The Supreme Court h»9 beon occupied to-day with a case in which R. P. Grenville, enR\ne«r to the Alfredton Road Bo»r 1, Wairarapa. sues W. C. Oargill, proprietor of the Wairarapa Star and the Elcetahuna Mail, to recover L1000 damages for alleged libel. In December lusf the Star and Mail published an article headed " Wholesale Robbery," in which it contained charge! of gross corruption levelled against the pMntitf in his official capacity. The case, which is being heard before Justice Richmond and a special jury of 12, it likely to last a couple of ,d»ys. It in intended to substitute tho system of special stamps instead of tho prc&oni method of franking mail matter by authorised persons. A similar system has beon in force for some time in the Government Insurance Department. The Minister of Marino, yielding to representations, has remitted the fines imposed on tho Tainui's men, at Lytteh ton, for having cigars in their possession an which duty had not beon paid. The goods seized will bo returned. Tho Minuter was assured they wpro purchased in Teaeciffe for bho men's own us'o, ajfd that the outtoBJ* ofjiccre wero informed all »lx>ufc them.
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Bibliographic details
North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8012, 27 June 1894, Page 3
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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8012, 27 June 1894, Page 3
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