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With the trial of tho GusUvo Zodo tho French nation rose from a abate of lothargy in th* arts of naval warfare to a sprightly belief In tho oflioioy of this now arm of tho service to blow John B ill out of the Wfttor, and send that embodiment of adiposity into space like aoomob without a tall ; but John Bull does nob tremble or Bob himgo'f to build something that could disappear undor tho waves of the oopftn, and ouno up—in tho wrong plaoo, probably ; for bho Gusbavo Zedo is nt? now invention to Accomplish the work of destruction. The Spaniards, over ton years ago, also had a disappearing boar, buiib on somewhat similar linos to tho Gustavo Hedo. Bab it oxMbitod a mukod disinclination bo corao up at tho right place, and frightonod those who wore in ib out of whatever number 1 of senses a Spaniard under suoh olroumnbanoes might be oxpoctnd bo have. Tho trials of tho Gustavo fledo have, howevor, provod satisfactory— -to tho Fronoh ; and they aro «o mnoh Impressed with tho vtluo of this revival of an old thing in naval archltooburo, thab M, Lockroy, who has control of bho naval department in tho French Ministry, h«a authoriaod tho construction of two other boats of tho sam* clasp, tho poople of P^ria having sub« soribod tho neoussary funds ab the oall of tho popular newapapor Ln Matin. Tho faulb of theso boatu, wo mle[hb explain, is thab in tho operation of dnstroying an opposing war vc-hoI thty would invariably destroy themaolveBj and that in order to attain thia much success tho objoob aimod at' must bo et^tioniry. The Gusbavo Zodo o<*n bo sunk out of sight, bub mush come to the surfaou occasionally to ttko oboorvatfons. Without this tho boab must tsropo Ita w->y under tho water, and there aro obviously ban chanoos bo ono th'it ib will winder oil in the wrong direction. When iba conning tower doo corno to tho eurfuco thoro is tho poRHibility thtit ib will bo smashed by tho guns of watchful veaaoln. If ib osc»poo this fate, a stationary vosaol will take step? bo render its vuluorablo parts seouro aguinac the approach of Gustavo Zodoe. Against moving objects tho Gustavo Zedo would bo praotiQAily impotent, for its opood under water is retarded by tho ro« sistonoo offerud by a gcoater body of w»tor, and if its objective was moving at an ordinary rato ot spood it) could never overtako it. Those aro tho objections to submarine torpodo boats. Tho Fronoh havo tried them before, but ib was at a time When John Bull was quioooanb — when ho lay back in tho amplitude of his turn chair, and only tutored nn oooaslonnl growl when his trade and commerce woro assailed. Now John Bull has boon transformed into tho British lion, and rampanb at that. Franco shivorod down into tho rooessoa of her booto, and Ins only lately oropo out again with a Gustavo Zido pointed ab poriidious Albion. For any valuo thab this thing will bo to hor she would havo boon safer in her hoots.

