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North Otago Times MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1901.

Mails for Chatham Islands close at Lytfcelton, per Toroa, tc-day at 8 p.m. Mails for Raratonga and Tahui close at Auckland, por Ovalau, ou Tuesday, the 15th, at i p.m. advises the Telegraph Department as follows: "South-west Australian business is subject to delay owing to lino interruption." The Haltataramea mountains have a coating of snowextending half-way down their sides. This is an exceptional thing for the hot season of the year. Trooper J. Meek, of the Second Contingent, has been ill in Pretoria, but we are glad to learn has recovered, and has again taken his place in the field. The Now Zealaud Loan and Mercantile Agency Company announce that their annual harvest horse sale will bo held at Tattersall's Yards.ou Saturday next. The National Mortgage and Agenoy Company will offer on Saturday, tho2Cfch instant, Mr E. S. Smith's freehold farm of 200 acres, situate in the Ngapara district.

Mr Walter Sumptor reports having sold by auction sections 18 and 19, block 2, to Mrs Dewar, for L 52; also, sections' 19,20,31, and 82, block l.for LCl,township of Duntroon.

Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, have received the following cable message from their London office, under date 10th instant: "The market for hides is dull, but prices are unchanged."

The secretary to the Enterprise StarrBowkott Society (Mr Piper) will be in his office from 7 to 9 o'clock eaclt evening during this week, and will bo glad to meet intending shareholders, and afford any required information.

Mr T. G. Fitzgerald,'msnager of Tussaud's Royal "Waxworks and Specialty Company, is in town making arrangements for tho appearance of the company here on Friday and Saturday next. The company has just finished a ten weeks' season in Christchurch,

The past century produced some wonderful things, including the telegraph. By this means (says tho Wairarapa Star) wo were enabled yestorday to receive from Wakaptmka station at 2 p.m. a cable received there at 8.40 a.m. The transmission of tho wire only occupied a little over five hours. Would not " snailograpy," adds the papor, be a. more suitable- term than " telegraphy?" In our issue of to-day is recorded the (loath of Mr Thomas King, one ,of Oamaru's oldest residents. Arriving in Oamaru in 1802 ho worked for many years at his occupation of a mason and contractor, but advancing years laid him aside, and he had lived in retirement for many years The youngor generation hardly know who were the pioneers settlers of the place.

The New Z2?.land Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, as agents for the Waiter A. Wood reaper and binder, announce that a public trial of this machine will tako place on Wednesday next, at 1 p.m., on tho farm of Messrs T. and A. Paterson, Ngapara. The machine is ono with all/tholatest improvements, and farmers are cordially invited to see it working. Wo may mention that nine of theso machines were taken for the Lougbeach Estate this year.

The Stanford Dramatic Company, which closed a season of crowded houses inDunedinon Saturday night, will appear this evening in the Theatre Royal in the melodrama, "The Power and the Glory." As what has previously appeared in our coluras gave a pretty accurate idea of what the production is like, we shall only say that tho Dunedin newspapers have written most favorable notices of the company and of the plays which they will produce in. Oamarii. The prices of admission are 3s, 2s, and Is. ■: ■ i ■ Tho various samples of new wheat which have been received in town during tho last few weeks, says the Australasian, show a considerable range in quality, and from a miller's point of view tho position is not a very satisfactory one. During the past two years they have been, able to make a ton of flour, on an average,out of 49 bushels of wheat; but it is thought that during 1901 it will be necessary to use 52 to 58 bushels. Considering the number of thin samples, also, it is expected that much wheat will "have to go for feeding purposes, and estimates of such con? sumption range up to 2,000,000 bushels: In a large store in Pretoria a hundred tonsof gifts for soldiers are lying undelivered. A portion are addressed to individual soldiers by their friends, and there are many largo cases sent out by. public bodies and commanding officers of regiments for the, use of the men; The gifts began to accumulate jn r Capetown in February, were subseauently removed to Durban; and'are now in Pretoria. Some of the addresses are dead,, and others. havo; .gone Home.: AThe. deliveries were few, and tho. 'majorifnr'of:

tion.: The gifts are brbught'out free, on the offer .of the'; Government;' those whioh were iettt through the post offlee were mostly tlelivered.

