,would bo tlic clfcct in relation to the Factories Act. lho Clmirninn thought tho holiday would hkoly, be provided for .in carlv legislation. •' '

;Tho motion was agreed' to.' : ~ Mr MDouall Untight tho Chamber slioiild take steps n t once to' protest against the withdrawal of tho:. extra Iroiii oil the Euro* line. Ho movedto that elTcct. , , This wa Sj seconded by Mr Milligan, mid agrecu to, n copy of the'motiontp bo senlio the Traffic Manager anji? to the Minister for Railways.' [ ;„•< Mr Ireland would like to sec the Chamber make an effort to proventjthe scizuro of trucks at sidings by persons jo whom they wero not consigned, l The President * said sonietfiing :>.. |md uceii done in the matter, and 'tho -effort .'■o; got l tho .trucks-, consigned had 'not ijocii Rucccssful. , j Mr Irolnnd 'said-.Difl.Depaflrajmt-notvT' declined'- :6ij)phati'9all£ "ho' /consign'i trucks. It would always b'o ttisy .-$1 tra'co men who," loaded, trucks' not - coft-■

signw, tq; th'dm U ; system wcro:lfi(roduc«l. •?/ tho: • .Cliamber' b ; auditor. (Mr4yC, fltubbs), tho outgoing Com-' .mitt.ef, tlio press, and .to tho President -turfed. i? •. . Mr jlionson then hntided over {lit rmembiirs for' ' tho' 'liiiii'or done-him; i promising to do his best to preservo tho usofulncsa of' tho Chamber. ■ Tho meeting thon terminated

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Bibliographic details

North Otago Times, 28 May 1908, Page 4

Word Count

OAMARU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. North Otago Times, 28 May 1908, Page 4

OAMARU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. North Otago Times, 28 May 1908, Page 4


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