Tho Vanoouvor mail arrived by tho ox« press from tho North last ovoniog. Mails for Wftratong* and Tahiti, per Ovalau, oloso at Auokland on Tuesday, the 14th March, at 4 p m. At tho Coiuthouso yoHorday, boforo tho Hon. S. !i. Shrimski and Mr U. Brownleo, J.P '«, two first offenders woro oonviotod of drunkenness and discharged. <( Hillgrovo " will obsorvo from our columns thia morning that tho <kto of tho arrival of tho s.n. Herald from Duuodin has boon altered to Monday, 13th instant. A tologram from Waimato lnsb night says : Advioo to hand by tho Vuncouvor mail gives dotaila of tho death of Alphons Hayos ab D^wson City Hospital, on tho 3rd January, of typhoid fover. Tho Oipulot 3rd will bo represented by tho following in their match ngtiinst tho I uroka 3rd on Thursday on Takaro Park : R. Gillies, W, Voitoh, W. Jack, J. Horron, T. Dronnan, T. Young, J. Beo, A. Koid, J. Gow, W. Ooatman, Q. Loslio, IS. Schnftok, M'Keimo, H. Coaiman. Tho Star's Wellington correspondent says; X Invo tho bost authority for stating that Captain Allman'a services will bo difl. pons3d with by tho Minister of Marino Whether ho conbomp'ates proooodiags against tho Government is doubtful. Captain AUmfin will probably petition Parlifttnenb. Tho following namos woro omibtod from fcho previous lint published by us of thoso who passed tho toaohero' oxaminations : Janob Holou Farquhnrsoo, of the South School, ond Elizabeth Hannah Mrth, of WcBtou, passed Iho D oxumination. Mist Firth aleo gained spooial montion in experimental ooionco, olaos D. A ehipmonb of over 1000 onsen of potatoes was sent to Sydnoy by an Auokland firm by tho Mokoia on Monday for trauBhJpmonb to Manila, to tho order of tho Unitod 8tato« Oomminsary Doputmont. It is oxpeoted that furthor oonelgnmonts of pobatooi and other produco, an well as frozsu meat, will bo mhortly Bonb away from Now Zealand for tho Amorioan troopa in tho Thilip* pines, Wo have recoivfld from tho Ohristohuroh Progs Oompmny a pamphlet on "Hhoop Brooding in Now Zoaland," Tho pumphlob contains a »«ries of artiolo rcprintonVfrom tho Wookly Prois, written by a number of practio*l men in tho colony, amongst tho itambor being Mesarn H. Ovorton, 0. W. Roid, W. Aoton-Adams, Dougla* al'Loaa, VV. Maofarlano, oto. Tho liifcle book will thui supply much valuablo information on tho BubjooJ. Ab tho wcokly mooting of tho Wellington Brotherhood of Labor the question of taxation wan undor diaoussion, and the following resolution was unanimously pas«cd : " Thab tho union utrougly protests againsb tho further continuance of tho prcaoub onormously high duties on tho ncoo««arioH of life, eooing that thoao fall with groatosb levority on tho^o least) ablo to boar thorn, and it oalla on Parliamonb to t&ko stops to have tho duty on aomo of tho nooosaario* of life removed." In m&Iiiog his report to the Lioanning Oommittep on Mond&y Sorgoant o'Grady referred to the question of facilities for escape from tho hotola in town in tho oaso of fire, and the Committee diiouosod tho mattor ab length, The sorgeanb was inked to furnilh ft full report to tho noxb mooting, whioh in the annual om, of tho oondibion of tho hotel firo-osoapes. Tha Oommitfcoo r<\«olr«d; M Xhi1) jo tho opiuion of tUU Cora-