: - Apropos of the weight of our Premier aud his Native Minister the Post has the following: During the trip 'of the Mokoia from Wellington . to. Sydney, carrying the Premier, the Hon. J. Carroll, and party, the vessel had a slight list to starboard. One evening at dinner a discussion arose at one of the tables, as to the cause. Various reasons and'explanations were advanoed without solving..the question,to the general satisfaction, until one of the diners, whq had listened quietly to the argument,said; "Gentlemen, you are all wrong. I investigated the ease last night, and the cause of the list in this ship is that Messrs Seddon and Carroll are sleeping on the same side of it." We are in receipt of Stone's Ofcago and' Southland Directory for 1901. No directory is more precise in its informatian than this, for .the obvious reason that infinite pains are taken to make its information complete and reliable. The present number is the bulkiest the firm has yet issued. It contains a complete directory of Otago, Southland, and South Canterbury, with the occupations and addressos of. the people. The proprietors do not trust to an electoral roll for information, but mako a house to house canvass. Besides this there aro live maps', and information of a nature invaluable to the business man as .well'as to the settler, such as the Customs tariff, a digest of tholaws passed in the last session of Parliament, statistics, and other information of.a general character. Tho Directory has grown to bo a necessity, and wnsequently it has a large and increasing sale. A daring,' but'fortunately unsuccessful, attempt at gold-stealing was mado at the Great Boulder mine, Kalgoorlio, on December 19th. About 8 a.m. the watchman (Walker) was accostod near, the battery by three men One spoke, and asked for a match, at the same time drawing a revolver. Pointing it at Walker's .head he asked him to give himself up. Tho latter, who was also armed, drew his revolver, and fired quickly, but it is not known with what effect. The display of resistance causod the strangers to take rapid flight, and they wore lost in tho darkness. Asearch of the locality subsequently male revealed a quantity of dynamite and a fuse, the evident object of which was to blow up the strong-room, or safe, in which the gold from the battery was lodged. The detectives are inquiring into tho matter.

Mr D. W. Ross, of the Bank of New South Wales, Oainaru, has received, through the Government, word that his brofchor, Lieutenant Ross, of the Third Contingent, has died at Pretoria of enteric fever. Lieutenant Ross left Christchui'ch as a trooper, bub had not been long at the front before he was picked out for a lieutenancy. He had seen most of the lighting, the last battle lie was in being that at Rhenoster Kop, where he was one of the few officers that came through without being wounded. He was taken 111 shortly after that bstttlo, and has died fromtho effects of the fell disease that has swept away so many brave men. The relatives of the deceased soldier will havo tlio warmest sympathy of all who value the good work done by the colonials in the field, -and the bravery they have displayed. Wo may mention that Mr Ross lias another brother in the same contingent. The Waitaki Settlers' Association held thoir usual monthly meeting on Monday last at Morvon. There was a good attendance, and satisfaction was expressed at the manner in which the picnic was carried out.. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the following for donations received: Massey-Harris

Company, Booth, Macdonald and Co., Nicoll and Scott, Manchester and Co., W. Osborne, P. A. Henderson, J. B. Milsom,B. J.Atwill, Guinness and LoCren, Reid and Gray, Mann Bros,, J, Meehan, National Mortgage Company, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company, H. B. Shaddock, Waimate Co l operative, Dalgety and Co., Evans, Inkster, Porter, Headland, Dr Barclay, O'Leary, Pruden, F. Delahunt, Ford, Coltman, Sinclair, Hawkins, and M'Pherson. A letter was received from tlio Commissioner of Crown Lands, stating that the question of granting rebates is now under consideration. In the meantime the ront should be paid in full, and if it is decided that rebates should be granted they will probably be arranged by making the necessary deductions

from the next payments. After the con elusion of tho business songs and recitations brought to a close one of tho most successful meetings held in Morven.

The following review of the oats market is given in the Australasian of January 6th: "The course of the market for Algerian oats during the past 12 months has been governed by two or three conflicting forces. The crop that was reaped a year ago was the largest ever obtained iu Victoria, and, forfcunately, the quality was better than usual. Melbourne merchants, were therefore able to obtain orders from the War Office for largo quantities in South Africa, and so keen was tho demand from the shippers that prices in Melbourne rose to a high level, 2s 7d being touched for shipping quality. After providing for the contracts received, however, a considerable quantity remained in hand; the market fell, and much apprehension was felt amongst the local trade as to the probability of a further decline. On one hand it appeared that after deductiug the quantity shipped fi : om the quantity received in Melbourne aud Geslong from the country tho balance was substantially smaller than the usual metropolitan consumption for feed and for the manufacture of oatmeal. On tho other hand, it was evident that the high prices had curtailed tho consumption for feed, and had also rendered it impossible for the oatmeal manufacturers to use Algerian oats for their export trade in oatmeal. In face of these circumstances prophecies of extreme prices were received with disbelief; and although the receipt of further orders from the War Office later in tho year furnished an outlet for part of tho remaining slooks, holders lost no opportunity of pushing sales for consumption here. From a trader's point of view, the most successful course during the year has been to refrain from speculation, and to turn over stocks as quickly as possible at an ordinary margin of profit. During tho last few days the local market has been-settling down. At tho end of last week 20,000 bags were bought by shippers at Is Bd, but limits have since been' reduced, and purchasers are now being made on a slightly lower basis, partly in town and partly direct'from the country. The town market may nOw be quoted as follows: Choice Algerian seed, up to Is 9|d; shipping quality, Is' 8d; medium to fair feed, Js6dtols7d; inferior, about IsM."

Tbmpero's Croat New Century Clear? iug Sale Commences on Friday, January 4th. ■ ..:..,,■..;:.;; ~-.-,,; :--J Pretty Neokwear.-rCan it be said that: any. one style of neckwear: is .most fashionable ? There were so many pretty types showi us when we. bought that we" thought it best to include some of nearly all-of. them.: Result-The most i varied assortment of heck-dressings we have ever had;is, here'toy'greet you. Now lace and silk ties, dainty silk and lace flchus. • Pretty' Chiffon; Bows, and lovely ribbon and:chiffon collars:;; Ohio. Lace Collarettes. An- elaborate, assortment at PfiNßOSfi's Qml Dfapory, Esp. :lish)nenv^;:.v/': ; vp'^

v Tempbro's Great New Century ClSaring Sale Commences on Friday, January Just a word to mothers,—YTe hare opened this week some .very speoial lines in boys' and youths' clothing, and would invite ait early inspection.. Boys Cambridge Knieker Suits, all sizes, 10s od, lis 6d, and" 12s 9d. These suits are especially made to our order from colonial tweeds; Boys' navy serge sailor suits, in sizes 1 to 8, at.4s fld, 55.9 d, and 7s 6d, Excellent value,- Boys' tweedknickers, all sizes, 8s lid and 5s fld. Mothers can hang these knickers on a nail with the boy in them, they will stand the strain. Youths''three garment tweed sults,l7s Od at PiiNttOSß's Cash Drapery Establishment •

Tempbro's Great New Century Clearing Sale Commences on Friday, January 4th." ■"- ;;. : ;••.' ■;. . . ' • , - Is It Eight . ■ /' For an Editor to Recommend Patent "'■•■ Medicines? 'From Sylvan Valley News, Brevard, . . N.O. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the'various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good.wordfor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. .We have known and used'this medicine in" our family for 20 years, and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited, We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but wo do believe that if a bottleof Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might be avoided, aud in very many cases tho prosonce of a physician would not bo required. At least this has be6n our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by E, 6. Lane, Chemist, Oamaru.

Tkjipero's Great New Century Olear4th Sale Commences on Friday, January ing.

. Tempbro's Great New Century Clearing Sale Commences on Fridav, January 4th.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 14 January 1901, Page 2

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North Otago Times MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1901. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 14 January 1901, Page 2

North Otago Times MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1901. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 14 January 1901, Page 2


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