mlttco the ordinary ropo fixod to » window was usoleis, and tlub wire ropo, a» suggested by tho Commissioner, would be of no »v«ll unless suspended o.oar of lower windows. At) tho Oonrl house, yes^rday, before tho Hon «*. E. Shrimaki and Mr O Brownleo, J.P.s', judgmonb wont by defau'fc for amount olaimod ia administrator of F, W. Thlolo, dcoo.ecd (por Mr Grtwo) ngainnt HonryM'Lolland, MO 7s Id and oo»ts 13i 6 \ } same og*iuub S. mart, L3 8i Id and costs 10s. J. H. Milligui against) A. Gow, LI (balance of amount) claimed) and coita 8s In II. Pheloung ngainNb Roborb Henry bhoatriool proprietor, claim 18s 3d for cart* age, oto., Mr Gravo for Mr Crawford obt*ltmd judgmonb with ooita 63. Ho asked for immodiuto oxcoution of *. distross warraut, on tho filing of an affidavit, ib being thought that as 'he dofondanb was a truvollint; theatrical ho might loavo tho colony at any time, Tho Bonoh granted Che uppiicv tion, Tho thundorntorm of , Monday wan tho worsb o*porfeuood horo for ovor Lvvolve yoare* Tho flashes of forked and unforkod lightning wore continuous and vivid. Tlio storm, however, concontratod itsolf over tht town, and was nob foil ia nomo parts of tho district At Maheno threshing was going on yesterday, and a litblo boyond Woatou tho eamo oporation was boing carriod out. Oubsido those plucos vory litblo if any rain toll. This is probably to bo rogrobted, for although harvesting operations mighb hive boon doiayod for a day or bo, tho roob crop* »nd grant would have boon groab'y lonofittod by a goodnhowor. Much of tho orop, too, is in stack. Tho frequent showes of rain during tho soaoon havo h*d tho effect of disco'oriug tho grain, but tho quality is not impaired ; ia fact, tho quality will be bettor than tor yoars pasb, Tho berry of this year is twioo tho oizo of thab of last. From n tologram publishod in this issuo ib will bo noon thab Mr Alphous Hayos, a well known nnd proininonb resident, of Waimite, ia dead. Some tlmo ngo Mr Hayon lefr. for Klondykc, and had reaohed Uavraon City, which city Is known to bo in a very b^d sanitary condition. Tlioro ho oontraotod typhoid fovcr, and diod. Mr Hayes hud, we boliovo, writton bo his family at) Waimato intimating hia intontion to return homo, and ho w&s expeotod by tho vessel thab broughb news of his doath, Mr Hayes was a ruuholdor, und had filled positions ou various public bod ion with considerable ability. Ho had oxnrcsaod his intontion ot standing for the House ab next oleofcioa. Tho deceased gontlnman had dono muoh for the ftdvanoomenb of Waimate, and hta abaonco ha« boon missed, and his death will doprivo tho community of a usoful citizen. Wo arc plowed to draw atfcontion to an announcement in our businoaa columns of tho visit to Oamwu of tho upooial reprovontativo of H. A. Barraolough, B.O.A., tho eminent Sydnoy cyo-toating oxnort This gent'oman, who first introduced to Australia tho now and porfoob method of oight examination, has a namo in tho sislor colonies which ueeda no introduction. Many Now Zealand visitors too, who hivo consulted him in 8ydnoy, c»n testify to tho ropubation ho cnioyo. Thio is tho firm's first tour of Now Zealand, mado in rosponso to ropeatod invitations from roaidonta horo. Moab of Australia'^ prominent men are uumbored among his clients, and such names as Sir H. W. Griffith, Sir John DownoB, Sir G. Dibbs, Sir John Forrest, tfir IT W. Norman, Sir H. Tozor, Sir James Leo btooro, Hon> K. B»rtoD, Comuut Wraggo and a groat many other prominent men, who alono should bo umplo proof of bho ability and standing of tho finm Mr 13 irruulough'a roprosonbabivo will st>y ab tho Star and Gartor Hotel, where a private room will bo sot aparb at a consulting room. This visit) will oxtond from to-day until Saturday, and wo would adviso any of our /Orfdors who hdvo any doubt about) tho correctness of thoir vision or who suffer from hoadaohos or eyo-sbrain to o*ll and obtain advico, which will bo givon free of chargo. Wo lnvo roooived tho following from tho Town Olork : •' Oamaru Borough Council, Town Olork'd Oflioo, Mnrch Gth, 1899.--lho Kditor North Otago Times : Doar Sir, — At my Council considers ib nob in busincHi form thab tho newepapor reporters should bo allowed bo inspecb and toko notes of corrospondonco and obhor business matter boforo tho same hats boon discussed and dealt with by Council, 1 *m dirootod to notify you Hut henceforward your roporter oannob have acooss to tho business for Council moo tings until af tor sumo has boon duly oonuidorort and dealt with by Connoil," Probably tho Council is right in its determination. It is a matter of indifference to tho nowspapors whether they obtain the information boforo or ofber tho meetings, bub tho alteration will necessitate some ono remaining with tho rcporburs after tho moobings till thay havo overhauled the oorrcs. pondenco, roporta, oto , for it would bo unvviao to hazard an opinion rogarding wlnt tho roportora mighb nob do if thoy woro left alono with tho borough ovordrafb and »ny other arbiolo oi municipal vertu tlnb mighb bo lying loo«,o nboub tho building. A mutual arrangomonb amoogat oounolloro for ono of thoir number to sleep on tho premise! on tho night of tho mooting*) would obyiato muoh iuoouvonionoo, and if ho could bring a botbto of wh— omonado and a pnok of ottds with him, ono of tho reportors would undertake to roliovo him of any spare oash ho mighb have on him, while tho othor ftbotraotod whatover might bo valuable from bho corrospondoncc, reports, olc, and drank tho wh— omouado. Genblemon, your attention, ploaso, Wo are offcrint, suih lengths of Bosb Colonial Twood, woro 6« 6d y»rd, for 2« lid, and wo will muko und trim the suits in firat^olass stylo for 253. We guarantee every satisfaction in regard to stylo, fit, and general oxcollonac. Great sale, Pknrosk's Drapery E&cubliahmont. Tho following quotation! merib earoful attention : Men's colonial tweed trousors, 111 lid, 3a lid, 10s 0d, 12s 6d, roally firsU clues value Mon'a twod suits, 23i OJ, 20s Od, 32a Gd, 39a Gd. Mon'mnoloa, 5s lid; boavor8,7() lid. Men's loathor shirts, 2s 6r], 2s lid, 3s Od ; men's union shirts, 2a lid, 3a (3d; men's fhnnolobto shirts, Is lid, 2a Od. Colored blankets, from 6s lid. Boys' suits from 6i lid— ab Tub Polytechnic. Prodigious Bargains ! atsurod to every patron of tho "Hugo Harvest Salo" ac CiAyTON, Garuinkr and Co.'s. Steam has been gotting up for some timo. Tho " Bale " onorgy of Standard House has boon steadily accumulating for many months, and hm now almnab roaohed "explosive point." Tho •' oxplosion " will tako placo in a fow days, Be alorb for tho Hugo Harvest &alo. Tho following quotations aro of apooial intcroib to tho ladioa. Thoy compriso Hues opened oub during tho pieb weok, and whioh will ' bo found of exceptional value. Ladios' ribbod black dtshmoro hose, noamlets foeb, Is pair, or 3 pairs for 2s 9d. Ladios' black and colored fabrio gloves, 61I, lOJd, li, Children's glovos from Od. Our colobratod wear-well Kid gloves, 2u Od, full assortment colors and sizes, Our Jubilco kid gloves, 4 domce, black or oolorv, 3s lid. Bosb quality tan dogttkin glovos, 3s Od, aplondid woar. New pluahsu, 2a Od. Vol. veteone, black and colored, Is, lsOd, Is lid, 2b Gd. Sco our oycliug olotho, Is, Ib Sd, U 6J, Is lid, newest shades. Oar navy and black coating Gorges aro well known, and always ploftfle, li O^cl, Is 2^d, Is 4£d, Is Od, la Od, Ib lid, 23 3d, 2a Gd, 2s lid. Black figured dross material, 8s 03, 12s 6d, IGs Cd drois lougth, iioh designs. Nun's veil' ing, ovoning shades, 6« 3d dress length. To bo had only ab Tun PoriYTKOfimo, tho favorite Roady-monoy Drapori.

New Zealand Boot Sdppby Oo. beg to announce that thov havo usl purohaied at a tremendous dfsoounb, a largo part of fcho atock in tho assigned estato of Garrott, Bootmakers, Auckland, and we thoroforo iu a position to offbr during tho holiday acasou unprecedented bv^rgalns 'Xho following aro a tow quotations : Girls' tau loithor two•trap shoes, 10 to 13, 3s 6d por pair ; girls' tun leabhor laco shoes, 3b 6d por pair ; women's two-bar blaolc canvas shoos, 3a 9cl per pair ; ladloa' evening shoos, just landotl, From 3s 3d upwards; girls' whito canvun bUoob, 7 to 9, 2s lid, 10 to 13, 3a GJ } girls' bwo-itrap waterproof canva* ihoct, 7 to 10, 2o id> U to h $i 3d j womea'a glsoo Uco

shoes, 4a 8d par pair ; womonV glaco two* bar shoes, 61 Od por pair j girls patent A "traps, indofltruoiblo toos. 4 to 6, 2s 9J, hrgorsbsos from 3d 01; girln' cirpob «lippor«, from U p«r p»ir; womonV, In Ocl ; womou'o kid slipper*, 3j 3d po* 1 piir • wo« men 8 gouuioo calf-kid two bar nhooa, 7 1 6d por pair (ft beautiful line), Quantities in fcho above Hno« are HmiWl, thoroforc c%H narly to provoab disuppointmont. Thanking our patronn for pasb favors, nnrl wishing ti em a *<'erry Uhri«tni'is unrt a II ippy Vow y«ji»r, wo remaiu, etc.. f%KW Zrf'LAXD JJoor Supply Oo., Th»men atrcofc

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9411, 8 March 1899, Page 2

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PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1899. SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9411, 8 March 1899, Page 2

PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1899. SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9411, 8 March 1899, Page 2


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